The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 06, 1898, Image 5

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_——— ih-mi »'» i iBi»OiaaMIkMiMBMMMIMkMMWLw<' 'rWF IL'JMMfeJPrr J . W-3. .<.i. .. . HjWXiW’AV frl«*UX44flCJu <.,; I BUSINESS REOPENS’ And it will be for business from the shoulder henceforward till we close out and leave I retailing. Make a cross-mark here and when you want to buy un /thing in our line come to I our new store and get the value of nearly two dollars for an hundied cents. Our own great I stock plus the Kane superb stock, adding our receut choice selections to fill in the broken condition of the assortment finds us today with the largest stock of high-grade merchan- } dise to be found in all North Georgia. Come to see us, ill 111 ■IM 111 i III HD * © • FOSTER'S KID GLOVES FREE! />/ I During the next three days we will give to each lady who buys from us as much as I $5.00 worth of goods in any department of the store, or in alPdepanments, a pair of Fos- I ter’s best dollar gloves. Failng to have in stock your exact size and shade desired, we I shall order at once those wanted from the factory. Foster’s gloves are the best. We sell you the goods lower than they can be bought elsewhere, and the gloves thus gratis DAOPDDnornni ! mAww JjKUu ot Lu. JI I BODY'S SPLASH Heard by Two Wen on The Hercules Carrel MN FOR ft SKIFF. Sidelights cn The Mysterious Death of John Murtaugh. 1 iiicinnati, 0., Oct. 6.—lt has developed that William Thad wuk, who was on board the H’reales Carrel, lying near the Suspension Bridge last Tuesday ln ght at 9 ;30, heard the body of Murtaugh, which was a heiward recovered at Ludlow, drop into the river, 11’' had heard no noises on the h’ldge, but says Murtaugh when he struck the Water. ■h’hn Miller, a fisherman, was Btl ‘"'ling at the foot of Walnut ■ ll u 1 when the body dropped. 11’ ran to the Hercules Carrel 11 s kili, but, being unable to 11 ’1 1 one, abandoned the idea °1 rescue, Ihe bridge men say they I 11,1 nothingon the bridge that nn d saw no one answering, ‘ 111 Hugh’s description. tiaces of Murtaugh from u ... , J Ues day morning until ' * uesday night apparently hl ‘ ve been lost. * * he mother of John M urtaugh II J led to Chief of Detectives 11 1 uesday for aid in tracing ' a use of her son’s death. A will be detailed to go over t! ‘e case. Mr. Clause l Shoemake, of At nta ’ 18 at the Armstrong.' / 10. 8. DCYLE Tile Lawyers Say, Will Make Partial Confession ftT JANUARY TERM |n The Murddr Case in Which he is Implicated. Mumfordsville, Ky.,Oct. 6. — Prof. J. W. McClure and Rev. Gregory Doyle, who are charged with the murder of Miss Lydia ■ Bracher, were arraigned in court today. It was arranged to have the defendants tried at the Jan uary term of court. Large crowds thronged the courtroom. McClure will be taken back to Elizabethtown. Bail was refused tor both. It was asserted by de fendants’ attorneys that Doyle would confess to having been implicated in the murder. He puts the blame on McClure. McClure stoutly denies that he is guilty, and says that he will be able to prove an alibi. He admits he was in that part of the county on that day, but claims that he was there for the purpose cf looking at some land he had bought. He admits that he ate dinner atDoyle’s and that he left with | Doyle, but says that after they got only a short distance from Doyle’s house the latter left him, and that he did not see him again for two or three hours. Separate trials have been de manded, and the Commonwealth has elected to try McClure first. Mr. Buck Albee, of Cave Spring, pent the day in the city. ♦ f IngraM « t LITHIA • t i ™ /ft BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, W For Sale at Soda Founts of: fa CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, .1. M/ T.Crouch and Jervis&Wright. \ 'X.* 'X.* 'X,* 'V.* X "Xd ’X" Xc Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebr. Jan. 10,1898. Jan. 2, 1898- • 1 » I would not be _ _ I ward PLSO’S without piso’s FOR c °n- CURE for CON- cuRtSWHtRt au ' SUMPTION as the SUMPTION for any g Bsßt ÜBC jgf best Cou K h medl ' thing For a bad BagStiTZCTm cine on the market, Cough or Cold it is ■ ■■ ha ving used it for beyond all others. . 