The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 18, 1898, Image 1

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NINTH year smoke a Bill Arp’ waiters New Brand I OGMN horror. ■lliis Time Hilnian Lines are I Lost In Fiames. I |WIE PEOPLE KILLED. ■in a Fearful Rai way Wreck |n K England. I M*rg«te, Englaud, Oct. 18. — ■ The British bhip Blongfell, Cap ■taiu Johnson, from New York. UsHpleinber 19cb, for London, was ■ destroyed by a sudden fire oft this ■ place yesterday. Nine of her llcreff, the captain, his wife and ■ ehildren, the first and second ■ mates and a pilot perished. I The Blengtell was passing here Ilin tow, on her way to London, at | about 6:30 a. m. and was about | four miles off the coast. Sudden- ■ ly du was enveloped in fl m-'s sn ' I smoke poured from her hate - ■ ways. I The life boa's immediately put ■ off to h<T us-ib'.auce, but before I they vere ab « to reach ibe burn- I iug vessel her m sts fell and she I was burned to the watei’s edge. Her hull Hven'.u .lly drifted upon ' the Goodwin nidi. The Blangfell bad u quantity of napb ha on board and the smell of It was so strong during the voyage that tbs officers of the ships had t 'shift tbeir quarters last evening. An explosion occurred just as the I captain of the Bloufell had en gaged the servicss of a tug which laved the survivors. The Blengfell was an iron vessel built at White Haven in 1876, she Segntered 1,117 tons, hai'ed from Liverpool and was owned by J Edgar Ace. A MILE A MINUTE. Passenger Train Crashes Into Freight, 9 Persons Killed- London, Oct 18.—A terrible railway accident occurred yester day evening on the Great Central railway near Barnet, about eleven north of London, An express train gring at th tate of a mile a minute came into Collision with a ireight train that was switching across the track at Carnet Junction. The express piled up a complete wreck . Nina dead and thirteen seriously injured have been recovered from the wreckage and there are others under the debris. p VENPORT’S BIG ESTATE hu* . McDowell Bequeathed Most of \ H ar Fortune T Boston, Mass., Oct. 18.—While (Jhe will of Fanny Davenpoit, the Actress, has not been probated, it flvavea absolutely to her husband, McDowell, the bulk of Bier great (state, variously e.ti- Jnately from $350,000 to $600,000 ■ The special bequests are as fol ■lows. To Alisa Davenport’s tieter, SbOOOand a half-interest m the old Davenport family home in Canton, Pa , to her sister May (Mis. Wilflarn Seymour). SBOOO in cash and a lot of bonds of the Omaha Water Company, to her •ister Florence (Mrs. Tier), SBOOO in cash and a halDinterest in the Canton house to her brother Ed •2000. and "seven mecea and neph ®w«. SBOOQ and S2OOQ. ..each. She •Iso specifies the distribution of • 100,000 and a library of 40,000 volumes. *** '.r- v* t | X • < A?’ V THE ROME HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL THREE VICTIMS Os The 111 Fated Ocean Liner' Mohegan MOTHER AND DAUGHTER Missed The Bourgogne To Go Down With The B'itjsher. Glen Ridge, N. J., Oct. .18. — Mrs. Emeline Firaing and Miss Elizabeth Fireing, of Glen Ridge, passengers on the Mohegan, are wife and daughter respectively of Captain John P. Fireing, assistant paymaster, U. S. N , whose office is in th« Stewart Building. New York . They went to Europe lust June on La Bretagne, cf the French Line, They had intended sailing on the Bourgogne, but decided to take an earlier steam ir, and th s missed the disaster that cost more than’soo lives. Once srife ashore, they refused to return on any ships of the French Line, and foifeited tbeir tickets to take passage on the Mo hegan. The French boat arrived safe'v, the Mohegan was lost. Mother and daughter are well known in Glen Ridge and Mont Clair society. There was no one at home to-day at tbeir handsome home in Glen Ridge, Mr Fireing having g jne t) Boston to visit a a married daughter. MBs Fireing is an amaUur actress of ahi itv, and for years has been the star member cl the Bloomfield Drama tic club She Took Mu.-ic II n.jrs. Montreal, Que., Oct 18, —Miss Shepherd is the cn’y sister of B aurnont Shepherd, office mana ger for Messrs Greenshields &i Greens! ields, and his niece is Miss Fraser. Mr. Shepherd read the account of the Moheg'an disaster in the morning papers and on reaching the office found a letter from his sister, stating that she was leav ing for home, and with a lady companion had taken passage on the steamship Mohegan. Miss Shepheid’s h.'me is in Woodstock. She had in Germany for some time studying music, and had tak en the highest honors. THAT JOYFUL FEELING With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength and internal cleanliness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is unknown tothe few who have not progressed beyond the old time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the wel informed. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. TO INDICT TANNER, Virden Coal Company After Il linois Governor. Virden, 111., Oct. 18.