The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 17, 1898, Image 7

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S BVRD’3 EVE VIEW, I ~G o .d 1,,w ' 9 J ’ r «ldf’ T b. »»rth d ®“‘ her mUIJ habit- * 1 1(y0 U «»'>' 10 HVe '' ,l,iDgß , bit suppose you ask Mana ,,r Nevin, of the "P” 1 ' 1 ' I,ou,e ’ ( be thinks it will rain. * * Ofcoursehe will ute‘‘langueg«’’ you when he replies—but vo u deserve it, and take my wul k for it and let bad « nou g h alone, for Guy Woodward is iu training and he is allied to Capt Nevin this week. * * * You know Guy Woodward and Lie splendid company are booked for Rowe tonight, anol the bal ance of the week for that matter. **» Guv is a great favorite in Rome, but desiring to remain in ths swim does not reconcile him to a condition that will force biiD to swiin in. * ♦ * lam scribbling this in the middle of the afternoon while the rain is pelting down on my um brella—that some fellow took at cost—Of course I can’t get out to gather news and so have plunged into the rain—in away —an'l am space writing. * * * Gloomy I my, my, with the big drops beating down on the roof of Printup’s ware house, just below my office window,and with the murky Oostanaula iwishing along under the reek ing ribbons of autumnal foliage that binds her in cn either side —wow —but it is a bit gloomy. * Ite a feeling reminder ®f a typical summer storm day in Nova Scotia, only the wind don’t blow here as it does there. * * * A day like this, along the Nova Scotia coast, you will meet men and boys clad in duck suits, that once were white, each individual wearing a "sou’wester” and a pair of tall grain boots. * * * Moody? Not o bit of it. The average Nova Scotian is not given to low spirits—he even looks on the bright side of the storm that never gets too severe to keep him indoors. A day like this he w ill sing out through the sheets of falling water that, by a stiff breeze are driven in deluges over the de voted "sou-wester” that covers Ins head: "Fine soft day, sir I” * * * if, in the dead of winter With the wind off, and blowing a blizzard, driving the cletes of tea Or the minute fluke of snow across the dreary barrens and frozen lakes, whew ! I shiver thinking of the experience.— ianey yourself rigged up in a b«*r-fur overcoat, a sealskin cap, four ply mit, s encasing your hands and reaching to the el l»ow, your ears in ear muffs and & h*avy, gay colored "cloud” of l&mb a wool wound about your face and neck leaving a cleft for •yes and mouth, with your feet lu six pairs wool sox and encased h‘ oil laragans (soft leather, no alt sole or heel tap) and over your lap and well up to the chin 1 heavy buffalo robe closely drawn and tucked—Then while your cutter skins along the crust T 0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY & ' ce Laxative Bromo Quinine ablets. All druggists refund ie money if it fails to cure. 25c. lhe genuine has L B. Q. on •»eh tablet. AN ANNOYING TASK is it to try to make old and shapeless shoes look like new ones. No man is well dressed whose shoes are not trim and shapely, and when you can buy a pair of our handsome stylish and perfect fitting shoes for $3.00 there is no use waisting time and labor, and sacrificing your self-respect for that amount. You will get twice that amount of wear out of them. W. 11. Coker, No 11, Broad St. u.'i- _i.- 1 fjegwa. -saeaa— of snow behind a sharp shod horse, fancy, in this driving storm, meeting a merry faced "Canuck,” who sings out: "Fine cold day, sir.” * ♦ » Oh you would feel like shoot ing the rascal—l’ve been there. * * * But this is not gathering locals and, rain or shine, you must have a few locals—if only just a few. So I will saw this off aid dive into Broad street. *** Now is the time to subscribe. _l. ■ !