The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 05, 1898, Image 2

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HO OPPOSITION And the Vote hi Rome Is Very Light A|OUT 400 POLLED At the Noon .Hour. Light All Over the County. Rome has today witnessed the quietest state and county elec tion held within her borders within a generation. At tho noon hour, less than 400 votes had been polled and at 2 oclock only about 100 more had been dropped into the bal lot box. Frona rumors afloat it would seem that the same condition prevails throughout the county, the people ia the county, as those in the city, feeling that as no contest is on, are letting the election go by default. At the polling place in the city court room Justice E. P- Treadaway, Squire Richards, Mr. J, E. Mullin, Mr. A. Raw line and clerks Charles Patton, R. P. white and James Lump kin are having a picnic. Everybody was in a good humor and all in all the election is a record breaker for quiet ness, peace and good order. A BANKER ROBBED. ( Clever Thief Extracted slo, 000 in Bonds From Valise. Philadelphia, Oct. s.—Law rence Greenwood, president of the Coatesville National Bank, was robbed of SIO,OOO worth of bonds in this city today. The bonds were packed in a valise Mr. Greenwood went to a res taurant for dinner and placed the bag on the Hoor near his chair, so that one of his feet con tinually touched it. “I was talking earnestly to my friends sitting opposite me,” he said, “when I leaned for ward and my foot, just for an in stant, did not touch the bag. In that one moment, I believe, the robbery was committed.” Not until after he had left the restaurant did Mr. Greenwood diacover his loss. Then, upon opening the valise, he found that it was filled with paper. The securities stolen were s2,_ 000 Kansas City, Pittsburg and Gulf first mortgage bonds, num bered 2,381 and 5,382, with the coupons attached and SB,OOO Citizens’ Street Railway, Indian' apo’.is, consolidated mortgage 5 per cent bonds, numbered 133 to 140 inclusive. SPAIN’S GREATEST NEED. Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Carcelon ia, S. C. Weak nerves had caus ed severe pains in the back of his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blood •nd nerve remedy, all pain soon Idthim. He tays this grand medicine is what his country needs. All. America knows that it cures liver kidney trou ble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts yinij vigor and new life into every thatole, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, or ailing you need it. Ev ery bottle guaranteed,, only 50 cents. Sold I by| I Cuny! Arrang es, druggists. For Kidney, bladder, and stomach troubles, drink Ingram Lithia, for sale at the soda founts of Curry-Arrington Co., Jervia & Wright and J. T. Grouch. Woman’s Friend The Great Medicine that Gives Nerve Strength Hood’s Sarsaparilla M&kes ths Blood Rich and Pure, Creates an Appetite and Restored Health, Vigor and Vitality. “I feel that I ought to write a f. w words in praise of Hood's Barsaparilla, which has done great things for me. 1 was in a delicate condition and was sick at my stomach and constipated. I tried remedies highly recommended tor female weaknesses, but the medicines brought on other troubles. I was so weak 1 could not attend to my household duties, and I then determined to try Hood’s Sar saparilla. After I had takenthis medicine a short time I began to gala strength. I Crew Stronger Each Day until I was able to work all day without any inconvenience. I have taken Hood’s Pills for constipation, and I am better to day than I have been tor five years. Blnos taking Hood's Barsaparllla and Hood’s Pills I feel rested in the morning. I am less nervous and am sure I have richer and purer blood. I have always been bothered with scrofula, but now I am rid of It. Before my last child was born I took Hood's Barsaparllla, and my girl baby was fat and strong, while my other child was not well and lived to be only two years old.” Mrs. E. F. Deal, Box 419, Missouri Valley, lowa. Hood’s 8 ;'.";.; u the best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hnnd’fi Pill« purelyvoeetaNe,care lIvUU <5 I Ills fully prepared. 25 cbmU INDIAN OUTBREAK Beak Island Red Men Refuse To Give Up Fugitives, Walker, Minn , Oct. s.