The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 13, 1898, Image 4

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THE IIUSTLER-COMMERCIA EHUGTLEROFROME ■atahdahed, UNO. "’HE ROME COMMERCIAL Batabllukad. l»w». •ved every evening. exeept Saturday. Sandav and weekly. PHIL 0. BYRD, EDITOR ANU MANAGER The pig-talled Chinaman is a queurious animal. The striking period is on in its intensity in Paris. Here’s hoping that Wat Har kin will get there in Old Kain tuck ! In China the Dowager Queen has trumped the King and won by an ac 3. The Democratic managers claim that everything is harmo nious in New York. The blooming Pop has gone to seed and the sparrows are de vastating the harvest. The Rope walkers' familiar passage is the straight and nar row—you know the rest. A few more of this and the "shut the door” sign will meet your eyes atevery entrance. In bringing out its Fashoda book, England utilized the French color in making it blue. When the ripe egg seeks the actor, it’s birds of a feather, in that neither is fit for anything else. Our volunteer troops at Ma nila are anxious to come home. It did not take them long to get enough of the Philippines. The investigating committee can’ paint Alger blacker than what he is, but that’s no reason they should try whitewash ■gj.—■■ I .. 1..1 The president of the Spanish Autonomist government of Porto Rico wants the United States to admit the isiind as a state. Ah Illinois orator has been accused of plagarizing a speech delivered by Ingalls in the Sen ate in 1891. He got it at cost. It isn’t strange to read of a Populist who sold out his broth er for a pair of gum boots. The middle-of-the-roader knows what he needs in his business. gy ■!» U I WtID w» ■ No, Jane, dea”, these gener als were not mustered out in or der that they might be shipped to Robson with the consignment of air-bags, If its got to be cold, the ice man would rather have it real cold—a change means a snap— hs has coal to tell, and, ice or coal, it’s change he is after. Patty duClam and the Em peror of China may have gone off to look for Charley Ross, and then again, as it was a game of freeze-out, it may be they are aeeking Prof. Andree. It has been suggested that whan a man leads a woman to the altar he at once abdicates from leadership, therefore the altar is one of the circumstances that alters cases. The Cuban insurgents asked for limited rations, got them, and now have gone on an indef inite loaf. The Cuban having been poorly bred, thinks it is meet for him to cabage every loaf he can turnup. A long dispatch from Jackson ville in a Nww York newspaper of yesterday, which highly laudatory of Major Russell B. Harrison, of General Lee’s staff, makes it ap«> pear that at least one “son of somebody” has been largely re sponsible for the general efficiency of the Seventh Army Corps. This is a reminder that “young” Hai ri sen, as he is still called, is some thing of a newspaper man himself. Some years ago the New York World published a glowing ac count of the heroism and presence of mind displayed by young Har rison at a fire in Fort Worth. Tex as, A few days later the World an nounced that the account had been sent by young Harrison himself 1 Connecticut and Rhode Island are now engaged in a furious controversy, the motive of which is to prove that neither state is the birth place of Benedidt Ar nold. There’s one thing dead certain —besides Benedict —and that is Arnold was not born in Atlanta, though the Atlanta car shed would make him a good monument. Saxton’s tragic death would indicate that some members of the royal family in this country are no batter than they are m Europe. But why didn’t Saxton have a good fat job in Washing ton? This perhaps might have kept him from meddling with other men’s wives —Waycross Herald. The anti Candler Press said your Uncle Alien’s majority was about 50,000. Later on when it grew to about 70,000 these great “scoopist” news gatherers got interested in the Pillager war and feetbill games and forgot all about the crushing defeat the “Pigeon rooster” administered the open enemies of Democracy English woman are said to average two inches more in height than Americans, And the American heiress, supposed never to be short, looks up to the shortest nobleman Oh lord, no count —his dukelets . Senator Mills’ oil we Is are said to be netting him about SIOO a day. This sort of flow pays far better that the Senato rial flow of eloquence, and then it’s lighter and far more enlight ening. For Kidney, bladder, and stomach troubles, drink Ingram Lithia, for sale at the soda founts of Curry-Arrington Co., Jervis & Wright and J. T. Crouch. 