—Attor ney William Patton, of the Chi cago-Virden Coal Company, says that there is under consideration an attempt to fix the responsi bility for the tragedy upon the governor of Illinois, whom the grand jury will be asked to in dict . ■ . 1-• *"■ The McCall Bazar Patterns are known as the most stylish and Reliable Patterns in the market; no alteration; no com plaints ; styles are strictly up to date. Lanham & Sons. ROME GEORGIA. IUE3DAY EVENING, OCTOBR 18, 1898, OUR ISLAND ALLY Columbia to Ride in the Sils luilh Britania. WASHINGTON MEMORIAL Is Now Proposed by Our B it sh Cousins London, Oct. 18.—One of the leaning features of the Lord Mayor’s procession this year will be a car emblematic of Anglo- Saxon union. Britannia and Co lumbia, the central figures, be ing surrounded by the British colonies. Sir Lepel Henry Griffin, ad dressing a meeting at Luton, on the subject of the suggested Anglo-American union, said Col. John Hay, the former United States Ambassador at London, wrote to him on leav ing London, saying: “I sometimes think that the only advantage we Yankees possess over you is that w’ebave two native countries, while you. have only one.” Col. Hay appears also to-haye given hit opinion of the suggest ed Washington memorial in En gland, expressing approval of the scheme, which he regarded as being in the highest degree magnanimous. He remarked that it would be the first time any country had erected a me morial to the man who had beaten its people in arms, add ing that the subscriptions must come exclusively from Englsih men, as naturally, citizens of the United States could not participate in any way. 110 W IT HURT £ ! Rheumatism with all its sharp twinges, aches and pains. Do you know the cause? Acid in the blood has accumulated in your joints. The cure is found in Hood’s Sarsaparilla which neutralizes this acid. Thousands write thatjthey have been com pletely cured of rheumatism by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Hood’s Pills cure nausea, sick headache, biliousness, indiges tion. Price 25c. LIFE-SAViNG AT SEA Invewtk n That May be Valuable To Ocean Liners. Berlin, Oct 18.—-Director Schue mann, of the North German Lloyd Steamship Company, has invented a new style lifeboa', whose mec hanism, while very simple allows of the boat being easily 1 unched without the use of davits. The new lifeboat can also be lowered in a high sea and drop in to water at some distance from the vessel, thus lessening the dan ger in the case of shipwreck or fire. The Kaiser Wilhelm Der Grasse is now being fitted with these boats. The new Humburg- Americans liner, now in course of constiuction, will also be equip ped with them. _L_ —-J Pattern Hats. Mrs. A O. Garrard desires to state that she has placed the most beautiful line of pattern’hats in the city, on the market at greatly reduced prices. She is determined to close out the entire stock and cor lisllv invites you to call and get prices before buying, LA NHA H’S STORES OLD STORE, NEW STORE, Fourth Ward. 245 BroadSt We have never sold out at cost nor faked the people in any way, and therefore we think our adver tisements are more worthy of consideration by the trading public than if we made promises that we did not live up to- We have always made it a rule to state the exact facts and perform all we promise in our ad vertisement, and we are not going to begin a crusade of fakeism this late day. We have the very largest stock of all New Goods in Rome, a n our prices are und 'r any. We are more than willing to compare quality and vie with any, and we mean to be up with my in qualityd style, ect , and as low or lower than any in price. <- ; [ Our Millinery Department is a marvel of beauty and style and the prices are far below others We have the bast milliner in Rome, Miss LaFrance for the very best mdlinery stores in the country— a number of seasons in the largest cities of ths East, is comnetmt to build the hat fo’ any lady oi the land. ’• * ■ , Our suck of Dress Goods emDnces all the newest weaves and colors, and some of the styles are not to be had outside of our house. Some cf the extreme French novelties are to be found here and only here, and the prices are the vary lowest. Embroideries! If you want embroideries you can’t afford to pass our door. We have the largest stock in Rome and the prices are about half the regular. We quote a few prices here and you wil find they are just as we say: Double fold dress goods all wool filling, new style, only Qc Double fold plaid novelty, pretty and worth much more qc One dollar corsets 4Q« 42in Fine dress goods worth twice our price ape The very best indigo calico, not the thin kind 31-2 Bleached cotton 2 3'4 Ladies hose, fast black, 5 HBest spool thread, per spool 3 I-2 And we let you have all you want at this price. Six papers pins for gc Thirteen balls thread 5c See thestamped linen and get our prices. We sell napkins, 12 inches square at, each 5c Clothing and gents’ furnishings at close prices. White shirts 25c JHN HnM HND SoNs 10 CENTS PER vVEEK