The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 07, 1898, Image 4

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- aLsm®.m'EKsnEanraEs «ng « i. rEnZXnX*''*'*”^ lj»»S>f ■> .1 j if] »■■'■■ ■■ n !■ ■■’; i ■r l^»»l —* ' nil ii -■'" ■■ H ■• ' ;•■. i i !<• ... 1 • ■ . ] ; i '■■•>• t '. ~. r \ ••■ > ■ Z h 1 ° • „ ••■“•' ,J ■■> • W 1 ;•’. ; <*l I. Ji ( «) nc.l . .Jala' ‘lo'i fi» -o y~3 fi <■[•>» ,uy „J _ B WIWTiMTBHr!O<?O' T1 Yl ATITIBTCII B JlwßlJiijoiS iwur jejum® q pW ILfi ■ ' And it will be for business from the shoulder henceforward till we close out and leave H n retailing. Make a cross-matk here and when you want to buy anything in our line come to H ■ ; our new store and get the value of nearly two dollars for an hundied cents. Our own great gg B stock plus the Kane superb stock, adding our receut choice selections to fill in the broken Q H condition of the assortment finds us today with the largest stock of high-grade merchan- ■ dise to be found in all North Georgia. Come to see us. 1 1 o'-,-. | .(j. « fn , z - • © • H B FOSTER’S KID GLOVES FREE! Q During the next three days we will give to each lady who buys from us as much as M ■ $s oo worth of goods in any department of the store, or in alPdepanments, a pair of Fos- R M ter’s best dollar gloves. Faiing to have in stock your exact size and shade desired, we M R shad order at once those wanted from the factory. Foster’s gloves are the best. We R M sell you the goods lower than they can be bought elsewhere, and the gloves thus gratis. M e ■ i inline q BB * H B>H< ® B B OH ’B BB K w M i - w| JM-- l|! B ■ n B p ; --S B v n Q ' -.■—l B ha- w M H > ■ B AePajL W w© Wi j — —T— lI 1 " -n—www—M—rfcr“TTr—T———m—r——■■—— 'fSfe/ssjSusSiSli* -■-< I I , Mrs. Richard King, of Texas, is probably the richest woman in the United States, not excepting Mrs Hetty Green. Iler wealth is partly inherited from her father, a pio neer' Presbyterian clergyman, the first who ever went stall and Bible in hand to preach the gospel to the Indians and mixed r.. ces that peo pie tl e vast domain over which his own little daughter was destin ed to hold sway as a lande proprie tor. Mrs. King is a widow, and hei landed estates in southern Texas ( amount to 1.250,00 acres, or about 2,000 square miles. o o o It may surprise cur readers tc know that Col, George Washing' ton Pierson, former edit >r and propietor of the Union City Com mercial, is now a bright and shin ing light on the Nashville Ameri can. Much of the “hot stuff” on the edit< page is Pierson’s work Heaven has blessed this noble boy, he has one of the beet and purest hearts of any man we i ver knew. 000 If our major generals were not so determined to have commands “commensurate with their digni ty,” or if we had not so many ma jor generals, we should, perhaps, avoid having 30,000, 101000 er 50 000 men together in single camps, and the army death rate might drop down to s< mewhere nea r ' what ought to be.—Kansas Times Imperial Japan now counting 000 ' the cost of the aggress’ve policy, finds itself with a large deficit and increased taxation to face. But doubtless Japan expects mea' and drink in China. All the na tions expect to satisfy their hun ger on poor old China, and suin of them may get left. 000 Tom Reed is goitg on Ihe stump j in several of the western states I Tom is desirous of securing a K - publican m jonty in the hduse*in ■ order to prevent an unseemly j sj e kership fight on life pdrt of ’ the Democratic 'leaders. 