The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 16, 1898, Image 4

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THE IIUSTLER-COMMERCIA ehustlerofrome KMaUisked, iwo. ~HE ROME COMMERCIAL Established. 18U». ntd every eveulng. «xv«pt Saturday. Sunday aud weekly. PHIL G. BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER. America’s plans for Cuba may work —The Cubans won’t. - .JBf Teddy has been mustered out and yet he keeps up his canvass. The delinquent is a consistent fellow, he always says “next month.” Isn’t it about time for a proto col to be signed with the Pilla ger Indians? a 1 Le?g The next Georgia Senate will be solidly Democratic, with one Gross exception. And now we are told that it takes dry information to satisfy a thirst for learning. Speaking of autumn, tho first fall we read of was Adam’s —and the fig leaf dropped. Alabama has quarantined against the entire state of Mis sissippi and Louisiana. The old maids of New England should organize a society of Daughters of the Mayflower. Atlanta wants a peace jubilee, and if any one tells you she won’t get it duiiyoubelieve it. ■-'I. -A. J Joy Hung Low is the name of a Philadelphia Celestial, and the Li Hung Chang—but let it pass. The Spaniards doubtless sym pathize with the Pillager In dians, in the ending of the war. Roosevelt continues the favor ite in New Y ork, the odds offer ed on him are rapidly growing less. Are we a nation of natural slaves? If not, why do our pec pie take so readily to the endless chains? Romans returning from Ma con pronounce the carnival an illuminated, illustrated, howling success. The volunteer who gets home safe from camp is mere fortu nate than the man who gets safely out of Cuba. Macon’s carnival surpassed even Macon’s most sanguine anticipations, in the degree of successes it attained. With the Dons quitting Cuba and the Americans building rail roads on the island we see two nations making tracks. France, after beholding the fate of the Dervishes who went up against Kitchener’s columns, will not carry the war into Africa. Salisbury is said to have burned the bridges behind him in that Fashoda matter. Salis bury still had his ferry boat, however. Many a meek and-lowly, wild eyed pop is kept out of office by not being able to knock the democratic stuffin’ out of the ballot box, Strange, though from the news reports it seems to be a fact, that Major Marchand in finding Salisbury’s Kitchener at P Fashoda, found sal-vation. WHAT ALE SQUAW MEN? For the information of ihe reader we will explain that, a squaw man is a white man who marries an Indian maiden to enjoy the privilege of settling upon the property awarded her by the government and also all the rights of citizenship. There are said to be twenty thousand of this class in the In dian Territory, whose inhabi tants are, per capita, among the richest people in the world. But alas, the day of the squaw man is over ; he must go, Hy the coop, vacate the rance. This painful result has been reached by the action of the Dawes commission, in session at Ardmore, I. T. The property of the squaws is in land and funds held by the United States government, and so if the squaw men of the Ter ritority are to be driven out they will be at a distant and distressing disadvantage as compared with the sqaw men who come over from Europe and marry wives in New York and then go buck home with wives, property and all.—New Orleans States. Gov. Tanner, of Illinois, is said to have his eye on the Unit ed States senate. Th it’s noth ing, so has Willie Atkinson, of Georgia, but he is keeping vert quiet about it just now —Amer icus Herald. Brig dier Bill is a political corpse and it ill behroves tin Americus Herald to speak so lightly of the dead. Bear in mind, all ye loyal Democrats, that the Congres sional election takes place on Tuesday, the Bth of Novenber. Let us all do our duty and re elect John W. Maddox with a majority of 10,009. One of the hostile Indian chiefs in the Minnesota upris ing is named Hunts Thunder And he found it quicker than chain lightning when he ran up against Uncle Sum’s Bacon. Candler’s majority has climb ed t to 70,415 and is still climbing Y our uncle Allen headed the state tieket in the campaign and led it in the grand battle of the ballot. Tue boy who thinks his father ie a fool may kick about the quality of grub served in the penitentiary in a'ter years.— Senora Gazette. Judge Maddox will easily be the next congressman from the old “bloody” Seventh.—Buch anan Banner Messenger. Every true democratwill turn out Tuesday, November Bth, and vote for Hon. John W. Maddox. —Dalton Argus. i We are just receiving the handsomest and most complete line of furnitu-e of all kinds tv er brought to the city. Within the next few weeks our store will be packed full us the newest up-to-date goods—and we ’pro pose to sell them at astonishing ly low prices. See us before you buy any thing in the furniture line. Rhudy, Harvey & Co.. 337, Broad street. ImiiWU' ik ekellbki «f jnw « mi is due not only to the originality ael simplicity of the combination, bnl sdae to the oare and skill with which it II manufactured by scientific praeeMti* known to the Cauronaia Fio OTMO Co. only, and we wish to hupraaa ■** all the importance of purohaolag th* true and original remedy. Ae tha genuine Syrup of Fife ia manufactured by tho CanroHMiA Fie tirnyp CM only, a knowledge of that foot wttl assist one in avoiding tho woHMd* imitations manufactured byotiuwpaw ties. The high standing of tho CaU fohmia Fio Symuf Co. with the BMdU cal profession, end the sallcfeetiqa which the genuine Syrup of Figo has given to millions of familioa, Mahaa the name of the Company a gaarantr of the excellence of its remedy. It * far in advance of all other laxatimn as It octa on the kidneys, liver MM bowels without Irritating or weaken* Ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to got iU boneAotal effects, please remember tho name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG STRUF CO. ban raAXoaaoo, cm locmviujl «aw r«M.|.l The man who introduces yel low fever in a community may get reduced rates from the local physicians, but be pays dearly tu his neighbors. Jg 1 ■■■■JULAL -J Many of the “uprisen” Pil lagers are n>w lying low. They p issed in Indian fih in the foot steps of their ancestors, and are now good Indians. I'mwwwr It is now rumored, says the Augusta Chronicle, that Cel. Oscar Brown of the Second Georgia regiment, may succeed Col. Candler of the Third Geor gia. G »▼. Candler intends that there shall be no great disylay when he is inducted into office. He will go into the capital, take the oath of office in the presence of the legislature, deliver his inau.ural and then go to work. —Sparta Ishmaelite. Attention is called to tho fact that though cotton is cheaper than ever before, the Fall River otton mills are making less money than ever before. Presi dent Hickman, of the Granite ville mill, has always said that his business is belter on 10 cent cotton than on cotton at f cents a pound. A NARROW ESCAPS. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, Groton 8. D. “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could not live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I would not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent onee above. My husband was advic ed to get Dr. King's Now Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank Uod I am saved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at Curry-Arrington’s. Regular sice 50 cents and 11.00, guaranteed or price refunded. For Kidney, bladder, and stomach troubles, drink Ingram Lithia, for sale at the soda founts of Curry-Arrington Co., Jervie A Wright and J. T. Crouch. The McCall Bazar Patterns are known as the most stylish and Reliable Patterns in the market; no alteration; no com plaints ; styles are strictly up to date. Lanham A Sons. > Mi [PHOTQGR4PHS 1 THE SUMMER HAS ' PASSED AND CONE * J •* . . i IMPROVE THE NEXT PRETY DAY i AND HAYE YOUR NEGATIVE MADt f « ■ | YOU | : | KnOW \ [ HmJ 1 ■ < g TiiECIJISS OF I ‘ S XYAE. T URKOUT . I ;|a YOU ARE | paw i E | ‘ B C,VXV_V KtOMCEI. | i 3 J. Vv-. kandeaster. |