The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 13, 1898, Image 2

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MOST PbIMATED Wae llie SiMy of Peace Commissioners .Yesterdaij. DDKS ARE TREACHEROUS.* They Would Depart From the Terms of the Protocol. Paris, Oct. 13. —The sitting yesterday of the joint peace commissions of the United States and Spain were devoted, according to the Gauloia. to an examination of tlie solution which it is possible to give to two questions in the protocol. The Philippine question, the Gauloia adds, was discussed in cidentally, the United States commissioners seeking to im pose a system of compensation for claims connected with the entire group by assuming the debt, provided Spain guarantees the Cuban debt. The Spaniards, it ’further ap pears, wish the United States to assume the Cuban debt and to hand over to Spain all the ma terial in Cuba and Porto Rico. Hie discussion, according to the Gauloia, was very animated. Judge Day, the president of the American commission, and Se nor Montero Rios, the president of Rhe Spanish commission having received precise instruc tions from their respective governments, the Americans consider that they cannot dis cuss the principles forming the base of the protocol, to which the Spanish commissioners re ply that the protocol was signed ata critical moment and under a pressing necessity ; that it can not be considered as expressing the free will of a free nation. The American peace commis sion at 5 o’clock today engaged in its first function outside of purely diplomatic lines. The Figaro entertained the members of both commissions with a stage performance, in which Coquelin, Loie Fuller and others took part. The occasion was informal and pleasing. Another Painful Impression. drid, Oct. 13.—The ru mors which have been published as to the attitude of the United States peace commissioners are described as having caused a painful impression, especially the reported decision of the American commissioners not to recognize the Cuban and Porto Rican debts. STOLE HIS PURSE, Robber Enters Judge Codins Room and Relieves His Pocket. Last Swturday night Judge Aaron Collins spent the night with Mr. J. D . Wiikersou, and when he got up Sunday morning he dis covered that the room in which U j slept had been entered through a window during the nigh*, and his puree which was in hie pants pock et, was gone. The pocketbook contained about thirty-three dolla-e, and among other pieces us coin there was a fifty cent gold piece which the Judge valued very highly because it had belonged to his wife before they were married. There were also several other uire pieces of money in the purse which he was keeping. There was no clue left by the thief by which to trace him, and he has escaped with his booty.— Courant American, The “crushed belt” is the newest fad. See them at Mre. A. O. Garr ard®. '''' I wfl AN ANNOYING TASK is it to try to make old and shapeless shoes look like new ones. No man is well dressed whose shoes are not trim and shapely, and when you can buy a pair of our handsome stylish and perfect fitting shoes for $3.00 there is no use waisting time and labor, and sacrificing your self-respect for amount. You will get twice that amount of wear out of them. W. 11. Coker, No 11, Broad St. KILLING JUSTIFIED. Seport on The Revolting Span iards Shot on The Harvard. Washing’on, Oct, 13. Secret i ry Alger has received the report of Colonel Dudley, Assistant Judge Advocate Genera! of the Army, who was directed to investigate the killing of a number of rev If ing Spanish sailors held as prison ers on the auxiliary cruiser Har vard after the destruction of Cer vera’o flee*. Colonel Du ley hold* that the United Spates VUunterr Infantrymen from Massachusetts and Michigan, who did the shoot ii g, were justified in tiring on the Spaniards. J'Jl.l ■. I _ ■ >l'l '■!» Eddor Used P sto'. Sea tie, Wash., Oct. 13.