The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 12, 1898, Image 2

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I PEBSONfL MfNNOIT. |q' . I(| Drink Ingram Lithia freely ■ r indigestion. Judge J. H. Rice, of Rices i >rings, was iu the city t >day. Mise Ellen Hillyer. of Atlanta, I the gu*-8t of Miss Julia Bayard, 1 • Judge Branbnn in s returned , om a business i r q> io the Gate I I'. ! r ty ' i I; Do you know that Ingram f athia water is splendid for eething babies? Mr. J. L. White, of Chattanoo ;a, was here last night and thia orenoou.'. ' The prettiest display of them -i ill is the fall opening at Mrs. Jarrards. i| The “crushed belt” is the newest fad. See them at Mrs. A. O. Garr* ards. Fancy new seeded Raisins, Currants and Citron at Lloyd & Harper’s. Prices to sell quick. Join the crowds and go to , Lanham’s new store for the greatest bargains in new goods. Little Miss Louise Cantrell is recovering frcm the operation for appendicitis, performed a few days ago. Kuttner’s cost mark catches the crowd and Kuttuer’s bargains are being caught by the economic buyer. Everything new at Lanham’s Broad street store. Goods fresh from market and at bargain prices. If you don’t believe thatadver tising pays, just go to Kuttner’s ami see the throngs of eager bargain seekers. Mr. W. A. Thompson, the well known machinery man, who trav* els out of Atlanta was at the Cen tral this forenoon. The campaign waxes warm, and J. Kuttner with his tremen dous stock and reserve stock of bargains is leading the van. ( Kuttner’s bargain figures have knocked competitors out. The big sale is on and the crush at the Kuttner emporium is grow ing. A large and tempting line of new cereals, breakfast foods, buckwheat, cocoa, etc., at Lloyd & Harper’s Also new pigs-feet, fat mackerel, fresh country and creamery butter, fresh fruits, etc. Dr. R. B, Headden, the beloved pastor of the First Baptist, is in Trion today Dr. Headden pro nounced the ceremony which uni ted Mr. John Ashley Jones and Miss Maud Allgood, King man and wife, at Mrs, King’s Trion resi dence today. Remember Mrs. Garrard makes millinery her sole business. She always secures the prettiest hats in the market and supplies Rome with the most of the prettiest headwear seen in the city. v< I Jv \ >7/ ILF rT U ‘J We are just receiving the handsomest and most complete line of furniture of all kinds ev er brought to the city. Within the next few weeks our store will be packed full of the newest up-to-date goods—and we "pro pose to sell them at astonishing low prices. See us before you buy any thing in the furniture line. Rhudy, Harvey & Co.. fey Ivy Was in a Dreadful Condition Happened to Road a Similar Case- tho G.har lean’s Example and Was Cured. The following incident i« it 1 ven bj \ Chariot, Morris, general jobber,s2 L< xiii'»- ton Avenue, North Cambridge, Maas.: “Several years ago I became poisoned by ivy. 1 tried many medicines, upending a large sum of money without obtaining a particle of good. My children v.erc also afflicted with the same di»eaao. Wc were all constant sufferers with an awful itching sensation, and it seemed us if 1 should tear myself to pieces. I picked up a paper in which I found printed a testimonial from a man in Vermont w ho had been similarly afflicted and had taken Hood’s Sarsaparilla with benefit. I bought a bottle, which we took and it did Me and My Children so much good I purchased another supply. We continued taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla until we used five bottles and I can safely say that neither myself nor children have any signs of the poison. It has en tirely left us and we are perfectly cured. We give the whole credit to Hood’s Barta parilla. Before resorbing to this medicine f was reduced in weight, but now I iveigh 175 pounds. Hood's Sarsaparilla lias not only done much good but baa been the means of saving me a great deal >f money. I would not be without it In mv house and I heartily recommend ,t to all who are afflicted. 1 have writ _en this statement for publication, of my own will, as I want others to know what food’s Sarsaparilla las done for us.” Charles Mohkis. HaaX’s onia are the only pills to take ClOOtl S i 1 iIS with Hood's Sarsaparilla Go to the Gomez case, next door to the Armstrong, for the finest oysters on the market—or for anything else that’s good to eat. Genuine Scotch White Oats at Lloyd & Harper’s. Also Bear Brand Breakfast Food, Quaker Oats and other breakfast foods, Postum Cereal, etc. SJ .