The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 10, 1898, Image 2

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*XMOA MiN ‘*o9 toil*ud UN.xVto IVAWM ounj Apjniosqv UJOMOd gum I®] [Faoj IVAflij ?s»JS «*oS i< visa) jaamv Mp«od baiVM •P® jb »R> •! I®*®# ®*U PERSONAL MENNOIT. Drink Ingram Lithia freely for indigestion. Mr. C. F. Fairbanks, of Atlanta, ib in the city today. Hon John C. Foster, of Foster’s Mills, epent the day in the city. Mr. Rob Kounsaville went down to Atlanta this morning. Mrs. Junius George, of Chatta nooga, is visiting friends in the city. The prettiest display of them all is the fall opening at Mrs. Garrards. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hight went down to the Gate City this forenoon. Mr. A C. Duren of the Gate City is among the visitors who are here today. Do you know that Ingram Lithia water is splendid for teething babies? Mr. W. M . Towers, was among the Romans who want down to the Gate City today. Mr. Ray Knight, a prominent railroader, with head quarters in Atlanta, is in the city today. Capt. George Magruder arriv ed up-river last night bringing his steamer heavily loaded. Mr. Ned York, after a painful illness of some days is again able to circulate among his friends. If you don’t believe thatadver tisiag pays, just go io Kuttner’s and see the throngs of eager bargain seekers. Capt. N. H Bass, of Lavender, came down this forenoon and has been mingling with his many friends in the c>ty today, The campaign waxes warm, and J. Kuttner with his tremen- ’ dous stock and reserve stock of bargains is leading the van. Kuttner’s bargain figures have knocked competitors out. The big sale is on and the crush at the Kuttner emporium is grow ing. Rev. L G. Johnson, with lit tle Zilla, went down to Rome Thursday, to see Mrs. L, G, Jotn- B on, whois rapidly recovering.— Dalton Argus. Dr. Sam Low ry, of Rome is having the old residence of Dr. Hunt remodeled, and with his fam ily, he will move there when it is completed.—Dalton Argus. For Kidney, bladder, and stomach troubles, drink Ingram Lithia, for sale at the soda founts of Curry-Arrington Co., Jervis <fc Wright and J. T. Crouch. Hon. Eve Price, of Nannie, came down this forenoon and •pent the day in the city. Brother Pric« is an old-fashioned dem ocrat and one of the best citizens in the state. A large and tempting line of new cereals, breakfast foods, buckwheat, cocoa, etc., at Lloyd & Harper’s Also new pigs-feet, fat mackerel, fresh country and creamery butter, fresh fruits, etc. In IS hour • nurrhoen y* —| n,H * <h*u<iarg<- . ironi Hi** f \! ■Arm.n* • r»*esl<•<! I M||]Y l| ***" by * n »•’ n i i|tdv< up* • leu, y*UUi II Mtthuul Inconvenience. X. I LOCOI HAPPENINGS. Lost, Strayed or Stolen. — A beautiful grey hound pup, about six months old and an swers to the name of “Gyp.” A reward will be paid to the party who returns the dog to the Central hotel. Will Need Wood. —Should the army camp be established in the city, and it is most probable that it will be, about 400 cords of wood will be con tracted for at once. The govern ment paid $2.58 per cord for all wood bought for the camp at Chicamauga. Ca’’e’ Chama. —The finest coffee grown, possessing a rare combination of strength and delicacy of flavor that only a volcanic soil can give to the coffee berry. Beware of imita tion*, claiming similar features and “volcanic soil.” Free sam ples of the genuine at L’oyd Harper’s. A Pretty Day.—Today has been a perfect gem of a day, from dawn until press time,blue skies have been above a happy hustling people, and while the balmy atmosphere has played through the whiskers or kissed the powder of the dainty cheek —Oh, today has been an Elberta in the basket of autumnal slush. Splendid Trade —Lanham & Sons’ big store nas been open for about ten days, and while the weather has b- m bad a g> eat er part of the time, the firm is highly pleased with the results, as an enormous quantity of goods have been sold and a per manent customer has been made of every purchaser. Lanham & Sons are new- in the Broad street field but they are here to stay. Cash for Lumber —Mr. Ban Montgomery is branching out in the lumber business. He has perfected arrangements with a big company by which he buys oak and poplar lumber at the mills, and pays cash for same before moving