—John Conne’.la, editi r of tl.e Everet’ (Wash.) News, shot and fatally wounded 0. L Kelley, last night The men m lon the street and quart. lUd over an article in Con nella's paper, in which Kelley was abused. Kelley is dying and Con nella is in jail. Connella’s real name is said to be Kenneally, sm of the English lawyer, who was Queen’s Counsel in the famous Tichborn case. PRANKS IN GRAVEYARD Students Must Answer For Dese cratins A Tomb. Newark, O , Oct. 13. —Six stu dents at Denison Umversi'y, Gran ville, 0., will be arrested to-mor row on the charge of desecrating the village cemetery, warrants having been swora out by Joseph Kelvy, one of the cemetery trus tees, for the arrest of J. W, Steval, of Louisville, Ky.; Clark Hatch, Ralph Tucker and Daniel Felix, of Newark, and Grove Jones and Howard Jones, of Granville. The students are all members of the PbiGamma Delta Fraternity. Recently in conducting an initi ation of Craig Mcßride, of Hills boro, 0., the boys visited Maple Grove Cemetery, and while blind folded th<* student was told to climb a tall monument at the grave of T. F. Wright’s father. When he reached the top Craig caught hold of a 90-pcund urn, which fell with him. The boy was rendered unconscious, When confronted with the charge the s'udeuts admitted that they had been in the graveyard and tflered to settle for . the little damage they had done. Cafe’ Chama.—The finest coffee grown, possessing a rare combination of strength and delicacy of flavor that only a volcanic soil can give to the coffee berry. Beware of imita tions, claiming similar features and “volcanic soil.” Free sam ples of the genuine at Lloyd & Harper’s. SPUNKY REPLY. —— ll— itlay 3e Made to England on Faslioda ARBITRATION SUGGESTED A Report Is Expected From Marchand In a Few Days. Paris, Oct. 13 —According to La Libre Parole, Foreign Minister Delcass has baen informed that his telegram to Major Marchand, asking for a report regarding bis position at Fasnoda, has been de livered and tl e report should ar rive in Paris on Cot. 10. Th* paper suggests that France’s best reply to England would be to ask for an international conference to settle the Egyptian question. The E’Clair declares the French people are on there mettle and will under no pretext permit a re treat pure and simple. “We should remain at Fasho da,” the paper declares, “notwith standing the threats of the British Cabinet.” The Siecle pointing out, that he fact that the only way of com luunicatiug with Marchand .is through British intermediary, shows Marchand’s real position, and add>: “France will gain nothing by opposing the British project of uniting the Caj e Colony and Egypt.” A prominent French diplomat is q.i.'*ed in Gaulois as saying: • > •iktissia is with us and Emper or William’s abandonment of his Egyptian tour shows his desire not to com plicate matters Let us have a well-defined policy and England will then be compelled to speak., plain’y. ” England i = said to have' with held her ultimatum. REFER TO ARBITRATION. St. Petersburg, 0ct..13. —Sever- al Russian newspapers express the opinion that the on'y rational method of solving the Fashoda question is to refer the matter to arb’tration in order to preclude every danger of war - Diplomatic ipimon here concurs in this view. f I'l-1 M - BO N THE COAL Miss John Walker Smothered To Death In A Coal Bin. Welch W. Va,, Oct. 13.—John Walker who had been mi«sing for several days, was found smothered to death in a coal bin at Gilliam, Walker had been in the bibit of going into the bin to scrape the slack off the si ts of the bin and would frequently lie down and sleep. He was missed at the time but a search of the bin did nut disclose his remains and while a lorry full of slack was drawn from the bin Walker’s body dropped with the contents. It is presumed the un fortunate man while asleep was drawn beneath the slack when the slack was drawn out at the bottom of the bin. WELL PLEASED CUSTOM ERS. We have sold hundreds and hundreds ot the McCall Bazar since we haye taken the agency, and upon inquiry of the salesladies in the department,we find that not one pattern has ever been returned as unsatis factory, and ivith hundreds of sales, not one word of criticism has ever been heard against the McCall Patterns. On the contrary many ladies are delighted with the McCall Patterns, because reliable, and because the prices a:e only 10 and 15 cents each.