The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 04, 1898, Image 1

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ninth year smoke a “Bill Arp’ warters New Brand WINTER IN TENTS ji aE Detei'ioioation To, Send All Troops Soiltli three FULL REGIMENTS « •* 70 Roiieve A Like Member In Porto Rico. Washington, Oct. 4. —The foi ling statement was given out at the war department. “The secretary of war, being questioned as to quartering of troops during the winter, has had the matter under consideration, 4i:id has determined that, for' the good of the welfare of the men that they shou.d be in open camps in a climate where during the win ter they can drill rfbd have free open exercise. Tn put the troops in buildings in the cities ot the north would in e. Measure de prive them cf the necessary drill discip me and target pi'active es sentia! for fitting soldiers, for ac* live st, vice 111 the field. “The .trpops, therefore, will be quartered in the middle s luthein states, where they can live in tents as provided hy the plans of the quartermaster general, who gives stoves to each three tents joined togather, two sleeping rooms and one sitting room. ‘‘l he secretary of war directed a board of experienced army offi cers to visit the different sites for the purpose of selecting these camps and has left it to their judg ment,, winch, however, meets with his full approval HE.yfiqu\RTEßß At Agusta. It has been decided to make Au gusta, Ga.,the headquarters of the army which is to be stationed in Georgia and South Carolina. Au gusta is found to ba the central point of the places named for camps. ORDERED TO PORTO RICO Three Regiments In That Island W ill Be Relieved. Washington, Oct. 4.—The war department has decided to send more troops to Porto Rico. Orders h*ve been issued directing that the sth regular Cavalry now at Hunts- VlUe - Ah., the 6th U. 8. Vol. Inst. " ow Chicamauga, and the 47th - 'lork, at Fort Adams, shall proceed to such point in Purto desired by the c“'nmanding general in that island 1P s th I g. Vol. Inst. and two c °oipanieß of the Indiana colored uineers, now at Ft. Thomas, /•’ WII J relieve the 6th Vol Inst. at Chicaniauga. AH the troops at Camp Meade soon be ordered to points in e smith. Some of them may go will '< U but tlle nia j° r ity of them °r the present occupy the w camps recently selected in ’'‘• rgia and South Carolina. It is t ho ughtthat troops sent to do duty in Cuba will not re* "iig but when they have t* 1 Bervice for a few months will fe urn t 0 this country. J l6 Bare >e probably, ig true as thaf Or, | 0 IC °' I 1 * 8 a,So intimated Vol. "♦ 1811 thß '- roo P 8 return the 1 T 8 WiH * 9t Bixt V davs’ oughs and be mustered out. By oinnM me ° o,lgreßß niU haVP au «haln Ul i' ty t 0 determine what fog tn B 1 ° ne * n regar d to garrison due t 9teriuinat i°n is no doubt brought ,)fbßSure that has been the mnT mßlnberß ° f 00ngr988 n. )tp(r “ terill 8 out Os the vol* h teers frow states and dis- THE ROME HfSTLER-COMMERCIAt trict s.’ The responsibility for furnish ing the troops ipf garrison duly and for army duty generally will be upon congress. The recommen dations of the President and the war department will have been made before the return of the troops from either Cuba or Porto Rico and the necessities of the case made known. The troops which have been or dered to Porto Rico will relieve a like number of regiments nbw in the island, the organizations to be designated by Gen. Brooke. Secretary Alger today announ ces that Savannah, Ga., has been selected as the point of embarks ation of all troops which may hereafter be sent to Cuba or Porto Rico. It is stated at the war depart ment that Sayaunah was selected because it afforded the best faci lities. MARCHAND WAS IN A HOLE V.-' ‘ ~f He Was Mighty Glad To see The Sirdar At Fashoda. < Loudon, Oct 4.—A dispatch from Cai re to the Daily Telegram cons firms the statement that Maj. Marchand had a brush with the Dervish gunboats which had gone to fetch reinforcements. He was in sere straits and numbers of his men died or deserted. Ou arrival of the sirdar he had his entire force of about 140 Sene gales and five Frenchmen en trenched in a small tongue of land, The natives in the vicinity w«re very menacing Maj. Marcbaud came to the water’s edge to meet the sirdar and chattered amicably with him. The Frenchmen produc ed some champagne and drinks were had all around. WOOLEN FIRM ASSIGNS. The Sawyer Mills of Dover, N. H. , Are in Financial Troubles. Manchester, N. H., Oct, 4.