9 “ ' - t > ■ > j /?%Jm J \ A A Wj\ The man who breaks Ik i in the wild, vicious Jff 's* J bronchos on the west // ern P' a * ns must have r Ls W superb physical en 11 y. durance, nerves of FV SQu steel, unconquerable la aril v ' m • determination 'and persistency The eity or town bred man who has all bis life humped his back over a desk living an unhealthy, sedentary life and failed to take any care of his health, could not stay on the back of one of these vicious brutes for more than three jumps. It takes a whole man to conquer a vicious animal People may talk about intellectual superiority and refinement and good breed ing, but every man takes off his hat to physical strength and endurance While the man who leads a sedentary life cannot hope, in this respect, to rival these sturdy tMn of the plains, they can be sound, vig orous, healthy men if they will. It is a matter of care of health while one has it, and the proper measures to restore it when it is lost. Most diseases begin with some trouble of the digestive organs or of the liver. Troubles of this nature starve the body, because they prevent it from receiv ing its proper supply of nourishment Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery gives a man an appetite like a cow-boy’s and the digestion of an ostrich. Its great work is upon the stomach, large intestines and liver. These are the organs that nourish a man's body This medicine makes them strong, vigorous and healthy. It fills the blood with the nourishment that builds new, ■olid and healthy flesh, muscle and nerves. “ I am now enjoying magnificent health, after having suffered for years with chronic catarrh.' writes Ramon Sanchez. Esq . of Penasco. Taos Co , New Mexico. "By the use of your ‘ Golden Medical Discovery ' I have recovered my health, and am now. physically a sound man, attending to my business and enjoying life.” DON’T FORGET GEORGIA Fhe election in Georgia last week resulted in the elec ion of the ent’re Democratic ti'ket by the convincing majority of 63,- 000. Yet little space has been j devoted to the matter in the news columns of the papers, and lit has drifted down the current of past events with but slight comment. Yet it is a subject that does deserve not to be slightly dis missed. Georgia is a great state. She is one of the strongest pil lars of Democracy in the Union. She is brimful of energy, intel ligence, industry, morality, edu cational progress and statesman ship. She has elected for governor, Alien D. Candler, a sturdy old Georgian who, as the Atlanta Constitution puts it, “represents a’l that is rugged an I honest a "I a tr live in Georgia man hood. ’ Not only have Mr. Candler and the entire Democratic St te ticket Leen elected, but all the De nocra‘ic nominees for both houses of the Legislature, except 1.1 or 12. Geo'-gia will supple ment her October victory in November by electing a solid Democrat’c delegation to Con gress.—St Louis Republic. A JUDGE ON CIGARETTE SMOKING. There is at least one judge on the bench who does not believe in boys smoking cigarettes. At St. Louis, Mo., Satu'day morn ing Judge Peabody delivered a lecture from the bench on cigar etce smi tiiug, during the trial of the case of William Bent charg ed with disturbing the peace in having taken a cigarette from a boy eleven years old. Judge Pea body said : ‘ Our generation is becoming enervated and stunted from ex cessive ci ’arette smoking. Boys are not what they were in my time. They did nut then think it manly 1) poion themselves with vile nicotine, sod when they grew up they were men in every sense of the term. Children of tender years should be restrain ed from doing themselves such harm. I believe that no cigar etes should be sold to mines. Therefore, I think the defendant did a good and justiflable act. He is legally responsible, how ever. I will fine him $5, but will stay execution on good be havior.” MILITARY CAMPS IN GEOR GIA. The fact that the United States government has decided to quarter 50,000 men in Georgia is something which should be appreciated by every citizen of the state. Greater congratulations, how ever, should be felt over the generous recognition which the government has made of the state as a whole. It has gone from Athens to Americus, from Atlanta to Macon, from Augus ta across to Columbus and Al bany, taking in every section and giving its stamp of approval to the healthful conditions which prevail throughout the state. A greater advertisement than this the state of Georgia could not have received. It draws at tentiun to our varied