The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 04, 1898, Image 5

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iftlFlOT VOLUME L|| be Hie New Book, “Em pire of The Sodth.” THE southern railway U.S CO-0P» rated Wlth ,he Olft ' ed Author. The wonderful progress which the South has been making in all lines of industrial, commer cial and intellectual develop ment has been most fittingly set forth in a magnificent volume, which, after months of careful preparation, basjust been issued by tbeSouthernjßailway. This book, the title of which, “The Empire of the South, conveys an idea of its character, j 9 beyond question one of the most comprehensive and at the same time artistic publications €ver issued from the press. It contains nearly two hundred octave pages, over four hundred exquisitely printed illustrations and makes a presentation of Southern interests in all lines of human activity, which for thor oughness of treatment has never been approached. The opening chapter of the book under the caption of “The South Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow,” discusses in a broad and forcible manner the present and future of the South ern states, treating at considera ble length the various interests, such as agriculture, cotton, to bacco,iron,coal, resorts, climate, et«. Following this are chapters devoted to each of the states South of the Ohio and Potomac, and east of the Mississippi riv ers. These give a brief, interesting sketch of the early history of each state, and then touch upon all its important activities, show ing the progress being made not only by the state itself, but by the leading cities. The author of lhe work, Mr. Frank Presbrey, is a close stu dent of southern progress, and in the collection and preparation of the immense amount of im portant information given in the book, has had the co-opera tion of the officials of the South ern Railway. The distribution of this magnificent volume will do an incalculable amount of practical good in calling the at tention of the world to the south *nd the Southern Railway has demonstrated its faith in the future of this section by the ex penditure of the many thousands of dollars which this great work umet have cost. Those who are furtunale enough to receive a c °py of this edition de luxe, ■which is sent with the compli ments of the company, will Prize it as a most valuable addi tion to their library. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY luke Laxative Bromo Quinine gablets. All druggists refund t m money if it fails to cure. 25c. Tl] o venuine has L. B. Q. on •»ch tablet. tax notice. • The last half of tax for 1898 is UOW due the city of Rome. All Persons owing taxes are hereby notified to call at the Clerk’s of ®ce at the city hall and settle. be pt. 16th 1898. Tlalsj ed Smith, Clerk Council. Don’t Make a Mistake I mH™ t' 4'll/ tOWIStSTi • w A 1 rsujp I ' \ y ■ V* We carry such a large variety and excellent quality of fruit that some people would imagine we kept only a fruit store. Our real line is fine groceries, but we make a special feature of all kinds of fruits. lhe human system soon be comes sluggish without fruit, but if you trade at our store you will never have any trouble getting your favorite kind, and at a reasonable price. LLOYD tz HARPER. 208, Broad street. BURKE’S HORRIBLE DEATH Street Car Conductor Grabi A Live Wire. Maccn, Ga., Oct. 3.—Nem Burke, a street car conductor, was killed last night while trying to remove fallen electric wire from the car track caught hold of the wirejand immediately commenced crying for help. Nobody dared to touch him and he fell, dying in great agony in the presence of the car* load of people. WHEN YOU ARE TIRED. Without extra exertion, languid, dull and listless, your blood is failing to supply to your muscles and other organs the vitalizing and strength-giving properties they require . Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures that, tired feeling enriching and purifying the blood. It will give you energy and vigor. Hood’s Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion biliousness. 250. • TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM. Effectually yet gently, when costive or billions, or when the blood is impure or slauggish, to permanently overcome habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them to dispel head aches, colds, or fever, use Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by rhe California Fig Syrup C THE ARMY INVESTIGATION Gen. Wheeler Will Appear Be* fore The Commission. Washington. Oct. 8. —The war investigation commission re* sumed its inquiry today, but a full attendance of members is not expected until Tuesday. No im portant w.rk will be taken up until al) are present. Gen. Wheeler has arrived here and has expressed a willingness to go before the com* mission on Tuesday as requested He will therefore be the first wit ness examined. JUDGE BECK RESIGNS. Gov. Atkinson Names E, J. Rea gan To Fill Vacancy. Atlanta. Oct 3 —Governor At kinson appointed Judge E. J. Rea gan, of McDonald, Henry county,’ to the judgeship of the Flint cir cuit to succeed Judge Marcus W . Beck, resigned, at the executive mansion inAtlanta Saturday night Judge Reagan took the oath of office at 9 o’clock at the g vernor’s mansion and will proceed at once to Pike coun'y, where, be held court today, THE HANNS CASK Probably Under grand Jury Inuestiyation HUSH MONEY NEEDED Bribery Matter May Be Revived In Franklin County. Columbus, 0., Oct. 8. —Though confirmation is necessary lacking, it is persistenly rumored here that the Franklin-County Grand Jury is working on the legislation bribery case, and that indictment of Sen* ator Hanna may follow, The jur ors will not talk, but it is known that, while all others work before the body has been completed, they are still in session. Id the last few days certain members of the Leg islature have arrived here, visited the Courthouse and departed, all undercover of secrecy. Prosecutor Voorhees, when ask ed today about the presentation of the Hanna bribery case to ths grand jury, said; “I prefer not to talk about the matter until next week.” As there seems to be no. reason why he should not deny it at once if there was nothing in the rumor that the case is in his hands, it is quite certa : n that the celebrated case is to be given another whirl this time before the Franklin- County Grand Jury, H. H. Hol lenbeck will be the principal ac cused. Colonel Dick will also be charg ed, and he will probably be taken from his congressienal contest in the Nineteenth District to the Franklin-County juryrnom. (xPaIN’S GREATEST NEED. Mr. R, P. Olivia, ofCarcelon ia, S. C. Weak nerves had caus ed severe pains in the back of his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trou ble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Ev ery bottle guaranteed, onlyj 50 cents. Sold;by£Curry| Arring on,“druggists. GIRL DYING OF LOCKJAW Because A Friend Cut A Sweil* ing In Her Hand With A JRaz-jr. New Castle,|Del., Oct. 3.— Misb Maggie Bolton is dyingjof lockjaw the result of the use of a razor. Several days ago she injured her hand and it featured and becams sore Last evening a friend callsd upon her and, after examining the sore, secured a razor with which he lanced the sore. The result was a great swelling, and the attending physician diag nosed the case as one of lockjaw. The man who did the surgical work is almost frantic with grief, and now' blames himself for the grl’s illness, WASHINGTON, D. C., AND TETURN. On account of the Protestant Episcopal General Convention, Washington, D. C., October 5- 28, 1898, the Southern railway will sell tickets on Oct. 3,4, and 5, with final limit for return October 30th at the rate of $17.- 50 for the round trip. For tickets and lull informa tion call on or write to J. N. Harrison, city ticket agent,Arm strong Hotel Building v®Ul wwh* ti it— < * »Um—. J RWI Pit} OTFO G R/l I? FI S THE SUMMER HAS PASSED AND GONE IMPROVE THE NEXT PRETY DAY AND HAVE YOUR NEGATIVE MADE! I YOU R EB KnOW § • • £ |TH ECLJISS OF WORE | S 'AiETURNOm. g | YOU ARE i fflllLLfi INVITED | H ' IB -g Mrl Pv-* Eg il. W. kandcaster. & KI