The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 14, 1898, Image 5

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tfSip GEORGE. ■reliihinary Hearino Beyan I Yesterday at Canton. I WITNESSES examined. I ’ L ws She was In The City J W hen Tragedy Occurred. I C-ntou. 0, Oct. 14. -Today ■brought little change in the cas (LnetMre. Annie E George, ac [ußed of murdering George D Sax [on Her preliminary hearing was ■commenced in a Justice’s court Cud a number of witnesses against |h.r were .xammed. None have yet been called in ■ her behalf and it remains to be Leen whether she will be he'd to |aM*er in the higher courts. She ■ probably «iH. for the evidenc ‘’ I thus far seems to establish that I she went to the vicinity of the ■ tragedy at about the time it oc- Icurrhdaud that she had mad I threats against th* life of Saxton. Not only the Justice’s little of- I fine but the hallways and sidewalks I leading to it were jammed with I the crowd that was anxious to hear I the evidence and see how the ac- I cused ncquitted herself. The I earing opened with, witnesses present for the State ano thrift for the defense—Mrs. Ober lin, fron whom Mrs. George rent ed livr room, Mrs Altnou a e, in front of whose borne the tragedy occur id, and George Brown, uncle of the accused, being those called for the defendant. Court ad journed with five witnesses for Btats examined and the case i* ready for cross-examination, The testimony was in line wi'h that given in interviews and taken by the Coroner, as already has been ecvered in these dispatches. Dr. F. R. Brant described the body as it was found, and the wounds as shown in the superficial ‘lamination and in the autopsy. He regarded but one of the bullet ibots, ths one in the abdomen, as necessarily fatal. Street Car Motorman S. C. Rit tenhouie testifud that a woman, who was pointed out by the con ductor ai Mrs. George, rode from uptown to Hazlett avenue with him about 5:55 o’clock Friday evening and left the car at Hazlett avenue, which is the first street **»t of the scene of the tragedy. Henry.J, Bederman, who lives near ths Althouse home, testified that while standing near the cor ner grocery where he heard two •hots, ha saw two persons at the Ailhouse home steps, and on» of them s woman, walked away; then there was a ca || f or be ]p aiH ] the woman walked back and fired two mors shots and then ran away, going through a vacant lot to the re&r of the street. After the last shots the man fell •nd later witness found him to bo George Saxton. H® could not tell *ho the woman was. Mee Officers Fred McCloud •nd Henry P t ero testified to er ifcsiing Mrs. George. They said tl'ey found burrs arid Spanish needleg on her clothes, and that lw hand was discolored as if from •moke, and from th® odor they c °neluded that it was gunpowder •moke. Some of the sk n was •' notched from the hand and seal e,l up for chemical analysis. Th® tflicers said they had made a dili -Beut search for the weapon, but had found no trace of it. I' l this connection there was •onie repartee between the oppos i°B attorneys, during which Mr. W«ltT saic; “I think t h® State nows where the revolver is.” Percy Van Horne, a newspaper testified that Mrs. Georg e •d sent for him about six mont s •Ko to tell him of some trouble « h«d with Saxton, during ( 1 ' 0 she had pointed a guu at J *m. At this time she said she wanted it written up and written ri 8 t. She gave her version of the S ww TSt EXCELLENCE OF SHIP OF FiflS la due not only to the originality and rtmplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific proceseel known to the California. Fig SyruF Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing ths true and original remedy. As th® genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the Califoknia Fio Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of tlwt fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FUANCISOO. Cat, MUMVILLK. ' w tew YORK. N. Y. ? ■■ A?! occurrence and said she would shoot Saxton if he did not keep hi® promise to marry her after the case brought by her former husband was settled. Inquiry as so an in’erview with her after her arrest revealed a question as to w bether she remem bered those threats received no answer from the prisoner. As pre viously has been said, Mrs George had spoken to no one but her at torneys about Saxton or anything connected with him since her ar rest. SPAIN’S GREATEST NEED. Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Carcelon ia, S. C. Weak nerves had caus ed severe pains in the back of his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He tays this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures and kidney trou ble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Ev ery bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by Curiy Arring <>n, druggists. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, biuiese sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Slcin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction oi money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salu by Curry Ar ngton Co. I 1 l\v/ i vt W /!/ ~ "I We are just receiving the handsomest and most complete line of furniture of all kinds ev er brought to the city. W ithin the next few weeks our store will be packed full of the newest up-to-date goods —and we pro pose to sell them at astonishing ly low prices. See us before you buy any thing in the furniture line. Rhudy, Harvey & Co.. 337, Broad street. RE 1 URN OF THE FAVORITES The Woodward-Warren Com* Pany Ad Next A/eek. Better, bigger and mcro com plots than ever before, Rome’s fa vorites popular price company opens their annual one week en gagement at the opera house next Monday night. Tne simple announcement of the Woodward-Warren company is sufficient to guarantee a packed house every night. This splendid company always plays to, and merits an enormous business io Rome and it is entirely probab e that they will break all records thia season . Everywhere they have been the newspapers have vied with each other in praising them, and the companv they present this season is said to be the best they ever had —and that is saying a good deal. The, company this season is headed by those forever favorites, H, Guy Woodward and Bessie Warren, and is under the manage ment of the foremost of all man agers, M. A. Moseley. The com pany is unusually strong and the engagement will be a most pro nounced success. Ladies will be admitted free of charge Monday’ night when accom panied by another person holding one puid 30 cent ticket, only. Sale of seat will Ix’gin Thursday morn ing at Trevitt’s drug store. Popu lar prices will prevail. 10 20 and BOcts. A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words writt-n by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, Groton S. D. “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in anil finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could not live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, 1 would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advis ed to get Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption,Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at Curry-Arrington’s. Regular size 50 cents and SI.OO, guaranteed or price refunded. WILD LAND SALES. Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome, Flovd county Georgia, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in January, 1899,the fol lowing described property towit: All that tract or parcel of land to wit, Lot No 338 containing 100 acres and lot No 316 containing 160 acres, all lying and being in the 22nd District and 3rd Section of Floyd county Ga. Levied on by virtue of a tux fi fa issued by V T Sanford tax collector for tax 1897 due said state and county against B H Taylor as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time find place that tract or parcel of bind being known in the plat as lot No 78 in the 3rd District and 4th Section of Floyd county Georgia contain ing 40 acres more or less Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V FSantirdtax collector for tax 1897 in favor of said state and county vs Sila, F Smith as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place all that tract or parcel of land be ing lots Nos. 793, 124, 303 and 305 and 94 in the 16th District and 4th Section of Floyd county Georgia containing 200 acres more or less. Levied on bv virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V T Sanford tax collector for tax 1897 in favor of state and county vs Frank L Miller as the property of the de, feudant J P McConnell. Sheriff NOTICE. GEORGIA F. OVD COUNTY. To all whom it min concern. J, A. Bale having applied for guardianship of the person and property of William S. McEntee, colored, lunatic of said county, notice is given that said applica tion will be heard at my office at 10 o’clock a. m on first Mon b*v in November next,. This Oct. 3rd 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. FHOTOGR4PHS THE SUMMER HAS PASSED AND GONE IMPROVE THE NEXT PRETY DAY AND HAYE YOUR NEGATIVE MADE! |Yotr g b b I KnOW | I a ' ags | TH EOMSS OF WOlfK ■ S T URVAOUT. E3 - ■lO YOUARE | tami B § INVITED h w W K] a MQNGE. B El S J. W. kandeaster. S