it. Mill men and lumber dealers will do well to j-ee Mr. Montgomery at his of fice in No. 227 Broad, before selling. Splendid Concert. —The mu sical treat of the season will be served at Nevin’s opera house, on the evening of November 20th. <inite all of Rome’s splen did musical talent will be on the program The proceeds cf this concert will go entirely 7 to the purchase of a lot. on which the First Chtistian church of One Large Scar Is All That Remains of Great Scrofula Sores Neighbors Could Mot Bear to Look Upon Her—A Crand, Complete Cure by Hood's Sarsaparilla After Others Failed. “I waa taken with neuralgia In my head and eyes. Not long after this, a scrofula sore.appeared on my left cheek, extending from my upper lip to my eye. Other sores came on my neck and on my right arm and one )t my limbs. They wars very troublesome and painful and soon became great running sores. My face looked so bad that some of my neighbors could not bear to look at ms and advised me to wear a bandage, but I feared thia would Irritate the sore and make It worse. So I Could Not Hid® th® Sores. My niece, who was familiar with a case similar to mine, which had been cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, urged me to try It. Finally I was persuaded to do so, and In a short time I saw It was helping me. The sores began to heal and the neu ralgla In my head was better. In a few months the sores on my arms and limbs all healed; those on my neck gradually disappeared and now they are all gone. I bars never had any symptom of scrofula since. Oas large scar on my right arm Is all the sign that remains of my terrible sffllctkm. The neuralgia is also cursd.” M I®. J. M. Hatch, Etna, New Hampshire. HOOd’S S parlUa la the best--(n faet the One True Blood Purifier. Hood’s Pills Romo is to be erected. Look out for the program, which is to be published in a few days. “Oysters! - The very finest oys tel’s the market affords always to be lor at the Gomez Case. If you want the bort, served the best c dl on Goim z. M t'M—Mr, i.nd Mrs. L. S. Mumfmd, of Carters viffe, anm uuce the engagement of their Louise Dillard, to Oscar T. Peeples, of Chattanooga, Tean. The marriage, which wdl occur in December, is of great in terest to the fr < nds of these young peoyle both being very popular,— Dalton Argus. Millinaky Opening.—Mrs. A. 0. Garrard'e pretty m’l’iuery opening has attracted quite a *arge number of ladies today. Offing to continued rains last week Mrs Garrard decided to continue the opening through Monday. This ha? proved t’"e proper thing as it has enabled a great number of ladies to attend, who on account of bad weather, could not have other wise done so. F? iii.Y Reck on. —Mrs. R. H Baker attended a family reunion while in Rome. Her brother, Rev . E. 0. Font, rector of Grace Church in San Francisco, and her sisters, Mesdames E. 11, West, of Rome, Ada Craigmiles, of Cleveland, and Mary Gallaher, of Atlanta, were all present. To complete tbeir happiness, Corporal Ed West re turned home with an honorable discharge from the army and thus perfected the reunion, —Dalton Ar gus, Ne.v Churlii Edifice,—Qui etly and persistently, the mem bers of the First Christian church of Rome, have been at work and today they can show cash and a splendid subscrip tion list amounting to $1,200 — with a bright prospect. On the evening of Nov. 20th the musical talent of Rome will give a bril liant musicale, the proceeds of which will be devoted to the purchase of a building site for the elegant church home to be erected in the soon future. The Populist party in Geor gia received a solar-plexus blow yesterday.—Albany Herald. MURDER OF THE MEDIUM Negro Cuveged With Strangling Mrs. VoitoHT At Denver. Danver, CoL, Oct 10 —George Randall a negro has b?en arrested ioi the charge of having murdered Mrs, Julius I. Voight, who was found dead yesterday in her apart ments where she had been str t geled to death with a towel. Ran dall who frequently called on the woman, made soma damage admis sions while under the influence of drink . It is believed he killed the wo man because she refused to give him money. A memorandum book found among her effects showed that she had frequently geven him small sums. No evidence ’has been discovered by strangling that were committed here in 194. I * I 11 ulff