The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 17, 1898, Image 8

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. — 1 ■ ■ ■ - -r —" ■ ' ■■■ —" 1 ■ r MRS. CONDON COMES. TO ROME i i • t ••■A-* * ~ • ■' i » *i Wo have much joy in announcing to our friends, in and out wav from Brpad street. * I j of Rome, the coming of Mrs* L. Condon, of Atlanta. • J fler opening day will be Monday, October 17th. Allarecor P j . -Tn this celebrated lady is all that stands for merit in her pro- 1 ¥ dially invited. On and after which time she will be ready, assist- kg) session. She is today the highest exponent of advanced photogra- T I ed by Mr. R.. G. Ilubner, a noted young photographer of Balti —Equalled by but few. if any and excelled by none in all the more, to make pictures for those who would have the highest H Wide n‘r d St udio in Rome will be in the elegantly appointed apart- « r^ e work done Her name is a guarantee of f f “J meats on the second floor of our new store, entrance by easy stair* . the best, and if you wan. tne best call ana eee her. L II ■— «• . W NOW A.JS TO BASS >Sk< We are now in our new store. We lost a month before getting into it, We are determined to make it back- Our prices will do it. Moody & Brewster, wholesale merchants of Atlant a, failed--sneriff sold their immense stock out in cash lots. We were the only Rome merchants at the sale. We bought at a trifle. Well turn the bargains over to our cus tomers. We have an enormous stock of Fine Dress Goods and SUks in the latest imported Novelties, and a. great as sortment of Laces, hmbroideries and Fancy Trimmings. Below are a few of the special bargains: Tow cases Ladies’ Fast Black Hose 3c * Two bales yard wide Drilling, worth Be, at 5? Three cases Ladies’ Fast Black Seamless Hose 5c Three cases yard wide Bleached Domestic for Only 2 7-8 t , Two cases Ladies’ Fleece Lined Jersey Ribbed Vests 10c Ten tTales A A A Sheet ng, yard wide 2£ Two cases Men’s full size and full length Undershirts 10 n/7 vv~7 Three cases yard wide Percales, Fall styles 4|c Three cases Men’s Heavy French Neck Undershirts 15c Two bales good quality Matress Ticking at 4|c Two cases Men’s box 3c .• Two cases Fall outing, the 8c quality at 5c One case Men’s Seamless Sox 5c >. ' One case ,e,nnant White Lawns, well worth 15c, at 8c Two cases vary heavy Drill Drawers, well worth 30c at 15c *ol Two cases of good Bonnet and Dress Gihghams at 3 3-4 c One case Ladies’ Hemstitch Handkerchiefs; one case Men’s 2,000 Men’s all pure Linen Collars, five tor 25c Linen Finish Handkerchiefs, both at half price 3c 800 Men’s Fine Shirts, a little soiled, some of them worth One case Men’s Heavy Buckskin Shirts ' 25c , $1.50, your choice for 39c Are you in reed of a j uit of clothing? Will you require an Overcoat, a Macintosh, a pair of Pants, a Cjat an i Vest? Do you want a Rat? We’ll save you from 25 to 5D per cent on your purchases- Good Jeans pants 35c; Men’6 Sty ish Capped Coin "f oe Shoes, 75C; Ladies' India, Button, Foxed Vamo, Patent Tip Shoes, all sizes, at sOc Our prices on shoes beat the Jews and Gentiles alike. Our $ I .CO Shoes are the best in America. IMF* For Ladies’ Fine Hats and Bonnets, go to our Millinery Department. Do not buy anywhere else if you care to save money. We repeat that we lost a month on'account of building our store, and that «t> are going to make it up. We have a world of goods which we bought at half prices and we can afford to let them go Jt half prices, and we shall let them go in Koine that way. We want your trade and we‘ve knocked the bottom out of prices to get >t. Our prices are as low as 4-cent cotton. Come to see us at our new store. ‘ • *- *• > ... ■ . a. m <a» <mw —i ——— ———,— —— MOHEGAN I' ORROR Three Score Bodies Haue Been Washed flshore. TUGS STILL SEARCHING. Heroic Conduct of Men Who Faced Death. London, Oct. 17. —The Atlan tic Transport Company issued the following statement yester day evening regarding the fate of the passengers and crew of the steamer Mohegan, which was wrecked last Friday evening off the Lizard, between the Man acles an! the Lowlands : Os the passengers eleven have been saved, ten bodies have been recovered and thirty three are missing. Os the crew and cattlemen thirty nine have been saved, fourteen bodies have been re covered and fifty one are miss ing. Since this statement was is sued nine other bodies have been picked up, including two that have been identified as those of passengers. The reports of the various correspondents differ widely as to the rescues, recoveries and losses though none has been able to obtain the exact number of those saved or of the bodies re covered. the bodies of the following passengers have been recovered : la 1. W, King, Edna King, Master King, James Blackey, II. M Cowen, Dr. Fallows, Kk L Franklin Fuller, Mrs. L. M George Seymour, Miss L, 11. Warr.nor. The latest ad vices from Fal i mouth say that thirty eight bodies haye been identified, mostly the bodies-of sailors, thus indicating that more bodies have been recovered since the com pany’s statement was made, Thirteen are yet unidentified, including those of two elderly ladies. One app-ais to be a Ger m an. She wore a watch and a wedding ring, both engraved ‘•1871.” The other wore a silver orooch with the letter “D” in pearl. This is probably the body of Mrs, Charles Duncan. Up to midnight fifty one bodies had been recovered. Some were found miles