■.'F.L-LAL!—!_■* BRID 3 GETS A FORTUNE Will Spznd It To Bur Comforts For Husband’s Company, New York, Oct. 12. —Mrs, Alma K Laurent, of South Fifth street, Brooklyn, the 18-year-fld bride of a private in the Forty-seventh Regiment, is heiress to SIO,OOO, left to her by a cousin, Miss Cissy Barr, wh ’ ii jJ last weik iu B ilti niore.Sid will now supply her husband and his company the lit tle things which she know* that they will need in Porto Rico. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Broun Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q on each tablet. YOUNG JESSE. JAMES Son Os Noted Outlaw Spirited Away By police, Kansas , City, Mo., Oct. 12. Jesse James, Jr., sou of the noto rious bandit Jesse James Missouris pioneer train robber, was taken from his cigar stand in the county courthouse by this even ! ing and is being secreted by the authorities. Jesse James, Jr., has been under surveil’ance since the last of the many train robberies in the out skirts of Kansas City. This was the robbery of a Missouri express train near Leeds on September 24 th. Late last night it became known that the police also had in custody Bill Ryan, one of the notorious members of the old James gang A GENTLE NOTICE. Wishing to close up my old business of Crouch A Watson, also of J, T. Crouch & Co. I must insist that all parties in debted to either firm must cal and settle, or tLe accounts wil be placed iu the hands of a col lector with instructions to col lect. Respectfully, J. T. Crouch. Headquarters for pure Drugs Prescriptions and Toilet Ar tides, Read my Sunday Add. AN AGED COUPLE WED Gro m 86 Years Ami Bride 75, An Aunt Ok Admiral Dewey. Bergin, Ky., Oct 13.—Josiah Razor is a beppy groom of 86 years. His blushing bride whs Mrs Mar tha Eddins, aged 75, who was at one time the wife of a Mr. Dewey. hii uncle of Admiral Dewey, the hero of Manila Bay, This quaint old coupie were married here to day . Mr and Mrs Razor were lovers 63 years ago, and although the bi ide has three limes since exper ienced the deliciousness ot a hon ey-moon, her cavalier has remain ed faithful true. Many decad es ago, when Josiah was a strap* ping youth, and Martha was a miss just entering her teens, he begged her to be the sunlight of his home, She declined, and married a young man named Dewey, son of a prominent Kentucky planter. Razor was undaunted. He waited until the first, second and third husbands of his lady love had passed away, and then recognizing that he and Martha both were passing into the sere and yellow leaf, he again renewed his suit, with the success already referred to. Razor served through the Mex ican and Civil wars, and wanted to enlist in the recent conflict with Spain, but h’s age debarred him. GIRL’S TERRIBLE DEATH Cauht In Machiaery And Her Necx And Back Broken, Coatesville, Pa., Oct 12. —Maud Small, the 11-year-old daughter of William Small, of this place, met with an awful death last night. The little girl went to her father’s mill at Bpringdale and while walk ing about the machinery her dress became caught in a large wheel, dragging her to wards the rollers. Her neck and back were broken and one leg and an arm taken off before help arrived BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, biuiese sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction oi money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salu by Curry Ar ngton Co. TREASURE NOT FOUND r Equally Baseless Is The Report That The Sidar Will Reshin, Cairo, Oct. 12.—The report that the treasure of the Khalifa, valued at £10,000,000 ($5 000,000 J had been found aud was being for warded to Cairo is without founda tion. Equally baseless is the report that General Kitchener will resign the Sidarship. TAX NOTICE. The last half of tax for 1898 is now due the city of Rome. All persons owing taxes are hereby notified to call at the Clerk’s of fice at the city hall and settle. Sept. 16 th 1898. Halsted Smith, Clerk Council. