The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 14, 1898, Image 7

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Il I iNilWrn Puts on hodero I>' UB WE TO LINDAL 1 ’- Lon ICir Rnn From Ltanooga to Rome. LitC. B. Wilburn, the L e president, train dis land general manager of L A S b» 8 introduced a Urn, up io ra P id i IJiue between Home and Lrous suburban rnanu- L town, Lindale. r>°2s this morning the . t o”r car of the kind ever S the south, rolled into I’rom Chattanooga, having at city at 6 :30 last night tracks of the C. R. &S. Js the second long trip a de by one of these mo |ie motor made the voyage Q il e3 in less than five and lost at least an hour omit of delays at sidings, strange craft had the Mi, W. 11. Patton, of aboard. l'he crew of in ir consisted of Conductor I Sewall, of the G. R. & S. I with Mr. E. M . Green as •man. [ Green was formerly the [intendentj of the City Elec Llroad of Rome. He is now Lperintendent of the North Car Co. of Chattanooga. , Patton stated to the Rome hlei-Comniercial that last | it’s trip was the second long nee trip ever made by a car lis invention. ie first trip was made from lago to.Cedarfalls, a distance ID miles, and was made at oepense of $2,56. ’This run pronounced by experts to boost less than it would Lost to float the same dis redown stream. lie motor cir was patented Ir. Patton in 1892, Several patents have been since, while others are ding or in process. , 'lie car is a combination of dine engine, supplemented with ad electric (™tery. he one brought to Rome last bt is the fourth car of the d ever constructed—and only 1 have been built since. •be small gasoline engine l ar< l, generates the electricity 1 operates the motor which pels the car. When a heavy de is to be climbed and the needs powers extra of its ■ herating capacity, the needed ■ Uel is supplied automatically ■ 'in the storage batteries. ■ 1 bese electric cars therefore l beir power with ■ lce need no trolley wires or ■emt connections with the ■taut power house. ■ hey are constructed to be ■tialed on railway tracks be ■B built f or standaid guage ■ads. Hilburn, realizing that B° l,le and Lindale needed rapid ■ 1111 11 1 onnection and knowing i" 1 11 Wou ld not pay to keep, a J am engine for the five mile f r ''ce, began casting about far Practical solution of the prob lem. r I ll( l he seems to have found I bis car is to be put on a reg r r chedule between Rome and L ‘ l e and given a sixty day * ■ 1 it does the work, why it J p' V 0 BtaV- <fbh’t why ■ ilburn will have no use 11 «•> U>e C. K. 4s. lrack3 . \ v/T I %4ra| AN ANNOYING TASK is it to try to make old and shapeless shoes look like new ones. No man is well dressed whose shoes are not trim and shapely, and when you can buy a pair of our handsome stylish and perfect fitting shoes for $3.00 there is no use waisting time and labor, and sacrificing your self-respect for that amount. You will get twice that amount of wear out of them. W. 11. Coker, No 11, Broad St. • - ■■ - ~ The trip down from Chatta nooga over the C, R. & S., around curves and up and down grades, was none the less thril ling because made through the hills and mountains, field and torrent, under a star-lit sky. The (ar will make trips to Lindale this afternoon, and per haps tonight, and by Sunday the regular schedule will be about perfected. Air. Patton, the patentee, will return to Chicago tomorrow af ternoon or Sunday. Mr. Wilburn will have Mr. E. M. Green to look after the car. This combination motor will be supplied with trailers at once and then it promises to become a most popular line and splendid feeder to the trade of Rome and the comfort and con venience of the people of Lin dale. WELL PLEASED CUSTOM ERS. We have sold hundreds and hundreds of the , McCall Bazar Patterns since we haye tateu the agency, and upon inquiry of the salesladies in the department,we find that not one pattern has ever been returned as unsatis factory, and with hundreds of sales, not one word of criticism has ever been heard against the McCall Patterns. On the contrary many ladies are delighted with the McCall Patterns, because reliable, and because the prices a:e only 10 and 15 cents each.—None High er. Lanham &. Sous 245 Broad street, Bass old stand. MAROONSTHREATENS Q Trial of The Chiefs at Kingston May cause an Outbreak. Kingston, Oct 14. —The trial of the Maroon chiefs, charged with criminal trespass and riot, who were released last week, cornea off tomorrow. The newspapers today report the election of captains and officers at a general meeting held at Maroon town on Saturday, which portends organized resistance if the chiefs are eonvicted. A dispatch from Anotto Bay this afternoon say* the Maroons are arriving in that vicinity in threatening numbers, causing great anxiety, although strong re inforcements have been sent there in readiness to the summary ac* tion. Should the necessity arise martial law will be declared. i. Kuttner’s bargain figures have knocked competitors out. lhe big sale is on and the crush at the Kuttner emporium is grow ing. ATHENS WINS ’he fltxt Meeting es Daugh ters of the Confederacy. FOURTH CONVENTION Has Passed Into History, After a Brilliant Meeting. The fourth annual conven tion of the Daughters of the Confederacy of Georgia, hue passed into history. The meeting of these noble women, brought to a close in Rome today, has proven the most brilliant since the banding together of the Georgia Daugh