The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 14, 1898, Image 1

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ninth year smoke a “Bill Arp ’ warters .New Brand ton lrngford Tnelast of The Delk Gang on Trial FOR THE MURDER OF Sheriff Gwynn, of Pike County, fwo Years Ago. Zebulon, Oct. 14.—The Tom Laugford case will be called to day. Langford is the last mem ber of the Delk gang to be tried fcrlbe murder of Sheriff Gwynn two years ago. Langford seems anxious for trial. His leading counsel Col. Thomas E. Watson, from Thomson, Ga., arrived last night. He will make a hard fight in Langford’s behalf. He will be assisted by Col. S. N, Woodward, of Barnest ille, and Col. G. D. Dominick, cf this place. They will begin striking the jury this afternoon ahd when completed his honor, Judge Reagan, will push the case through. The citizens of Pike are very much pleased with the prompt manner in which his honor handles the busineaa. TO HOLY LAND. Kaiser And Kaiserin Have Left Berlin. Berlin, Oct. 14.—The Emper or And Empress left last night en route to the Holy Land. They will attend the funeral of Prin edss Albrecht at Kamez. Emperor William took with him Leonard Ehmke, the big gest soldior in the German army. He is 6 feet 10 inches in height and weighs 300 poundi. Ehmke is a member of Jthe Im perial Guards. It is the Emper or's desire to show the Orientals a fine type of the German sol dier. lhereare 110 trunks in the baggage cars, many of them of immense size, and containing the dresses of the Empress. One tnormous box, which does not hove the Emperor’s vicinity, is in charge es a high functionary, h contains valuable gifts, valued at 4,000,000 marks, for Oriental officials. battle in bulloch fvu’E And Deputies Clash Two Former Fatally Wounded. Reidsville, Ga., Oct 14.—A re port hag just reached here from an isolated settlement in Bulloch c °nnty, across the Tattnall’ line, 0 • desperate battle between a P°»ee of seven men. headed by Sheriff Donaldson, and a ■“Kro outlaw and his friend, Sam •ckaon, in which Donaldson and ndrew Kennedy, of the posse W|r « fatally wounded. 1 ■'> p ass went after Jackson’s C( Jiupauion, who was wanted for J m a reward of SSOO had been cred. ll e bad taken refuge in _ 6 muse of Jacßson which is J“ r the turp« Ll i ne still of De jO*c 4 Co. The posse surround e cabin just at daybreak, n the two men appeared in the orway and discharged a fusilade ‘ lheir ri ih>», with the effect « a ’uve. In the confusion fol in- # th o / e, caped but a pursu- *** UOW 011 trail hu" 1 "’ wiH bea K Dee they are canght. THE DOME HESTLER-COMMEBCIAI ENTHUSIASTIC Van Wyck Opens State Cam paign In New york. WAS LOUDLY CHEERED Academy Os Music Would Not Hold The Crowd. New York, Octol er 14.—Judge Augustus Van Wyck opened the democratic campaign in this city at the Acudemy of Music in Brook lyn last night before a crowd that filled every available foot space in the building and cheered him en thusiasticiy upon his appearance on the platform throughout the address he delivered and at every mention of his name by the speak ers. The academy was entirely un able to accommodate the great number of people who tried to gain admittance and waited in front of the building for an hour before the doors were opened. Judge Van Wyck did not appear on the platform until just as the chairman of the meeting. Justice William Gaynor, was closing his address as the candidate walked from the rear of the stage to a seat near the speaker’s stand the people stood up and cheered and waved hats and handkerchiefs. The demonstration continued for a minute or two and did not cease until the chairman forma'ly pres uted Judge Van Wyck. MET DEATH- Would-Be Slayer of Ex-Judge Was Killed. McKee, Ky., Oct., 13, —The de tail* of the tragedy, which oc curred in this county last Friday, have just become known. Isaac Drew , who had been found guilty of moonshining by ex-Judga James Luhsford, called on the Judge and threatened his life. Drew then went to the home of Willis Rose, a brother-in-law of Judge Lunsford, but who was con sidered his enemy. Drew and Rose armed themselves and returned co kill the J udge . The latter had been warned, and bad armed him self. When his enemies called the Judge out Draw fired at him. Judge Lunsford’s wife, a sister to Rose, begged the sympathy ot her brother, and Rose then turned on Drew, and both he and Judge Lunsford emptied their pistols in to bis body. Judge Lunsford, who is a pieacber, went to church and Drew’s body was left in the road. MEET IN CHATTANOOGA General Convention of The Christian Church, Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct —l4 Delegates to the several conven tions of the Christian church, which will be held in Chattanooga during the next few days, have been arriving in large numbers to day and there are now several hun dred here. The indications are that the attendance will reach 8,000. The annual meeting of the Chris tian Woman’s Board of Missions begins this evening and will con tinue