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Pursuant to an order of the court of ordinary, granted at the October term 1898, will be sold between the legal hours of sa'e in front of the court house door in the city of Rome, Floyd county Georgia, on Jthe first Tuesday m November, the following real es tate in Floyd county, towit:— South half ot lot or tract of land No. 51 in the 23rd District and 3rd S°ction c£ Floyd county Ga. . con taining 30 acres more or less. Bounded on the North by a line running through said tract of land and marked by Wm. A. Moore, coun'y surveyor, except 15 or 20 acres heretofore sold off by George Shirley while in life Sold as the property of George Shirley, deceased. Terms cash. J. R. Ccwan. Administrator of George Shirley, deceased. SIIEMFf SUES WMMIW. OEORGtA FLOYD COUNTY H ill be sold before the court house door in the city of Romo, Floyd Co. Ga. between the b-gal hours of sale, on the first Tuerdny iu November 1898 the following described property to wit: Six acres of land more or lees situated aonut a mile from the city of Rome Georgia and being a part of land lot No 235 in 23rd District and 3rd Section of Floyd county known as the Mrs. Dora R Hidell home place and being iu the cor* ner of Broad and Hall streets. Bounded by Broad and Hall Sts, by the property of G J Dykes and by the property of the R D Harvey estate, and property hereby levied upon being specifically described in a deed of Robt D Harvey to Mrs Dora R Hided and iu the deed of Robt Harvey as trustee f r his wife and children to Mrs Dora R Hidell which two deeds are of rec rd in the clerk’a office of Floyd Superior court in book “E E” of deeds, pages 609-10 Hand 12'said deeds bearing date the 25th of No vember 1884. That portion of said property however which is de scribed in the deed of Dora Hidell to Hanna Jonas dated March 14th 1889 which deed is recorded in the clerk’s office of Floyd Superior court in book “N N” of deeds pages 220 and 221 is hereby ex cepted, said exception portion be ing the house and lot carved out of the above levied property front ing on Hall street now owned by Mrs EugeniaVSlaton.Levied on by virtue of a fi fa issued from Floyd city court in favor of A R Flem* ing vs W II Hidell and Dora Hi dell as the property of the defend ants . Also at the same time and place one undivided fourth interest in city lot No 48 in the Etowah Di vision of the city of Rome Floyd Co Georgia and being on the corner of Fourth avenue and E <st Third street and f onting 132 feet more or less on F urth avenue, being the property deeded to Mrs H S A W<>rd by Mrs. EllaH Murphey on the 2-Jth day of July 1895. A'so a ope undivided twentieth interest in lo's of land 233 .11 in the 4th District and 4th Section of originally Cherokee now Floyd ccuu'y Georgia except 25 acree of lot No 287 which was heretofore conveyed to Dr. L E Burkman and which is fully de scribed in his deed and cf which his grantees are now in possession. The above described property con taining in all 455 acree more or less with all and singular the ini J provements thereunto pertaining, i Levied on by virtue of an attach ment fi fa issued from Floyd city court in favor of Lev’’ & Dreyfus Co vs Mrs N L Johnson as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place parts of lots of land Nos 257 and 258 in tbe 23rq District and 3rd Section of F oyd county Geuigia containing 48 acres more or less, said land having been bought by Harrison Daniel from Alber Ter hune, Said land being levied on aud to be sold sul ject to a mort gage given by Harrison Daniel to R G Clark dated 1-Rn of December 1895 Also levied on 6l)0 pounds of seed cotton more or lees, in the house, 15 acres more or less in the field ungathered, one bay mare mule about 7 years old named Kate, one black horse mule about 10 years old named Jack. Levied on by vir’ue of a fi fa issued from F oyd city. c< urt in favor of R G Clark transferee against Harri son Daniel maker and L B Reyn nolds endo ser as the property of Harrison Danielone of the defend ant. Also at the same time and place all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 23rd Dis trict and 3rd Section of said s’ate and county being particularly de scribed as follows; j acre off of land lot No 283 situated in said district and section and being in the Fif h ward of the city of Rome on B uff street and bounded on the North y the property ts Cilla Young, East by Line street, S >uth by the property es Homer Rawles,West by Bluff street, Said lot being the same deeded to me by Advline Rawles by deed dated June the s'h 1893. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from the justice court of the 91‘Jth district G M in favor of M N West transferree vs Jim Rawles as the property of the defendant. ALo at the same time and place one grav mare about 10 years old named Kate, one sorrel mare colt about 20 months old, one second hand open top buggy and harness Levied on by virtue of a fi fa issued from Floyd city court in favor of N Dietzen <Si Broe.vs G F ‘ P Watters as the property of th-* defendant. Also at the same time end placj the fol.owing tract of land lying in said county, being 40 acres of land lot No 143 in the 23rd dis trict and 3rd section. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from Floyd superior court in favor of Jas Dmigla- & Co vs Elizabeth Lumpkin and John H Lumpkin as the property of the defendants. Also at the same time and place forty acres of land more or less, the same being the northeast quarter of let f land No. 143, 23rd dial net and 3rd section Floyd county Ga. Levied on by virtue t f a mortgage fi fa issued from Floyd aupeiinr court in favor of M W Brett vs. John H Lumpkin and Elizabeth Lumpkin as the proper ty of tbe defendants. Also at the same time and place ’and lots Nos. 163 and 164 in the 15tt dist. and 4th sect. Fioyd county Ga . containing 160 acres each more or less. Levied on by virtue of a fi fa issued from Floyd city court in favor of Chas D Wood vs R B McArver as the property of the defendant: Also at the same time and p’ace all that tract or parcel of land situated lying and being in the city of Rome bounded as f illows: Commencing on upper end of Broad street and running pack 75 feet, commencing ar a point on Broad street and thence across fifty three feet making a triangle, it being a p ution of lot No, 3 *as conveyed by Hill to Lula Daniel and Porter. Levied on by virtue cf a Justice’e coUi t fi fa issued from the justice court of the9l9th district G. M. in favor of J A Bale, transferee vs. E Porter as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time aud place Three town lots in Timbuctoo. a sul nrb of Rome designated as Nos 12, 13 and 14 according to map plan and survey of Flowers subdi vision of part of Timbuctoo. Lot 12 fronts 51 feet on Calhoun avei.ue, runs back to a rear line forty-five feet long between two straight line®, one measures 188 feet, the other 205 feet. Lot 13 fronts 51 feet on Calhoun avenue, runs back to a rear line 45 feet long between two linis, onemiastues 205 feet the other 220 f et. Lot 14 fronts 79 seer. on Ca'houn avenue, rune back between two st’aignt litus to a rear line 50 feet lung. One nn-aeur ' es 220 ft, and the other 250 ft. Said | lots situated at corner cf Calhoun i avenue and Shiebley street & form one tract and are fully described in a map of said subdivision re corded in boik “O O” of deeds, records at page 380 in Clerk's of ce. Levied on by virtue of justice court fi fa from the 919 district G Min favor of B M Park vs M E Flowers,as property of the defend anti. Levy made Oct. 6, 1898, by R II Ccpeknd L C. Also at the same 'imo and place levied the within fi fa on ail that tract or parcel of land lying in the town of East Rome Floyd ccunty Ga., and particularly described as lot No 7in block “W” of East Rome as by Hand’s map, front ing on Brock street 75 feet and running back same width 250 fe :t to an alley as shown on said map being same lot deeded by S Funk houser, receiver of Eai-t Rome Town Co., to A B Montgomery on i March 9th 1894. Also the North east half of 10l of land N 0268 in the fourth districtand 4ih Section of Floyd countyGeurgia, being all that part < f said lot lyn g North and East of a straight line drawn from the South Southeast to the Northwest corner • f said lot con* tainii g 80 acn-s more or 1 ss. Also Q acres off cf lot No 270 in the 4th District and 4th Section of Floyd cou ty as de Cm bed in a deed from C M Marshal to A B Montgomery dated Nov 11th 1884 and recorded in book “E E ” of deeds Floyd superior c >urt on page 508. All levied teas the property of the defendant. Point ed out by plaintiff's att rney. By virtue of a Su perior court fl fa in favor of R D Van Dyke vs A B Montgomery. Also at the same time and plac -1 dun color d ox, 1 red ox, 2 lag and one broken down wag. Levied on by virtue of a mort gage fi fa issued from Floyd Su perior court in favor of R D Van Dyke vs J F