The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 03, 1898, Image 1

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NINTH YEAR smoke a ‘Bill Arp’ waiters New Brand SUNDAY CRIMES Y O yng Woman Kills Mother And Silicides. MO SLAYS SELF 4 WIFE. Another Sheets Wife, Lady Friends And Himself. Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. B.—Ber tha Beilstein killed her mother yesterday later put four bul lets into her own body, from the effects of which she cannot re. cover, The only explanation the girl has given for her deed were these words: “I was tired of life. It held no pleasure for me. I wanted to die and did not want my nroth er to live and fret over my death. For that reason I killed her.” A son of the murdered woman entering his mother’s room found her dead. A bullet wound at the right side of the nose told the story. In a room adjoining that of the mother the son found the body of his sister lying in a pool of blood, her right hand clutching a revolver. Mrs. Beilstein had been shot three times with a 38 cabiber revolver. One shot had entered at the right side of the nose, an ctherth* right and the third had passed through the right groin. The daughter’s wounds con vinced the physicians that her death waa a question of only a short time. During u period of conscious ness the girl told one of her brother’s of the shooting. She had decided to kill herself and knew that the shock of her death would break her mother’s heart and concluded death would be preferable to her sufferings on earth. Her mother, she said, was sleeping when she went into the room. She placed the revolver close to her breast and fired. On the report of the pistol her moth er sat up in bed and said to her: “Birdie, what ar# you doing?” The answer was another shot, which she says was fired at her mother’s face. One more wound was inflicted afterwards. Frederick Beilstein, father of the family, was one of the best residents of Alleghany. He died suddenly in December last from apoplexy and since then Birdie, who was twenty years old, is said to have lost all of her youth ful beauty. From a light hearted happy gi r i B ] ie became a quiet, depressed, despondent woman. Hence the friends of the family tli ink she was temporarily in sane when she committed the crime. Killed His Wife and Himself. Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 3. esterday evening about 6 o clock Robert Lash, a desperate character, went Io 342 West Dourt street, where his wife was kto Pping, and calling her into the hallway, shot her, the woman dying instantly. Lash then went into the backyard and fired a bullet into his own brain. He died at once. IoWA Husband Uses a Pistol . Ehqx > Iv, Oct. 2.—Walter J. TH E BOM E HIJ STLEIW OMMEB Cl AI THE MNP BASE Probably Under Grand Jilry Investigation HUBH MONEY NEEDED *■ Bribery Matter May Be Rsviv»d In Franklin County. ( | • * A Columbus, 0., Oct. B.—Though confirmation is necessary lacking, it is persistenly rumored here that the Franklin-County Grand Jury is working on the legislation bribery case, and that indictment of Sen ator Hanna may follow. The jur ors will not talk, but it is kuown that, while all others work b. fore the body has been completed, they are still in session. In the last few days certain members of the Leg islature have arrived here, visited the Courthouse and departed, all uador cover of secrecy. Prosecutor Voorhees, when ask ed today about the presentation of the Hanna bribery case to th» grand jury, said; “I prefer not to talk about the matter until next week ” As there seems to be no reason why he should not deny it at once if there was nothing in the rumor that the case is in his hands, it is quite certa’n that the celebrated case is to be giyen another whirl this time before the Franklin- County Grand Jury, H. H. Hol lepb pkjvill be the principal ac - cused. Colonel Dick will also be charg ed, and he will probably be taken from his congressional contest in the Nineteenth District to the Franklin-County juryroom. Yates yeterday shot and danger ously wounded his wife and her friend, Mrs. L. J. Brown, and then shot himself through the heard. Domestic infelicity cans ed by Yates’s dissipation brought about the tragedy. BURKE’S HORRIBLE DEATH Street Car Conductor Grabs A Live Wire. Maccn, Ga., Oct. 3—Nem Burke, a street car conductor, was killed lest night while Dying to remove fallen flectnc wire from ths car track caught hold of the wire and immediately commenced ciying for he'p. Nobody dated to touch him and he fe’l, dying in great agony in the presence of the car load of people. WHEN YOU ARE TIRED. Without extra exertion, languid, dull and listless, your blood is failing to supply to your muscles and other organs the vitalizing and strength-giving properties they require. Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures that tired feeling enriching and purifying the blood. It will give you energy andjigor. Hood’s Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion blllousness. 