away and it is expected that more will be washed ashore tomorrow. Many persons undoubtedly were killed by being dashed on rough rocks, who would have escaped if cast ashore on an or dinary coast. Some of the bodies are horribly mangled. A good deal of jewelry and money has been found. As all the navigating officers were lost, it is doubtful whether light will ever be thrown on the causes of the disaster. All the flags ashore and on the boats in the bay are at half mast. Nine of the bodies have been brought to Falmouth, the others to the village church at St. Keverne. The rescued passengers are being sheltered at cottages along the shore and the crew at the Sailors’ Home at Falmouth. Tugs have been cruising in the vicinity all day, despite the rough weather in hope of pick ing up other bodies. The Ct use of the disaster re mains the profoundest mystery. Nobody attempts to explain how the Mohegan got so far north of her true course—from six to I IngraM * 1 LITHIA I I Wateß| /ft /ft BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM, M/ /ft r. Ui /ft F° r Sale at Soda Founts of: /ft CURRY-ARRINGTON CO, J. W and Jervis& Wright. $ < 4 • seven miles. There was no fog a t the time, while the wind on her port quarter was not sufficient to prevent her answering the helm. It has been suggested that h- r compass was faulty, but day light lasted long after Eddystone light w’as passed. The sailors say .the fact that the Lizard light was not vsible •houjd have served to give alarm. The masts of the Mohe gan, which are above the water, show that her stern, is landward causing a thsory that the navi gating officer on discovering that he was in the bay suddenly turned seaward. Two engineers who were saved declare, how ever, that they never slackened speed, Remarkable stories of rescues continue. Robert Barrew, a sea man, performed the feat of swimming, unaided, through the roughest water to Coverack point, a distance of two and a half miles. He climbed up the ragged cliff, where a searching party found him early the next morning completely exhausted. A. C. L. Smith, of Oi-egm, a passenger, surrendered to a wtfman in the water w-reckage that was supporting him and swam asnore unaided. The Wom an was saved. Her name is re ported as Miss Webb, but no such name appears in the Com pany’s list. Messrs. Smith and Blocking, dale say there was the greatest difficulty in launching the boats. The ropes were new and stiff, and the blocks would not Work. Four or five times as many sailors as should have been necessary struggled to bower each boat. The lockers were hard to open. The crew, in a chival rous effort to savd the women, made the mistake of under-man ning the boats. There were only four sailors in one boat, which capsized as soon as it ' was launched, Messrs, Smith and Blooiningdile say that Capt. Griffiths had appeared ill all day. The death of T. W. King, who was a newspaper proprietor at Nantucket, Mass., and of his family, including Mrs. King, her mother, Mrs. Weller, and his sous, Rufus, aged eleven, and Anthony, aged seven, has caussd deep sorrow at Penzance, where the family had a summer cottage and were very popular. Joseph O’Rjiko, King’s valet, who was sa' ed, says he was on deck when the crash came. The lights went cut immediately. Rushing to the saloon he heard Mr King exhorting his family to keep cool. O’Rorke, with seven others, clung to the rigging until 6 o’clock yesterday morning when a life boat took him off. He identified the bodies of the Kings and Mrs. W. 1 er and will have them embalmed and taken to the United States in accord ance with ci bled instructions from the relativ- s of the family at Nantucket. DRES SMAKING. With the aid of a good pat tern, dressmaking becomes a very simple art- For this purpose the McCall Bazaar Patterns are superior in every respect, in fact they are referred to as “The Reliable Pattern,” not only is a perfect fit guaranteed (if the proper size is selected), but the appear ance of any figure is sure to be improved by wearing a bodice cut after these models. Sheets free at Lanham & Sons. Try J. S. May & Co., for your winter hatj They will please you and save you money. Annual Sales overo,ooo,ooo Boxes FEER FOB BILIOUS AND NEBVOUS DIBOBBEKS Mich as Wind and Pain in the Stomach. Giddiness, Fulness after meals. Head ache, Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite. Cestivenr-s. Blotches on the Skin. Coli Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and "11 K rvous and Trembling Sensations. TSE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEf IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferet will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. ME ECHA MN 1’11,!.*, taken as direct ed, will quickly r-store Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irreguleriti<*s of the sys tem and cure nick Headache. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And have the LARGEST SALE •fany Patent Medicine in the World. 25a. at all Drue Stores. Beware of Imitations •SjUG'S' Starke, The Tailor - Mr. S. M. Starke the popular tailor is now cpen for orders and ready f°r business in his new business home next door to Wooten’s drug store in the Clark buildiug. Mr. Starke Las a splendid line of new season goods and invites you to call and see Mm niid them. „ KOI t ? J *I I« << kox.-^■‘••At /' iwi cuj >rvM W < MjfW* Mg *.vi llio m t * neon rfnienrihJ 2ZmSS•• I,