The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 10, 1898, Image 8

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I BUSINESS REOPENS! And it will be for business from the shoulder henceforward till we close out and leave I retailing. Make a cross-mark here and when you want to buy i nvthing in our line come to I our new store and get the value of nearly two dollars for an hund ied cents. Our own great I stock plus the Kane superb stock, adding our receut choice sekct : ons to fill in the broken I condition of the assortment finds us today with the largest stock of merchan- I dise to be found in all North Georgia. Come to see ns, I — FOSTER'S KID GLOVES FREE! I t I During the next three days we will give to each lady who buys from us as much as I $5.0« worth of goods in any department of the store, or in airdepanments, a pair of Fos- I ter’s best dollar gloves. Failng to have in stock your exact size and shade desired, we I shall order at once those wanted from the factory. Foster s gloves are the best. We I sell you the goods lower than they can be bought elsewhere, and the gloves thus gratis. I BASSBROS&CO! • JURIES DRAWN- Judge W. W. Henry Called. Appearance Docket. THE NEXT GRAND JURY • And Five Traverse Juries Drawn Today Judge W. M. Henry met the Rome bar this morning at the courthouse and proceeded to call the appearance docket, af ter which he drew two traverse juries for the November adjourn ed term and a grand jury aud three traverse juries for the January term. The juries drawn are as follows: NOVEMBER 14tH. L W Ware WII White, N C J J Holloway W M Griffin J W Clinton RII Moore E P Harvey C T Creighton W HMitchell TN Smith,waiters H J McKenzie J W I jancaster A J Carver Soloman Everett K A George L T Thomas S Z Lynch W P Barnes J L Hardin Robt McKinney W M White N F Powers Park M Kellett J W Salmon Asa Avery John F Hall F B Huffaker Geo W Witcher Joe Glover II Abromson Jether Bridges E*R Cousins E E Holder JM M ontgomery James Lary A W Ledbetter. NOVEMBER 21ST. G R Ennis W W Williams W T Jones Jerry T Waits E Dodd T D Woodard Price J M Bradshaw C Milam G R Pressley L Lytle L O Bagwell M W Brett 8 J Pledger W A Calo G P Freeman I T Penn S S Johnson N T White JII Davis, lex. V | Geo W Ezzell E W Bryan jW C Ezzell J M Brauda J B Salmon P ACato C J Price V T Wood A H Morris E E Lanham GII Miller W W Kidd N G Watson J M Lindsay J A Baines Claud Wardlaw GRAND JURY JANUARY TERM THIRD MONDAY IN JANUARY. IG B Holder W H Terry J L Touchstone F W (Quarles, Jr J E Kennebrew G A Slaton Alfred Johnson F A Chapman W G Moore R D Van Dyke C D Wood J II Lanham C E Gaines Jabe Hendrix W A Long, N. C. J G Pollock Lewis Reynolds A B McArver J Z Lynch Ishmael Broom , Richard Paris J C Miller W F Burk J L Webb John C Eve J Scott Davis H A Powers Geo A Gray |G W Fleetwood J M Lindsay TRAVERSE JURIES. THIRD MONDAY IN JANUARY 1899 Isaac Taut J W Burns, T V i|W F Ayer M P Conaway T R Talley I G Espey W M Towers C R Lipham C W Terry Eli II Harrison J P Earle, Jr RC Hudgins W F Gaines J N Hooper R C Garrison J S W I Taylor J A Metcaff ' J L Pyle J C Garlington Tom Wright TB Broach RJ McCollum W G Maitland J P Bowie II A Moseley , B T Haynes J M Fincher J H J Hine E J Esserman J II Carver I Williams W W Watters J R Cowan, Sr. J M Dodd W M Hardin SECOND V EEK, JANUARY ZTHall W II Orr M E Carney J N Whitehead W R Pledger JII Reynolds flngraM f I LITHIA :l; I Wateß I 45 BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, \»/ For Sale at Soda Founts of: >6 CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, J. W T.Crouch and Jervis&Wright. J J Redmond P B Harbour J W Evans R Barnes P B Smith E D Flemister J H Tripp W M Gammon R A Deason T F E Bryant J B Huffman J 0 Sampson J M Proctor G W Sharp W B Rakestraw W S Barnett N C Landers C M Young J A Buffington 'PE Watson W N Horton W E Hardin C II Mills J W Mills W C Yarbrough T J Glenn J W Webb J F Touchstone THIRD WEEK, JANUARY J H Harris H T Moore Ata Chapman G S Wallin J B Bridges J M Wimpee C L Giles W B Floyd C L Bryant A I) Hardin Howard C Rush W P Simpson J M Andrews A T Hooper W II Collins R A Aaron F L Miller(E S) L W Palen J R Johnson M F Allen T W Taylor J W Mathis G N Jackson LD B Aycock J D Adame G II Rawlins J J Wiggins • J B Tippin W A Tedder W W Hume Geo A Wiggins W J Elrod M J Kerr C E Mclntyre P L Baxter W L Graves R L Williams T W Scott These are the first juries drawn since the jury commissioners re vised the jury boxes. A GENTLE NOTICE. Wishing to close up my old business of Crouch & Watson, also of J. T. Crouch & Co. I must insist that all parties in debted to either firm must cal and settle, or the accounts wil be placed in the hands of a col lector with instructions to col lect. Respectfully, J. T. Crouch. Headquarters for pure Drugs Prescriptions and Toilet Ar tides. Read my Sunday Add. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. C*o4*e**>4 Mhtdalo la Effect July 6, 1888. No. io 1 No H CT f’hiu I’wwci | fl. 30am; 7 i-iynj 'lb. lOptn Lr Dalton 7.51 um 8 42pm 13. Warn Ar Rom*.. S.ftkun 9.4l>juni 1.44 am Ar Allans 14.40 am li.sopxn[ - i'arn Atlanta * A.JOtonjll ai’ptui oTium Ar Mac'm 7.lopm' 2 JOaw S.SVatn Ar 45*,: 2.88 pm Ar Ar JookaoyW* ......... ■ _____ » 49um' 9*spm uToiam 4.36 pm Ar Jacksonville.,,,.... ______ I ocyrufto. 15pm tiTfiverett 730 am 30pm Ar Bnuuvrlck • •• • • 1 8.30-im' 4’>pm - No 10 esriluM I’ufiman Sle«ptnt Car Cbav | iMiooga to Attaata. . No. 14 carrle- Pulla-an Blooping < 'ar and Day ; Saaclbos Chattanooga '« Jackaonvtlle and a£ Iwata to Brunswick j No I carries Pullma- Sleeping Car Chatta- I iio-nja to Atlanta. rrlfWA pto 13 No 9 [No K i tv Atlanta 4 Yam' 40 pm ? voatn Ar Rome 6 3Oarn i.i-rnn i<. *)am 1 Ar Dalton 7 2j..m 7.!tsm Ar Chattanooga t>4o rr> 8. Iptr. I.Ovptn , t>» ChMtauooga AnAaru B.lopm Ar Bargin .... Ar IxixlnetOß MQpm 4 50am Ar L»uirrtlle 7 Mpm 1 7.soats j Cincinnati "jlUpm T.V 'him TSprni L lfcm 1 «spm :hf Naahrillti . 6,.‘>s|>m; A4<h>(n. 6Asp«i No O oorrie PulJmjm Sleeping Car Atlanta k>Cho*ano >ga aa4 Chatlano .ro to Cinoianati. No. 8 oarriex Ptillman Hlooplng Car Atlanta to Ctnotnnatl and Chattanooga to Ucmlavllle. ATaTtoxs. No. 4. | NO.J2 No. 11 t»V Chattanooga 8 i mtn’ T lituin fj jt/pm i Knoarillo 11 'mm lldam I Ar MorrUto»ttjipm ». AOatn xssam Ar Hot Spring* 3 I.lpm t 400 am Ar Aaberllle 4.»jpaa I lh(>ro 5.10 am Ar Salisbury t »o]>m 9.gtr Jm Ar Orveneboro .... 9.82 pm 12.10; rn Ar Haleljh. I.4‘K.m 123 pen lr_Norfoik t .„. ........ 7.4 am, tV?a hirwion.... .?[ ... .’7 «15tm TSSpm New York | 12.42 pm A2Um Mh, iFcarritw Pnllman firawi 'Y m Sleep ing Car Chattanooga to Nest York ria Aeho rlllo sod SalHbiirr to Rleh-riond arriving iUeh mond 6.40 a m Jiso Pullman Sleep:ng Car Greensboro to NorfiWk No 16 In nolld train Cliattano >*3 to Salis bury. With Pultmap Sleep!,u Car GhuUaa.xKa so and Salisbury a. New York with out change "Jatloxs. <■74 _7_ No _ T ftiattnnoova . '.pin B.l'am Ar KuoxviUe 8 Gpin 11 Mum Ar Morriatuwn 2.l wim I 2ipm * r 7 uoutn 3.56 pm Ar Wartslrurton I 7.4oarn Ar New York . 1 1.20 pm No. 4 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga bo Washln/tm and C’battan oga to New York without ehang* No 4 carrigs Pulltnau Sleeping Car Knox rlUo to Bri t<rt L¥ tbome f Ar Atyiirton U.2lam Ar Birmingham 10.00 pm Ar Selma t.sftpm lAw Mbridian 730 pm As New Orleans KUOatn r 9 4&m Ar Vlckabura 11 Ram Ar Shreropott..... T.eopm 7Wa * I |>to. » J stSi. liiiNo. 14 TSopnirttop m r l.rTti>mo ar I NmrtF 8.56 am 1 A4gpm t.FfpmsAr Gad den ar AtOam 1 UOfri 7, loymlAr Attalla, hr Jk 46«a, Catom 7 Dally oxeopt Sunday | Puaday only. r B.OANNON.Mv r A o ■..Waahingbea, D.Q J. M CULP Traf. Mgr.. Wa«Magtoa D. 0. W A. TURK Q P A.. Waaktegbea. DO • 71 A. BENAOOTWH. » e ».a..Ohabtaanaea.To»a The “crushed belt” is the newest fad. See them at Mrs. A. O. Garr arde. I FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Giddiness, Fulness after meals. Head iche. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite. Costiveness. blotches on the Skin, Cold Chills, Dis tu’bed Sleep, Frightful Dreams and nil N rvous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEI IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferei v, ill acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. HERCHAN’N PILLS, taken as direct ed, will quickly rsiore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem an<l cm e Ni«-k Headache. Fur u Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And have tba LARGEST SALE bfany Patent Medicine In tha Murid. 25e. at all Drug Stores. I Beware of Imitations x I JOHN DUNCAN’b »OH«, AM«T«, ««W V4B»- .— r Starke, The Tailor Mr. b. M. Starke the popular tailor i« now open for orders and ready for business in his new business home next door to Wooten’s drug store in the Clark building. Mr. Starke Las a splendid line of new seaso" goods and invites you to call a'id see him and them. > ■ —. -I- IT i ■ ' / kA. / hMt T«<<' Z| • L il*' * .crar* ,J