The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 04, 1898, Image 4

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THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIA P*t»bil*h*d, 11WO. ROME COMMERCIAL K»iabll»U*'i. I*M>. •ued *v*ry [evening. •xc«pt Saturday. Sunday aud weekly. PHIL G BYRD, EDITOR ANU MANAGER. I A- 1--I- Let every Democrat do his duty tomorrow. General Humidity has not even signed a protocol. This is wet enough to be the spriug of Indian summer. The investigation committee will visit Cuba officially and in • body. From governor down, see that the Democratic nominees are on your ticket. Old multi-millionaire Li Hung Chang is, not only a daisy, hs is a China Astor. It takes high society with its low-neck habits, to do the bare back circus act. J g. -J- F- Kitchener and Dewey! Kitch ener becomes a peer and Dewey is already peerless. Let Floyd’s Democratic major ity tomorrow be an overwhelm ing one . Go vote ! Go to the polls tomorrow and plank down your vote for the Democratic nominees . In all well regulated street car circulation, the motorman is the comptroler of the current —see? Hobson declares that nothing but a tropical gale will prevent him from raising the Cristobal Colon. “See Napleajpd then die” — if old Vesuvius don’t want to vomit herself to death, she must keep her eyes closed. Hobson may know nothing about raising a family, but when it comes to raising a navy he can step Spanish. William Waldorf Astor is claiming to be an American cit izen. Dewey and Schley are to blame for this calamity. The Cosmopolitan magazine for October is a very attractive issue. It has, as usual, a num ber of articles of intense inter est. ll __L! ll, g These damp-wet days are forc ing many to take plunges in pool rooms—and they always come out dryer —the players, of course. Floyd was the banner Candler county in the Democratic pri mary. Go to the polls tomorrow and help F.oyd sustain her claims to the banner. Gen. Merritt’s formal report on the military operations at Manila ia a record of continued •accesses by a brave army, led by gallant and skillful com manders. Because there is no opposition it not sufficient reason to justi fy you in not going to the polls tomorrow. Do your duty and stand by the nominees of your party. Go vote. The democratic camp fires are burning brightly throughout the state and on election day, to morrow, the faithful will not fail to do their duty by coming P out and helping to swell the old ’democratic majority. Judge Ma idox spoke in Dal ton yesterdey, but cs the con gressional election does not oc cur until November, he will doubtless make many more cam paign speeches. Remember Judge Maddox’s name is not to be voted on tomorrow. S’ate’ ments to that effect are incorrect and misleading. Judge Maddox will carry all the counties in the Seventh this year—but he wont be elected until congressional election day.. The Brooklyn Eagle strongly commends the choice of Judge Van Wyck as the Democratic candidate for governor of New York. The fads that Judge Van Wyck is a citizen of Brooklyn, and that The Eagle has a na tional reputation for candid and independent utterances, give this indorsement more than or dinary value. A dispatch from Toronto says that even the Prohibitionist pa peri consider the majority (IS,- 000) too small to influence the government to attempt to enact prohibitory legislation. The net result of the verdict, therefore, is that Canada is in favor of prohibition, but not particular ly in saver of its enforcement. w While the farmers of the South are preparing to plant gun-cotton seed, Hobson is in Cuban waters raising a young navy for his Uncle Sam, sup pcse some one suggests to him that he raise the most valuable collier that ever floated—the Merrim ac. It is a trifle difficult to distin guish where champagne leaves off and sham pain begins in this discussion over the christening of the Illinois.