*ar Call and see us be fore buying your new winter hat, J. 3. May & Co., 204, Broad St. EVER FAVORITES. More Calculated Than Ever to Please This Season. There are many popular price shows on the road these days, but there is only one Woodward-War ren company. Y*ar after year this splendid or ganization of up-te-date players fasten itself more securely in the hearts of the people, and this year they come stronger and better than ever before. On Monday night next the Woodward-Warren company will open a solid week engagement at the opera house presenting for the first time in Rome that magnifi* cent comedy drama, ‘ The Cap tain’s Mate.” For this play the company uses special sceneryjof its own and they make a strong feat ure of their singing and dancing specialties. Ladies free Monday night only when accompanied by another per son holding one paid 80 cent tick et, which must have been pur chased at Trevitt’s drug store Get your'seats st once and avoid the rush at the lest minute. Special matinees on Wednesday and Saturday KENN WAS AQUITTED. Soldier Who| Killed a Negro In St. Louis Not Held. St. Louie. Oct. 17.-Private Charles Kenu, company D, Second Missouri volunteers, who shot and killed Russell Wedney, a negro deepoiler of his home, was today acquitted by the coroner s jury af ter less than tea minutes delibera tion. Last week Private Kenn came here on furlough from Lexington, Ky„ and found hie wife living with a negro, whom he shot iu self-de fense. Private Kenn will be held to await the action of Colonel John ston, assistant prosecuting attor ney, who will, it is thought, do » cliuo to issue a warrant for bis de tention. i PERSONAL MENNOIT. “Tao Captain’s Ma's." “Thu Captain’s Mate ” “The Captain's Mate.” Iho Woodward-Warren Co., at Nevin's tonight. Tbo Woodward-Warren Co., at Nevin’s tonight. Mr. F. S. Irlsy, nf the Gate City spent Sunday in Rome. County Commissioner R. B. Me- Arver, of Coosa, is in the oity to day. Mr. Clifford B. S»ay returned yerterday from the Mao on Car nival. Mr, J. C. Moore, the popular railraoder, opent yesterday in Cave Spring. Mr. Sproulle Fouche, of Rome, was in the city Sunday .—Dalton Citizen. Mr. A'ax White, of Vano Valley, braved the storm and came to the city today. Captain Henry J. Stewart, of the Third Georgia is in the city for a few days. Do you know that Ingram Lithia water is splendid for teething babies? Mr. Ed Colclough, after several days spout at the Macon Carnival, arrived home last night. The many friends of Mr. Isaac Todd will bo pleased to learn that he io again convalescent. Mr. Charley Patterson, the big knight of the grip, of Car tersville, was here today. Editor James A. Hall, of tbo Calhoun Times, is swimming around in the city today. Mr. Bob Foster, the genial "Old Uncle Bobby” Foster, of Fie., is in the city today. Fancy new seeded Raisins Currants and Citron at Lloyd A Harper’s. Prices to soil quick. Don r t fail to see Guy Woodward, the old Rom* favorite, who will wait for you at Nevin's tonight. The Woo Iward-Warren Co. open a week’s engagement -at Nevin’s tonight, in “The Captain* Mate. Dr. J. S. B. Woolford and Mr. Frank Trester Smith, of Chatta nooga. were guests of the Arm strong yesterday. Mr. B. J. Trammell, of An niston, was in the city yesterday to attend the funeral of hie moth er ,Mrs. Asa Trammell. The many friends of Mrs. Smeltzer will be pained to learn that sho is quite sick at her home on Fourth avenue. Life insurance is a good thing but health insurance, by keeping the blood pure with Hood’s Sarsaparilla, is still bolter. Millinery the cheap est at J. S, May & Co., two doors above Cur ry’s corner. Kuttner’s bargain figures have knocked competitors out. The big sale is on and the crush at the Kuttner emporium is grow ing- The McCall Bazar Patterns are known as the most stylish and Reliable Patterns in the market; no alteration; no com plaints ; styles are strictly up to date. Lanham A Sons. LOOKS LIKB MEANT WAR.i Vice Admiral Is Instructed to Put Fleet In shape- Paris, October 17. —The Solei! publishes a dispatch from Toulon which says that Vice Admiral Fournier who is now at Tunis with M. Lcokroy minister of