Maples as the piorerty of the d fendunt, Aho at the the time and place ine national oash register No 29181, Levied on by virtue of a cost ti fa issned from Floyd Su* perior court in favor of J T Crouch & Co for use of officers of Floyd Sdperior court against the State Savings bank of Geor* gia ss the property of the defend ant. Also nt the same time and place all that tract cr parcel of land lying and being in the Fourth , 1 1 w ard of the city of Rome Fl o vff county Ga., fronting U | Second street 50 feet and run , nmg buck the same width 150 feet ; bounded on the East by lot of J , W Lancaster, on the North and West by property of T B Veasey it being the lot whereon the <l’ fendant now resides Levied on as the properiy of W S Ficha*di one of the defendants, property proyerty point'd out by plain* t ff. levied (n by vir ue of B fi fa isamd from the justice curt of the 919 District G M Floyd county Ga ,in favor of Hal Wr ght vs W S Richards maker and W P McLeod endorser, as the prone tv of W S Richards . Al.-o nt the same time aud place that tract or parcel of land in the city ot Rome Georgia, hounded on the North by the Corpora'e limits of said city, on the East by street running Northwesterly from West First street to the cor porate lim'ts of said city said street being unnamed, but next Ea.t from Ninth avenue, on the South by the prop rty lately deeded by S S to the Mer, chants National Bank of Rone Georgia the South boundary I in proceeding from the Smthwot corner of said bank’s pr< p rty t > and along the Noit.h sid< of N< rih Boundary street to a point oppo site the East side of the old cem etary, thence to tbe Southeast corner of said cemetery, thenc« akng the Ea«t side of said ceme tery to the North East corner, thenc? along t e North side of said cemetery to King’s street and thence Northerly along said King’s street to the corporate limits of Ftiid city, the North boundary Ine of the property levied on excepting a lot fronting on North Bonn lary street 210 U?t and running back the same width 210 feet, conveyed to J P Griffin by Hugh Brjwn on July 9th 1869. Levied on by virtue of a fi fa is sued from the.lust’ce court of the 1919 District G M of Fl >yd county in favor of Rhudy Har dt Co , against Mrs E P Turnley as the property < f th. d-fendant . Levy made by Hur ce Copeland, L C. Also at the same time and place, the following described property towit :tliat tract of land in the Fourth Ward of the city of Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., known as partof lot No 61 in block“B’' of Mitchell’s survey of the town of Desoto, fronting 35 feet on avenue B,(formerly Spruce St,) aud running back same width 1 0 feet. Bounded on the North by lot No. 62, on the East by avenue B, South and West by the propert yknown as the W. P. McLeod property. This is part of the property described in the annexed execution, and where J. A. Buffiington now re sides. Levied on by virtue of a Superior court fi fa in favor of the Rome Mutual Loan Associa tion, transferee vs W. P. Mc- L> od, as the property of the de fendant. J. P. McCunnekl, Sheriff. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Pursuant to an order of the court of ordinary, granted at the October term, 1898, will be sold before the court iiouse door in the city of Rome Floyd county Ga., on the first Tuesday in No vember next the following prop erty towit: all that tract or par cel of land, situated, lying and being in the city of Rome, Ga., county of Fioyd, on the North boundary street and described as follows : commencing at the Northern corner of the Moore lot on said street and running thence in a Northerly direction along said street 53 teet to the lot sold by bond for title to Luke McDonald by John J. Seav on Sept. 15th 1888, thence back same width 126 feet, more or less. Sold as the property of Mrs. Sarah IL Chidsey, deceas ed. Terms of sale cash. Geo. F. Chidsey, administrator of Mrs. Sarah B. Chidsey, de ceased. TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM. Effectually yet gently, when costive or billions, or when the blood is impure or slauggish, to permanently overcome habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys /and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them to dispel head aches, cffllds. or fever, use Syrup of Figs, t Manufactured by the California Fig Sj rup C