000 The Southern Record says th-j following advertisement once ap peared in a newspaper, and it is still appropriate: “Wanted, in oiu hundred thousand households in America, a willing, sunshiny daughter, who will not fret when asked to wipe the di.-hes, or sigh when n quested to take care of th< baby , a daughter whose cheit de- Hight is to smoo'h her mother's wrinkles, and who is quite as will ing to lighten her father’s cares as his pocket, 'a girl who think her own brother quit§ as fine a . fallow as some other fellow’s . brother. Constant love, high es ; teem and a more honored place tn the home guaranteed, Employ ment assured to'all qualified ap plicants. Address, Mother, Home Office,” 000 Mr James G. Stevenson, of Chi cago, editor of the Individual of I that city, has been on Sapelo is- I land, of! the coast of Georgia, per fecting plans for a colony which he intends to settle there during l the early fail. .000 The Southern Kail way se cured a magnificent si retch of road when ; they acquired the Evinsviile and St, Louis Rqilroad'. It is the.ppm i ion of practical railroaders here that the new property large ly u (d.aS a freight teeder asit !aye four great, states under tribute, viz: I Missouri, liliu is Kentucky and Indiana. «• r 'ooo There was a high compliment to Am >ricans in the reply which th** British Consul is gaid to have, made t > a Spanish’w,oman of Ma nila who l ad come to him after i IKwey’a victory, and asked for protection. “Madam,” he is re i pjrLtd to have replied, .“hon.r ' and virtue are safer in Manila t > I day than they have bseu for 300 ‘years." -A 9 S -s? -S' | IngraM f & n t in i ull ni b | Watel I BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, \|/ For Sale at Soda Founts of: CURRY=ARRINGTON CO, J. F.Crouch and Jervis&Wright. \ • Como, Wis., . ■ ■ Hyannis, Nebr.. Jan. 10,1898. Jan. 2,1898 I would not be —I regard PISO’S without PISO’S flfk n i n ■JIU JJ J.l Mlffhl CURE FOR CON CURE for CON- wherTall ELsnAiiS. tdr SUMPTION as the SUMPTION for any g 9t t U Pb "H best Cough medi thing. For a bad f fcl* j lah iMiTSMaB cine on the market, Cough or Cold it is ■■ ' *■ hr.ving used it for beyond aU others. 15 years. Mrs C, REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOVER “The Best Cough Medicine.” t> \ * ' . .’k CANDY ® CATHARTIC ’ CURE CONSTIPATION lOc all 250 ’ SOO DRUGGISTS _ ... _ ~ . eat K SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (’on len«wl Schedule I. KlTcct July fl. ISMS. BTAIHONS. I No. 1(1 | ,<o. II No?~i Lv Chattanooga fI.J-kim 7.1 i>m 10.16 pm 6r Dalton 7.51 am 8.43 pm 12. Iflain ■ Ar Heine It-Wiim' 9.40 pm; 144 am Ar Atlanta .* 11 Dum'l .50, m 5.01 am Lv Ml rta i lopin 1 5 ,pui 3.Mam Sr Macon 2 '"'rim 8-jonm Ar.lesup 45.1 m 2.38 pm ir Everett.... . 7.35aml 3.25 pm Ar Jacksonville | .. i 9.4Jaml 9...’.pm Lv je-up lo.diam fl.'uipm Ar Jacksonville.... 1 l.tvpm 10.15 pm Lv Everett .77.