The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 03, 1898, Image 4

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IHEIIUSTLER-GOMMERGIA, K i EHU9TLEROFROME ( ■aMblished, 1890. < VHE ROME COMMERCIAL ( Established. IWS. laued every l«v*nliic- except Saturday. 1 Sunday M>U " eek ' ■ PHIL G. BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. Aguinaldo is anything than a tool. I The Columbus Enquirer Sun is a rattling good daily. The autumn leaf, like the cot- ■ ton crop, is falling oil. Secretary Hay should be given the agriculture portfolio. The ashes of September —for September was a warm mem ber. ____________ The General Dodge investiga tion commission is still grinding away. It is said that Ruskin’s sixty four books bring him in $20,000 a year. Sober rhymes with October, Let them, like birds of a feather, Hock together. I W ■ J. “All cotton” is bad enough, “All corn” would be worse. — Augusta Herald. The Van Wycks of New York are'in the band wagon and the band wagon is in the van. Ttyere is general regret all over the country at the critical ill ness of Gov . Bob Toylor. Rome gets no camp. Let the investigation of the war depart ment be pushed with renewed v i gc r. Sloan is doing for the English jockeys what Schley did for the Spaaiards, Schley, Schay, Schloan. Commissioner Day will be paid a $20,000 fee for his work in Paris. Peace work by the Day comes high. Bridges Smith is going to in vite all of the councilmen and all of the newspaper men to the Macon carnival. Columbus was the dago who got Spain into all this trouble. Who can blame Spain lor dis turbing his rest? The campaign is nearly at an end and the day of election is close at hand. until the last moment. The list of the wounded now printed in the daily papers has no reference to the Spanish war. The football season is on. If you are told that the Span iards are going to hold a peace jubilee, don’t jubileevit —for it will only be a piece jubilee. Aguinaldo says that the Fili pinos have adopted the Monroe doctrin—and adapted it to ‘ The Philippines for the Filipino?. A» long as its members only have axes to giind, its alright, but when they undertake to split the party then the republi cans call a halt. A line soldier is Engla id cost $275 a year, and even then, says a writer in Blackwood, he is often a mere boy or an invalid and weakly man. The fixed bayonet was not used in the charges, either at San Juan or El Caney. The and the torpedo boat Bare back numbers at the front.; A painful pause is said to have occurred in honoring Pres ident Faure with the Order of the Golden Fleece. It seems there are only a certain number of the collars used in the inves titure, and each one of these when once bestowed, is retained by the knight until death, when it is restored to the crown of Spain or Austria, to be held until some new knight is be in vested. Thus King Humbert now wears the collar once worn by Christopher Columbus; the late Emperor Fredericx of Ger many wore the collar once car ried by cortes, the conqueror of Peru, and so forth. Now it turns out that the only collar which is vacant —so to speak—is that worn by the late Prince of Bis mark, and, since the name of eaah wearer is engraved on one of the links of each collar it is evident that the collar last worn by France’s bitter and trium phantenemy will not do for the president of the French Repub lic. Since he returned home Cer vera has been telling his coun trymen that his ships were de stroyed by fire. Cervera is right. It was fire of the Ameri can brand, and the only saf< place for a Spanish ship , when an Amerieanjfire opens, is in McGinty’s harbor. “The Daughter of the Con federacy” is dead. We huv many “Daughters of the Confed eracy remaining with us, but “The Daughter oi the Confed eracy” is no more, and her mantle and title have not fallen upon anybody.—A ugu st a Chronicle - President McKinley will be in Omaha October 12, and, re turning, will stop in Chicago on the 18th or 29 for the Peace Ju bilee there. To make peace a sure thing he is going to take Gen. Miles with him on his trip and leave Secretary Alger be hind. Frank Weldon says the people of North Carolina have enough of fusion with negroes. They are now realizing the folly of the recent campaigns in that state, Bnd white men will assert themselves this year. ■'l _ 1 . Tom Reed will speak in a few of the western states. Tom sees the danger, and desiring to re main speaker he proposes to wade in and try to save the next congress to the republicans. P? < healthy girl- / / * 1 //l> h°°d means / 1 happy wife- * hood and ca pable motherhood. A new fangled prudery prevents many girls from \ learning things that they Iz I| i M ol >Kht to know before they r Y7 ’*7 assurne the duties of mat P 17 J r ' mon y and maternity. jCz/K 1 Athletics alone will not kgf J make a young woman thor oughly healthy. The wise £<’ w counsels of a good mother ■ or some older woman are ■ indispensable. i M The best and noblest tnis- w sion of a woman is to bear and rear healthy, intelligent children. In order to do this, she must be healthy and strong in a womanly way. Both the intel lectual and physical future of her children depend largely upon the mother. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the best of all medicines for maids, wives and moth ers. It is intended to do but one thing and does that one thing thoroughly. It acts directly on the delicate and important or gans concerned in wifehood and mother hood and makes them strong, healthy, virile, vigorous and elastic. Taken dur ing the time of preparation, it banishes the trials and dangers of maternity. It insures the well being of the mother and the robust health of the child It is the greatest of nerve tonics and nerve builders. Thou sands of women have told the story of its marvelous accomplishments. Good medi cine dealers sell it and will not advise a substitute in place of it. In a letter to Dr. Pierce, Mr. C. A. McDonald, of No. »23 N. Chestnut Street. I,os Angeles. Cal., says ' “At Junction City I became acquainted with W. C. Dee. M. D. an old practitioner. He said he was a college chum of yours, but that you went to Europe to the best hospitals, while he commenced practice; that for thirty years you were considered one of the leading' physicians in New York State, and he considered your rem edies better than all others, and prescribed them daily in hi» practice On the strength of this commendation I tried your ‘ Favorite Prescrit>- tion ’ and the Pellets.’ The ‘ Favorite Prescrip tion has acted like magic in cases of irregular and painful monthly periods, a few doses only being necessary to restore the natural function. The ’ Pellets’ have proven kii infallible cure for sick and bilious headache." * In paper covers, 21 one-cent stamps; cloth binding, ten cents extra. Dr. Pierce’s Com mon Sense Medical Adviser. Address Dr Ji. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. * £ When Democrats go to wiping up the ground with each other, the other fellow reckons on a clean walkover. Columbus was the first Span ish soldier to land on American soil—now the winds will waft his dust back to the bull-fight ing shores. Gen. Garretson has made his report of the battle of Yauco. He says that the casualties of the enemy were “one lieutanent and one cornet killed.” " -“A. Should it really come to a knockdown between Russia and England it will result in more broken China than the prover bial bull in the shop. If Major Kid McKoy had on ly kicked Korbett in the kneck or kracked his kranium or krushed his jaw, the kountry kould kwite rekover. Notwithstanding his threats to commit suicide, Weyler is still alive. Weyler might try a visit to France. Suicides are greatly facilitated in France nowadays. Everything looks bright for a great Democratic victory on Wednesday next. Democrats should do their whole duty on this occasion. Vote for Candler and the straight ticket. While the people of Havana are starving andbusiness is dead, the city of Santiago is enjoying a commercial boom. The Ameri cans are cleaning up Santiago, while Havana, oh Havana is being “cleaned up” by the Spaniards, A tract of 1,150 acres of tim ber land in West Virginia that was granted to George Washing ton, by King George 111, of England for his services in the Indian wars previous to the rev olution has just been sold to lumber speculators. It was the property of the v ife of Pro Kirby Smith, of Johns Hopkins University, a descendant of Mary E. Curtis , to whom Gen Washington willed it. “We demand,” says the Kan sas Populists in their latest platform, “that the state of Kansas shall provide insurajice protection against fire, light ning and tornadoes, as a state function, at cost.” What the Kansas Pop really needs is in surance against defeat. The company that will write such i\sks can cto a land-office busi ness wherever dwells the wild •yed-meek-and-lowly. Argentina is congratulating herself upon a favorable mer chandise balance of $32,000,000 in her foreign trade for the first half of the calendar year 1898. The