ters. The most inportant measure discussed at the closing session today was that of the soldiers’ home. It was stated that the mag nificent building which Henry Grady built is now in the hands of the Georgia Division of the Confederate Veterans, and, af ter very lively discussion the Daughters finally, by a unani mous vote, passed a resolution pledging their indiviual and combined efforts to assist the; Veterans in their effort to estab, lish the soldiers’ home by legis lation. The Winnie Davis Memorial question also came up and pro yoked many comments, much argument and a discussion that was as thorough as lively. Finally the matter was settled by the Georgia Daughters pledg ing to do their share in erecting the Winnie Davis in Richmond—and also creating a Winnie Davis Memorial fund to be disposed of by future action of the United I). C., of the state. In the meantime the * interest earned by this fund to be devot ed to the education of the chil dren of Confederate Veterans. Athens won the next annual meeting of the Daughters, and the Fourth annual meeting D. C. of Georgia, was brought to a r colse and passed into history. Many of the faiis visitors left the city today, an 4 this after noon nearly all will have de parted those poasts—and all will go singing the praise of Roman hospitality. The program for the closing day was as follows : Friday, Oct. 14, 3p. m.— Drive to points of interest. Delegates will assemble in Armstrong parlors 1 and then drive to the Confederate monu ment on Myrtle Hill and other picturesque points. FRIDAY, OCTORER 14, 5 P. M. Farewell musicale, tendered by Prof, and Mrs. P. J. Fortin at Conservatory of Music. REDUCTION IN FREIGHTS. Railroad Companies Make a Gut Between East and South. Baltimore, Oct. 14.—The Mer chants’ and Miners’ Transpor tation Company today announced a reduction of 25 per cent. ®n freight rates from Boston, Provi dence, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore to Nashville and Memphis points. The cut will go into effect tomorrow. The reduction was agreed upon at meet'ng held in New York on Tuesday, at which the Merchants’ and Miners’, the Seaboard Air Line, the Norfolk and Western railroad, the Atlantic Coast Line, the Baltimore, Chasapeake and Richmond Steamship Company and the Central of Georgia rail road were represented. a- l -r—-tiff . w JT'Y ■ •o-osia- COMFORT IN YOUR HOME, as well as abs olu a cleanliness, uo dust, no dirt, vou get with steam heat. Steam fitting is one n of our specialties, and we will put in the necessary apparatus in an expert and satisfactory manner, and do the job neatly and promptly . As to price, you will consult your best interests by allowing us to give you an estimate. We guanantee first class work, also at a leasonable price. J. C. Childs, 223, Broad St. PHILIPPINE CIVIL EOURTS Have Resumed Subject to U. S. Supervision. Manila, Oct. 14—1. i accord ance with a general erder of the military governor, all the Spanish civil courts with Phil ippine territory now subject to American control have resumed the exercise of their jurisdictson, subject to the supervision of the American military government, which reserves the exclusive right to exercise criminal juris diction. RAILROADS IM CUBA. Secretary Alger Recommends That The Ends Be connected. .Washington, Oct 14 —Secretary Alger will recommend to Congress that the existing railroad system in Cuba be extended so as to form a line running directly from Cape Maysi at the east end of the is land to Cape Antonio on the west ern extremity. He will also recommend that this work be* undertaken by the United States Government and that Congress appropriate the nec essary funds. Make your breakfast attrac tive. You can find numbers of special breakfast foods and cereals, not usually kept by gro cers, at Lloyd’s, also shredded wheat biscuits, water thin and milk crackers, etc. -W~ —— — GEN LEE NOW SICK Mas. Lee's Condition Shows A Slight Improvement, Richmond, Va., Oct 14 —Gener al Fitzhugh Lee and Lieutenant Lee his son, are still here. The generaUd sick, suffering from a severe cold’ He has not yet been admitted to see Mrs, Lee, who is ill at Qt. Luke’s hospital. Her condition is reported this evening to be somewhat impr Ved SNOW FALLS IN CHICAGO Chicago, Oct 14. —Snow fell in this city for over an hour last night. It was the first-se«son, and the earliest in twenty-six years. A GENTLE NOTICE. Wishing to close up my old business of Crouch & Watson, also of J. T. Crouch & Co. I must insist that all parties in debted to either firm must cal and settle, or the accounts wil be placed in the hands of a col lector with instructions to col lect. Respectfully, J. T. Crouch. Headquarters for pure Drugs Prescriptions and Toliet Ar tides. Read my Sunday Add. LOC«1 HAPPENINGS. String of Squirrels. —Mr. Bill Drcnnon returned to the city at m o'i, after a morning among the squirrels. He brought in a fine string. Oy-ters!- The very finest oys ters thn. market affords bLvays to be found at the Goiruz C ife. If you want the best, served th« b st c ill on Gom< z N<»w, Play Bail!—The fancy Iretsb rll, at th r Armstrong to n’gl’t, promises to prove a brilli ant success. A small fee will be charg 'd and the precede will go to the base ball club. Lost, Strayed or Stolen.