—A special to the Union from Dover says: D. A. & J, Sawyer, woolen manufacturers, has assigned. J Williams of Boston and W. H. SuHoway of Franklin were named as assignees. The corporation counsel, Mr. John Kirvel, said that the mill would run along the same as heretofore under the man agement of W. D. Sawyer, whom the assigness had appointed as theij agent. He refused to state the amount of liabilities, but it is estimated that they will amount to over $1,000,000. Ex-Governor Charles Sawyer is president of the corporation. MANDAMUS FOR BOTKIN. Steps Taken to Secure Her Transfer to Deleware. Dover, Del., Oct. 4. —The re vised extradition papers for Mrs. Cordelia Botkin arrived in San Francisco, Cai., today and will be immediately taken before Gov ernor Budd. If the Governor refuses after re* ceiving these papers to turn her over to the Delaware authorities a writ of mandamus will be applied which will overpower the habeas corpus proceedings, set for Mon day next, or any other action the Governor may take. ■ 11 ” WHEAT MARKET ABROAD. i Shortage In Russia’s Crops And a Famine Feared. London, Oct. 4—The crops in Northern and Central Russia area complete failure and in South Russia the harvest i? far below the average. Prices are hound to advance, as experts predict that the supplies are wholly inadequate') to meet the requirements. GEORGIA, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 4, 1898. ROME WHRRANTFDR QUAY The Pennsylvania Republican High Joss. BENBRTIQNAL CHARGES. He And Other Politicians in Trouble. * . ‘ 1 -- ‘ ’ 1 Philadelphia, Oct. 4, —A big sensation caused yesterday afternoon when the report that a warrant had been issued for United States Senator M. S. Quay was confirmed. The war rant was made public yesterday afternoon. Besides Senator Quay his son, Richard R. Quay, Ben jamin J. Haywood, ex-State Treasurer and,Charles M. Mc- Kee are mentioned. The affidavit on which the warrant, was obtained was made by Detective Charles F. Meyew, of the district attorney's ’Office. He alleges that the persons nanT ed, together with others unf. known, did-iinlawftilly combine, conspire and agree to use the public moneys of the conn#on wealth for their own use. Quay’s friends claim it is a political move ou the eve election on th© part of his op ponents and matter will never amount to anythihg. THE EDGE OF THE SWORD —» :...-‘.2, Ge: man Pollcq Ordered to Cut Down'Rioters. Berlin, Oct. 4.—The Yor waerts publishes an order issued by the Prussian minister to the governor of Erfurt complaining es the by the police in tlf&¥6ce’nt election dis turbances, and enjoining the police in future to act resolutely, using the edge and not the flat of their swo'rds if rioters refuse to disperse. This order is believed to be directed against the socialists, and is likely to produce a sensa tion. ' SAVED EY HIS TOEACCO. The Chew in His Throat Kept The Water Out. Tarrytown, N, Y., Oct. 4. While standing in a skiff today John Kelly fell overboar 1. He was chewing tobacco. This lodged in his throat and pre vented him from swallowing water. He was rescued and re lieved of the quid after having gone down twice. Spanish Victory. Madrid, Oct. 4.—A dispatch from the Philippines says that the Tagales rebels landed in the Viscayas Islands and were de feated by the Spaniards. Ninety four insurgents were killed. Mrs. C. R. Garrard’s long stay in the East ern market has result ed in securing for the Rome trade the very prettiest and most styl ish millinery ever dis played in this city at an opening. You are invited to call and see for yourself--Opening on Thursday and Fri day, this LANHAM’S STORES I . ' 1 Old store, new store. Fourth Ward. 245 BroadSt — ■ — O » ► We have never sold out at cost nor faked the people in any way, and therefore we think our adver tisements are more worthy of consideration by the trading public than if we made promises that we did JT* -ft. • w * , . * « • a not live up-30. We have always made it a.rule to state the exact facts and perform all we promise in our ad vertisement, and we are not going to begin a crusade of fakeism this late day. , —— r We have the Very largest stosk of all New Goods in Homeland our prices are und’r any. We are more than willing to compare and vie with any. and we mean to be up with in / in qu ilit/ s&yle. ecj , and as low or lower than any in price. ■ V ■ r ’ ■ Our Millinery Department is a marvel of beauty and style an< the prices arb far below others We have the bsst milliner in Rome* Miss LaFrance having worked for the very best mdlinery stores in tW country- a number of seasons in the largest cities of the East, is Comoetxnt to build the hat for any lady oi the land. I * u - • —4 1 Our stock of Dress Goods embraces al! the newest weaves and colors, and some of the styles are not to be had outekje of our house. Some of the extreme French novelties are to be found here and only here, and the prices are the vary lowest. Embroideries! If you want embroideries you can’t afford to pass our door. We have the largest stock in Rome and the prices are about half the regular. We quote a few prices here and you wii find they are just as we say: Double fold dress goods all wool filling, new style, only qc Double fold plaid novelty, pretty and worth much more qc One dollar corsets 49c 421’n Fine dress goods worth twice our price 29c The very best indigo calico, not the thin kind 31-2 Bleached cotton 2 3-4 Ladies hose, fast black, c Best spool thread, per spool 3 1-2 I I And we let you have all you I I want at this price. I I Six papers pins for 5c . I I Thirteen balls thread 5c I I See the stamped linen and get I I our prices. We sell napkins, I ■ 12 Inches square at, each 5c ■ I Clothing and gents’ furnishings ■ ■ at close prices. White shirts 25c L F jnNHJIM MND 10 CENTS PER WEEK