exnorts were $82,000,- 000 and the imports $50,000,000 A like balance for the last half of the current year would enable Argentina to meet her annual charge to English investors, who have about one billion dollars of investments in Argentina. One of the war commission er’s members, Col. Sexton, has said that the talk against Alger was rot; another member, Ex- Governor Woodbury, of Ver mont, has a son who received an army appointment from the President, and the secretary of the commission is an editorial writer of the Washingtm Post, which has treated the charges against the War Department as nonsense and hysteria, and fi nally, though there may be nothing in a name, it is fre quently referred to as the Gener al Dodge Commission. ’T3 A bright exchange says that an island is a body of land surround ed by diplomatic complications. o o o It is too late to get Christmas packages ready for trends in Alas ka and just time for those in Ma nila. Truly, this has grown to be a far-apart country. o o o Zola denies the report that be is to enter a monastery. He must even up scores with the French Government for trying to make a monkey qf him before he becomes a monk, 000 Vesuvius is trying as hard as Aguinaldo to keep before the pub lic. Their is this differenca be tween them: It can’t throw up its job and he can throw up his, but won’t. 000 Husbands and wives traveling together in Norway pay on’y a fare and a half on the railways, and in Austra and Hungary this is also the case. In the latter countries a child under six years of age travel ing with an adu't is not charged for, while considerable reduction in the fare is made for children of a family, according to their and to the number traveling 000 The editor of The Cynthiana (Ky.) Democrat is as witty as a treat-ax. In sonuection with a street fair to be held in his native town he says: “The Democrat of hrs a special premium of SSO for the handsomest and most charm ing old maid between the ages oi th-rty and forty-five years who ap pears at the street fair. The winner is to b qomw the bride of the edi tor and promptly return the SSO. The entries are to assemble at the Star grocery on Friday morning at 11 o’clock, where they will be entertained by Messrs. Bush, Wal ker, Blair and Monson until the editor arrives and makes his selec tion. No biting and scratching al lowed.” 000 An unusual scene occurred at the Temple Jhabei Sholom, in B< ston. the other day while the congregation was celebrating the last of the rites of Yom Kippur. Rabbi Lasker paused in his ser mon to announce the decision of 'he Fihnch Oaninet favoring a re vision of the Dreyfus trial and the pplause which spontaneously followed interrupted tha ceremo nies for a quarter vs an hour. 000 Th< re is great rejoicing in New England over the fact that the B jston and Maine Railroad has is-ued an imperative order that baggage masters must exercise great cau'ion in handling trunks, and that they must not be thrown ‘rom the car door to the hard platform. S iding boards will be provided, and now the big trunks will d .cen 1 to earth gently. O 0 c Switzerland has more inns in proportion to its sizi than any other country in the world. The entertainm nt of tourists has be* come the chief industry of the land No less th in 1700 hostelries, stat ioned for the most part on moun tain tons or near glaciers, are on the list and the receipts of the hotelkeepers amount to $25,000,- 000 per year. 000 The barbers of Boston are about to present to the Massachusetts Legislature a bill to protect the public against incompetent barbers and unclean shops. The commit 'ee appointed to represent the ton sorial aitists consists of Messrs. Wohlschlegel, Rheimstadter, Vlad ski, O’Hara and Byrues, Who shall say we are not getting to be a cosmopolitan nation? 000 Our Consul at Vienna asserts that American silk 'is now being Ripans Tabules. laDuiee <>ure torpid llvw. sold in Lyons, and a report from the Ghaut consular distiict Fays that the cotton mills there are using mere and more American cotton. 000 The latest map issued by the Georgia railroad commission shows that there are now pixty-four tail roads in this state. with a total mileage of 5,374.82. 000 In his lecture last night, Bays the Los Angeles Times, Eli Per kins showed great art in telling stammering stories. The one on Sam Jones caused great laughter, hut the laughter was caused by Eli’s inimitable way of telling it It seems that Sam arrived v-ry late at the Spirit Lake Chautauqua ard had to rush through a hasty dinner befoie he struck his waiting audience. 