The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 14, 1898, Image 8

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II f MRE. EDNODIXI COMES TO ROME! 1 We have much joy in announcing to our friends, in and out wav from Broad street. t* [ . of Rome, the coming of Mrs 1 L. Condon, of Atlanta. Her openingday will be Monday, October 17th. All are cor f | . In this celebrated lady is all that stands for merit in her pro- dially invited. On and after which time she will be ready assist* She is today the highest exponent of advanced photogra- T ‘f ed by Mr R G Hubner. a noted young photographer of’ Balti- T phy—Equalled by but few. if any and excelled by none in all the f •, . / i ». » 1 ‘‘■’x wide land J 1 more, to make pictures for those who would have the highest fpMS I Her studio in Rome will be in the elegantly appointed apart- j grade of photographic work done. Her name is a guarantee of fy * ments on the second floor of our new store, entrance by easy stair- the best, and if you want the best call anu see her. I W NOW A.SS TO BASS We are now in our new store. We lost a month before getting into it. We are determined to make it back. Our prices will do it. Moody & Brewster, wholesale merchants of Atlanta, failed--sneriff sold their immense stock out in cas h lots. We were the only Rome merchants at the sale. We bought at a trifle. We’ll turn the bargains over to our cus tomers- We have an enormous stock of Fine Dress Goods and Silks in the latest imported Novelties, and a great as sortment of Laces, Embroideries and Fancy Trimmings. Below are a few of the special bargains: Tow cases Ladies’ East Black Hose 3c * Two bales yard wide Drilling, worth Bc, at 5c Three cases Ladies’ Fast Black Seamless Hose 5c Three cases yard wide Bleached Domestic for Only 2 7-8 Two cases Ladies’ Fleece Lined Jersey Ribbed Vests 10c Ten Bales AAA Sheeting, yard wide * 2s c Two cases Men’s full size and full length Undershirts 10 Three cases yard wide Percales, Fall styles Three cases Men’s Heavy French Neck Undershirts 15c Two bales good quality Matress Ticking at Two cases Men’s box 3c 'W' Two cases Fall outing, the 8c quality at 5c One case Men’s Seamless Sox , 5c sM/r Jrl One u, l case °? remnant White Lawns, well worth 15c, at 8c Two cases very heavy Drill Drawers, well worth 3Qc at 15c I Two cases of good Bonnet and Dress Gihghams at 3 3-4 c One case Ladies’ Hemstitch Handkerchiefs; one case Men’s 2,000 Men’s all pure Linen Collars, five tor 25c Linen Finish Handkerchiefs, both at half price 3c '3C' -tYv goo Men’s Fine Shirts, a little soiled, some of them worth Onec'se Men’s Heavy Buckskin Shirts 25c $1.50, your choice for 39c Are you in need of a t uit of clothing? Will you require an Overcoat, a Macintosh, a pair of a Coat and Veit? Do you want a Hat? We’ll lave you from 25 to 50 per cent on your purchases- Good Jeans pants 35c; Men’6 Stylish Capped Coin Tie Shoes, 75C; Ladies’ India, Button, Foxed Vamo, Patent Tip Shoes, all sizes, at sOc Our prices on shoes beat the Jews and Gentiles alike. Our $I- OO Shoes are the best in America. , For Ladies’ Fine Hats and Bonnets, go to our Millinery Department. Do not buy anywhere else if you care to save money. We repeat that we lost a month on account of building our store, and that we are going to make it up. We have a world of goods which we bought at half prices and we can afford to let them go at half / prices, and we shall let them go in Rome that w r ay. We want your trade and we’ve knocked the bottom out of prices to get it. Our prices are as low as 4-cent cotton, i Come to see us at our new store. ; 3 BASS BROS & CO. J fW * I! *! DESERTER SHOT Private Henry Dickinson of Third Georgia. ftESISFiND ARREST. While Preparing to Give Pur suers Warm Reception. Griffin, Ga., Oct. 14.—11. 11. Dickinson, a deserter from com pany B. Third Georgia regiment, was shot at an early hour yes terday morning and will prob ably die from the effects of the wound. The shooting occurred at Dickinson’s home near Luella, while he was resisting arrest by a squad sent to bring him back to Camp Northerm At 1 o’clock yesterday morn ing a squad composed of Corpor al Gossett, Privates Jenkins, Marsh and Dallas, left this city for the purpose of arresting Dickinson, who was known to be at his father’s home near Luella. The party hoped to make the arrest without any trouble, but they had orders from their officers to bring the deserter back if he was found, and they were prepared to obey orders. It was 3 o’clock before the Dickinson place was reached, and Corporal Gossett placed his men around the house and awaited the coming of day, when it was expected Dickinson would : come out. All was as silent as the grave in the former’s cottage. Without nothing but the sighing of the winds through the pines and an occasional note from some feath- ered songster broke the stillness of the morning hours. The land scape was bathed in the bright and balmy effulgence of morn, but the quietude was soon to be ; broken by the report of a rifle | and the dying groans of a human being. When the inmates of the house awoke they must have