possibili ties, and must have a result for good. This lasting impression which the location of so many troops will make for Georgia, far surpasses the temporary ad vantages which will come from tjhe distribution of money. These 50,000 men will have scattered back to their homes in all parts of the union, and without ex ception they will tell the story •WWOA MiH *'o9 BIQMOd DNIMV9 IYAOM •jm xpmiosdv hio/mm jjOq mil jeqio Au> M»qi jaqijaj RJiqi ,1 |Mpy MpMog Duiqeq apvjb .»qi ei jeAoy aqx of Georgia’s admirable climate, of her hospitable people and of the resou 'f-es of the state. —At- lanta Co istiiution. GEORGIA EDITORS. The war inve«tigating com mittee is investigating. We do not believe any good will come of it.—G ». gia Cracker In the future the people will select the ja< and the solicit ors. This is good. There will b e some changes —Columbus Sun il iy Herald. “Honor abroad a id honesty at home” is what Roosevelt is run li.ig on. Ilow about that tax affidavit, Teddy?—Savan nah Press. Weyler entered Havana with $1,40) and to hav returned to Spain with $11,000,009'. He seems lo h ive knocked down handsomely.—<ilascock Banner. It seems chat the talented In ju*i who is causing the trouble in Minnesota is named Bog-Mah- Le bn’g. Why doesn’t somebody ask him to iemember the Maine? —A igu.ta Herald- The I’h b.delp’i'a Times re marks that the Queen Victoria’s permitting her grandchildren to play tenuis on Sunday has rais ed quite a racket in England.— Columbus Eaqui.'er-Sun. The people of Georgia ought not to flock to Atlanta in great c owds aga n to be huddled and j X'umed i i that old ca shed Lke cattle and mu'es in a livestmk car. If the people of At'anta and ihe r«il oads leading to that ctv want the pa onage of the people let t hem prepa e to take cam of them.—Albany Herald. -1 SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY The man who can say yes and no at the right time has the greatest command of language. —T.t Aits. Chappie—Baibah, bow b ug will I have to wait for a shave? B 'bei Oh, about two years. —Trqth. She—Mr. Daubster, the artist, told me I ».:ts pietty as a pic ture. lie—l hope he didn’t mem cue of h’s own pictures.—Cin cinnati Enquirer. Arthur —Are you sure she loves yo- 1 ? Jack Yes ; when I toid he. T had no money to ma-ry on, she asked me if I couldn’t borrow some.—Tit Bits. “Bella made a great hit at the seaside.” “Beach or piazza?” “Neither. She struck her rich uncle for a t ip ab oad.”—Cleve land Plain Dealer. She—l hope we will always be able to keep the wolf from the door. He—Well, if he ever conus to this fl he’s pretty sure to find the doorbells out of order. —Puck. “No, Ido not think she will marry again. She vowed on the day he was buried she would not.” “Ah, thinking about it al- ,ready, was she? ’—Cinci nali Enqii.ror. “Eph, do you believe that tl o Cubans are colored peo, lo like yourself?” ; “No, sab. If dey used razzers j’slid of dem machetes, den I’d take some stock in dat ya’n,”— Detroit Fife Press, Waiter—How d.d yon want those eggs, sir? Guest (who had baen waiting jfifeen niinut.a for them) —I don’t want those eggs at all. Bri ig me some later ones. ‘it j too bad that we had to leav ■, ’ said Eve, after the ex pulsion. I “Yes,” said Adam, who wa«? ' moi jor less of a philosopher. “Stif, we can’t t 11 what sort of a place Eden would have been in the winter.”—Pu;k. He—“lf I siole fifty kisses from you, what kind of larceny would it be?” She—“l should call ii grand” —Yonkers Statesman. Hapley—“Clara and I have concluded to go into partnership for life.” Bass—“So? Who furnishes the capital—Clara’s father?”— Boston Transcript. DIAMOND CARNIVAL. To be Held in Macon, October 11th—14 th 1898. On account of the Diamond Jubilee Carnival to be held at Macon, Ga., October 11th—14th IS9B, the Southern Railway will sell.round tri]) tickets from all i points on its line between Merid lian, Birmingham, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Morristown and in termediate points to Macon, Gi, and return at one fare (or the round trip. Tickets will be sold October 10, 11, 12 and 18th with a final limit O tober 15th to return, while from points within a radius of 150 miles in the states of Alabama and Georgia, tickets will be sold at something less than one fare for 1 the round trip, on October 11 th 12th and 13th, with final limit • to return October 14th. There will be many attrac tions in Macon on this occasion, and those taking advantage of these reduced rates cannot fail to enjoy themselves. For further information call jon Southern Railway Ticket ' Agent. I c ~ —1 '■ ■IUK'-riXJJ.