— A beautiful grey hound pup, about six months old and an swers to the name of ‘‘Gyp.” A reward will be paid to the parte who returns the dog to the Central hotel. Honorable Discharge. —D r . Will Henry Johnson hi.s arrived home from Huntsville where he has b en in the hospital corp?. Ils has secured an h norabb dis charge from the service and will go awav shortly to lesume his medical studies. Died in Augurta. —Gladys Willingham, the sweet little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Willingham, of Augusta, died yesterday, and will arrive on the 6 :30 train tins p. m. Funeral arrangements will be made known later, Serv gee Each Evening.—There will be services at the court home during the present week at 7:30 p. m , conducted by Rev. S. R. Hawkins, of New Orleans, La. All «re cordially inv'ted to attend these services—especially are the members requested to be preeuts A De served Compliment.—M’es Edna Cain of Summorvills, was a charming bird of passage in our city Saturday. She is one of the most talented members of the Georgia Woman’s Press C ub and the Chattooga News has a weekly contribution from her bright and chatty pen.—Cedartown Standard. “Foolish Rome.”—Rome is about to get a camp of soldiers from Mississippi where yellow fever is rampant. Rome is ver; foolish to encourage any kind of military camp in locating there and especially one which might cause her to be quarantined against by neighboring towns. —Calhoun Times. Cafe’ Chama. —The finest coffee grown, possessing a rare combination of strength and delicacy of flavor that only a volcanic soil can give to the coffee berry. Beware ot imita tions, claiming similar features and “volcanic soil.” Free sam ples of the genuine at Lloyd & Harper’s. Successful With Cotton . Last week T. Fall Foster brought to town two bales of cot'.on gath ered from two acres of ground on his farm at Reeves Station, He says he will get at least, another bale from the two making a bale and h half per acre. He used under this cotton only cotton seed meal and acid phosphate. —Cal- houd Times. I Announce,—To the public that I have secured the services of William McClellan, an expert fancy candy maker, who has been for the past two years with thu Garrow famous candy kitchen is Atlanta. We are new making daily all kind of fine taffies, cocoanut, creams, nongats, etc. All we ask is a trial. We can please you. A. M. Antogholi, next door to Curry’s drug score Scores of Good Things —Talk about new things to ' eat, you can find scores of nice things at Lloyd & Harper’s that you can not get elsewhere. They antici pate tne needs of their custom ers, and never fail to have a most tempting array of eatables to “YELLOW JO’’ 1$ The Fellow This Conven tion Called to Fight. fl NATIONAL CONFERENCE 11 to Assemble in Memphis Next Month. Memphis, Oct, 14.—1\ gener al meeting of the Merchants’ exchange was held to consider the advisability of a national conference to be held in Mem phis at an early date which will deal with the protection of the south from yellow fever. The fol lowing resolutions were adopted: Whereas, The appearance of yellow fever in some ot the southern states during last year and this has not only disturbed communities and temporarily d ipopulat id towns and cities, but also brought commercial and manufacturing enterprises to a I standstill and completely unset tled the relations between Jhe people of these states ; and Whereas, Under theft cireum -B‘auees and ccnditions it is the duty of the people communi ties affected to provide against such calamities and prtveut them if possible; and Whereas, Commercial bodies and local governments watchful of their interests are expected to take initiative action in such emergen cies, be it therefore Resolved. That the Merchants’ exchange request the co-opera tion of the Cotton exchange and board of health and city council of Memphis, and t’nat the commit tee invite the states of Texas, Ar kansas. Louisiana, Tennessee, Ala* bama, Mississippi, Georgia, North ai.d South Carolina and Flerida, and the cities ot New York... Bos ton, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, St. L >uis, Chicago, Baltimore, Cincin* nati, Louisvill and Nor folk to send representatives to a convention to bo held in this city in Nov. To discuss the situation in a co tn pre* hensive manner and to formulate such measure as are necessary for the prompt establishment of a strong and effective national quar ahtine. suit the season, Just now they have a fine lot of grapes, fancy large celery, Canadian apples, new plum [» cranberries, fancy bulk olives, Heinz’ sweet pickles, Dill pickles, Lea & Per rin’s sauce, and dozens of other good things. Proud of Chattooga. —The Seventh Congressional district gave Candler a majority of 7,- 555. The largest majority of any county in the district was in Chattooga, which gave him 1,284 majority, and ranks sev enth in the largest county ma jorities in the state. This is the • old home ccuntyof Congress- i man Maddox, and he is very I proud of the good showing the I county made.—Cedartown Stan dard. _________ TO CURE A COLD IN ONE r> DAY l Take Laxative B 'oini Qiinine 1 Tablets. All druggists refund 1 the money if it fails to cure. 25c. ’ The genuine has L. B. Q. ou each tableL s SCALPERS ARE ENJOINED. Pittsburg, Oitober 13'—The preliminary injunction issued against tho ticket scalpers by : Judge White, of the county 1 court last Tuesday, restraining them from dealing in conclave ‘ excursion tickets, was continued • today. This means a great loss ■ to the scalpers unless they ar- Grange the matter with the rail- I 1 road companies.