throughout Friday and Sat urday. The meeting of tho Amer ican Christim Missionary society begins Monday and the meeting of the foreign Christian Missionary society begins Wednesday. This morning a meeting of the national executive committee nf the wo man’s board was held. Reports were made of missionaries. ROME GEORGIA, FRIDAY EVENING, CCTOBR 14, 1898. NEVER TOUGHED ’M.' Charley Jones, Rome's Only Santiago Hero. ON SICK FURLOUGH. Was In The Fighting That Beat The Spanish. Private Charley Jones, son of Mr. Ed Jones of the Fifth ward, has arrived home from a New York hospital, on sick leave. Young Junes, as a member of the famous Sixth Regiment, was in the thick ot the fights around Santiago. His company com mander, Capt- Wood, was wounded, and many of the officers and pri vates of the Sixth bit the dust during the campaign. Young Jones, however escaped the Spanish shot and shell to fall a v’c’im to disease in one of A’ger’s fever camps . Charley Jones was ths only rep resentative that Rome had in the fearful battles on the island of Cuba. He is receding a a arm welcome by a host of Rome friends and all wish for our hero a speedy and complete recovery. FOREVER FAVORITES. They Never Wear Their Wel come Out- Get Seats Today. The sile of seats for tbe coming long engagement of the Wood ward-Warren company will open this moruing at Trevitt’s drug stere. This splendid company will open a solid week engagement at the open house next Mot»day evening and it goes without saying that the house will be packed to its ut most capacity. The Wood ward-Warren compa ny is everywhere conceded to be the very best of all popular price shows and this year’s company is by all odds the strongest ever travelling under that we'l kcown name. Mr. H. Guy Woodward and Miss Bessie Warren head the company as usual. As the house will most undoubt edly be packed Monday night. Those intending to go should get seats at once. Ladies free only when accompanied by another person holding one paid 30c. tick et Monday night. "■ 1 -i ■■ SPANIARDS ARE RETICENT. Discuss The Evacution Plans But Refuse to Talk. Madrid, Oct 14.—The cabinet, at a meeting today discussed the questions bearing upon the return of the Spanish troops in the West Indies, and particularly the evacu ation of Cuba. The min sters were very reticent in regard to th" decisions arrived at. The council decided to release the Cuban prisoners confined in the Liscava prisoners and permit them to return to Cuba. Mrs, McKinley Goes to Chicago Chicago, Oct. 14 —Mrs. Mc- Kinley, accompanied by her cousin, Mr. McWilliams, arrived in Chicago from Canton today. She was driven immediately to the McWilliams’ .residence on Lake avenue. Mrs. McKinley was rather fatigued from her journey but was otherwise well and cheer ful. Join the crowds and go to Lanham’s new store ’’for the grt atest bargains in new goods. LANHA M’S STORES OLD STORE, NEW STORE, Fourth Ward. 245 BroadSt . 1 • ' i -» 1 • ■ « o e— . We have never sold out at cost nor faked the people in any way, and therefore we think our adver tisements are more worthy of consideration by the trading public than if we made promises that we did not live up to. We have always made it a rule to state the exact facts and perform all we promise in our ad vertisement, and we are not going to begin a crusade of fakeism this late day. * # We have the Very largest sto?K of all New Goods in Rome, and our prices are und - r any. We are more than willing to compare quality and vie with any, and we mean to be up within / in qu ilit/ style, ect , and as low or lower than any in price. • Our Millinery Department is a marvel of beauty and style and the prices are far below others W© have the bast m lliner in Rome, Miss LaFrance having worked for the vary best m llin-ry stores in the country-- a number of seasons in the largest citb s of tho East, is conroetmt to build the hat so any laay ot the land. Our stock of Dress Goods embraces all the npwest weaves and colors, and some of the styles are not to be had outside of our house. Some of the extreme French novelties are to be found here and only here, and the prices are the very lowest. Embroideries I If you wan.t embroideries you can’t afford to pass our door. We have the largest stock in Rome and the prices are about half the regular. We quote a few prices here and you wll| find they are just as we say: Double fold dress goods all wool • filling, new Style, only qc Double fold plaid novelty, pretty and worth much more qc One dollar corsets 49c 42in Fine dress goods worth twice our price 29c The very best indigo calico, not the thin kind • 31-a Bleached cotton 2 3-4 La/lies hose, fast black, 5 • Best spool thread, per spool 3 1-2 And we let you have all you Hwant at this price. Six papers pins for 5c Thirteen balls thread 5c See the stamped linen and get our prices. We sell napkins, i 2 inches square at, each 5c Clothing and gents’ furnishings at close prices. White shirts 25c 553 T " * " " ' • THNHHM MNIJ ■ SoNs : Jyv * ♦ 10 CENTS PER WEEK