The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 16, 1898, Image 3

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Tr ■ T 3 j u( to V.u Wyok. who h« *e- M ,,» nomni.uoii by ths <le a.„r.f« oon«nl>oo for governor , a,« York, thereby giv>. up • »'MB 000. her of the lUpretn, court, for the wcitfmW of *IO.OOO. ye r for uru hi governor. two y«“ r 8 ° 000 Twapty-f >“ r dol, * re is Blke d for lhe Bchoo,B of Gr ® at,,r jjew Yprk for 1899. o o o Readers of Gen. Wheeler’s testi jnony bafon the War Investiga tion Comnitte* in Washington should remember that it is the public testimony upon the iubjset given by a soldier.—New YorUun. 0 0 0 A Detroit paper tritely remarks “Some are born in Ohio, some emigrate to Ohio while others have OhioMns thrust upon them.” o o o An Ottawa (Kan.) minister is ebdeavoring to introduce a reform in his church which has been tried and is eminently successful in many of the largest Eas'em chnrcheß.lt is to have the ladies, ai well as the men in the congre gation, remove their hats during the church services in order that all may have an unobstructed yitw ot the speaker. The Ottawa ladies are eaid to be taking kindly to the plan, although they are thinking of i ext Easter Sunday with Dome misgivings. 0 0 o “Qii Vadis” reached a sale of mors than 600,000 copies, and yet hot half of its readers can tell the meaning of the name, observes Editor Eldridge. 0 0 0 Becuuae of his friendliness to the United B'ates the extremists among the Cubans charge that Gsu • Garcia has “sold out ” The Cubans seem to be natural born Populists. 000 It hai been well said that our government is now being run by commissions, and one of our ex changes suggests that the presi dent a| point a commission in New Yoik to find out how Dr. Park hurst will vote in the state elec, tion. 0 0 0 Says the Fitzgerald Cuuriei: True to his nature. Governor Elect handler has announced that he wi»hes ■ simple inauguration. No brass bands, military and pyro technics for your Uncle Allen. Ha *>l go quietly and take the oath of office as governor of this grand old state, and at once enter upon the duties in a simple business rnaiioor. From the time he was laminated, it is plain to be seen tbatihe Democracy of Geargia has DlS(le no mistake in the selection «t their governor elect. 0 0 0 kt. dußignon said since the election, that it was not his grea*- ••t purpose to roll up a big major tty in the recent election, but rath *r to burst up populistic etior.g elds by concentrating work in thoss places. In other words he prsteired carrying close coun’ies •micratic to rolling up big ma J u ritie ß in counties that were al rea'ly sale, It can be seen how wel e * llc ceeded.—Moultrie Observer. 000 Our Devil, Davis Henderson, has taken unto himself a wife; we sup- P°Be a printer’s Devil has t>s much n ght to itarve a woman as any °dy. Toccoa Record. 000 The Dgis'ature meets the fourth Wue«d*y in October (the 26tb) . G° v » Allen D. Caudler will 6 I, ">gurated the Saturday follow - 29th. 000 U 'Hif—“Papa,doyo U »pell Spain 11 a large S?” Papa (contemptu ■ U| y) “No, my boy, with a small s and a large pain,” 000 Chairman dußignon’s reference to “tie chief of the raz r-backt.” and “some retiring functionaries” is being made the subject of sensa tional work by Atlanta newspa per mi n. 000 Ihe c ash between the Negro and white troops at Huntsville was Int a sample of what will oc cur whenever the two races are i thrown together on a.i equality. And in nearly every case, ths whites are responsible for the trou ble.— Albany Herald. 000 From the facile saber of that gifted writer, Frank T. Reynolds, of Dalton, I .clip the following “goodun 000 A peripatetic pedler of genuine $2.50 razor for fifty cents each, “just to start them,” on the cor ner the other day had quite a crowd of “cullored gemman” list ening to bis word painting and genera'ly interesting them in his wares grow eloquent and said: “Old Father Times has rolled around the cycle of seasons and brought us in sight of ‘possum and taters’ once more.” Here one old darkey nudged himself closer to the street orator. 000 “ The man who don’t like the succulent marsupial all browned— the lean and the fat so blended and running into each other form a sort of animal mum, with big round yams precipitately piled against his reeking sides, making one ambrosial result, is fit tor treason, strategems and spoils.” The old darkey had gotten near er by this time and exclaimed sot to voce, “dat'e de God’s truf,” 000 “Fr r this odoriferous memory,” continued the speaker, “the fel low whose pulse is subject to no irregularities or whose olfactory nerves register no aberations has traveled a long distance across a trackless main and found it a horribly dreary affair.” The crowd had increased and all eyes were aglow at the sound of the words and they universally ex claimed. “Ain’t it so ” 000 “A nice baked possum, stuffed with sage and onions bath a fair sepulchre in the grateful stomach of the judicious epicure—and for such a tomb his oppossumship might be content to die.” The old darkey could stand it no longer and moved away saying, “Look hyar, white man, you mus’ «ho rely be a nigger .” SPaIN’S GREATEST NEED. Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Carcelon ia, S. 0. Weak nerves had caus ed severe pains in the back of his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He nays this grana medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trou ble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Ev ery bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by Curry Arring <>n, druggists. ' ■ L!. 1=? TAX NOTICE. The last half of t ix for 1898 is now due the city of Rome. All persons owing taxes are hereby notified to call at the Clerk s of fice at the city hall and settle. Sept. 16th 1893. Halsted Smith, Clerk Couocil Saturday the 15th. last day for paying water tax. Off you go after that date. J. T. Moore, Sec’y & Treas. 1 - , SPINAL it a * * *-p < Z’p\ 'r x ''r ** < /“px /ryv /TpX ■ | John M Proctor I * - is NOW * < ivi Hi e: r a **-- FOR ' -TSJ* * ROME BRftNGH MUSIG HOUSE-.* $ „ I’ He aolicits the patroiug ,cf the peo pie of Rome and the Buryouading country. It will bo to • our call and . —.—-v’ * Marvelous ' * f IbOK Figures! * Will be quoted on all J ORGANS, BICYCLES; SEWING MA- T CHINES and other goods now includ ed in thf big stock at No. 327, Broad Xi street. While this entire stock is to be closed,out at reduced figures Mr. is empowered to make the terms decidedly easyato all buyers. * f. BICYCLES “ | At any priqa to suit the purchaser, for thay must go, and will be ; aold rega.rdUaa ofjOoat. Sea our wh*el st at pnee—it will? pay you to take, a look. * Sheet Music f This stock will be elos<=d out J at 10 cents per copy. X w. Mk-A-ite W W-W- - r'- —igriCT— V * \ aa. UVER/, SALE AND FEED STABLESi •54 NT. Offers the public the finest teaon, batco ey ances ahd most polite -und courteous drivers The best stock of horses and mules on sale co stantly. --■ m * -..-. ....J T - ■ J-Z * I! V - - T FOR STYLE AND COMFORT . . and for a jolly good time Xivith family or friends, there As noth ini? like an open-surry for either Winter or Summer*. OUr stock IvVTI of stylish carriages is ut&ivalled and our spider phaetons, runa- I P' bouts, buggies,traps, carts, wag onettes, canopy tup, or open >ur- * Iw reys, are lipht, easy, comforta- ; ble and beautiful in construe tion, trimmings and finish. We • - also repair and overhaul- vehicles; also carry a big line of harness and lap robes.” Romjs Bo®ov Co, 5509-511 ’ road street,Rome Qa. Sattirfibld & Williams, Agents. * * I * - i * 1 X F. HANSON. \ ; NORRIS N. SMITH. g 1 THE HANLON SUPPLY CO. I K ' ‘A’ - ' '• >< £ Plumbing and Tinning. £ * ’i* * • 2 Engineers’fand , machinists * 5 supplies, ranges and 1 | tinwtfFe. and electric fix- C g tures. INSURANCE , gasoline a | stoves: i Wiitet 1 meters. | 9 335 Broad st. Phone 32. j I PUBLIC | lIMMiB I We will Sell New | j| Books wholesale I PRICES’ JI FOR CASH. Second Hand w Books cheaper uhan the |i || , cheapest. Give me a call, || I ' H. A. SMITH, | i THF OLD RFLIA3LE BOOK STORE. || H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., S Successors to 55 RO2YIE PHARMACY. B 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building, We have bought the entire stock of the Rome Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our stock is complete and of the very highest grade. nS We solicit a part of your patronage and shall en ta deavor to the best of our ability to please you at a JG 25? times. We should be pleased to have you call on u 2! Fulllineof druggist’s sundries, toilet articles a such things as are usually carried in a first-class dr 5* store. Cigars and tobacco. 7** Come to see us. — -- MMHnmiIMIHmiHHHHHHg It - = S. M Stark, | i LADIES AUG GENTLmN’S fffi 5 s S 3 Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Ave It- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliif iHHiil JIH IM $1.25 and $l5O Negligee shirts for $t 'J. A. GAMMON 4 COMPANY ARE WAITING for"everyone in’Rome Jto come in and see the magnificent stock on men’s and boy’s clothing, * tw bicycle and golf suits, is what I ■<*?— -■!»<.— we are d°’ u £’ but we are hus- I tling while we wait. We will ■ show you the finest stocko r I■! clothing, made from theneweit I styles and patterns in fabricks, I perfect fitting and handsome, to I 2?>cQ i De found in Georgia, and they ***** •*»-<> - are above competition in values t for the price. •j •J | The greatest line of negligee shirt - ever shown in Rome. S j. a. gammon &co