—Chicago Inter Ocean. There is no sham pain, it’s the real agony. Frank Weldon says the people of North Carolina have enough of fusion with negroes. They are now realizing the folly of the re:ent campaigns in that state, and white men will asseit themselves this year. ■S-J —' Tom Reed will speak in a few of the western states. Tom sees the danger, and desiring to re main speakor he proposes to wade in and try to save the next congress to the republicans. (|A Philadelphia paper suggests that Col. Roosevelt is merely amusing himself by running foi governor, while waiting for the war secretaryship to ripen. «ikh RldeaP a man is sick his is him instead of ! his work His instead of being is which supports es him on to com and prosperity ■otn e s an over timing burden weighing him down. He has no strength, no ibition He feels at there is noth g left but for him stagger along un- I the awful pres re of disease and oub 1 e at last ushes him to rth. The prosperous in is the one who eps the upper nd of his work, cause he is strong, [fable and ener lie. Dr. Pierce’s Iden Medical seovery has night the best id of prosperity to thousands of weighed down, over burdened men and women by giving them the physical strength and stamina to carry on their work forcefully and easily. “ For the last three years." says Mr. J. C. Morgan, of Monongah, Marion Co., W Va., in • letter to Dr Pierce, I have been a constant suf ferer from indigestion complicated with com plaints that generally accompany such cases Always after eating there would be a formation of gas and a heavy load in my stomach I would belch up my food after eating; Itowels were verv irregular; I would imagine 1 saw objects floating before my eyes I had pain across my back About December, 1806, I began feeling much worse than usual and was beginning to think I would have to suffer the remainder of my life I was greatly discouraged. I described my case to Dr Pierce's staff of physicians and they di rected me U 3 begin at once taking the Golden Medical piscoverv-' according to directions. J did so. ami mi! happy to state I experienced moat gratifying reeiilt*. as all the unpleasant feelings have entirely Uft me. I have now a very good appetite, relish my food, and am pleased to say I feel once more like my former self. I recently walked a distance of one hun dred and ten miles in about four days." No remedy relieves constipation so , quickly and effectively as Dr. Pierce’* Pleasant Pellet*, Gen. Garretson has made his report of the battle of Yauoo. He says that the casualties of the enemy were “one lieutanent and one cornet killed.” ■-T” 1 ■-■.in UJ "I.W Should it really come to a knockdown between Russia and England it will result in more broken China than the prover bial bull in the shop. If Major Kid McKoy had on ly kicked Korbett in the kueck or kracked his kranium or krushed his jaw, the kountry kould kwite rekover. Notwithstanding his threats to commit suicide, Weyler is still alive. Weyler might try a visit to. France. Suicides are greatly facilitated in France nowadays. Everything looks bright for a great Democratic victory on Wednesday next. Democrats should do their whole duty on this occasion. Vote for Candler and the straight ticket. While the people of Havana are starving andbusiness is dead, the city of Santiago is enjoying a commercial boom. The Ameri cans are cleaning up Santiago, while Havana, oh Havana is being “cleaned up” by the Spaniards. When lowa was admitted to the union in J 846 her population in round numbers was 100,000. Today her school population alone is 550,000 and her total population is 2,200,000 souls. She employs twice as many school teachers as any ether state west of the Mississippi river. ' A tract of 1,150 acres of tim ber land in West Virginia that was granted to George Washing ton, by King George 111, of England for his services in the Indian wars previous to the rev olution has just been sold to lumber speculators. It was the property of the wife of Prof. Kirby Smith, of Johns Hopkini University, a descendant of Mary E. Curtis , to whom Gen Washington willed it. “We demand,” says the Kan sas Populists in their latest platform, “that the state of Kansas shall provide insurance protection against fire, light ning and tornadoes, as a state function, at cost.” What the Kansas Pop really n ri eds is in surance against defeat. The company that will write such r.sks can ao a land-office busi ness wherever dwells the wild •yed-meek-and-lowly. Argentina is congratulating herself upon a favorable mer chandise balance of $32,000,000 in her foreign trade for the first half of the calendar year 1898. The exports were $82,000,- 000 and the imports $50,000,000 A like balance for the last half if the current year would enable Argentina to meet her annual charge to English investors, who have about one billion dollars of investments in Argentina. One of the war commission er’s members, Col, Sexton, has taid that the talk against Alger was rot; another member, Ex lovernor Woodbury, of Ver mont, has a son who received an irray appointment from the President, and the