The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 04, 1898, Image 8

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«i ■ l,l *—«WiiiU»iJMaA..» J?Uf ■RwmMuJ BUSINESS REOPENS! ' And it will be for business from the shoulder henceforward till we close out and leave ' retailing. Make a cross-mark here and when you want to buy anything in our line come to our new store and get the value of nearly two dollars for an hundied cents. Our own greqt stock plus the Kane superb stock, adding our receut choice selections to fill in the broken condition of the assortment finds us today with the largest stock of high-grade merchan= dise to be found in all North Georgia. Come to see us, — mi i m mi'—• • ♦ : —■ FOSTER’S KID GLOVES FREE! .A'/ During the next three days we will give to each lady who buys from us as much as $5.00 worth of goods in any department of the store, or in alTdepanments, a pair of Fos ter's best dollar gloves. Failng to have in stock your exact size and shade desired, we shall order at once those wanted from the factory. Foster’s gloves are the best. We sell you the goods lower than they can be bought elsewhere, and the gloves thus gratis. BASSEROS&CO! I • : STORM SWEPT - - Briloswick Inundated by Salt Wanes. LOBBRBOUT $500,000. Coc>'ran And Other Counties Suffer Heavily. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 4.—The Morning News correspondent at Brunswick has filed the follow ing bulletin at Braxley, Ga. : “Brunswick and its vicinity flooded and inundated, a thous and houses and stores damaged; one half million dollars property loss ; list of dead now small, is increasing. Three thousand peo ple sought refuge from rising waters and thirty blocks’in heart of city were under six feet ot water far twelve hours. Greatest flood since the Sea Island af fair.” The flood which inundated the islands and lowlands around Saya< nah and all the viciirty coast has partially subsided. The first news from the Sea Is lands on the South Carolina coast between Tybee and Beau fort, where the great tidal wave ot 1893 caused such fearful fu tility was received last night. The damage by the storm there was comparatively small and so far as known there was no loss of life. The steamers City of Macon, City or Augusta and Kansas City from New York and the Essex from Balti more arrived yesterday and all felt the force of the storm to some extent. The City of Macon was in the height of it. WO AST IN 25 YEARS. Destri ( tivk Hail And Rain Stjr.m Swept Through Cochran. Atlanta, Ga,, Oct. 4—A de structive hail and rain storm swept through Cochran and sur rounding country last night and this morning. It was the worst iu twenty five years. Substantial dw Hings were badly damaged, immense trees up by the roots and a large ; amount of fencing flattened. Iron roof's were torn from brick buildings and telephone and telegraph lines demolished. One passenger train was held here twelve hours on account of dam age to the road. The cotton crop is ruined and cane has suffered greatly. The storm did much damage 1 in the vicinity of Americus. At Andersonville, where a big ’■ Methodist camp, meeting is in progress, the great tent, seating 2,000 people, collapsed. The Sunday services were in progress and a panic en -ued. The multi tude was buried beneath the big canvas, poles and seats. Several | 1 . . | received serious injuries and nearly evcrybi dy was bruised. ;No fatalities resulted, however. I Farmers will sustain heavy loss 1 in damage to cotton. j Great Damage Near Ea tman. Eastman, Ga., Oct. 4.—The storm which raged here for twenty four hours has done i great damage to cotton and corn, i but as far as known no lives were lost. Cetton that hal not been kept up with in picking is • fully one half loss. Sugar cane has been blown down very bad- • ly. There has been thousands o. dollars’ worth of damage done to stores, fencing and goods. ■ | li'grtiM | LIT HIA * | Wateß | BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, /ft . d/ i Lor Sale at Soda Founts of: ■ /ft CURRY=ARRINGTON CO, J. rouc ' l an d Jervis&Wright. S!? I V"’*• Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebr, Jan. 10,1898. , Jan. 2,1898- I would not be ' f I regard PISO’S without piso’s smg -i< -nt -ureSa cure for con cure for CON- wnfftAii tis Ms. SUMPTION as the SUMPTION for any g S?