~7|Tjioaml B’3i)vm Ar Brunswick j B.3uumi 4.30 pm No: 10 carik-H I’uhiaun Sleeping Car tanooga to A t ianta. . No. llecirii . Pijllii an Slenplno < nr aml D-.r p'o;tches Clia .’a ioo,-a •« Jacksonville and At , lanta to Bruns’vi’ k. | No. 8 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta i tiouira to Atlanta. i - t ATIONS. No. 13 NO. #I No 7 Lv Atlanta f ’ nin 4.oopni 7.;>onm Ar Koine C.itHun (I.spm [Ar Dalton i I 12., hi 7 (ipn. H m Ar ( l.ainmooc i ~ . ; ;n s pn. i (u ? tn Lv Chattanooga 8 .24.10 o.ioprn .. •’ Ar Bur-fin I 4.2'jpm I 1 Ar l.exlneton ! 5.10 pm I.Aonnp . .. .... Ar Louisville I TaOpml ?.50nmi I Ar Cincinnati .., 7.3opui Tsoam ;Lv Chattanooga | 1.25 pm ijftkml 125 pm Ar Nashville . ’'l’>n iu i! 1 o, ’M.cpm I No 13 ciirric Pullman Sleeping Cur At! u.<a • to Chattanooga and Chatlutioo .-a to Cincinnati. I No. 9 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta jto Cincinnati and Chattu.m,oxa to Louisville. f.v Chattanooga K. Hum Jio .nip) 4)prn Ar Knoxville '.l B.lD:>ni i.iiiam Ar Morri t wn 1.21 pm 9. rmm ij-.arn Ar Hot Springs 3 I pin 11. lOnri. 4 (Klam Ar Asheville 4.3.ipm 5.10 am Ar Salisbury 1 Alopm 9 30ain Ar Greensboro u.s2pni 12.10 pm Arßaloiifh [ 1.1 >am 3.23 pm Ar Norfolk* ! 7 ;>()uhi Ar Wn L' h/’-ii..... .. . <■ : ' .1-1 b pm Ar New York. . 'l2.4:ipm &23am Nn 12 carries Pullnvin Drawtua >’io >m Sleep- ItiK Car Chattanooita to ,N -w York via Ashe ville and Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Rich mond f 1.40 also Pullman Sleeping Car Greensboro to Norfolk No. Ifll-i solid train (.' i iitnnoa.-a to Salis bury, with Pullman Sle ipbi f I n- <’’ms tanoo.-a to Salisbury and Salisbury to N -w York with out ulianirc. HTA riONS No I jfi. T Lv Chiiltanoogu pni B.i'’ani Ar Knoxville 1 s. I pm il .'S un Ar Morristown i 2.lsntn I.2.ptn Ar Bristol . i.onani 3.55 pm Ar Wa ihlnjrton i 7 n>.im Ar New York ■. . 1 i.gtlpm No. fl. curries Pnllm.i.n Sleoplnx Car Chatt.v- I nooga to W.'is’iimzt m and Cliattan.,o„'a to New York without chnnae. S'. 4 oarries Pullin.m Sleeping Car Knox ville to Bri tol. Hl API ' N-■ j *■ No 1.'7 Lv R0me.........7?TJ.. ‘........ “9710 am Ar Anniston 1121 am Ar Birmingham lo.oojim Ar Selma 3.55 pm Ar Meridian 7.30 pm Ar New Orlean Ift 30am Ar Jackson .... ... 9 45ani Ar Vicksburg 11.35 am Ar Shreveport. T-Strnm tNo S |No 91 ONO 18 |No7io ■2.oopm l 4.r>opm.Lv Rome ar, 8 :50am 8.35 am 6.40 pm o.s7pm.Ar Gad-den. ar! B.ooam rt Boarn _6.oopm! 7 lopin'Ar Atta)!*, lv 5.45am| azoam t Daily except Sunday j Sunday only. F. S. GANNON, Sdv.p. h G.M .Washington, D.O. I J. M CULP. Traf Mgr., Washington D. O. ( W A. TUUK. G. P. A., Washington, D. C. G A. BKNSOOTy’i t a ».a_.Ohattatooga.Toan Doyon know that Ingram Litliia water is splendid fcr teething babies? Beware of Imitations J j JOHN DUNCAN’4 »ONS, AMHTt. *tW W * K ' DR. _ KING’S 1 ROYAL GF.RMETUER This pleasant and perfect remedy.* delightful to take, so refreshing • tn exhilarating, stands in highest * with all who know it best, as thegN* est of all medical remedies for b> 'sexes, of all ages and in all condit' 0 WHAT IT WILL DO FOR H# H will give you APPETITE. Itwill give you restful re.%«hlng SLEEP- II will stimulate your DIGESTION. Itwill restce your NERVOUS ENERGY- Itwill put your KIDNEYS in perfect orW- Itwill purifyynur Blood. Itwill change your weakness intoS™* II will bring you out of sickness into HtA NEW PACKAGE, T.AKGS JOT I1 * DOSES ONE DOw-LAB- SOLD BY ALL DRUCCIST* ' MANt’I'ACTUBBU ONbT >- The Atlanta Chamical Co., Atlanta, fi> '•RITE FOB 48-PAOX SOCK- 1 spinal