The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 17, 1898, Image 2

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BIG CONSPIRACY. Unearthed In The Seventh District and Arrests, of CONSPIRATORS FOLLOW A Pointer Dog Sent Through Registry Mail Pouch. Cartersville, Ga., Oct, 17. —Ons of the moat unique, if not gigantic, schemes to swindle the govern nient ever brought to light in this taction is being unearthed through the arrest of participants already mace and others that may follow. The postoffice inspector of the southern division of the depart ment, W. C. Baird, whose head quarters are at Chattanooga, has been under the impression for suDi* time that some sort of swin dling was going on through the poatoflioe department throughout north Georgia and north Alabama, and locating the seat of the crook edness as near as he could, be de tailed Special Inspectors Bass and Peer to investigate the affair. They went quietly and carefully at their work and their early and thorough success reflects much credit on both the chief inspector and them selves. The first suspicions were aroused through the reports of railway clerks of excessive amounts of mail coming to them to be han dled from remote localities. There seems to have been a reg" ulargan>of operators, composed mostly of men with mail contracts in the rural communities, and thsir scheme was to cause tbs es tabiishment of new postoflice, the receipts from which they largely shared. An operator would gc to a farm er and ask him to apply for a postoflice, suggesting a short name, which the government would more readily grant and when it had been established ths farmer was told in order to hold the office he would have to send ofl and receive a great deal of mail. Letters would bs written in numbers and news papers wou'd be regularly regis tered. The operator would tell the postmaster it made no difference to him, as he received the benefits of the cancellations, but the oper ator would receive an amount for carrying the mail (qual to two thirds of the cancelations. At the end of the quarter the operator would go around and make the postmaster’s report for him, in order to save him any in convenience and make his busi- Unless the proper precau /tionsare taken, I C? death will lurk in every home. _• - I t~i |'• step sof hus- ”l ( T i ’ children alike. I - IMIK tbe husband i “ ’®|r p l -* is an ambitious Er- DC man, the B ~u-' ' l Icha nc ea are Vk-\ - that b e will M 1 L Alug-WV f~—; overwork and " _JL~ overwort y and ’L—’ Hk 1 110 nth r 'Q-' fISACm D 1 - ci-. nt time to ' ••"■J ' r . rest, ami • = sl ee P- At first ' nsy'Dr ‘ Dr- he may feel gz*D*j —~iV— but trifling ill —-—ED I effects from his gjj— -D indiscretion. < I Then he will suffer from headaches, loss of appetite, loss of sleep, lassitude in the morning, drowsi ness during the day and a general “out-of sorts” feeling. If these conditions are neglected, almost any serious malady *nay be the result. Frequently it is some nerv ous disorder or dread consumption. Dr. Fierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the best medicine for hard working men. It gives edge to the appetite, makes digestion and assimilation perfect, invigorates the liver and purifies and enriches the blood It is the great blood - maker and flesh builder. It cures 98 per cent, of all cases •f chronic or lingerirfg, bronchial, throat and lung affections. o All too frequently, death dogs the foot steps of the wife, in the guise of weakness and disease of the delicate and important organs that bear the burdens of wifehood and maternity. There is an unfailing cure for disorders of this nature. It is Dr. vice's Favorite Prescription. It acts di settle on the sensitive organs concerned, them strong, healtny and vigorous. It fits for wifehood and motherhood. • bey are sold at all medicine stores During early childhood death lurks in every corner for these fragile innocents. The mother can only protect her babes by acquiring some practical medical know! edge. Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical . Adviser imparts this knowledge. For a jt paper - covered copy send 21 one - cent B ' cover cos t mailing onlv, to V plerce - Buffalo, N. Y. Cloth binging ji stamps. RoYal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum* Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROYAL BAK I N(1 ROWOCR CO., NEW YORK. nees show up correct. Offices were found to have been put at every farm house along some of the routes. Inspectors Bass and Peer went to Haralso. county, the seat of operations, and got their full bearings before mak ing arrests. Last Friday they ar rested W. J. Head, Jr.. Delia, Ga . who seemed, from all indications, to be general manager for specal poetoffices. They found him while carrying a pointer dog from one postoffice to another as registered mail matter, the stamps being put on the animal’s collar and cancel led They arrested also as his accomplice John Lowe, of Ledge, Ga., and Butler Davis, of May, Ga. These men were brought to this city and tried before Judge Aaron Collins, United States com missioner, and we r e bound over to the United States courts cn bonds of $2,500 each for violating sec tions 5440 and 5480 of the Unite States statues, which. it ’s s.'d, they will successfully mak°. Colonel Baird and his capable aids, Messrs. Baes and Ptfer, are being warmly congra'ulated on their work so far, and they ex press themselves as determined to break up the conspiracy by wbich the government has been so shame fully defrauded. It is believed they have only made a fair begin uing, the participants Icing more numerous and extensive than would casually seem, and whole sale arrests are expected and like ly at once. WELL PLEASED CUSTOM ERS. We have sold hundreds and hundreds ol the McCall Bazar Patterns since we have taken the agency, and upon inquiry of the salesladies in the department,we find that not one pattern has ever been returned as unsatis factory, and with hundreds of sales, not one word of criticism has ever been heard against the McCall Patterns. On the contrary many ladies are delighted with the McCall Patterns, because reliable, and because the prices a:e only 10 and 15 cents each.—None High er. Lanham <t Sons 245 Broad street, Bass old stand. lALLFVE FOUND DEAD. Galician Man and Four Children Murdered—Wife Missing Winnipeg, Manitoba, Oct. 17. — 4 Dominion City dispatch to The Free Press says a cold blooded butchery took place in the Gali cian settlement, east of th*re, some time within the last twenty four hours. A Galician man and hie four children were found dead in their house by a neighbor. The wife is missing and is suspected to be guilty of the crim*. The weap on used was aa ax. The man’s head was neaily severed from his body and the children’s bodies were more or less multilated. > IIIMWW BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best-salve in the world I for cuts, biuiese sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salu by Curry Ar-| gton Co. FOUR BOYS Pay the City S3O for Rock ing a Yo'lng Man. THE VICTIM BADLY HURT. 4 Mayor Protem D. B. Hamilton Satin Judgement. Recorder’s court was quite a lively event this forenoon. There was a case against a young “coon” for looking too often on the larger when the schooners came over the bar. He was fined $2 50 The same fine was entered up against a youns man who is the head of a family and who can ill afford to pay the same. And then, two colored dam sels were fined $3 each for en gaging ia a fistic bee and a wordy war. But the star members of the morning matinee were against four youths—boys still on the sunny side of their teens and all of them of good families. These boys were charged with rocking a popular young em ployee of a Rome drug house, All parties at interest were in court, the parties engaged in the boyish outlawry looking penitent and humble, while their victim, minus a couple of front teeth and with his lip cut through by a cruel rock, was there looking the worse for wear. It seems that the young man had escorted an uptown young lady to and f'-om chu ck, and" was returning to his boar dug house. As he came down upper Broad he was met wirh a show er of macadam and a whirlwind of brickbats. Ordinarily the vic tim of a nocturnal rocking par ty takes to his heals. This young man, however, faced the music and captured one of the rockers and made him give the namei of his fellow conspirators, all of whom he reported to the officers. The courageous stand as the yound man caused him the loss of two teeth, broken off by a well aimed stone ; he also had his upper lip badly cut and was struck in other places by rocks.J Mayor Protem Blunt Hamil ton lectured the boys most se verely and fined each of them $7.50. The fines were paid and Eczema All Her Life. Mr. B. D. Jenkins, of Lithonia, Ga., i Bays that his daughter, Ida, iuheritad a aevere case of Eczema, which ths asssd aaqrcury and potash remediea fallad So relieve. Year by year ahe waa traatod