detected ' the presence of the determined guard surrouding the place, for I the door opened and Dickinson ' and two other deserters, Moore and Kitchens, stepped out heav ily armed with Winchester rifles and pistols. Corporal Gossett recognized i the men and called on them to j surrender, which command they ' disregarded. Some tried to make ; their escape, but Dickinson raised his winchester to fire upon Gossett as soon as he could get 1 a shot. A brother of Dickinson’s > came out of the house and hap pened to get between Dickinson ■ and Gossett, and Gossett was unable to use his Springfield without shooting an innocent man. Private Marsh saw the dan ger threatening his officer, and remembering the orders, raised his rifle to his shoulder, took a hasty aim and pressed the trig ger. There was a loud report, and without a cry Dickinson sank to the ground. In the confusion that followed • the other deserters fled to the! woods and made their escape. The corpcral and his squad went to the fallen man and found him mortally wounded. The bullet entered Dickinson’s neck just at the base of the i skull and came out oThis jaw, ' tearing one side of his face al- ! most entirely away. < At last accounts Dickinson 1 was alive, but his chances for < recovery are very slim. I Corporal Gossett brought his 1 I IngraM * t LITHIA I I Wateß f /|\ J 45 BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, /fc ... I /j\ For Sale at Soda Founts of: ! CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, J. \l/ f-Crouch and Jervis&Wright. $ squad back to Camp Northen and reported the affair to the officers, and while it is deeply regretted by all, Marsh was jus tifiable in what he did. Dickinson was about twenty three years of age and left camp over six weeks ago. SAXTON’SWiIL found. Assassinated CantonianLeavas $200,000 to his Sister. Canton, 0., Oct. 14—The will of George D. Saxton has been found. D was made last April, and was witnessed by Jas. J. Grant and Oliver F. Schli— raan. The documents bequeaths all his estate to Mrs. M.C. Barber, sister of the deceased, as entail ed property. After her death the estase is to be devided among the live children of the beneficiary. Mrs Barber is named as executrix without i bond. The value of the property is not known, but a personal friend of the deceased estimates it will foot up $200,000. Negro Ki|'ed by a Policeman. Charleston, S. C., Oct. 14. William Chisolm, colored, was shot and instantly killed last night by Policeman McNeill. Chisolm and a woman had been placed under arrest by the po- ' liceman, Before they could be . taken off the negro broke away and made attempt to draw a ■ pistol, when McNeill fired once ; and killed him. < “They’se a lot o’you wimmin j folks,” said the colored preach er, “dat comes to church and ’ sees ebery hat in the congre- > gashun—ebery hat but de one i dat de Lord passes right under ' yo’ nose fur help in His cause and to sabe yo’ own black | souls.” SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Coad Hi * u, haul Jaif «, UML ~ Tljg'frf SJ TUTSIpI . J.. ...dTtUruj T Vwi kW I W f-M*ua itfponML mmb p 1 l.attMuJ t* ► A ....DJ1 *xnah 4 CW Sams io Bn»nii«fcL I evty-rtaa Qtr ChaM»- to Aiiattfek , u I errwr... igfei- J'SSi jSx'ttfe gStSjZES:::;-::. ilg” is™lS EaysJwaai W JP ria Ashe- h Pentin Car liMitw*- * • w A’ o,lr F a™ Holfflxirv » Nuw Totk »tib- i "TZjwrrnia-r ■' i tonm H J ♦ , ‘P«n 11 Warn if • l-'aml LSJtan r. t.ftiami J.Aspn> ft Mown V ‘- a TT> 4 carries Pullman Sleeping Car cKatta- W X< ” Pull * a "‘ sbw 'P l »« Car Kuox- ZZ2g43™7~j' 7 T V sss*.5 ss *. 1. ' 6 M croons k , t ■ u,.. v , inßoa® K - J’lSam ja Janna V° . ! -U . ■ ' Wffo. rt> ♦ bauy eenap* Rttaday | Sunday on!*, r A<uM. r jy M n!a»ton. ttfl, 3- M. OUM*. Vest Mgy. Waakliifboa. JA a W A. TUHJA. G P A.. WasklnstA*. O. C. Q A. mCMRCkM'aR. * A-jQMalt—T»nw —. . —1 ■— n — II — _ 1 The ides of November will bring a Waterloo to the republi an party. Mark that prediction. Annual Salea ovar >,000,000 Eoita FOB BILIOUS AND NEBVOUB DIBOWESI ! sueh as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Giddiness, Fuluoss after meals. Head ache. Dizainess, Drowtdnese. Flushing! j jf Heat, Loss of Appetite. CoetlvenenA Blotches on the Skin. Cold Chilis, bls inched Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensation*. THE FIBBT DOSE WILL GIVE KELIEI IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every aufferal will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. UEF.CIIAM'R I" 11.1 Ji, taken aadlrwt ed, will quickly r-etore Females to eom pleto health. They promptly remove obstructions or Irregularltlße of the eys tom and cure Birk Hradaeke. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And bare lha LARGEST SALE ofanr Patent Medicine In the World, 250. at all Dru< Stores. I 1 L.. .. . \ i Beware of Imitations JCMi •**" Starke, The Tailor - Mr. M. Starke the popular tailor » now open for orders and rea<b business in his new business I)' ll,f ' next door to Wooten’s drug » tore in the Clark building. Mr. Starke Las a splendid line of new ■•*»' goods and invites you to ca see him and them. <