The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 16, 1898, Image 8

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f MRS. EDNDDN CDMES TD ROME! 1 *i We have much joy in announcing to our friends, in and out wav from Broad street. f I j of Rome, the coining of Mrs- L. Condon, of Atlanta. Her openingday will be Monday, October 17th. All are cor f ] .{t /S In this celebrated lady is all that stands for merit in her pro- jR dially invited. On and after which time she will be ready, assist, kg) session. She is today the Irghest exponent of advanced photogra- i ed by Mr. R, G. Hubner, a noted young photographer of Balti— —Equalled by but few. if any and excelled by none in all the J more, to make pictures for those who would have the highest f ] Wide Herr d ß tudioin Rome will be iu the elegantly appointed apart- j of photographic work done Her name is a guarantee of Pf • *ments on the second floor of our new store, entrance by easy stair-., , , the best, and if you wan. tie best call ana see her. I * ... ’ ■ - u ~~ " mmm W NOW AfS TO BASS >l* •< We are now in our new store. We lost a month before getting into it. We are determined to make it back. Ou prices will do it. Moody <Bt Brewster, wholesale merchants of Atlants failed--snenff sold their immense stock out in cash lots. We were the only Rome merchants at the sale. We bought at a trifle. We II turn the bargains over to our cus- - tomers- We have an enormous stock of Fine Dreis Goodsand Silks in the latest imported Novelties, and a. great as sortment of Laces, hmbroideries and Fancy Trimmings. Below are a few of the special bargains: Tow cases Ladies’ Fast Black Hose 3c Two bales yard wide Drilling, worth Bc, at 5 C Three cases Ladies’ Fast Black Seamless Hose 5c Three cases yard wide Bleached Domestic for Only 2 7-8 Twocases Ladies’ Fleece Lined Jersey Ribbed Vests 10c ’ - Ten Bales AAA Sheeting, yard wide 2jc Two cases Men’s full size and full length Undershirts 10 vy? VV7 Three cases yard wide Percales, Fall styles Three cases Men’s Heavy French Neck Undershirts 15<5 Two bales good quality Matress Ticking at Two cases Men’s box 3c JBWISc/ Two cases Fall outing, the 8c quality at 5c One case Men’s Seamless Sox , "c One caße °f remnant White Lawns, well worth 15c, at 8c Two cases very heavy Drill Drawers, well worth £Qc at 15c 'IL y., JnL Two cases of g >od Bonnet and Dress Gihghams at 3 3-4 c One case Ladies’Hemstitch Handkerchiefs ; one case Men’s ' 2,000 Men’s all pure Linen Collars, five tor 25c Linen Finish Handkerchiefs, both at half price 3c 800 Men’s Fine Shirts, a little soiled, some of them worth One c ise Men’s Heavy Buckskin Shirts 25c '• - $1.50, your choice for 39 e Are you in need of a f uit of clothing? Will you require an Overcoat, a Macintosh, a pair of Pantsb a Coat and Vest? Do you want a Hat? We’ll eave you from 25 to 5D per cent on your purchases. Good Jeans pants 35c; Men’6 Stylish Capped Coin Toe Shoes, 75C; Ladies’ India, Button, Foxed Vamp, Patent Tip Shoes, all sizes, at sOc Our prices on shoes "• beat the Jews and Gentiles alike. Our sl. OQ Shoes are the best in America. *• gsr For Ladies’ Fine Hats and Bonnett, go to our Millinery Department. Do not buy anywhere else if you care to save money. We repeat that we lost a month I on account of builiing our store, and that we are going to make it up. We have a world of goods which we bought at half prices and we can afford to lei them go at half prices, and we shall let them go in Rome that way. We want your trade and we’ve knocked the bottom out of prices to gei it. Our prices are as low as 4-cent cotton. . Come to see- u« at our new store. BASS BROS <fe CO. BIG REVOLUTION Narrowly Ruerted Io The ’’rencli Republic BETRAYED BYRGENERfIL And Is Nipped In The bud By The Government. Paris, Oct 15. —It was announced here yesterday that a military plot against the government had been discovered. The Rappel. The Aurore and The Petite Repulique Francaise publish almost identical stories on tbe subject. It appears that the plot was dis covered by a general holding an important posittion The plotters were to have taken action today during the absence of the minister of war, Gen, Chanoine, It further appears that when the government was warned cf the plot the minis ters were not suprised, having al ready obtained information regard ing the conspiracy. The.Matin says the plot was not of one of the preten ders to the th.onj of France, who has been talked about for some lime, but was only for the puipose es changing certain officials of the government without touching the I president. Ihe premier, M. Brisson, was among those who were not surpris ed when notified of the plot. Be promises to take action in the matter. 'I he government refuses to fur nish any information regarding the discovery of the plot, but it is rumored this afternoon that tl e conspiracy involved Prince Louis Bonaparte, who is a colonel of Russian lancers, and in whose favor his elder brother, Prince Victor Bonaparte, recently resign? ed tl e leadership of the imperi alist party. It is added that certain political personages handed the premier important documents in cluding a ciphsr dispatch concern ing certain military moo . The minister of war has recalled his announced intention of leaving Paris. The Liberte asserts' that the military men alleged to have been concerned in the conspiracy aie General Boisdcffre and Pulliux. Attempts, it is added, were also made to compromise Gen. Zurlin den, the military governor,of Par is, who for a short tims was min later of war, but it appears the present minister of war, Gen Cha noine, refused to countenance it. According to The Jour the ru mor of the plot arose from a forged letter purporting to been sent by General Boisdeffre to Gen. Zurlinden Containing tbe words: “Let us be ready for Saturday,” The semi-official Temps this evening minimizes the affair tnd says the officials of the ministry of war formally deny that a plot existed, The Temps suggest that misin terpretation was placed on some of the numerous dispatches being exchanged between the different garrisons in connection with the pres nt movement cf troops, which led to strange reports of pl -ts. paris. Oct. 15.