000 “Xtf-W’-What will y-you h have?” asked the stammering waiter, slowly. “Dinner, dinner, quick, hurry , up!” “ vVilt you have some sou-sou soup?” “Soup !” exclaimed Sam, rusb . jug his fingers through his hair. “Yes, soup —anything!” , 000 “Will you have r-r-roast bee beef?” “Yes, yes, trot it on. Hirry !” “And mac-mac macaroni?” “Thunderation, yes. N w git!” “All ri-right.” said the waiter, siowly. “but I want to ask one more ques ques question.” “Out with it, foci,” said Sam. poundihg the table with his hand “Well, I wa-wa-want to ask you if you came here to eat or hi-ha have a f-f fit?” FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISOROERS such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach. Giddiness, Fulness after meals. Head iche. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings as Heat. Ljss of Appetite. Costiveness. Blotches on tho Skin. Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams and nil Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEI IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer Will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. SEECHAuI'S PILLS, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly reimtve obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure Sick Headache. Fora Weak Stomach impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pilis are Without a Rival And have the LARGEST SALE Kfany Patent Medicine in Hie World, 25c. at all Drug Stores, Western & Atlantic R. R. (BATTLIFIFLDS LINE) ANU .—i Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway CHATTANOOGA, X NASHVILLE, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO, MEMPHIS 'ir ST. LOUIS. PULLMAN PALACE BUFFET SLEEPING CARS JACKSONVILLE and ATLANTA . . TO . . NASHVILLE and ST. LOUIS, THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE. Local Sleepers jetwecn Atlanta and Chat tanooga. Cheap Emigrant Rates to Arkansas and Texas. Excursion Tickets to California and Col orado Resorts. For Mops, Folders, Car Reservation and dny information about Rates, Schedules, etc., write or apply to r.. B. WAI KER, J. A. FHOMAS, Ticket Agent, Ticket Agent, /».„ IJnior Depot, No. 8 Kimball House, ATLANTA, GA. CX. AYER, J. L. EDMONDSON, ».A., Ticket Agent, Chattanooga, Rome, Oa. Tenn. iOS. M. BROWN, CHAS. T. HARMAN, Traffic Manager, Gen. Pass. Cut . x . ATLANTA, GA. HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dol lars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chtcney A Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Chenev for the last 15 years, and believe him to be financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent freo. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. ! _ - —■ ST LOUIS. MO. AND RETURN On account of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellow? (colored,) St Louis, Mo., October 4-10, 1891 the Southern railway will sell round trip tickets at the very low rate of $16.85, Tickets on sale October 2, 3 and 4th with final limit returning October 18th, 1898. See that your ticket reades via the Southern railway. Finest trains quickest time. J. N. Harr sow, C. T. A. The Indianapolis News wants to make a match between Hob son and Miss Helen Gould. HIIFKSIIWL till! ATTORNEYS. J. BR.A.NHAM, Law Office 200, Bast First reet;Bt, CHAS W. UNDERWOOD A rtornay at Law, Ro Crcporalon Onlyr 'W. J. NEffilLa Attorney at law. Will practice in all ocurU. Special attention given to commercial law and the examicatlon cf land titles. office In King building, Rome, Ga. WALTER. HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane & Co.'s. LIF»8OOMB & ;WILLIN(}HAM Commercial Lawyers. Gffice in Armstrong hotel building, Rome, Ua M B EUBANKS, Attorney at law. Office King Building. Rome, t>a. W . 11. ENNIS, Attorney at Law Will Practice in all conrte Office, Masonic Temple, home, Ga. J. SANTA CRWF ) R O Attorney at law, Rome, Ga. Collections » specialty. Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. MOSES V KIGHT. HAIU'ER HAMILTON WRIGHT & HAMILTON Attorneys at Law. Office: No. 14 Postoffice Building ■ - ■ ■■ i DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. 5., Office 340 1-3 Broad. * Over Cantrell * owe« J. L. PENNINGTON. D.D.S..M.D. . ENTIST’, Office, <305 1-3 Broad street. Over Hanks Fnr niture Co. PHYSICIANS. C. HAMILTON, M D- Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical Building Rome, Ga. Oil ce ’phone No. 83. Li. s>. HAMMOND. D- Physician and Surgeon, in Medic# luildlng. Residence, No. 403 West Fir tst ce”phoNo. S .