—NoneHigh er. Lanham & Sons 245 Broad street, Bass old stanl. r o<H M ' '•■■■' uSll -if COMFORT IN YOUR HOME, as well as absolute cleanliness, no dust, no dirt, vou get with steam beat. Steam fitting is one of our specialties, and we will put in the necessary apparatus in an expert and satisfactory manner, and do the job neatly and promptly . As to price, you will consult your best interests by allowing us to give you an estimate. We guanantee first class work, aiso at a reasonable price. J- C. Childs, 223, Broad St. TO SOLVE CUBA’S FUTURE • -* ? Gomez Will Preside at a Meet ing of Officers of Cuban Army. ’ Havanna, October 12.—Ljuie Kompner, United States Pos al ■Agent at Santiago, arrived here this morning on his way to Wash io'gto, where he has been called on matters relating to the postal serv ice. Ho reports that the concen tration of Spanish troops at Cien fuegos is being actively pushed, ijbout 1,500 men being brought th-re weekly from the port» be tween Manzanillo and on the south coast. A meeting of great importance, it is said, will be held in a few days at point in Santiago province of all the commanding officers in the Cuban, army. Gen*- era! Maximo Gomez will preside. The proceedings will have signifi cance as d eciding the future poli cy of tbe Cuban army in the is land. A Vinegar Fiend. St. Louis, Oct, 13.—A “vine gar fiend” is the.latest discovery of the hospital physicians. Mrs. Elizabeth Finnegan yesterday applied for treatment for stom ach trouble, caused by excessive use of vinegar, which she has been drinking in large quanti ties since last spring. The lining of her stomach has been eaten away and she can hardly re cover. -T 1 ■■JJJ.L-.J.Sg DIAMOND JUBILEE CARNI VAL. Macon, Ga,, October 11-14, ’9B. On account of the above occa sion the Southern Railway will -sell tickets Rome to Macon and return at tlie very low rate of $3.50 for the round trip. ’Pickets on sale October 11, 12 and 13, with final limit October 15, 1898. Tickets will also be sold on Oct. 10, 11, 12 and 13, with final limit Oct, 16, 1898, at the rate of one fare or $4.85 for the round trip. For tickets and full informa tion call on J. N. Harrison, C. T. A. A GENTLE NOTICE. Wishing to close up my old business of Crouch & Watson, also of J. T. Crouch & Co. I must insist that all parties in debted to either firm must cal md settle, or the accounts wil be placed in the hands of a col lector with instructions to col lect. Respectfully, J. T. Crouch. Headquarters for pure Drugs Prescriptions and Tol iet Ar tides. Read my Sunday Add. LOCa» Oysters !--The very finest oys ters the market afl’urds t. Iways to be found at the Gomez Case. If you want the beet, served the best c ill on Goqh z. Lcst, Strayed or Stolen.— A beautiful grey hound pup, about six months old and an swers to the name of “Gyp.” A reward will be paid to the party who returns the dog to the Central hotel. Serv gee Each Evening.—There will be services at the court house during the present week at 7:30 p. no , conducted by Rev. S. R. Hawkins, of New Orleans, La. All sre cordially invited to attend these services—-especially are the members requested to be present A Fair Bridesmaid.—Miss Julia Smith, one of Cartersville’s most popu ar young ladies, left on Sunday evening for Selma, Ala., where she will be present and act as bridesmaid at the wedding of Mr. C. K. Ayer, of Rome and Miss Sadie Cawthorn. —Courant American. Not Doing so Well.—The many friends of the family will be pained to learn that the lit tle daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Cantrell, who underwent an operation for appendicitis, is not doing so well. Unfavorable symptoms have c’eveloped and her physician and her fond pa rents are apprehensive aud alarm d. “Our John” Returns.