The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 12, 1898, Image 8

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r MRS. CDNEDN COMES TC ROME! '1 We have much joy in announcing to our friends, in and out wav from Broad street. « I j of Rome, the coming of Mrs- L. Condon, of Atlanta. Her opening day will be Monday, October 17ch. All are cor- f . In this celebrated lady is all that stands for merit in her pro- dially invited. On and after which time she will be ready assist kA session. She is today the highest exponent of advanced photogra- W, | ed by Mr R . G Hu buer, a noted young photograoher of R .in ’ P l^’ —Equalled by but few. if any and excelled by none in all the A A , • , .. J e* P gPei oi Balti- wide land. • mole, lo make pictures for those who would have the highest I ’ Her studio in Rome will be in the elegantly appointed apart- grade of photographic work done. Her name is a guarantee of fy ** ments on the second floor of our new store, entrance by easy stair- the best, and if you wan the best call ana see her. L - W NOW A.S TO BASS We are now in our new store. We lost a month before get ing into it. We are determined to make it back Op prices will do it. Moody & Brewster, wholesale merchants cf Atlanta, failed--snerif? sold their immense stock nut-in lots. We were the only Rome merchants at the sale. We bought at a trifle. We’ll turn the bargains over to our hk tomers- We have an enormous stock of Fine Dress Goods and Silks in the latest imported Novelties and sortment of Laces, Lm broideries and Fancy Trimmings. Below are a few of the special bargains: ’ ‘' s ‘ z low cases Ladies’ l ast Black Hose 3c Two bales yard wide Drilling, worth Bc, at 5 C three cases Ladies last Black Seamless Hose 5c Three cases yard wide Bleached Domestic for Only 2 7-8. Two cases Ladies’ Fleece Lined Jersey Ribbed Vests 10c Ten Bales A A A Sheet rig, yard wide 2^ c Two cases Men’s full size and full length Undershirts 10c WT Three cases yard wide Percales, Fall styles 4^ c Three cases Men’s Heavy French Neck Undershirts 15c Two bales good f l ualit y Matress Ticking at 4^ c Two cases Men’s box 3c \ / Two cases Fall outing, the 8c quality at 5 C One case Men’s Seamless Sox 5c O‘ ie fuß case of reinnant White Lawns, well worth 15c, at 8c Two cases very heavy Drill Drawers, well worth 30c at 15c Two cases of g >od Bonnet and Dress Gihghatns at ’ 3 3-4 c One case Ladies’ Hemstitch Handkerchiefs; one case Men’s 2,000 Men’s all pure Linen Collars, five tor 25c Linen Finish Handkerchiefs, both at half price 3c 800 Men’s Fine Shirts, a little soiled, some of them worth ~ One case Men s Heavy Buckskin Shirts 25c $1.50, your choice for 3g c Are you in need of a suit of clothing? Will you require an Overcoat, a Macintosh, a pair of Pants, a C jat and Vest? Do you want a Hat? We II Fave you from 25 to 53 per cent on your purchases- Good Jeans pants 35c; Men’6 Stylish Capped Com f ne Shoes, 75C; Ladies India, Button, Foxed Vamp, Patent Tip Shoes, a'l sizes, at sOc Our prices on shoes beat the Jews and Gentiles alike. Our sl. OO Shoes are the best in America. V? l* nie ats a nd Bonnets, ga to our Millinery Department. Do not buy anywhere else if you care to save money. We repeat that we lost a month on account of bull hng our store, and that we are going to make it up. We have a world of goods which we bought at half prices and ’we can afford to let them go at half prices, and we shall let them go in Rome that way. We want your trade and we’ve knocked the bottom out of prices to get >t. Oilr prices are as low as 4-cent cotton Come to see us at our new store. uuuu "’ BASS BROS & CO. I OFFICIAL REPORT Os The Regular Meeting of The City Council QUARTERLY REPORTS Os The City Clerk, Marshall and Sexton. Council meeting Oct. 10, 1898. Present Hon. J. J. Seay, mayor, and Councilmen C. W. Morris, J, D. Turner, W. T. Jones, Walter Harris, D. B. Hamilton, Jr., B.T. Haynes, F. J. Kane and R. A Denny. The minutes of meeting of September 26th and 29th were read and confirmed.’ The appeal case of T. 0. Mc- Entire from the recorder’s court was continued until the next regular meeting. A petition of W. J. Gordon and others with reference to condition of street near his resi dence in the Fourth ward was read and the chairman of the street committee reported that the necessary work had been or dered. The 'petition of the Fenner Drug Co., for transfer of mer chant license of Frank Wright was granted; the former having bought out the latter. The following quarterly re ports of the city clerk, city mar shal and the sexton were read and received. Financial report of Halsted' Smith, clerk of council for sec ond quarter ending September 30, 1898. M«c’<l of real ty * personalty tax.... $10993.53 ” “ Bugincs* license 3189,25 I “ State school fund 1516.95 ' “ " Street tax. 134. oo I “ •• C. L. Kng sexton 228.00 “ “ Folic* tines «. 151.50 “ R. A. Penny relief fond 5.84 “ “ H, M. Smith. C. E. Bass grade 5.0 i “ •• H. Given St.ove»s<er 1.50 $16165.59 All of which I have turned over to the city treasurer and have his receipts therefor. Halsted Smith, Clerk of Council. Approved, B. T. Haynes, Ch. Fi. Com. MARSHALS QUARTERLY REPORT For July, August and Septem ber. ! City t'x collected $5504.12 Street tax 42.06 Police tines paid during the quarter... 151.50 I have turned the same over to Halsted Smith, city clerk, and hold his receipts for same. In addition to the above I have turned over to the street overseer police court prisoners who worked during the quarter upon the streets 164 days. The price paid by the street overseer per hand is eighty cents per day therefore makes $131.20 more; properly to be credited to the police department. J. B. Shropshire, City Marshal. Approved, B. T. Haynes, Ch. Fi. Com. 0ct..10, 1898. sexton’s STATEMENT Os quarter ending September 30, 1898. R ceived'or digging aves $30.00 ‘ Lols 134.00 Single gra e« 14.00 $228.00 C. L. Kin«, Sexton. Approved, B. T. Haynes, Ch. Fi. Com. The health committee was re quested to obtain from the city physician a quarterly report and present the same to counci’, An invitation was extended by the council to Major Porter and Capt. Homer of the 'U. S. Army to bring there soldiers to Rome and establish a camp at I IngraM j LITHIA % | Wateß I BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, \I7 For Sale at Soda Founts of: J CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, J. /I}}- UCrouch and Jervis&Wright. Rome. Ihe petition of the Vandiver Co. for license to sell liquor was ordered granted upon compli ance by the Vandiver Co. with the city ordinance upon the subject. Upon report of the city sexton the cemetery committee was au thorized to purchase 50 stone markers to be placed at the single graves, the cost of the markers not to cost more than 50c each. Matter of furnishing water to encampment of soldiers was re ferred to the mayor and water works commissicn with power to act. The city sexton reported that there were six interments in Myrtle Hill cemetery during the month of September, 4 whites and 2 colored. One white and one colored were non-residents. The quarterly report of the water commission was referred to the Finance committee. Financial statement of the ( clerk was read and the following accounts were passed and ordei ed paid : West & Griffin C’m’t’y Dept. . si.oo Cun eli Lumber Co '. •• *• 11.00 W.T. Jones •• >• ... 16 (0 Mrs. F.JK ng •< .. ... j OO N.C. &Bt. I Ry. ..Flr e .. ... 53 H. A. Smith Health “ ... .43 Rome Lighting C 0.... Gas & Light.“ ... c S 2 I3 J. Sam Veal Police “ ... 1.25 EHzt Turner “ «» g ( 0 E.E. Holder Pub. Bldg “ ... 50.09 J - K,l ‘ ,lier •' - “ ... 15.1,0 George Foundry & Ma- chine Works Pub Bijg ■> ... t 2 53 J. a. Blown.. <• •. j -.j Hanson Supply Co •• '• •• 29.25 J. A. Brown <• •< < 3 g2 J. B. Lun pkin “ •< « g r( j Band &Co • Relief “ ... loj M eat & Griffin Street “ ... 400 Harry Rawlins &Co “ " “ . f - Ge rge F. & M . Works <• 10 5 - •'■■ jA rcy .. ;;; Taylor & Norton » .. ?5 E'lza Turner ' .. " ' 21 ’ C() ’ We tern Union 1 el. C 0.... “ “ 1q 1 Montague* C« •• « ' 10 , 0 Geo. Washington •• >, Council adjourned. Halsted Smith, Clerk of Council. ' Atlanta should quit agitating viaduct until she has secured a dry-dock for her marine depot. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. CoadeaMj HcAc4«l* fa Mlk<nt Juij ft, IWI "twayrorfi ~No7 idTYJoT iTTtf*7"| Lv Chirtvaauw*a .. ’ ..".. ft&.'i.rv. i it- itptn Ar Dalton ....... T.Slam A ll'joa ix lawn Lr Uornv 0. list nV ft 1.44 am Ar Aklauta ll Oauiltil&ij.-ln S.ftJka* Atlanta >».... Ato?.-n it s'.pin 1 J. Kam kr Ma vm f.inpuyi 2 ASSiam Jesup *40*13; i.S’inm krftv-erett,. Iffiain Jfiipm V JaotaKmrtJte IM-taml ft.KSpra Lv Jesup lOainj fUprn U Jaetewa4Ha.. k .,... I. 00pm49r a '■>* fc»ere« ' Tssnrnl tlSym V Brunswtok .......f. ........ No. 94 csutHm, pSluxin Sleeping Car CWtt- No. W «pnrtea Putin An Siee»k», Oar and » Chauufcewa q> JaoSnonvllio »n<l .1- laata to BraavxXA. No 8 earrtos lAiliraa- Sleeping Car Chatta 500m to Atlanta. 2__. ftTxrrivA, Y’n.'ls T Nfo~J Lv AtLjuta •... .J guanj’ 4lk;j>»J Ar H.kJum !!/! q,«u. IQ. t> wi® 3£ jt 3 r ‘ 1 T xwimu Jr,am , Ar 8 ;4pu.l l.obnm , Lr Charanuooaa n.vsni ®. .<v, m Ar Durgin .... 4.gßpt*; . Ar Lexfngtork. .......... 6.l(f)nn, 4 Mam Ar Louisville~, 7 Ar Clncianarl . 1 Tlfcm H Ar.gfaa»v(lle . Afrpm! A No £ carrle Pyllmaa Slwplajf x«n.nw» xrCha€an<x>gn and UtuWAiH’.o.xJa «> <3neloixatL ’’Xi ® o*r Atlant* o CrtwnanMi nod to jN . A Na pa 14 Lv Cfcaltan. ~i fe.iia-.tu, X us«4to' i«'a6pS P Knoxville • , .■ifnß.m’ B.Mb> k g»at» y I 2«pm, ft.Msrt S.-umb P ."I ' l lpwi.ll. fcrt lAaom y ft.s.kpm, 1.15 pm y-SnlLsbnry ft -ftOf.m i Sfrim y , C L r ?T l T boro ' u 12- 10l • m l.futn 6.8814* y_ N s’. r . f o.!' t .... .7 50*m ir W* hfngton..... .... iTiSjg Vr New York. ... No. 12 carriToHp’iiflmSu f>r»wPe f.o rn TFi <:ar . f ? a , mn<w ’ ffn 10 N ' rr ’ Y'-rk rta Asho ■llle and Salisbury tn Rfchtiumd. arrlr hrs Rich, nond 640 am. fflso Pullman Shron'tur Cat ireeasboro no Norfdlk Xo Mis solid *a to Salls- Miy wUh Pullman Sr-epH • Ont Chvtunno-ra o Kilisbury and Sallsltury tb N.-w Ynrx with, nit (thence. BTATlOkf* , ~ I 4 , Xo. 5* ’Chaiinnooga . ... ?..... 5 S jiiSm y Rnn’-vllle H r pm ii.r*nm y , 3 13am l.fctirtn y !!T T ll, 3.65 pm kr Wa.Mh Ingum I 7.40 um I VZ < L' , l'.T k ■. L2upm Na ft carries Pullman •*l-mln-x C<»r Chatta- : IOOBU t« m and Ohatvan xxpa to New /ak without ehhngef 4 .^ rrl T, 8 Sleeping Car Knox- Uta to Bn urt. ' . ht.vfiiTn ~ ~ ~ 1F S gfe,- ~’!uS ’ E ; Ar BftirklfUa ; 7 ' ■y. ■hy::.' waoSS A/ Jackson T&im 1 1 00pmI <ste>;niLv Rome ar L3o*m I Bam A4bpm ftMpm Ar Gadsden, arl ACBam ijoa“ i 40>W»l 7 RP«a.Ax Attain* lyl A4sara*fe«ra2 tDally exoept Sunday. f Sunday only?* ' ?. 8. CANNON. Bdv.» A O.M..W'a*hlagU>x D-O. t J M GULP, Traf. Mgr.. IX Q s A. YUKIt. (J. P. A. Washington D. Q. a A BENSOOT9R. Aan x rw.... Ts . Twi< Tue ides of November will bring a Waterloo to the republi- Can party. Mark that prediction. Annual Sales overo,ooo,ooo Boxes FOB BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISOBBEEB sueh a-4 Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Siddiness. Fulness after meals, Head- I ache. Dizziness. Drowsiness. Flushings jf Heat. Loss of Appetite, Costiveness. I Watches ou tho Skin. Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEI IN TWENTY MINUTER Every suffem will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. •lEECHAM’S PILLS, taken as direct ed. will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure Sick Headache. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And have the LARGEST SALE t»f any Patent Medicine in t lie World. 25c. at all Drug Stores, __ yre-rw ■ rW ‘' 1 Beware of Imitations '%U& r I ÜBHM BVHBAWt MM*, I Iff*. *»* '***■ jfeTARKE, The Tailor Mr. & - ML Starke the popular tailor i» n<bw open for orders and ready f ,,r business in his new business home next door to Wooten’s drug st■ in the Clark building. Mr. Stark'-' La s a splendid line of new sea*-"' 1 goods and invites you to call 11 see him and them -11; •’f I l * Unrni'W' 1 M > , ■< u' <***< 9 ■-_Sf Hrr, ‘*! r ' , (»UU' y i ) sSf.' I 'r v uriinl IH.v* •r* z1 kout »* •’ U ‘ *- “* r *