—A lvng and vague semi-official statement ap piartd this evening suggesting va rious possible motives—such as Dreyfusite intrigues, or an attempt by the socialists to frighten the governmint into dispersing the troops that now prevent the suc cess of the strike—to explain the rumors of a military conspiracy. The my sterious allusions, how ever, and the absence of any straightforward denial tend io en courage the belief that there must be some giound for the rumors, especially as* the Statement man tions the telegrams alleged to have been sent by a French general to pngraM i | LITHIA 1 I Wateß I /h BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, For Sale at Soda Founts of: /ft CUR RY-ARRINGTON CO, J. M/ T.Crouch and Jervis&Wright. $ Prince Napoleon, which, it says, it iB-“difficult to believe possible in view of the control exercised by the telegraph authorities.” MIGHT MEAN WAR WITH ENGLAND. London; Oct. 15.—The situation in Paris is regarded in well-in formed quarters here as being more serious than at any time ► ince the commune. The St. James Gazette this af ternoon says: “"A military revolution, however peaceful, u hich replaces the Bris son cabinet with the nominees of the generals, would imp°ril the re lations betwean England and France almost to the breaking point. The semi-official and part ly inspired Paris papers are still pretending that negotiations are proceeding between the two gov ernments, and France believes it, although everybody iu England knows the statement to be ready to close Even supposing Major Marchand is unconditionally with drawn from Fashoda. the difficul ties with France wit’ in uo way end. Behind it lies the whole question of the Bahr El Ghazal, the richest prize iu the Soudan.” Rome, Oct. 15, —The Italic says this morning: “Frei.ce has concluded a treaty with Abyskiuia against England in the Fashoda affair.” CLEAR PROOF NOT OBTAINABLE. London, Oct. 15 —The Pans correspondent of The Times says: “It is impossible to obtain clear proof of th i existence of a plot I believe, however, that the idea of s me act «f for<e haunts certain military minds. Maddened and, stung by violent criticism of the army arising out of the Dreyfus affair, they are especially irritated at the attitude of the civil author ities iu claiming to interfere in the detention of Colonel Picquart, for which the entire military authori ty is responsible Looking to the excited state of men’s miuds at the present time of conflict between the military and civil authorities, it is only surprising that such alarms are nut moro fnquent.” THE DUKIC OF ORLEANS IS WATCHFUL Brussels, Oct. 15 —Midnight.— 1 he duke of Orleans, accompanied >y Uomte Sabran Coonetevea, has arrived here to watch events. The pipers here believe the reports of The E oils Belger re gards it as “the last desp‘ rate ef fort < f the French general staff to save itself from downfall.” Other papers say that the con spiratjrs have been meeting clan-, destinely at Versailles and that M. Brisson has intercepted cipher correspondence pointing to a de sign to sisze fifty prominent repub licans — CONSUELO’S BABY. ' Vanderbilts Firmly Grafted Into English Nobility. London, Oct. 15.—The Duch ess of Marlborough, formerly Miss Consuelo Vanderbilt, of New York City, gave birth to a son yesterday. Mother and child are doing well, according to the latest re port from the attending physi cians. MASSACRE OF EUROPEANS. Chinese Desperation Likely to Take That Turn. London, Oct 1 5 —The Pe king correspondent of the Daily Chronicle, say: There is a rumor in circula tion that a p lot is on foot for a massacre of the Europeans.” THAT JOYFUL FEELING With the exhilarating sente of renewed health and strength and internal cleanliness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, ia unknown to the few who have net progressed beyond the old time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the well informed. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Annual Salea over 8,000,000 Boxes /OB BILIOUS AND NEBVOUB DISOEBESI •ueh as Wind and Pain in the Stoma' h, Siddiness. after meale, Hea'l •ehe. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushiniil of Heat. Lass of Appetite. blotches on the Skin, Cold Chills. Di*- tu-bed Sleep. Fritflitfui Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations THE FIBST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTE& Every euffarsc Will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. UEKCHAM'S PILLS, token as direct ed. will quickly restore Females Io com plete health. They promptly remote obstructions or IrreaularitlNi of Mie sys tem and cure Slek Beadache. For* Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MIN, WOMKN OR CHILD*** Beecham** Pill* are Without a Rival Add kan th. LARGEST SALE u of anr Patent Medicine in the World. 25c. at all Drug Store*. 4-1 -t— T , Beware of Imitations I d 4UG'- I | JCHH WMATI MMA »«—*■ ■ Starke, The Tailor -Mr- Al. Starke the popular tail |ir '*■ now open for orders and read}’ 0 ■ business in his new business h' )o3e ß ; next door to Wooten's drug Bt ° r, B in the Clark building. Mr. ? tar *■ Las a splendid line of new seai-oJB goods and invites you to call ■ see him and them. I I .. itbnui tnroinwftM*: K