25c. Mrs. C. R. Garrard’s long stay in the East ern market has result ed in securing for the Rome trade the very prettiest and most styl ish millinery ever dis played in this city at an opening. You are invited to call and see for yourself-- Opening ; on Thursday and Fri day, this wee>|. ROME GEORGIA. MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 3, 1898. IN GOLD BLOOD. Three Men Assassinated in Tennessee. FIRED Off FROM AMBU&H. Minister and Two Others Fall Murderers Escape. Nashville, Tenn. Oct. 3.—Rev. A. C. Wtbb, Baptist minister ; Jeff Higgins and James Vinson, well-known citizens, were vic tims of cold-blooded assassina tion on the place of James Hol lingsworth, near Liberty, De Kalb county, Saturday. The men were attending an auction sale on the farm and were swept down by a cross-fire from a cave on one side and a barn on the other. James Hollingsworth and confederates are believe dto be the assassins. About a year ago Hollings worth killed Jim Higgins and left home. Higgins’ wife sued for damages and got judgement by The auction sale Saturday was to satisfy the judge ment. Jeff Higgins was a brother of Hollingworth’s victim and Rev. A. C. Webb was his father-in law. It is thought Vinson's death was not intended. The assassins escaped without detec tion. FOUR WERE KILLED, And a Fifth Man is Dying. May be a Lynching, Nashville Tenn. Oct. 3. Four men are dead and a fifth dying as the result of Srturday’s shoot ing in Cannon county. When the party of men went to Wentworth’s home to sell his property to satisfy a judgement against him, his wife was very abusive, but no attention was paid to her, and all entered the barn where the sale was con ducted. The auction had just commenced when suddenly some one stuck a aouble-barrel shotgun in the door and turned loose both barrels, charged with buckshot. The dead are : Rev. A.C. Webb, Samuel Webb, his son ; Jeff Higgins, unknown man. Fatally injured: James Vin son. Vinson, the fifth man, is dy ing, Nine buckshot were taken from one of the bodies. The sheriff of Cannon county and a large posse is looking for the assassins. Lynching is cer tin of the guilty ones are caught. GIRL DYING CF LO3KTAW Because A Friend Cur A Sweil* ing In Her Hand With A Razi r New Castle, Del , Oct. 3.—Miss Maggie Bolter, is dying of lockjaw the result of the use of a razor. Several days ago she injured her hand and it festered and bucaine sore Last evening a friend called upon her and, after examining the sore, secured a razor with which he lanced the sore. The result was a great swelling, and the attending physician diag nosed the case as one of lockjaw . The man who di 1 the surgical work is almost frantic wit i grief, and now blames himself for the girl’s illness 4 LANHAM’S STORES OLD STORE, NEW STORE, Fourth Ward. 245 BroadSt • We have never sold out at cost nor faked the people in any way, and therefore we think our adver tisements are more worthy of consideration by the trading public than if we made promises that we did not live up to. We have always made it a rule to state the exact facts and perform all we promise in our ad vertisement, and we are not going to begin a crusade of fakeism this late day. « We have the Very largest stock of all New Goods in Rome, and our prices are und 3 r any. We are more than willing to compare quality and vie with any, and we mean to be up withany in quality style, ect , and as low or lower than any in price. Our Millinery Department is a marvel of beauty and style and the prices are far below others We have the best milliner in Rome, Miss LaFrance having worked for the very best millinery stores in the country—a number of seasons in the largest cities of the East, is comoetmt to build the hat so • any laay oi the land. ' . —■—me i.-vr. s Our stock of Dress Goods embraces all the newest weaves and colors, and some of the styles are not to be had outsscie of our house. Some of the extreme French novelties are to be found here and only here, and the prices are the vjry lowest. Embroideries I If you want embroideries you can’t afford to pass our door. We have the largest stock in Rome and the prices ave about half the regular. We quote a few prices here and you wil find they are just as we say: Double fold dress goods all wool filling, new style, only pc Double fold plaid novelty, pretty and worth much more pc One dollar corsets 49c 42in Fine dress goods worth twice our price 29c The very best indigo calico, not the thin kind 31-2 Bleached cotton 2 3-4 Ladies hose, fast black, 5 )) Best spool thread, per spool 3 1-2 And we let you have all you want at this price. Six papers pins for 5c Thirteen balls thread 5c See the stamped linen and get our prices. We sell napkins, 12 Inches square at, each 5c Clothing and gents’ furnishings at close prices. White shirts 25c NHfJM FIND SoNs. 10 CENTS PER WEEK