T i ! £;We are just receiving the handsomest and most complete line of furniture of all kinds ev er brought to the city. Within the next few weeks our store will be [lacked full of the newest up-to-date goods—and we pro pose to sell them at astonishing ly low prices. See us before you buy any thing in the furniture line. Rhudy, Harvey & Co.. 337, Broad street. SHERIFF’ SALES GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY A ill he su’d before the court boused or in ihecby of Rome, t >ovd Co. t >. be wee i the Dgal h* u' «oG' e. on t •« > rst Tiv’nlny bi November ISIS ,ie following d. c’l’K'd property to wii: Six acres of land more or less situated about a m :| ef"om the city of Rome Geo»g a and bei a part of laud lot No 225 in 23rd District and 3id Section of Flovd countv known as the Mrs Dora R Hided home place and being in the co - ner of Broad an i Hall streets. Bounded by Broad and Hall Sts, by the property of G J Dykes and by the property of the R 1) Harvey estate, and property hereby levied unon being specifically described in a deed of Robt D Harvey to Mrs Dora R Hidell and in the deed oi Robt Ha’vey as trustee Lr his wife and children to Mrs Dora R Hidell which two deeds are of rec rd in the clerk’a office of Flos d Superior court in book “E E’’ of deeds, pages 609-10 llandl2:said deeds bearing date the loth of No vember 1884. That portion of said property however which is de scribed in the of Dora Hidell to Ham a Jonas dated March 14th 1898 which deed is recorded in the clerk’# office of Flovd Superior court in book “N N’’ of deeds pages 220 and 221 is hereby ex cepted, sa.d exception pprtion le ing the house and lot carved out of the above levied property front ing on Hall street now owned by | Mrs EugeniaVSlaton.Levied on virtue of a fi fa issued from Floyd city court in favor of A R Flems ingva W H Hidell and Dora Hi dell as the property of the defend ants . Also at the same time and place one undivided fourth interest in city lot No 48 in the Etowah Di vision of the city of Rome Floyd Co Georgia and being on the cor ?c --of Fourth avenue and E st Third street and f-onting 132 feet more or lees on Fourth avenue, being the property deeded to Mrs S H A \V<>r<i by Mrs. Kila Murphey on e 20th day of July 1895. A so a le undivided twentieth interest in lo's of laud 233 »ll in the 4th District and 4ih Section of or.ginb.liy Gherok > now Floyd ccuuty Georgia except I 5 acree of lot No 237 which was heretofore conveyed to Dr. L E Burkman and which is fully de scribed in his deed and cf wh’ch his grantees are now in possession. The above described property con taining in all 455 acree more or less with all and singular the im proveme; ;s thereunto pertaining. Levi on by virtue of an attach ment fi fa issued from Floyd city court in favor of Levy &• Dreyfus Co vs Mrs N L Johnsen as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place parts of lots of land Nos 257 and 258 in the 23rq District and 3rd Section of Floyd county Gevigia containing 4«xcres more'or less, i id land having been bought by Harrison Dai'iel fr<m Alber Ter hune. Said land beiny levied on and to be sold sul ject to a mort gage given by Harrison Da liel t • R G Clark dated 1 Dh of December 1895. Also levied on GOO pounds of cotton seed more or less, in the house, 15 acres more or less in the field ungathered, one bay mare mule about 7 years old named Kate, one black horse mule about ,10 years old named Jack. Levied I on by virtue of a fi fa issued from Fk yd city, court in favor of R G Clark transferee against Harri son Daniel maker and L B Reyn nolds endorser as the property of Harrison Danielone of the defend ant. Also at the samg time and place all that tract or parcel of land lying »nd being in the 23rd Dis trict and 3rd Section of said s ate and county being particularly de scribed as so lows; | acre off of laud lot No 283 situated in said district and section and being in the FifJi ward of the city of Rome on Bmff street and bounded on the No; th y the property of Cilla Young, East by Line street, South by the property es Homer Rawles,West by Bluff Street, Said lot being the same deeded to me by Advline Rawles by deed dated June the sth 1893. Levied on by virtue of a naorlgage fi fa issued from the justice court of the 919tb district G M in favor