The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 03, 1898, Image 8

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[ BUSINESS REOPENS! 1 ■ And it will be for business from the shoulder henceforward till we close out and leave B R retailing. Make a cross-mark here and when you want to buy anything in our line come to R ■ our new store and get the value of nearly two dollars for an hundied cents. Our own great ■ R stock plus the Kane superb stock, adding our receut choice selections to fill in the broken R ■ condition of the assortment finds us today with the largest stock of high-grade merchan- M R dise to be found in all North Georgia. Come to see us, R B FOSTER’S KID GLOVES FREE! /V 0 M During the next three days we wilt give to each lady who buys from us as much as j| H $5.00 worth of goods in any department of the store, or in airdepanments, a pair of Fos- H H ter’s best dollar gloves. Failng to have in stock your exact size and shade desired, we ■ R shall order at once those wanted from the factory. Foster’s gloves are the best. We R ■I sell you the goods lower than they can be bought elsewhere, and the gloves thus gratis. ■ I BASS BROS & CO! PARISIAN MOBS. DenoMUation for and Against Dreyfils. _u MANY PEOPLE INJURED And a Large Number of Arrests Were Made Paris,’Oct. 3. — The holding of the Dreyfus demonstration, organized by M. Pressence, one of the leaders in the agitation for this purpose, was prevented by the police. Slight disorders of a local na ture, most of them in the vicin ity of the offices of the Libre Parole, occurred during the evening. Several arrests were made,but all those taken into custody were subsequently re lease 1. The officers closed the Salle. M. Pressence and his friends tried to force an entrance and an uproar resulted. The police then intervened and arrested M. Pressence, M. Vaudan, editor of the Au.'ore, and Deputy Morey amid shouts and counter-sliouis of*‘Vive revision.” ‘ ‘ Vive ar me” “Vive Zola,’ and the crowd was dispersed. There were many other arrests made but all but six of those ar rested were later released. Du ring the melee many persons were injured. Altho'ugh the disorders have not been attended with serious results they have created in tense alarm among the foreign ers at the hotels ami it is prob able that an exodus will occur, the guests fearing grave devel-j opments. The working classes so far h ive held aloof, but the leaders of the rival parties are doing their utmost to stir them up and it is believed that the disorders will be repeated. Le Matin publishes a dispatch from Cayenne, stating that the French cruiserDu Beourdieu is laying off the Salut Islands wait ing to br ng Dreyfus away. An ugly statement is made by I the Petite Republique to the ef fect that Col. Picquart who had previously taken exercise in the I court yard of the jail daily, has not left his cell since Thursday when he was seized with symp toms of cerebral congestion, fol lowed by coma. There is no means, however, of veryfying the statement. THE ARMY INVESTIGATION Gen. Wheeler Will Appear Be* iore The Commii icn. Wa hingten, Oct. 3—The war investigation cumtrißsion re> sumed its inquiry tcdiiy, but a full attendance of members is not expected until Tuesday. No im portant work will be taken up [•until all are present. Gen. Whesler has arrived here and has expressed a willingness to go before the com* i mission on Tuesday as requested He will therefore be the first wit ness exarnin* d. 1 1 . M _m_Ll >■ UM JUDGE BECK RESIGNS. Gov. Atkins n Names E, J. Rea gan To Fiil Vacancy. Atlanta. Oct 3—Governor At kinsou appointe 1 Judge E. J. Rsa gan, of McDonald, Henry county, to the judgeship of the Flint cir cuit to succeed Judge Marcus W. Beck, resigned, at the executive mansion inAtlanta Saturday night Judge Reagan took the oath of office at 9 o’clock at theg vernor’s mansion and will proceed at once to Pike c jun'y, ' wherej he he'd court today. * IngraM * £ LITHIA 8 | Wateßf /ft BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, M/ /|\ For Sale at Soda Founts of: CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, J. \l/ T.Crouch and Jervis&Wright. $ Como, Wls., Hyannis, Nebr, Jan. 10,1898. • Jan. 2,1898. I would not be I regard PISO’S without PISO’S ■aiJLI.ILMUJ-IJ J,I CURE FOR CON CURE for CON- Ta™" cures whlreallwOuls. 4 ' [a 1 SUMPTION as the SUMPTION for any |j| R best Cough medi- thing. For a bad f f=t*ifl cine on the market, Cough or Cold it is ■ ■ having used it for beyond all others. 15 years. Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. A WESTOVER “The Best Cough Medicine.” •MMaMaaMMHMMMMBMMMMMM-WMMMBMMMMaMMMMMMMMaMBMIMMMMMMMgM HMMMMMMBM» ~MMMMMMMMMMMaMMHHgMB * CANDY CURE CONSTIPATION y all DRUGGISTS SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (.•■denied Nehedal* la KiFi-rt July 0. 18118. _ Stations. | No. ID No. 11 No! 8 -v Ch .uauuogu (J.SOatn II in lA. 10pm tr Dalton 7.5 lam 8.42 pm 12. 10am .»• 9.01 am; 9.40 pm 144 am Ax Atlanta . 11 4 nun! 1 i.sHpm 5 01am Lv Atlanta 4.loytn!: 1 s•pm s.2<iam kr Macon 7. U>p:n j 2 >3am 8.20 am Ar J esup 45 im .’3Bpm Ar Everett • 7 k 2sam 3.25 pm Jacksonville ... iLL.': 111 k.-dOpm LvTJesup uTcTam 6.5(J ? m Ar Jacksonville... I.oopmjlo.l&pm Lv Everett T3oam! 3.30 pm Ar Bruns tv lc k . 830 am; 1.30 ; No. 10 carries Puhman Sleeping Oar Chat- tanooga to Atlanta. No. 14 curries Pullman Sleeving Car and Day Coaches Chattanooga to Jacksonville and At lanta to Brunswick. No. 8 curries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Atlanta. stations. I No. iSTNoT 9~[KoTf" : Cv Atlanta 4.2Cnm| 4.oopm' 7.50 am | Ar Home.. 6.3lfen> 6.2.5 pm 10.20ai8 Ar Dalton 7.22am 1 7.31 pm 11.30 am l Ar Chattanooga 8 40um B.3optr. I.oopm ' Lv Chattanooga Dn»m| 9.10 pm Ar Burgin .... 4.29 pm: Ar Le.-.agton 8. lOpm! 4.50 am Ar Louisville 7 60pm' J 50am Ar Cincinnati ? 730 pm 7.3'him .' ' Lv Chattanooga i.2-spra;Tlsam 125 pm Ar Nuahvllle ■ 6.55 pm 6.40 um, 6.55 pm No 18 carries Pullman Sleeplug Car Atlanta to Chattanooga and Chattu-.o •;» to Cincinnati, w No 9 carries Pullmnu Sleeping Car Atlanta to Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Louisville. stations. >7.8 | No. It | No. 18 Lv Chattanooga 8.40 am I 4. lOnmiOJOpm I Ar Knoxville 1155 am: 803 am l.loam Ar Morristown. I.2,fpm’ 9.Warn 2 25am Ar Hot Springs .3 Hpm 11. Marr. 4.00 am Ar Asheville 4.35pnr 1.15 pm 510 am Ar Salisbury 6.40 pm 9.30 am Ar Greensboro. 9.52 pm 12.10 pm Ar Raleigh I.4‘lum 3.23 pm Ar Norfolk 7 50tini| Ar Wa hlngton.... "6.loam'Tßspm Ar New York...l 4 < :! Ptnl 6.23 am No. 12 carrtos Pullman Drawing Ing Car Chattanooga to New York via Ashe ville and Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Rich mond 840 am. also Pullman Sleeping Car Greensboro to Norfolk. No. 16 1s solid train Chattanooga to Salis bury, with Pullman Sleeping Car Chattanooga to Salisbury and Salisbury to New York with out change. ~ STATIONS. ~ 2 N<r 4 ( No. 6 Lv Chattanooga .... .... Sjopm Awam Ar Knoxville 8.4.,pm 11.55 am Ar Morristown 2.15 am, 1.23 pm Ar Bristol 7.ooami 3.55 pm Ar Washington 7.40 am Ar New York* 1 1.20 pm No. 6 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Washington and Chattanooga to Now York without change. No. 4 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Knox .vllle to Brl tol. ~ STA-fioNA 15~ LvTiome : TToatn Ar Annlflton ll.vinm Ar Birmingham 10.00 pm •* r t el ™, 3 .56pm Ar Meridian 7.30 pm Ar New Orleans ....... 10.30 am Ar~Jackson g 45am Ar Vicksburg 11.35 am , Av Shreveport. .... .... 7.20 pm ♦No. 18 |No. 9 tNo. 16 l|No. id I YdOpm Roue ... ar 8.60 am 8.36 am 1.40 pm 6.57 pm Ar Oadsden. ar BJX)am 68oam 6.00 pm 7.10 pm Ar Attalla. )y 8 46am, 'iroam ♦ Dally except Sunday. | Bunday only F. S. GANNON, Idv.p. A« x., Washington, D.G. J. M. CULP. Traf Mgr.. WashlMtos D a W. A. TURK. G P A.. WuMMM D a Q A. BENBOOVSB, x *-■. A-Ohattaaoaga. Tens - ** r Rlpaaa Tabuleg cure haadaoha. Ugwus TabdkUa ear* uva» troubles. RJjyans Tabuleg: tor sour Btomacb. J JUpana Tabules cure iadlfeetlon. Attention Knights of Py thias. —The members of Mt. Alto Lodge No. 12 K. of P. and all visiting Knights are fratern ally invited to be present at the Castle Hall, Broad and Fifth <?venue, on Monday night Oct. 3 at 7 :30 o’clock, There will be visitors from Atlanta and Dal ton with us, and it is earnestly requested that the members of Mt. Alto be present. Work in the Third rank amplified form. F raternally, M. B. Eubanks, Chan. Comdr. J. E. Mullen, K. of. R- & S. Dll KING'S B ROYAL CERMETUER This pleasant and perfect remedy, * delightful to take, so refreshing exhilarating, stands in highest with all who know it best, as the gre»'> •st of all medical remedies for i>°® ■exes, of all ages and in all condition* WHAT IT WILL DO FOR YOU 1 will give you APPETIH. It will ghe you restful refilling SLEEP* It will stimulate your DIGESTION. It will restore your NERVOUS ENERGY It will put your KIDNEYS In p«rf»ot or* ttwill purify your Blood. tt will change your woaknoM Into STRENGTH it will bring you out of sickness Into HEALTH. WBW PACKAGE, I.AROL .<>• DOSES ONE DOuLAK SOLD BY ALL DRUCCI« t ®’ MANOFACTUBXD ONLY the Atlanta Chemical Co., Atlanta, G* I 'TMTB IO» 48-PAOS BOOK MAJXIB I SPINAL E‘iaSStf" iCiS i