marine, will return immediately to Toulou whore orders have been received speedily to prepare the armored cruisers Trehouart. Bouvinw Jem mapes and Valmy active service and also to send Brest without delay the largest pussi-de number of gunners to man the .forte and batteries COMFORT IN YOUR HOME, as well as absolute cleanliness, no dust, no dirt, vou get with steam heat. Steam fitting is one of our specialties, and we will put in the necessary apparatus in an expert and satisfactory manner, and do the job neatly and promptly . As to price, you will consult your best interests by allowing us to give you an estimate. We guanantee first class work, aiso at a reasonable price. J. C. Childs, 223, Broad St. MRS, LES IMPROVING. Genera) Has not Seen Hie Wife Since His Arrival Richmond, Va., Oct. 17.—1 tis stated at St. Luke’s hospital that Mrs. Fitzhugh Lee ic somewhat better. General Lee has not yet seen her since his arrival from Jackson* ville. Mas. John Smkrmai Bbttsr. Washington, Oct. 17. Mrs. John Sherman’s condition shows some improvement and her fam ily and friends hope for her early recovery. She is unable to speak yet, but throughout the day she has appeared brighter than at auy other time since she was stricken. THROUGH THE HEART Member, Os Second Georgia Gamble And Fight. Athens, Ga., Oet 17 —Saturday at a late hour William K. Smith, of Bogart shot and instantly kill ed A T. Wood, of this county. Both were privates in company G. Second Georgia regiment, and were here on furloughs. Smith, Wood, Jenkins and Harris four privates were out in the woods near the cemetery and a game of "five-up” was in progress. The parties were drinking. Smith made bis escape but the police authori* ties are hot on bis trial and be will probably be captuoed. w*——yM—— EMPEROR STORM BO JND Yacht Hohinzollxrn Puts Into Zajttb On Account Or Weather Zante, lonian Island Oct. 17. The imperial yacht Hobenzollern, having on board the emperor and empress of Germany and their suites, has put into the harbor of Zante owing to the fact that a strong sirocco is bloving. The yacht will remain here until tbe gale bar abated. All the mem bers of the imperial party are en joying good hea>th. GOES UP TOMORROW Stars And Stripes will be Raisih At San Juan Ponce, Pone R co, Oct. 17. — Tbo stars and stripes will be form ally raised at San Juan tomor row. Brigadier Gcu. Fred D. Grant will be given command of tbe dis trict of San Juan, comprising the jmisdictions of Araciba, Bayamo and Humaooa with tbe adjacent islands. Brigadier Guy V. Henry will be in command of the other portions of Porto Riso. NOTICE. By mutual consent the firm of Lumpkin A Printup, attor neys, was dissolved on May 21s last, 1898. J. B. F. Lumpkin. Jno. C. Printup. LOCH HAPPENINGS. Oysterst—The very finest oys ters thu market affords slw ays t) be found at the Gumez Case. If you want the beet, served the beat c ill on Gom< z Not Doing so Will.—The many friends of the family will regret to learn that Louise, the pretty little six year old dpughter of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Cantrell, who underwent an op eration for appendicitis ten days ago, is gradually growing weak er. with the chances against her recovery. I Announce,—To the public that I have secured the services of William McClellan, an expert fancy candy maker, who has been for the past two years with thu Garrow famous candy kitchen is Atlanta. Wears new making daily all kind of fine taffies, cocoanut, creams, nongats, etc. All we ask is a trial. We can please you. A. M. AntoghoLi, next door to Curry's drug store Hard day on Soldiers —The boys of the Second Georgia,now at home on thirty day furloughs, prior to being mustered out of service, as they sit about com fortable fires and listen to the clatter of the rain on the roof, toast their shins and think of what "it might have been.” Af ter a day like this,spent at home they are more reconciled than ever to the fate that relieved them from camp duty. Buys a Home.