with various medicines, external appli cations and internal remediea, wftbont mult. Her sufferings were intense, and her condition grew steadily worse. All the so-called blood remedies did eet a seem to reach the die eaae at all entil &. B.S. was given, whaa an Improvnatal waa at once noticed. The medicine wee continuerd with fav orable iwanlta, and now she is eared sound and well, hes skin is perfectly clear and pare and she has beaa saved from what threat* ened to blight her life forever. B.S.S. (/waraa/rrtf partly cures Bcseaia, Scrofula, Cancer, RJieu matism, or any other blood troahle. It is a real blood remedy sad always cures awan after all else fails. A Real Blood Remedy. Taka a blood rtmtdr tar a blood dheaMf a tonic won't cure It. Our books on blood and skin diseases mailed free to any address. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, fife I S—l I • —■ CTI Woman’s Friend The Great Medicine that Gives Nerve Strength Mood’s Sarsaparilla Makes ths Blood Rich and Pure, Creates as. Appetite and Restores Health, Vigor and Vitality. "I feel that I ought to write • few words in praise of Hood’s Barsapariila. which has done great things for me. 1 wee In a delicate condition and wa» lick at my stomach and constipated. I tried remediee highly recommended for female weakneieee, but the medlcinec brought on other troublee. I waa so weak 1 could not attend to my household duties, and I then determined to try Hood’s faar aeparilla. After I bad taken thin medicine a abort time I began to gala strength. 1 Crow Stronger Each Day until I was able to work all day without any inconvenience. I have taken Hood’s Pilla for conatipation, and I am better to day than I have been for five yean. olnoa taking Hood’e Baraaparilla and Hood’a PHU I feci reeted in the morning. I am lesa nervoua and am aun I have richer and purer blood. I have always been bothered with scrofuls, but sow I am rid of It. Before my Isst child was born I took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and my girl baby was fat and strong, while my other chi’d was not well and lived to be only two yean old.” Mm, g, Jr. Peal, Box 4iy t Misuari Valley, lows, Hood’s •XS. la the beet—in fact the Oue True Blood Punier. Hncid’c Pillc *r»P«relyveaetable,care 11OUU S VIII 3 fully prepared. M eeate more than one of the boys have filled engagements with a man in the wood shed, since. Public sympathy is with the manly young fellow who stood his ground. The fine was ex ceedingly light, but the experi ence will doubtless prove a val uable lesson to the prankish ju venile desperadoes. FIFTEEN PQISENED, Toadetool Prepared for Supper And Cause Two Deaths. Mammoth Springs, Ark.,OcL 17 —Mrs . Jce Williams and her sis ter, Mrs, Brinkley, while visiting at their mother’s home near this place, prepared what they thought to be mushrooms for supper- Tne dish proved to be toadstools and all of the fifteen persons who ate of it were poisoned, three slightly and the others seriously. A thir taeu-y eer-old daughter of a neigh bor named Gteer and Mrs, Brink ley’s young son died. The others, though in a serious condition, may recover. A GENTLE NOTICE. Wishing to close up my old business of Crouch <fc Watson, also of J. T. Crouch & Co. I must insist that all parties in debted to either firm must cal and settle, or the accounts wil be placed in the hands of a col lector with instructions to col lect. Respectfully, J. T. Cxguch. Headquarters for pure Drugs Prescriptions and Toliet Ar tides. Read my Sunday Add. DAMAGE TO SCHLEY’S SHIPS Naval Board Inspicts Bbooxlyn And Makes Rmport. Washington, October 17 —A special Laval board appointed to investigate the repairs neccessary to the Brooklyn, Commodore Schley's flagship, because of dam ages sustained in ths battle in which Cervera’s fleet was destroy ed finds that the principal injury to the Brooklyn was caused by the entrance and explosion on the berth dock of a six-inch shell, shot holes ic throe smokestacks and two escape pipes shot hole through hammock netting injury to after engine room ventilator by six-inch projectile thne one-pounder shot holes in plating and one six-pound er shot bo]6 forward. The following advertisement ap» pears in the Portland Oregonian; “Wanted, small boy to deliver oysters, that can ride a wheel.” OCTOBER WEDDING. Lieilt. Jack, of Roue, and JUiss Grists, of Chattanooga WILL WED o|i THE 27TR, At St- Paul’s Episcopal Church in the "Look Out’’ City. The following invitations are being received in the city by many of Lieutenant Howard P. Jack’s friends: Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gnste invite you to be present at the marriage of their daugh ter Allien Whitfield, to Lieut. Howard Percy Jack, Thursday, Ootober the twenty ty-seventh, Eighteen hundred and ninety-sight, half past seven o clock p. m. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Chattanooga, Tenn. Miss Griste, the bride elect, is the daughter of a prominent Chattanooga family, and is one of the prettiest and most attrac tive yovng ladies in Tennessee. As for Lieutenant Jack—lie needs ne introduction here. Ev erybody kmws the handsome young First Lieutenant of Co. H. Second Georgia. Brave, gal lant, handsome and generous— he is a success in business fields or in the tented camps of war. The people of Rome unite in extending a hearty congratula tion to his beautiful bride-eleet and at the same time join in wishing him and his long life, unbroken prosperity and un ending happiness. For K idney, bhdckr, and stomach troubles, drink Ingram Lithia, for sale at the soda founts of Curry-Arrington Co., Jervis <k Wright and J. T. Crouch. RftlLWfly. <wte pJien *MW»« fteto jESffst’yv rsEua-E. ■» IO WKnorvtUa it TfetS Steif: K w 11 m gooß **o *•» Ajo Puilmwe Waeaahoro fc Norfdn, Ay tl is t?'F' W'V' t-> swi>- W&Jlth Puiqpga c-rs '>>.» tu-axwa • ■mUtniey and ftoJfffiwrv R> Kt < Tort whlk saejganirn. r 4 Bn. A osttlyw FuHinan Slipping Ciir v&to SLev Pla< '>«r Kuos- “st A n<»if " )Knr ywK7.r.zT.'.r.::.. v l - - • ta.**«* to tUrmlnfbato 16 L,..- -jLL k go »| IF? *1 l+Na Wjw.i fl) tOOpw] ljOpasl.Lv ffiyae ai- fSeatif 8 55aS A4arpa>- «.a®nnAr s.uou lU ' fißyal t-yWAr Ajplffr )yl MSamj ♦ Dally except Bunday. j Sunday »ir!p A <M4..Waßklnfft«a. U& X M. CULP, Ttof Wa’ifclmftoa U O. W a TUKtf. g p a. D a a A aiCNSOOTBA S wJb.B.XJeattatoMCKTeM HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred D o | Reward f or c „. ' Catarrh that cannot be cursd l.v Hall’s Catarrh Cure. X F i CM “ NIT<kCo > We, the undersigned k / known F. J. Chene, for’the TJ U years, and believe him to t* financially able to carrv out an* obligation made by their firm. West A Truax, Wholesale Drug, gists, Toledo, O. 1 Walding, Kinnan A Marvia Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. Q. IIall’« Catarrh Cure is internally, acting directly U po M the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials ism freo. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are best. Coke ohepper than Coal- Can be used in stoves for heating and cooking purposes. No smoke or soot. Clean and economical. For further particulars see ROME GAS CO PBOFISSIONiI tllDi ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM, Law OffieeSOO, VlmyeeVM, CHAS W. UNDERWOOD A rtornay at Law, Rom«< Craporaioa Jjlw Onlyr "W. J. NHJHJL, Attorney at law. Will practice In all uctftu. Special attention given to commvreial and the examioatlon ct land titlev. office in King building. Rome, Ha. WALTER HARRIS. Attorney at law and J. P. Office avu F. Ji Kane A Co.’s. LIPSCOUH Sc .WILLINUM AM Commercial Lawyers. Office in Armstrong hotel building, Heme, M B EUBANKS, Attorney at law. OSceKlng Builiiac. Rome, oa. ■W M. ENNIS, Attorney at Law. .Will Practice la all eeurtS Office, Masonic Temple, Moms, Ga. J. SANTA ORWT ) < I Attorney at law, Rome, Ga. Colleetlea* * specialty. Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. MOSES * RIGHT. JUMPMR BAbdMDi 4 WRIGHT A HAMILTON Attorneys at Law. Office: No. 14 Postoflice Building w 3g.‘AgLJ ■ L if fi I I II— DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. 5., Office U4C 1-3 Broad. # Over Cantrell A UV<* J. L PENNINGTON. D D S..M •• . SNTIST 1 Office, AJ6 l-g Broad atreet. Over Raakf Fat enure Co. PHYSICIANS. O HAMILTON, AC D • Physician and Surgeon Office, MMlrtl Bnildlng Rome, Ga. On ee ’phone Ne. Li F. KAMICOND. AC- D- Phyaiclan and Surgeon. Office In Me44<» building. Realdenoe, No. 40# Weal Pint at ee ’phoNo 4 . a—a—a—ag?g!"«Bt PASTEUR FILTERS The cub Gtiin Pre of Filter in the world. Makes water pure and clear for sale by The Haueon Supply Co TAPE, WORMS. “A tope worm otgLtoew l?f? t we lead came on the eoene after my - CASCARRTS. Thia lam auro baa oeuwo »ad health for the pool three yoo>J- 1 j Ml king (Mecarrto. the only ealAartia worthy loWeo by eonaible people " _ GBO. W BuWUB. Bah*. CANDY frZ CATKAHtTTC wjt/fofr. r»*o« mmw fteaaant.” Kk-nt. .Never Sicken. WfrAkoe. <»• ... CURE CONSTIPATION. j •ttarling llo>ai«*dy ( MomoUw*!. < HO-TO-BAC Si - .. , , w