The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 03, 1898, Image 5

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■plot OIffIERRD H ' *" I Strickers Daughter And I Rescue Was Preuented Lgho TROUBLE IN PAP- L ail ial La" Has N ° l Yet Been Declared. ? Pa na. Uh. O ct - 8.-From dark Lt night until dawn tms morn, [he hours were fraught with awful Lpensetotbe hand of strikers Lo had captured the train dur- L t he afternoon and secured the hvasbington (Ind.) negroes who Lad been started for Pana to take Ithe place of the striking miners. I Before 9 o’clock came rumors that the negroes at Pana, reinfor- Led by many deputies, had secur ed arms ammunition and were Li. route to Tower Hill, to rescue the Washington negroes. Th* strickers prepared grimly f.r a battle. Every road leading into the little town was guarded by a sentry, to give the alarm of the approach of the enemy. The guard around the captives was doubled, and plans to resist the attack were made. Then eu- I sued a wait. A train steamed into the little town, and from one ot the coaches leaped a girl crying: •The negroes and deputies have started out Lu tight you. They have turned back the wagons sent to bring you home, and if they do not c< me to Tower Hill- they .day lay in wait for you by the road> side. Don’t start back till day break.” The girl was the daughter of a ramer, Early in the evening, while walking through the business por tion of Pana, she heard that the negroes and deputies had started after the miners. Her warning came in time, and the strikers started for Pana this morning, after loading the imported negroes on a train bound for Indiana. The attacking party in wagons and on horseback did not attempt to enter Tower Hill but scouted around the country near by and stopped everyone who drove by at the point of Winchesters . Later they withdrew to the mine camps. No violence wag offered. Martial law has not been de clared here. Mar ial law has not as yet been declared here, Captain Craig, of Galesburg, commanding officer of both battery and two companies of State guards, having no orders to that effect. At present the Sheriff and Deputies are in charge of the town, and Craig has in structions to protect citizens and pioperty, but not to assist oper stors in starting mines. Hid I known last night that the negroes and some of the dep ohes had left Pana to intercept doion miners, as I am told this morning was their intention, I B(| uld have taken my men and slopped them ” said Captain Craig. Sheriff Coburn requested Cap tain Craig to arrest the strikers. f aig refused and said that he Wa9 n it there to aid the operators. IiI 'ACKS RETURNED HOME. U nshinglon, Ind., Oct. 3. -The crowd of negro coalminers who e t this city for Pana, Hl.. Fri ’ ay ®°niing, to aid the b’acks at ®t place returned to this C'ty 19 morning. They were escorted j y tour heavily armed but very white miners. The ‘' n 1 es say that with the except 'on of refusing them permission 11 ' ai 'a, and compelling m to return 'o Washington, '°y aredweffat the hands of the strikers, 1 _ JO? :’»urs ■——x r»ui rl»e /U . l>.-,uif<.i.;,«».,. X, J Don’t Wake a Mistake I W leS MfeOc M ll, suCb® MH MB 11JM /a /U- V CHOISE.STI We carry such a large variety and excellent quality of fruit that some people would imagine we kept only a fruit store. Our real line is fine groceries, but we make a special feature of all kinds of fruits. The human system soon . be comes sluggish without fruit, but if you trade at our store you will never have any trouble getting your favorite kind, and at a reasonable price. LLOYD E HARPER. 208, Broad street. Dr. 11. R. Allen’s proposition to use oil in christening the Il linois seems to have been made in seriousness, and not to throw ridicule upon the attempt of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union to have water used. Hair oil would be inappropriate, and it lard oil were used the cere mony would be commenorative of Chicago’s greatest industry ; but so far Gov. Tanner has made no reply to Dr. Allen's letter making the suggestion. maatafatobe king The Exile will Return and Again Rule Samoa. Washington, Oct. 3 —The stale department gives confirma tion to the report that it has given its assent, through the American consul at Apia, Sa moa, to the return to Samoa after an exile of ten years for the former King Mataafa. It is assumed that this chief is to be made King to succeed the late King Malletoa, who died about a month ago. MANY ARMENIANS KILLED More Fighting With The Turks at Aiashgorb. Constantinople, Oct 3.