of M N West transferee vs Jim Rawles as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and p’ace one gray mare about 10 years old named Kate, one sorrel mare colt about 20 months old, oue second hand epen top buggy and harness Levied on by 7 virtue of a fi fa issued from Floyd city court in favor of N,Dietzen & Bros vs G F I P Walters as the property of the defendant. A l?n at the same time ond place the foLowing tract of laud lying in said county, being 40 acres < f If 1 (I lot No 143 in the 23rd dis trict and 3rd section. Levied on by vir.ue of a mortgage fi fa i®»oi d , from Floyd superior court in favor |of Jas Doug a- Co ve Elizabeth r Lu.npkiu and John H Lumpkin as : tne property if the defendants. Algo at the Rime time and place 1 fo.ty acres of land moie or less, the same being the northeasi - quarter of lot f laud No. 143, < 23rd dis'net and 3rd section Floyd county Ga. Levied on by virtue < f . a mortgage fi fa issued from Floyd superior court in favoi of M W Brett vs. John H Lumpkin and [j Elizabeth Lumpkin as the proper- ■ ly of the defendants. Also at the same time and place ( 'and lots Nos. 163 and 164 : n the I 15th diet, and 4th sect. Floyd . county Ga. containing 160 acres each more or Dss. Levied on by 5 virtue c." a fi fa is ued from Floyd . cily court in favor of Chas D Wood vs R B McArver as (he ( property of the defendant. Also at the same time and p'ece all that tract or parcel of land • situated lying and being in the C'ty of Rome bounded as fallows; Ccmmenc’ng on upper end of ‘ Broad street and running pack 75 Let, commencing at a point cn Broad stree.t and thence across ■ fifty three feet making a triangle, it being a portion of lot No, 3 ‘as surveyed by Hi!! to Lula Daniel and Porter. Levied on by virtue cf a Justice’e court fi fa issued from the justice couit of the9l9th district G. M. in favor of J A Bale, transferee vs. E Porter the property i f the defend? nt. Also at the same time and place Three town lots in T.mbuctoo. a svbivbof Rome designated as Ncs 12, 13 a id 14 according to map pL i and survey of Flowers sub 1 - \ on of pa r c of Timbuctoo. Lot 12 iron ® 51 feet on Ca'houn avenue, ,uns back to a rear line forty-five feet long between tt\o straight line®, one measures 188 fset, the other 295 feet. Lot 13 fronts 51 feet on Calhoun avenue, runs b "k to are line 45 feet long between two linos, one measures 205 “et the otuer 220 r e‘. Lot 11 fronts 79 feet on Ca'i ou j avenue, runs back between two straignt Inns -o a rea-' ! : ne 5' ’ feet lo* g.One measur e? 2 r t, ar<d ths other 250 ft. Sa d les s uated at co. ner < f Caliiouu avenue and Sir dey street it form one tract and are fu ll / described u a map of s?.id subdivision re jcorJed in book “O O’’ of deeds, -co'ds ft d. Levied on by v.rtne of just ce Cud tfi fa-from the 90) district G .in fwor of B M Park vs M E 1 loue property of the detend rut. Levy made Oct, 6, 1893, by ■ R II Cc peland L C. Also at the same 'ime and place ilev.ed the within fi fa o.i ?il that tract o* parcel of land lying in the town of East Rome Floyd ccunty Ga., and particularly described as lot No 7in bLck U W’’ of Eas’ ■ as by Hand’s map, f-ont i ou Brook street 75 feet and rut ning back same width 250 f< :t to an alley as shown on said map bei. g same lot deeded by S Funk h'Hisei, receiver of East Rome Town Co., to A B Montgomery on March 9th 189-1. Also the North east half of lot of land No 268 in the fourth districtand 4th Section of Floyd countyGeurg'a, bein' all that part <f said lot lyu g North and East of a straight 1 ne d r awn from the South Southeast to the Northwest corn r < f su'd lot con> taining 80 acres more 0 7 1 ss. Also 1| acres off if h t No 270 in the 4th Distr tt and 4th Section of Floyd cou ty as de er.bed in a dfed frbm C M Marsha! to, A B Montgomery dated Nov 11th 1881 and rec' rded in book “E E ” of deeds Floyd superior c urt on page 508. AU levied <D as the property of the defendant. Point ed out by plaintiffs attorney. This Oct. sth 1898. By virtue of a Su perior court H fa in fivor of R D Van Dyke vs A B Moi tgomery, Also at the same time and plac? 1 dun color d ox, I rea ox, 2 log drays and one broken down wag- Levied on by virtue of a mort gage ti fa issued from Floyd Su perior court in favor of R D Van Dyke vs J F Maples as the piorerty