—Marsha] O Conner and Inspector Tinker have returned from a conference with the Bear island Indians The latter refuse to give up the men wanted by the officials. Tomorrow the marshal will take them in spite of their refusal to come, Troops of the United States will be called into service to assist the marshbl. The Indians say they will resist as long as a man lives. None of the other branches of the Chippewas ha\e yet joined the pillagers, but if an outbreak occurs it is teared li maj spreau SOLDIER ON A TEAR Amuses lljm-elf In Jail By Soot Ing At Other Prisoners. Atlan*a,Oct5 —D. F’ Phillips,of Savannah a private in the 2d Geor gia, was locked up drunk yester* day afternoon by a provost guard and was not searched. Phillips had on his person a revolver and as soon as he was left alone amused himself by shooting st other pri soners walking in the corridor out side. He shot Claud Love, another white prisoner through the head. He made a desperate fight when the officers went to disarm him. Love is in the hospital in a serious condition, but may live. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, bruiese sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or nc pay required. It is guaranteed to give, perfect satisfaction oi money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salu by Curry Ar ngton Co. •FALL OPENING. Mrs. O. A. Garrard solicits your presence at her Fall Opening, Bonnets and round hats of imported and domestic goods on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 6th and 7th. wTrniNruW W Jift • AN® *. M *• I PERSONAL MENNOIT. Drink Ingram Lithia freely for indigestion. £Mr. Buck Albea.of Cave Spring, spent the day in the city. Mr. Clause) Shoemake, of At lanta, is at the Aimstrong. The “crushed bell” is the newest fad. See them at Mrs. A. O. Garr>» ards. Mr. E. V. Shackleford went down to Round Mountain today, on a business trip. Do you know that Ingram Lithia water is splendid for teething babies? Dont fail to attend Mrs. A. O. Garrard’s fall and winter opening Thursday and Friday. Messrs. W, D, Dean and C C Emery, of the Gate City, spent the day in Rome. Mr. Charles Deardorff of Dalton is io the city today selling paper for the A. J . Showalter Co. Mr E A H°ard, who has been quite ill but who is convalescent, est last night for a visit to Lithia Springs. Mr. T. S .Shope, one of the best boys of Dalton and a peerless dis play artist, is in the city today. Mr. Charley Ragan went down to Rockmart on a business trip today. Mr. Mortimer Jack is enjoy ing a few days rest. He will re. ( turn to the road soon. i Mr. and Mrs. Harper Hamil ton are at home in their new residence on East Fourth street- Mr. Will Mitchell, the popular young planter is in the city to day. He reports “too much rain.” Miss Sarah Matlock and Miss Flo Seay have returned from a pleasant visit to Anniston. Mr. 10111 uuunio, v. <* vx-i.i.g,- freight agent of the Norfolk Western with headquarters in Atlanta, is in the city foday. Mrs. Seaborn Wright went down to Atlanta this morning where she will visit relatives for the next fortnight. Mr. Max Liebman, of Ox ford, Pa. , has arrived to take charge of the candy making de partment of A. M. Antognoli. Mr, Ned. York who is quite ill and whose sister is here from Rockmart attending his bed side, is reported convalescent this afternoon. Try a glass of Ingram Lithia ale, or Ingram Lithia water. You can get it at Curry-Arring ton’s, Crouches or Jervis & Wright’s. Mrs. Garrards fall and winter opening tomorrow and next day will afford you an opportunity to see a splendid display in the very newest fads and most swell mil linery. Mr. E. E. Forbes, of Montgom ery. who has been in the city for . several days looking after the change in management of h : s Rome Branch house, has returned home. Misses Maynor Holmes, Daisy Cheney and Mrs. Dr. T. R. Garlington will leave tonight for New York where they will spend several weeks. Dr. Garlington is now in New York. Mr. Walter Coaer, proprietor of the big “White Front” store in the Shorter block is now at nome with his interesting family in the Harper Hamilton surbur ban residence, which Mr. Coker recently purchased. Miss Mamie Wikle anal Miss Lillian Greene have been named as delegates from the Carters ville chapter to the convention of the Georgia Daughters of the Confederacy, which meets in Rome. —Cartersville News. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Nunnally The Royal i» thr hiqhxst grade baking powder known. Actual tests Ahow it goes one third further than any other brand. 4 1 &AkiHo POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL RAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. left yesterday afternoon for their future home at Chicamauga. Joe Nunnally is too good a lawyer to pull the bell cord over a mule. One crop will 'satisfy him and send him back to his proper sphere—an advocate before a jury. _ The ladies are cor dially invited to attend our opening beginning Thursday afternoon at Bo’ clock, continu-J ing the remainder of the week. Store open Thursday evening un til 9 o’clock. J. S. May A Co. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Pursuant, to an order of the court of ordinary, granted at the October term L'9B. will be sold between ibe 'egal hours of sa e in front of the court house door in ihecity of R< me, Flovd county Georgia, on the first Tuisdav iu November, the following real es tats in Flovd county, towii: South half of lot or tract of land No. 51 in 1 he 23rd District and 3rd S°otion of Floyd county Ga. . con taining SO acres more or lees. Bou ided on the North by a line runirng flirough eaid tract of land and marked by Wm. A. Moore, coun y surveyor, except |“, ,h?5 et ° f ore sold oil' So das the property of George Shirley, deceased. Terms cash. J • R CcwAN. Administrator of George Shirley, deceased. EXECUTOR'S M.LE. By virtue of an orde- o f the 1 court ot Ordinary, will | je 9O | C ( before the court bouse tween the legal hours of gig, on { the first Tuesday in Nov. 1898, the following described prop rt y’ c in Floyd county towit: —57|^ reb 8 of lot of land No. 315 in the qb District and 4th Section, and lvp acres of lot of land No, 161 in t v j 24th District and 3rd Section « Floyd county Ga.. and all tha’k part of lot No. 200 in the forks oft the creeks Big and Little Armuch ee about 80-acres, excepting there from the 95 88 acres of said tracts sold and c mveyed by John Win kle to A G. Winkle on Feb. 11th 1890 as shown by plat and deed recorded in book “O O. ” of deeds’ pane 383, in clerk’s efface superior court of said county.Sola as the property of John Wink'e, deceased. Terms cash. This 3rd day of Oct. 1898. D. S. Painter, Executor of John Winkle, deceas ed. TAX NOTICE. The last half of tax for 1898 is I now due the city of Rome. All persons owing taxes are hereby notified to call at the Clerk’s of fice at the city hall ams settle. Sept. 16th 1898. Halsted Smith, Clerk Council. TAPE WORMS “A tape svurin eighteen feet long at le ist cam- on the Scene after my taking two UASi Alt ETS. This lam sure has caused my bad health for the past three years. lam still taking Caspar t -.. the only cathartic worthy of notice by sen-dole people ” Gbu. W Bowles, Baird, Mass. CANDY W CATHARTIC svwijw MARK PeCISTERSD Plot-ant Palatable, Potent. Taste Good Do Good. Never ->icl;i>ii. Weaken. <.r Gripe gl,-. ,0c ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... hrrllnir ItrarSy < oiiiimny. < hie»K«. tloi.trr.l. brw York. 313 hkO-TO-KAn s ""* "1.1 eiuirnnfeed hy all drtig nW IU ORb gists to <I KK Tobacco Habit LOCfii Millinery Opening —Mrs. A O. Garrard will hold her regular full and winter millinerv opening on tomorrow and Friday. Th« ladies are most cordially invited to attend Mrs. Garr»r I opei ing this year will be one the very best she has ever made. Starke, The Tailor Mr. S, | M. Starke the popular tailor is | now open for orders an 1 ready for | business in his new business home next door to Wooten's drug store in the (’lark building. Mr. Starke Las a splendid line of new season goods and invites you to' call and see him and them. Committee Meeting’s .The com mittee on reception doractions for the coming convention of the Daughters of the Confederacy met at Mrs. Will Graves this morning at 10 o’clock. The committee on the decorations of the hall are re quested to meet in the Masonic ball Friday morning at 9 o'clock. The ladies wish to secure portraits of Jacks m, Davis and Lee, Please leave at Terhune Nixons store. “The White Front.”—Messrs \\ . 