-l! 1 " I, ‘J- IWfWI Tin I Dv i ■ IvU U 0! A i Whether in the form of pill powdet - or liquid, the doctor’s prescription ioi blood diseases is always the same— mercury or potash. These drags bottle up the poison and dry it up j u the system, but they als o dry up the marrow , in the bones at the same time. The suppleness and elasticity of the joints give way to a stiffness, the rack ing pains of rheumatism. The form gradually bends, the bones ache, while decrepitude and helplessness prema turely take possession of the body, ami it is but a short step to a pair oi crutches. Then comes falling of the hair and decay of the bones,—a con dition truly horrible, &!POTASHS Contagious Blood VtAERCURn Poison—the curse _a ....h,—hdL of mankind—is the *Jiost horrible of all _E? —Pi W diseases, and has al- kT n Y ays baffled the Fi'l |r ’ doctors Their pot- h and mercury v• ». j i bottle up the poison, I •/'tP.p./; $ -V'- $ ' - ba* it always breaks 'birth again attack- Sh'c. A !ng soul c delicate or B an « frequently I rata IV ¥lTn ■' 'b e mouth and IwU j\ ' kJ ' th . roat » filling then! fl I’M ‘ Fw'i 2- w ‘ith eating sores. ' 4 *lO S.S.S., is the only lilw'jila W tetj-Ii known cure for this |U!* 1 & -j* disease. It is guar- ~ anteed purely vege- table, and one thousand dollars rewara is offered for proof to the contrary. If never fails to cure Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism, Cancer, or any other diseaso of th< blood. If vou have a blood disease, take a remedy which will not injure you. Beware of mercury; don’t do violence to your system. Don’t get bottled up I Our books sent free to any address Swift Specific Co -. Atlanta. Ga. ANY PERSON Wishing to know flis truth in regard to their h hi 11 th should net fail to iT’IkI f< r a valuable him! new 64-pege Booklet r.:Ajh will b* sent FHEII for a short time to thCto vfc, mention thin paper, I nis book is pul- khz*i by v-n celebrated ph--si o.'n ri t- a I 1< H rfC'a!i«fs b,. Hathaway a> d I'o. of , » Broad st . A l «rit x Ga., whom you sh- uid I aanrcss. >t I, 1 ‘ HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dul ’ lars Reward for ftn y case of ’ Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, J: ava known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him to be , financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. W aiding, Kinnan A Marvin Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. ( Ball’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces f of the system. Testimonials sent freo. Price 75c per bottle. Sold , by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Coke cheaper than Coal- Can be used in stoves for heating and cooking purposes. No smoke or soot. Clean and economical. For further particulars sea HOME GAS CO pboimtw . ATTORNEYS. J. eranham, Law Office 200, Bist. Firs'reel St, CHAS W UNDERWOOD Attorney at Law, Ko »• Crcporaion Law Onlyr ■W. J. NEEL Attorney at law. Will practice in Special attention given to comnie.-cial law’ and the examication cf land titlee. office in King building. Rome, Ga. WALTER HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane & Co. 's. LIPBCOMI3 <Sc .WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. Gfflce in Armstrong hotel building, Rome, Ga M 3 EUBANKS. Atterney at law. OfllceKing Building. Rome, na. • W U. ENNIS. Attorney at Law .Will Practice in all courts Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga. J. SANTA. CRWF ) I L Attorney at law, Rome, Ga. Collections a specialty. Masonic Temple. Rome. Go. MOSES V RIGHT. H ARFEH HAMILTON WRIGHT A HAMILTON Attorneys at Law. Ol’iceiNo. 14 Postoflice Building - I J DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. S., Office 240 1-2 Broad. * Over Cantrell & Owvr J. L PENNINGTON. D L> S.,M D. , ENTIST" Office, 305 1-3 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur niture Co. PHYSICIANS. O HAMILTON. M D Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical Building Rome, Ga. Oi ce ’phone No. 62. I-. F. HAMMOND. Physician and Surgeon, Office In Medic* building. Residence, No. 4»3 West First »l ce 'phoVo 3 PASTEUR FILTERS The cnb Gcim Prcoi Filter in the world. Makes water pure ard for sale by The Hanson Supply Co M Off WORMS.. “A, tape worm eighteen fee* wo east can’- on tho aceno after my i ASd’A KISTS. This lam sure has euuseu >ad health tor the past three years. I f ikinl Caseurets, the only cathartic worthy mued by sensible people ” . 7 Geo. W. Bowles, Baird, »ia»- can d y // I CATHARTIC J fe'.W’SCW'W® MASK Pl-.-iLrint. Pahiinhlo. Potent. IC . UooilJßte’.'or Sicken. \V<v>'«en. >»r till ... \CURE Sibling y wl> 1 hl«