- Dao g| best Cough medi- thing. For a bad cine on the market, Cough or Cold it is ■■ having used it for beyond all others. 15 years. Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOVER “The Best Cough Medicine.” CANDY V CATHARTIC Xu/ ; velf w 1 Vk CURE CONSTIPATION ,oc 4 * ll 2Sc 50c DRUGGISTS [ I u . _ . . southern RAILWAY. Condensed Schedule in Effrrt July <l. IH!>R. stations. | No., io ; No. 11 No? 8 tv O!g>,liuauo:;a.. .... . rnlO. 10pm Ari> I , i T.'/iiim-h Itar.'.loam Ar Home I'.Ooura r.lrprn 1.1 run Ar AUn :i ta illOam 1 m Lv Atlanta ’ t Main 1 -> -,;’n 5 .'.rim Ar Macon ' 7.10 pm z nj in Ar Jesup .-3 orr _■ <;>rn Ar Everett i .'.:. , .5:’m. Ar Jacksonville I -ti'i.-ni ;<'.;>pm Lv Jesup iio.olr.m fi.Mpm Ar Jacksonville..... POOpmllO. Jsjrn Lv F.rerett • ; . ■ Ar Brunswick B.'3okm. | 4.30 pm No. W ante Puf.uiuh Sle?pn. .• Car CUat- ■ tencoga t.o Atlanta. | No. 14 curries Pulltrun Sleeping Car and Da’ , Coaches Oi'.a.-ta'iooaa to Jacksonville and At* | lanta to Brunswick. I No. 8 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Atlanta. STATION-. “ ~ No 13 N . ILv Atlanta 4.20 am 4 wipm r..-v’jtn lAr Rome 6.30 nm tl.2’f m ;o.2uam i Ar Dalton 7 .’’.'.un 7 ’Jum 11.., >:im 1 Ar Chattanooga 8.40:im B.Wpm ; l.Oopin ‘ Lv Chattanooga a. lupin, j Ar Burgin 4.20 pm Ar Lexington s.lopm' 4.."osim’ ArLoulsville . 7 50»)m! 7.50nml Ar ?liticiuanti 7.3 m Main ." ." Lv Chattanooga .5. ~\ iisipii} Llfiamll 25pm Ar Nashville , _ j 0..-,.,] ~.m : 6;55pm • No. 13 earrie- Pullman Sleeping Cur Atlanta to Chattanooga and Chattu.noora to CincJnaatu j No. 0 carries Pullman Slopping Cur Atlanta | to Cincinnati and Chattanooga lo I.;? it us vi lie. | stations, “ N. . Np. 12 No. iA I Lv Chattanooga...K. lAirh' I.'ifiiini 10. ibpm iAr Knoxville ’.....; 11 am 8.05 am 1.16 am | Ar Morristown 1.21 n ttirj iOsitni Ar Hot Springs 3 1 ipm 11.-lttuip 4.'ltum Ar Asheville 4.3ipm I.lspmi 5. nlam Ar Salisbury... 6.4opmj 9.30 am Ar Greensboro O.A-.’ptn 12.10 pm Ar Raleigh I. ioain! 3.23 pm Ar Norfolk '’.tUanil Ar Wahlngton 1........ 'IICm li. /.uiii AT New York. | 12.43pml A23am No. 12 carries Pullman Drawlnv i’io rn Sleep tug Car Chat tanooga to-New York via A<he* vllle and Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Rich mond 6.40 a.m. also Pullman Sleeping Car Greensboro to Norfolk. No. 16 is solid train Chnttano >g:i to Salis bury, with Pullman Sleeping Car (''lrnttanio-a to Salisbury and Salisbury to Now •York wfthJ 3 out change., f "I ~~STATIONS. ~ y , ■, ‘ e,, 'ic Lv Chattanooga KfXtpm KlOa’m Ar Knoxville 8.4 Ar Morristown . ........ l.o.tpm Ar Bristol , 7,puartf XV.ptn Ar Ar New York :: ■ 1 1.-jepm-. No. 6. carries Pulljhiln Car Chatta nooga to Washington and' Chattanooga to New Ywk without cbautgp, V No. 4 carries' Pullman Steeping Car Knox ville to Bri tol. STATU >N9? Lv Rome [77. *. 77. w. main Ar Anniston 1121 am Ar Birmingham ..- laoopm Ar Selma 3.55 pm Ar Meridian 7.30 pm A,r New Orleans , 10. Warn ArVackson ».45ain Ar Vicksburg 11.35 am Ar Shreveport. ........ « 7.2l'pm tNo. 15 gNo. 9 I jtNoTjB j'No.’lO 2.00 pm 4.sdpmLLv 1t0me.... arl’B.soaS S.Sfiim 5.40 pm 6.s7pmiAr Gad.-den. arl 6.00 am 6.Bnn»i B.oopm 7.lopm!Ar Attalla, lyl 5.45 am rt Qally except Sunday. J Sunday only. F. S. GANNON, Bdv.P. 3t o.M ,Washington, D.C. J. M CULP, Traf Mgr.. Washlngttoa. D. O. W. A. TURK. G. P. A., Washington, D. O. n A WU’stcrvvovQ * -v >. A..Oh»r.t»noera T*rs" Ripens Tabules cure headache. i . Rlpans Tabul<ui care Uver troubles. Rlpans Tabulae: tor sour stomach. XUpans Tabules cure indigestion. I .’ Beware of Imitations 1 I- * ■ 1./ I q JOHN DUNCAn’B BONB, AGENTS, «FW VOftK. MM I —■ , . _ 'T OR. KING’S W ROYAL GERMETUER This pleasant and perfect remedy, s« delightful to take, so refreshing and exhilarating, stands in highest favoi with all who;kho'4y it best, as the greao ast of all me&uab remedies for bott Sqxes, of all ages’diid in all Conditions : WHAT IT WILL DO FOR VOB Swill give you APPETITE! h h will give you restful rt.ToShifig SLEEP. It will stimulate your DIGESTION. It will restore your NERVOUS ENERGY. ' It will put your KIDNEYS in perfect orfes. It will purify your Blood. It will change your weakness Into STRENGTH. It will bring you out of sickness into HEALTH. SEW PACKAGE, LABGL .<OTTLE; 14* DOSES OXE SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ‘ v MANUFACTURED ONLY BY The Atlanta Cliwlcal Co., Atlanta, Ga* '"WTK PAR Jq.PAOh BOOK. MAJUP SPINAL De Mita? ih*»* Ptahw*