of the d fendant. Also at the the time and place <ne national cash register No 29181. Levied on by virtue of a cost fi fa issned from Floyd Su* perior court in favor of J T Crouch & Co for use of officers of Floyd Superior court against the State Savings bank of Geor gia as the property of the defend ant. Also nt the same time and place all that tract cr parcel of land I lying and being in the Fourth ward of the city of Rome Flovd county Ga., fronting n Second street 50 feet and r lin . n ng back the same width Jso f t , t bounded on the East by lot () f j W Lancaster, o|i the North Bnt ] M est by proper v of T B Veasey •t being the lot whereon the de fendant no.v resides. Leva d on as the property of W S Richa’d? one of the defendants, property nroyerty pointed out. ny plain t ff. Levied < n by vir ue of n fi fa issned from the justice court of the 919 District G M Floyd countv Ga.,in favor of Hal Wr ght v? W S Richards maker and W p McLeod endmser. as the prone tv of W S Richards . About the same time and place that tract or parcel of land in the city of Rome Georgia, hounded on the No th by the Corpora e limit, of said c>ly, on the East by street runn ng Northwesterly from Wejt First street to the cor porats lim't» of said city Ba id street being unnamed, but next Ea.t from Ninth avi nue. on the South by the prop rty lately deeded by S S to the M< r. chants National Bank of Rone Ceotgia the South boundary proceeding from the Smthue-t corner of said bank’s pr< p *it yto and along the Noith sub of North Boundary street to a point >.pp o . site the East side of the old cenj. etary, tbenc? to the Southeast corner of said cemetery, thenc« aLng toe Ea«t side of said ceme tery to the North East corner, thenci along t e North side of said cemetery to King’s street and thence Northerly a ong said King’s street to the corporate limits of said city, the North boundary Ine of the property b viul on excepting a lot flouting on N< rth Bonn lary street 210 f->et and running back the same width 210 feet, conveyid to J P Griffin by Hugh Brown on July 9th 1869. Levied on by virtue of a fi fu is sued from theJust’ce court of the 1919 District G M of Fl »yj county in favor of Rhudy Har &, Co., a.ainst Mr? E P Turnley as the piopeity < f th defendant . Levy made by Hur ce Copeland, L C. Also at the same time am] place, the following described property towit :that tract of land in the Fourth Ward of the city of Rome, FloydCo,, Ga., known as p irtof lot No 51 in block“B’ ? of Mitchell’s survey of the town of Desoto, fronting 35 feet on avenue B,(formerly Spruce St,) and running back same width 140 feet. Bounded on the North by lot No. 62, on the East by avenue B, South and West by the propert yknown as the W. P. McLeod property. This is part of the property described in the annexed execution, and where J. A. Buffiington now re-* sides. Levied on by virtue of a Superior court fi fa 111 favor of tin Rome Mutual Loan Associa tion, transferee vs \V. P. Me la 'od, as the property of the de fendant. J. I’. McConnell, Sheriff. <— ■ ■ 1 ■"" ■ ■l* II ■ ■— ■■ ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Pursuant to an order of the court of ordinary, granted at the October teim, 1893, will be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome Floyd county Ga., on the fust .Tuesday in No vember next the following prop erty towit: all that tract or par cel of land, situated, lying mid being in the city of Rome, Ga., county of Fioyd, on the North boundary street and described as foil w’s : commencing at the Northern corner ol the Moore lot on said street and running thence in a Northerly direction along said street 53 feet to the lot sold by bond for title to Luke McDonald bv John J. Seay on Sept. Islh 1888, thence back same width 126 feet, more or less. Sold as the property of Mrs. Sarah B. Ciiidsey, deceas ed. Terms of sale cash. Geo. F. Ciiidsey, administrator of Mrs. Sarah B. Chidsey, de ceased. TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM. Effectually yet gently, when costive or billions, or when the blood is impure or slauggish, to permanently overcome habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them to dispel Imad aches, colds, or fever, use Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by Jto California Fig Syrup C ) _