11. Coker A Co. in their new and elegant business home in Shorter Block, on Dower Broad, re port business as being in splendid shape. The fall season, so tar as the “ White Front” is concerned has already arrived. But then, Coker & Cc..are always busy, an will continue to do a rushing bus iness as long as people are hungry far bargains. Mrs. C. R. Garrard’s long stay in the East ernmarket has result ed in securing for the Rome trade the very prettiest arid most styl ish millinery ever dis played in this city at an opening. You are invited to call and see for yourself- - Opening on 1 nurtudy emu rn day, this wee>|. I Announce.— To the public that I have secured the servic-s of Wilbam McClellan, an expert fancy candy maker, who has been for the past two years with thn Garrow famous candy kitchen is Atlanta. We are new making daily all kind of fine taffies, cocoanut, creams, n-mgats, etc. Al] we ask is a trial. We can please you. A. M. Antogholi, next door to Curry’s drug store A New Branch.—The well uiown and popular Rome •ranch music house of E. E nrbes is now under the man- of Mr. John M. Proc- having resigu- I V cce P t a position with the ProX ind 7, Mus ’ c Co - Mr manoC .T. y 11,6 body al;"' 16 k ", ow 3 e ' r «ry. and tl.eX fcryl ; Ody knows him. UnU iike agement A ’’ ■»«»- the Forbe S \ K<> ' ne , bra " cl ' 0 . i Y s)c house will take on a „ „ \ ease of hfe. See Mr, ProctoA , \ business an nouncement I, ——Jiiother page. A NARRdj, gGApE Thankful wA ri \ written by Mrs. Ada E. IIA, r J “Was taken wiA i°? ’ which settled q i . • i V n y lungs; cough set in and L ° ’ nated in ConsuinV doctors gave me A 0111 could not live but Hl ? ' I gave myself up tcA 1 Ine determined if I coulV with my friends would meet my r.bX above. My husband X°? es ( ed to get Dr. King’s A s ~ covory for Consumption is ’ and Colds. I gave it a tn’ s in all eight bottles. It me, and thank Uod I am\ and now a well and hl woman.” Trial bottles frJ Curry-Arrington’s. Regula) 50 cents and SI.OO, guarai: or price refunded. -- * $ > 'ini' i in Ir w/ M LLI FT U • ■ 1 11 We are just receiving the ■ handsomest and most complete ' line of furnitu-e of all kindsev ’ er brought to the city. Within the next few weeks our store . will be packed full of the newest r up-to-date goods—and we pro ? pose to sell them at astonishing t ly low prices. , See us before you buy any ) thing in the furniture line. Rhudy, Harvey Co , 337, Broad street. Whether it be revolution or ’ no revolution, Dreyfi.s must be retried. This is written in the horoscope of France. DIAMOND JUBILEE CARNI VAL. Macon, Ga,, October 11-14. ’9B On account of the above occa sion the Southern Railway will sell tickets Rome to Macon and return at the vrry I,w rate of $3.50 for the roundtrip. Tickets on sale October 11, 12 and 13 with final lim 5 October In’ ,1098. 1 ickets will also be sold on Oct. 10, 11, 12 and 13, with final limit Oct, 16, 1898, at the rate of one fare or $1 85 for the round trip. I’or tickets and full informa tion call on J. N. Harrison C T. A. KN r (HITS TEMPLAR f nnn,avft - Pittsburg, October 10-14, ’9B. On accoun t of the above occa sion the Southern Railway will sell tickets Rome to Pittsburg, Pa., and return at the very low • ale of $19.50 for the round tftp. 1 ickets on sale October 8, 9 and 10 with final limit for return October 18th, 1898. 101 tickets and full informa tion callon J. N. Harrison, C. T. A. DIAMOND CARNIVAL. To be Held in Macon, October 11th— 11th 1898. le On account of the Diamond r Jubilee Carnival to be held at ie Macon, Ga., October 11th—14th 1898, the Southern Railway will i sell round trip tickets from all e pointson its line between Merid _ i', 1 "' , rQ ingham, Chattanooga, j Knoxville, Morristown and in ] termediate points to Macon, Ga, B and return at one fare for the i°und trip. Tickets will be sold ’ October 10, U, 12 and 13th with a final limit October 15th to leturn, while from points within a radius of 150 miles in the states of Alabama and Georgia, tickets will be sold at something less than one fare for the round trip, on October 11 th 12th and 13th, with final limit to return October 14th. 1 here will be many attrac tions in Macon on this occasion, and those taking advantage of these reduced rates cannot fail to enjoy themselves. I'or further information call on Southern Railway Ticket Agent. Coke cheaper than Coal- Can be used in stoves for heatingand cooking purposes. No > moke or soot. Clean and economical. For further particulars tee ROME GAS CO