—Mr. C. E. Carpener, one of the rising young attorneys of the Rome bar, h*B bought the A. K. Mor gan residence on Eighth ave nue and will make it his future home. Mr. Carpenter cams here from Rockmart a few months ago. He liked Rome and the more Rome sees of him the bet te .Rome likes him. He is mak ing a success of his profession, having built up a flourishing practice. Scores of Good Thinsis—Talk about new things to *eat, you can find scores of nice things at Lloyd A Harper’s that you can not gel elsewhere. They antici pate tne needs of their custom ers, and never fail to have a most tempting array of eatables to suit the season, Just now they have a fine lot of grapes, fancy large celery, Canadian apples, new plump cranberries, fancy bulk olives, Heinz’ sweet pickles, Dill pickles, Lea A Per rin’s sauce, and dozens of other good things. Used A “Razzor”, Mary Brown the young negro woman who med a “razzor” on one Lovie Samuels, another colored Amazon, and who was settinced to ten days in the police station by Record Eubanks, a few days ago, is being tried be fore Judge Treadawa y on a war rant charging assault and battery, She has sworn out w arrants against the Samuels Jiction Jand justice Treadaway is hearinj all the cases this afternoon. . J i uni l ALL OF THF C REW Judge Hands Down Decision Af fecting Prize Monky. Charleston, S. C., Oct. 17. —In tbe United States district court here today Judge Brawley handed down an opinion in the Rita priee money case. Tbe question at issue was whether all of the crew of the Yale should share in tbe money or merely those who were enlisted re gularly in the United States navy. Judge Braw ley decrees that all tbe crew shall share in tbe pro ceeds of tbe sale of tbe ship. The Rita was bought by the govern ment for $125,000. Captain Wise of the Yale will receive $9 PERSON •. Im3U . Adaata, •»- whom roe aJacsK MUM*. Writ* Il *». 'J GRANDPA’S CHAIR is sup posed to be particularly com fortable. But why shoutj not every chair in the house be the sain ? We have a line of chairs that are substantial, handsome and comfortable. Starting at the plain kitchen chair, we might mention dozens of different seats but we desire to call especial attention to our line of dining chairs. We are offering these at prices lower than ever known in this city. Call and see them. Rhudy, Harvey & Co., 337, Broad St. HARGIS IS FREE. Preliminary Trial Resillt in His Fauor. MANY CONGRATULATIONS The Defense Put no Evidence In The Trial. Sidney Hargis, until a few days ago the book k'ecper and atore keeper for Mr. C. D. Wood’s gro cery store, but whom Mr. Wood charged with larceny after trust, alleging that your.g Hargis bad taken and charged to himself over S4OO more than his sa'ary, had a preliminary hearing before Judge Treadawaj' today. Mr. Wood was ably represented by Recorder M. B Eubanko while Mr. Hargis was defended by Mr. Aimer R. Davis and Capt. John Reese. Tbe defense introduced no evi dence, the defendant not even making a statement. His Honer discharged the defendant who was at once surrounded by friends who congratulated him upon his thor ough vind'eation. Western & Atlantic R. R. (BA Hl ft II LOS LINE) AM) Nashville, Chattanooga & St- Louis Railway ’ IAITANOOGA, NASHVILLE, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO,. MEMPHIS ST. LOUIS. ULLMAN PALACE BUFFET SLEEPING CAM JACKSONVILLE and ATLANTA . . TO .. NASHVILLE and ST. LOUIS, THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE. •cal Sleepers _>et<veen Atlanta and Cha** tanooga. >eap Emi.jrant Rates to Arkansas and T exas. .. ursian Tickets to California and CoT* credo Resorts. . v,, >s, i ofoeir., Slw . .:y Cer Reserv-tic* —d ... .. ,i>n,n Ci ut H.r-i, bchedulwi, -tu. ... to xt lO R, J. A. THOMAS. • I i '>c,ent, i /. Lni'i* ‘l.pot. *'•». S KorKd Tloua-, ATI A. it. .A. - vYtk, • IDAWnSON, ’.A., ixket Ao- t tbiit.en-ix:-. ..,1 : tens. a ,1 PR- v. URMAA, 'l,.;' A. . m*. AO-.