secretary of the commission is an editorial writer of the Washington Post, i which has treated the charges against the War Department as nonsense and hysteria, and fi nally, though there may be nothing in a name, it is fre quently referred to as the Gener al Dodge Commission. Emperor William, of Germany, had recently in one week forty photographs taken of himself in the various costumes which he will wear during his eastern tour The young “war*!ord” seems de termined to out Miles Miles. o o o Russia is said to own 3,009,000 horses—neaily one half of the whole number in existence. o o o The thirty ice companies of Chi cago have consolidated and passed into the hands of New York capi talists. 0 3 0 Workmen are excavating the fonndation for the statue of Gen. Sherman, which is to stand on a vacant lot south of the treasury bui'ding iu Washington. Three years will elapse before tha statue will b» finished, The “Sherman monuments” in Georgia have a bout been oblisterated by south ern pluck and Georgia enterprise. o o o Two Connecticut farmers went to New York and buncoed a lot of green goods men. No wonder the papers of that city are demanding facilities for education. o o o A lion hunter who has made a study of that animal's peculiar ities, says “all lions are left-hand ed. When one s'rikes a forcible blow it always uses its left paw.” I have observed a few jackasses that were kicked by the same mule —the greatest difference being, however, that the biggest blow a jackass can deliver is from th* m >utb. 000 Fruit jars can be easily opened by a new device, consisting of a piece of spring wire bent into a double circle, with a handle on •ach end of the wire to contract the coils by gripping the handles together. 000 A ton of Atlantic water yields, after evaporation, eighty-one pounds of salt, of the Pacific seven ty-nine. of the Arctic and Antarc tic, sigbty.five, of the Dead sea, 187. 000 The Right Hon . Herbert Glad stone, M. P., in behalf of the family, has purchased the bust of Gladstone, which was executed by Albert Toft, and for which the statesman gave the sculptor sit tings in 1889. 000 C< 1. Emil, formerly president of the Swiss republic, and for five years Swiss minister to Washing ton. is at present director-in-chief of the International Telegraph system of Europe. He fought in th* 1 union army during the civil war, nn ’ was for a time a prisoner in Libby prison. 000 Prescott, Ariz,, claims that it furnished the first volunteer in the prese. t war, and injthat place the first company started to the front. The volunteer was Capt. O’NeiP, of the Rough Riders, and a monu ment to hie memory is to be erect ed on the court hause plaza ot Prescott. 000 In the bedroom of William IV at Hampton Court palace is a clock of the “grandfather” pattern which goes for twelve months without winding, It was construc ted about 1660 by Dan Quare. and is suth a splendid timekeeper that itjdoes not vary a second in a month. It dees not record the hours only, but also the seconds, minutes, days and months, and even the times of sunrise and sun set. The clock has just been clean ed by a firm of watchmakers, who i-tate that the mechanism is iu excellent condition that the old timepiece will probably Zkeep on going for another 200 years, • o o The man-faced .crabs which swarm in the inland seas of Ja- pan are queer creatures. The body is only about an inch in length, but it is covered with a head which has a face closely re sembling that of a Chinese cooly. 000 Apr >pos of the report that all th* vessels in the navy are to b* pained black in future, because black paint is cheaper than white. The Boston Transcript observes that “the Government ought to be able to pay a little more, or a great deal more, for paint if iron ships with a white coat are more comfortable for the crews than ships painted black. Uud.-r a tropical sun an iron ship is hot enough under any conditions, there does not seem to be any necessity for making it hotter by the usf of black paint, which absorbs, while white refracts, heat-ravs.” President McKinley will be in Omaha October 12, and, re turning, will stop in Chicago on the 18th or 29 for the Peace Ju bilee there. To make peace a sure thing he is going to take Gen. Miles with him on his trip and leave Secretary Alger be hind. The Congress of Mothers is soon to convene in Omaha, About the rnosl sensible thing these good women can do is to stay at home and look after the comfort of their own firesides, very sagely suggests |Mrs. My rick. When a young gambler’s wed ding announcement bears the legend “Nocards,” doesit mean he has reformed? Perhaps “Taking chances” on the “Leap in the dark” is as much ot a game of chance as be cares to say grace over. Annual Sales over 8,000,000 Boies t’OR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and Pain In the Stomach, Giddiness, Fulness after meals, Head tehe. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings of Heat. Lass of Appetite. Costiveness. Blotches on the Skin. Odd Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES, Every suffers will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. •lEECHA.Vf’N PILIJi, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure Mck Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And have the LARGEST SALE of any Patent Medicine In the World. 25u. at all Drug Stores. kJ Western & Atlantic R. R. (BATTLEFIELDS HNE> AMI Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway ' . . TO . . CHATTANOOGA, y NASHVILLE, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO, MEMPHIS** ST. LOUIS. PULLMAN PALACE BUFFET SLEEPING CAM JACKSONVILLE and ATLANTA .. TO .. NASHVILLE and ST. LOUIS, THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE. Local Sleepers between Atlanta and Chet- tanooga. Cheap Emigrant Rates to Arkansas ami Texas. Excursion Tickets to California and Col orado Resorts. for Map*. I older*. Sleeping Car Reservation and any information about Rate*. Scbedade*. etc, write or apply to C. B. WALKER. J. A. THOMAS, Ticket Agent, licket Agent. Unior Depot, No. 8 KimbaJ Honea. ATLANTA, GA. GX. AYER, LL. EDMONDSON. ’’.A.. Ticket Agent, CbatUaooss. Rome, ba. Gwn. JOS. M, BROWN, CHAS. E. HARMAN. Traffic Manager, Gon. Pa*o. A**., *> _ ATLANTA, GA. HOW’S T ’IS’ We offer One Hundred DoU lars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Chenev for the last 15 years, and believe him to be financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West A Truax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan A Marvin Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent freo. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. - - -- - - ■ 1» I ijij ST LO jTS. MO. AND RETURN Ou account of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows (colored,) St Louis. Mo., October 4-10, 189$ the Southern railway will sell round trip tickets at the very low rate of $16.85, Ticket* on sal* October 2, 3 and 4th with final limit returning October 18tb 1898. See that your ticket reades via the Southern railway. Finest trams quickest time. J. N. Harr bon, C. T. A. ln-ny y*wrson» ar* •nr* fron. or houiebold cart*. Rriiwn’s [r -u Bitters Rebuild* um Brstem, aid* Ljertiou, remove* exc*** of **m tad Aft* Uu* PROFESSIONAL » ATTORNEYS. J. BR.ANHAM, Law Office 200, East First reet.Bt, CHAS W. UNDERWOOD Artornay at Law, Ko •* Croporaion Oulyr •W-. J. NH2HJ3L Attorney at law. Will practice in all ncarl*. Special attention given to commercial Ist and tbe examicatlou cf land titles. office in King building, Rome, Ga. WALTER HARRIS. Attorney at law and J. P. Office ever F. F. Kane & Co. 'a. LIPSCOMB de ;WILLINGMAM Commercial Lawyers. Office In Armstrong hotel building, Roma, *a MB HUBANKS, Attorney at law. OfficeKing Building. Rome, ua. WM ENNIS, \tt irney at Law. Will Practice in all cent* Office, Masonic Temple, kerne, Ga. J SANTA CR.'WF > ft D Attorney at law, Rome. Ga. Col loci loan a specialty. Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. M(ISES V RIGHT. II A KPKR HA M4ETOR WRIGHT & HAMILTON Attorneys at Law. Office;No. 14 Postoffice Building < ■ L l . ■ ■.'A ”, _ I - 1 .! '• - DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D.D. S.. Office 240 1-3 Broad. * Over Cantrell A Owe* J. L. PENNINGTON. D D S..M D. . ENTIST’ Office, 305 1-8 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur mture Co. PHYSICIANS. O. HAMILTON, M D- Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical! Building Rome, Ga. OH ce 'phone No. M. Xu. F M AMMON D. M- D • Physician and Surgeon, Office in Media* building. Residence, No. 403 West Firvl »* ee'pltW-i 4 TAPE WORMS. “A tape worm* •igbteea **•* east came on the scene after my CASCARETS. This lam sure ha* «»“**,.<jj bad health for the past three year* * •~ h ; o t taking Oascarets, the only cathartic wort j notice by sensible people " G«o W BowLM, Baird. CANDY M CATHARTIC vnaoe maws Pleasant. dixxl. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. ““ ... CURE CONSTIPATION. Merlin* K.-.J; ('•■pie,., ■** 1 J 80-TO-gACIfiiKWiffiSSKA""