—After making a speech at Buchanan and Bremen, Congressman Maddox returned to the city last night. Judge Maddox has a host of personal friends in that section of the “Bloody Seventh” and was accorded large aud en thusiassic audiences at each point. John Maddox is a demo cratic wheel-horse. He will car ry every county in the district in the November election. I Announce,—To the public that I have secured the services of William McClellan, an expert fancy candy maker, who has been for the past two years with thu Garrow famous candy kitchen is Atlanta. We are ncw m.aking daily all kind of fine taffies, cocoanut, creams, nongats, etc. All we ask is a trial. We can please you. A. M. Antogholi, next door to Curry’s drug store Mr. Neel Withdraw.—Mr. W. J. Neel, who filed an appli cation some time since with Judge Newman for appointment to the office of referee in in bankrupty for the Rime dis trict, lias voluntarily withdrawn his application. Mr. Neel has recently formed a partnership with his brother, Mr. J. M. Neel, aud his business connections are such that he does not desire the appointment. It Was Delhuous —Every one who attended the reception tendered the visiting Daughters of the Confederacy, at the Ma sonic Temple last evening was delighted with the delicious cream served with the dainty refreshments. Compliments were as numerous as they were pret ty. A woman may not know how to sharpen a pencil or keep a secret, but when she compli ments ice cream, why you can always freeze onto that cream as a winner. The cream served last night was made by Mr. F D. Piersen, the expert soda and cream man of the Curry-Arriug ton big fount. That Mr. Pierson knows his business can be testi fied to Dy every guest of lasi night’s big reception. Saucy “Bob White,” A covey of partridges created i commotion among the sinal boys Tuesday evening by com * ins into town and lighting upon j fl GRRfIT BUBCKBB. , I ■ -- Is The FoiJrth AiiiUai Meet ’ inc of Tin ■'daughters of THE CONFEDERACY. ) Not a Hitch in The Program j Everyth ng Delightful. A ) Th . Dm,’’iters of the Con fwder acyare a royal good tim-. I socially, und are delighted with j the success with which every num , her vn the program is being ex ecuted The Winnie Davis memori; 1 ’ exercises yesterday weretendei ly and touchingly impressive b The reception, also held in the ’[Masonic Temple, list night proved the social ev< nt of the season. The crush wss great a , u everyone present enjoyed the ■ evening immenst I/. The program for t-day. an I ) tomorrow is as follows: 1 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 9:30 P M’ Report of work of U. D. 0. for 1898—Mrs. J. Jefferson ' Thomas. Committee reportsand action ! thereon. I THURSDAY, OCTI HER 12, 3 P. M. [ Committee repert and action thereon. . Unfinished business. I THURDAY OCTOBER 13, BP. M. 1 1. Overture—Prof. P. J. For- ton and orchestra . 1 2. Fraternal greetings. 3. Music. 4. Introduction of orator by I Hon. Seaborn Wright. 5. Address “Confederation ■ of Patriotic Orders of all Na- ■ tions—Gen. C. a. Evans. 6. Music—vocal. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 9 :30 A. M. Special committee reports. New business, action thereon. , Informal conference, i Appointment of committee. i Adjournment. All delegates are requested to , present credentials between 9 :30 1 and 10 am., October 12th, in credential committee room, Ma sonic Temple. ENT ERTAIN M E NTS. Wednesday, Oct. 12, 8 :80 p. m.—Reception tendered by Rome chapter F., at Masonic Hall. Thursday, Oct 13, 1 :30 p m. —Musicale, tendered by Presi dent and Mrs. T. J, Simmons at Shorter college. Friday, Oct. 14, 3p. m- Drive to points of interest. Delegates will assemble in Armstrong parlors and then drive to the Confederate monu ment on Myrtle Hill and other picturesque points. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 5 P. M- Farewell inusicale, tendered by Prof, and Mrs. P. J- lortin at Conservatorv of Music. TAX NOTICE. The last half of tax for 1898 is now due the city of Rome. All ' persons owing taxes are hereby notified ter call at the Clerk s of fice at the city hall and settle. Sept. 16th 1898. Halsted Smith, Clerk Council. TQ CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY T:|ke Laxative 8.-omo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refunc tl.,e money if it fails to cure. 2oc. The genuine has L. B. Q- on each tablet. hl house tops, where wljistled and called to each ody Urnor some time. —Courao | \nberican.