15 years. Mi's C. REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOVER. “The Best‘Cough Medicine.” — - ____ „ . t ———————-I CANDY AT C- .-y CATHARTIC ' ra&coMW Wk. CU?£ constipation roc ALL 25c 50c '**’*«£ DRUGGISTS ’W miim Nrhrdata da llTcrt .Inly h. 1898. No. 10 . No. 14 Nt. 8 nuttanootfa..’..6.Stem 3 S ptullO-iUpm ’ v pulton ...» < . Ar Roots .Is.OOam 9.40 pm 1.44 am ; 4r Atlanta* I' 50 tn b.OJam , Uv Atlanta ~ I 4.sMt»u>-il 5 l>n> '• .uin \r Macon «. I T.Wpm 2.o’>amJ 8.20 am ArJvMin i i'..4san, .8811 m \rEv-rct ... I 7.2 nr. .> .Apia ; \r Ju >nvil I ..H 0. !spm : .vJiwuiP..7. ~' OJWpm I Ar Jacksonville x l- l 60pm I klsp n ( BvK.'crott I 7.80a ml 8.30 pm I Ar iiruuawlclf j B.:<o:i>n 43 i No. 10 carries PuErnmii ,i<.- < ai Chat- I Uinooira to Atlanta. No. 14 ct.rrims Pullman Sleepin g an l Day I CoacheK iiu .ta'iooK'a hj Jack' - , nvtll- nrl At lanta to Brunsnack. No. K currtes Puljfnafr ; '"ar I'hatta- nooua to Atuuntu. sta'«>is ’No. 13 No ? No EvTjfanta..,.......... *4. Jvrmi' 4.00 pm T.aOum Ar Homo ■.. 4:«oani ’’.V.',pni lu.2Ua:n Ar Daltoa 7 t’.'ar. 7 3lp .. li ' ' i Ar Cbuttanoona a.«. >ni r..'i-nr I.o,'ptn Lv Cliutlanootta l-.Hi,u- ... .... Ar Burg-ln I 4.2f;ptn. Ar Boxirujton ’> limin’ 4 'am l Ar LotiKvillo. . 7 J-A-.m Ai Cfnci I 80pm 73..'. Lv'f'haHan'oo/a’. i l.ii'.pmi 1.15 am I i j rii I Ar Nashville ■ I <.sfy>m| A4oam| 455 pm , No. 13 carrlf Pullinuo Sleopiair Car Allan a ! toChattano ./a ami Cha#ti»iW>oi:n to Cincinnati. , No. 0 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta | to Cincinnati and Chattonooua to Ig?msvtli<i. N t No 12 No. to. Lv Ciir• 1 i 77777777 STSiun 4.10 am io sbj m Ar Knoxville liM.tni B.a>am t.ldam Ar Morrist an 121 pm W m.irj 2. '.':im Ar Hot Sprinifs 3 Wpm 11.-lt'.i.n, 4.<i) Ar Asheville A.Jjpin I.l'pm' 5.10 am Ar Salisbury A4orrn 9.3'iam Ar Greensboro . I W.s2pm‘ia 10j m Ar Kiileigh i I Cam 3.23 pm Ar Norfolk 7 . Hi',, I Ar Wu hlntrton . .'■ ‘ism 9..... pm ; lr New York No. 12 farrios Pullman Drawing tvo .in Slreu tng Car Chattanooga to New York via Ashe ville and Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Rich mond tl io a.m rilso Puflnian Sleeping Car Greensboro to Norfolk Novlßii solid train ChaUanootra to Salis bury with I‘ullmsn Sleeping Car (’’i-ittan >o'tt to Salisbury and i&lisbury to N w York with out ehnoge. , *"s., iri.. ; No 4 N.c 6 IjV . 't. . ' ' Ar Kno . lllc r “ ' pm H-’ ■ nt Ar Morrl-t'Wn S. I nnn 1.2. pm Ar Bristol 7.oi)ani 3 :,pm Ar Washington. i 7.14 am Ar New York 1 No. tl carries Pullman Sleeping Cur Chatta nooga t > Washing! ,n and Ctiuttan. ogu to Now Yvk without ehango. rlo I lArrles Pullman Sleeping Car Knox vUietoßrf tol. STATIOKS. | . N'o. 15 Lv RotAe. 7...7 77 I ft loam Ar Anniston 11 flam Ar Birmingham 9 10.00 pm Ar Selma 1 8.55 pm Ar Meridian 7.3ttpm Ar Naw Orleans ... ■• pi 3oam Ar Jackson : I 9.45 a - Ar Vicksburg il.3sam Ar Shreveport tNo’li"wjiNo7#J jtNa 15 IfNo. io_ 2.i>h>in 4.sopm,f7vlTorae ar B.s‘am B.;fr;m LUipm 0.57 pm Ar Gikl den. ar O.Wam 0.8 .on fl.oUpm| T.lopnJ Ar Attalla. Ivi 5.45 am, 7>.eoam t Daily eiteept Sunday. f Sunday only. y. S. GANNON, MV.P. A g.m., Washington, D.a J. M. CULP. Traf. Mgr., Washington D, O. W. A. TURK. G p. A., Waahlngton, D. C. ri A HKNBCIOTSM * « ». A-.Ch».lt*noora T»n» Rlpans Tabules cure headache. RiDans Tabnlse cure liver troubles. Rlpans Tabules: for aour stomach. | fUpans Tabules cure indigestion. Beware of Imitations , Aire .OHS tJNCAW'S SOSA, AaesTV, NFW VOftK. —r* 08. KING’S . W ROYAL GERMETUER This pleasant and perfect remedy, se ! delightful to take, so refreshing and exhilarating, stands in highest favoj tvitn all who know it best, as the gre<*» est of all medical remedies for both sexes, of all ages and in all condition* • WHAT IT WILL DO FOR YOB Swill give you APPETITE. It will give you restful re.ToShlng SLEEP. It will stimulate your DIGESTION. Itwill restore your NERVOUS ENERGY • It will put ynur KIDNEYS In perfect or1«. It will purify ynur Blood. It will change your weakness Into STRENGTH, II will firing you out of sickness into HEALTH. MEW PACKAGE, LARGr. .VOTTLM, <O4 DOSES ONE DO-iAB, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY Hie Atlanta Chemical Co., Atlanta, Ga. "•RITE YOW sm.pagm MAILED :. ’• 1 '* " - X g> K M.I A | weakness easily cui'ed tap 9 • IIMA !■ Dr. Miles' Nerve PlastMA