—Ad vices just received from Van say fighting has occurred at Alash gorb. between the Turk and a number of Armenians from Rus sia. About fifty Armenians were •killed. KILLED BROTHER By Snapping Supposed Unload ed Revolver in His Ear. Greencastle, Ind., Oct. 3. James Paris, 12, shot and in stantly killed his brother Emery, 19, this morning while attempt ing to awaken him by snapping a supposed unloaded revolver in his ear. WASHINGTON, D. C., AND teturn. On account of the Protestant Episcopal General Convention, Washington, D. C , October 5- 28, 1898, the Southern railway will sell tickets on Oct. 3,4, and 5, with final limit for return October 30th at the rate of $17.- 50 for the round trip- For tickets and lull informa tion call on or write to J. N. Harrison, city ticket agent, Arm strong Hotel Building. 1/mDESPmiE. Is Condition of Spanish at Iloilo. (W’Y RESIST NATIVES • Await our Action. Littie Atten tion Paid to Aguinaldo Iloilo, Philippines,via Manila, Oct. 3.—ln order to avoid the Spanish censorship this dispatch was marled to Manila, whence it was forwarded by cable. The Saniards at Iloilo are greatly pertube lby fear of the insurgents, and the wildest ru mors are in circulation concern ing the action of Gen. Rios, gov ernor of the Viscayas. Since the surrender of Manila to the Americans Cen. Rios has sent to Mindanao 500 addition al troops, and it is now suppos ed that they have 2,000 there, but this is belieyed to be an ex aggeration- The preparations to resist the insurgents are very feeble, and the Spaniards feel that they are helpless against natives. The Spanish gunboat El Ca no is out of repair and useless, and two smaller ones there are even in worse condition. It is understood that the natives and negroes on the other Viscaya Is lands are waiting to see if the Americans take the islands. With this they would be satisfied, but they would not submit again to the rule of Spain. If the Americans shall leave they will start an insurrection which will sweep the islands. One or two Spanish posts on the Island of Panay are surrounded by natives, but nothing further has been done. Business men are showing the keenest interest in the situa tion. Many of them have been here 20 years or more and are unanimous in their conviction that if the Americans do rot take and hold the islands they will all be ruined. Englishmen of experience among the bu.-i --ness" men say that the people are docile and easily managed. No attention is being paid to the ratification of the Filipino declaration of independence by the Filipino congress at Maloslos on Thursday. There is some smallpox here, but the health condition is not serious. The United States war ships Boston and Raleigh have returned to Cebu. SPAIN’S GREATEST NEED. Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Carcelon ia, S. C. Weak nerves had caus ed severe pains in the back of his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. lie tays this grand medicine is what his country 7 needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trou ble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. 'Ev ery bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by Ar ring on ,’druggists. TAX NOTICE. The last half of t ix for 1898 is now due the city of Rome. All persons owing taxes are hereby notified to call at the Clerk’s of fice at the city ball and settle. Sept. 16th 1893. Halsted Smith, Clerk Council. | F )P 1 | t PHOTOGR4PHS g Ml- ok* ' T ’~ THE SUMMER HAS * i PASSED AND GONE * * IMPROVE THE NEXT PRETY DAY | M AND HAVE YOUR NEGATIVE MADE! | * B H Y CITT is w i Ft S is id ife Know h •II * I TH ECLjSSS 1)1' WORK i * 1 i TUR VA OUT. E I M p s j • PH YOU ARE || MgiA*amm■ I■■ ■■ * m P I n H 1 H Illi Y I * '■ u In rh 9 Ltd H I 111 I ■ ia 1 111 If 11 LXI vl W i I 111 VUr if If B E w W- IS H * H GP\UU MONGE. S | * S ■ s * i i J. W. kandeaster. iw 1 Iril L Li