The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 18, 1898, Image 2

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FIRST BLIZZARD Os The Season Strikes The Wooly West. EARLIEST IN 25 YEARS Soldiers Eyes Turn Longingly to Dixie. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 17. — The earliest winter stoim in the wist in twenty-five years, and the worst storm on record, yesterday almost completely shut Kansas City off from wire communication with the south, the west and the north. An opening on the oast has alone kept the city from being totally isolated. It bad been raining for the past twe.ity-four hours. Short ly after midnight last night the rain.turned to snow and the tem perature dropped perceptibly. Steadily since then a heavy wet •now, driven by a strong wind, at points reaching the volocity of a has fallen Hundreds of tele graph and telephone poles out in the open have either been blown down by the strong wind or brok en by the weight of the snow cov ered wires. At Fai: mount Park, near Kan sas City and at Leavenwcrth. Kas,, where portions of the 3d and sth Missouri, and the 21st and 22d Kansas regiment, respectively are encamped, many tents were blown down and thu soldiers made to suf fer acutely. The storm came up with great suddenness and caught many un prepared. Numerous cases of suf fering to man and beast will doubt tees be reported when communica tion shall have been resumed. Railway traffic, while more or less hampered, has not been badly in terrupt, as far as can be learned. In Kansas City no seriom damage has resu't<d. Nearly an Inch of Snow. Pittsburg, Kae., Oct., 18, —A cold rain in this section was fob lowed last night by a snow storm, which covered the ground to a depth of nearly an inch by day light. KILLED DRUNKEN FATHER Captain Dye Threatened Son and Boy Shot Him. Niishv : lle, T*»nn., October 18.— Captain Joe Dye, a rail' road section boss, was shot and killed by his son, John Dye a Belfast, Marshal county this after noon. Captain Dye came home Union the proper precau tions are taken, 1 death will lurk in every home. HRjSBBSas It dogs the foot- dt ,'- »teps of hus- I • band, wife and It» ' children alike. S* If the husband i l ■? - :JSgf ' P'- is an ambitious /2-j 1 Iga, | Sr- man, the K "u' 1 ' a_'i- KXtwTwSi iu tß at he will ■A It ■Bjkiiß' wWF f— overwork and Wtejoverworry and ■ e * ent to * lee P- At first ■£%■ ■ |F=rz- he may feel £!z^' —iV- ~~ -L WL but trifling ill —-—tS? l effects from his -—•. indiscretion. < I Then he will suffer from headaches. los» of appetite, loss of sleep, lassitude in the morning, drowsi ness during the day and a general “out-of sorts” feeling. If these conditions are neglected, almost any serious malady may be the result. Frequently it is some nerv o»a disorder or dread consumption. Dr Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is the best medicine for hard-working men. It gives edge to the appetite, makes digestion and assimilation perfect, invigorates the liver and purifies and enriches the blood It is the great blood - maker and flesh builder. It cures 98 per cent, of all cases •f chronic or lingering, bronchial, throat and lung affections. A All too frequently, death dogs the foot steps of the wife, in the guise of weakness ted disease of the delicate and important •sgans that bear the burdens of wdfehood and maternity. There is an unfailing cure for disorders of this nature. It is Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. It acts di- on the sensitive organs concerned, them strong, healthy and vigorous. I'bts for vrifehood and motherhood. They are sold at all medicine stores. During early childhood death lurks in *T«ty cornw for these fragile innocents rue mother can only protect her babes by acquiring some practical medical knowl «txe. Dr Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Aavifcer imparts this knowledge For a psper • covered copy send 21 one - cent a Sr m R B J? cover cost mailing only, to IS' ? V Pierce > Bu ff al «. N. Y Cloth ■ binding 31 stamps. RotfAL Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum* Alum baking powders are the greatest tnenaccn to health of the present day. ROYAL BAKING FOWOCR 00., HEW YORK. diunk and was making himsdf ob noxious. He threaten d the boy ahe» he protested, and was shot through the head twice. The son has been sick several months and was in a very nervous condition SATCHEL LOST Dcchej of Devonshire Loses Jew elry Valued At $150,000. Paris, Oct 17. —The duehes of Devonshire, wife of the lord presi dent of the council of British minister while on board a train bound forCa'ais lost a satchel con taining jewelry worth $150,000, Her grace left the train at Amiens and returned here to rep rt her lose to the police. It is believed that the satchel was stolen, but there is no clew to the theif. WELL PLEASED CUSTOM ERS. We have sold hundreds and hundreds ot the McCall Bazar Patterns since we have taken the agency, and upon inquiry of the salesladies in the department,we find that not one pattern has ever been returned as unsatis factory, and with hundreds of sales, not one word of criticism has bver been heard against the McCall Patterns. On the contrary many ladies are delighted with the McCall Patterns, because reliable, and because the prices a:e only 10 and 15 cents each. —None High er. Lanham & Sous 245 Broad street, Bjss old stanl. COL. CANDLER RESIGNS. Retires in Accordance With Wishes of Friends. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 18—Col. John S. Candler has resigned command of the 3d Georgia and will continue to preside in the courts of the Stone Mountain district. The move is made, Col. Candler says, in obedience to the wishes of his friends and the duty he owes bis family. Lieut. Col. Berner is the next in com maud. Wl" —■ ■ MJS! ! . “What do you call that emin ence?” asked the tourist. “We don’t call it nothin’, an swered Pieface Johnson. “That there, I guess, is the only bluff in this country that ain’t been called.”—Cincinnati Enquirer. “His blood is on thy head!” they cried. The woman laughed, affecting indifference;! ut almost upon the instant cried : “Is his blood on straight?’’ and there upon they were apprised that their accusation had struck home.—Detroit Journal. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE 'Che best salve in the world for cuts, biuiese sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, I and positively cures Piles or no j pay required. It is guaranteed ' to give perfect satisfaction oi money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salu by Curry Ar rington Co. II ■ MM Fancy ntw seeded Raisins Currants and Citron at Lloyd & Harper’s. Prices to sell quick. j WOODWARD WARREN GO. Gaue a Splendid Performance Last Nlylit. QUITE fl GOOD HOUSE In Spite of The Miserable Weather. Guy, Woodward, always a fa voritein the Hill City opened a week’s engagement at Nevin’s last night. The attraction put on last night was “The Captain’s Mate” and to say that it was brilliantly performed and enthusiastically received would be the plain truth, nothing more. Guy Woodward, when he ap peared, was greeted with en. ihusiastic applause He has not been a stranger before the local footlights since his first appear ance, and will never be again while bis light holds out to burn. At his last appearance here he was easily ranked as the peer of popular price stars. His work last night shews that he has climbed rap ; dly aud he now claims and is justly accorded a peerage among the best fun, makers on the American ttage. But not satisfied with improv ing his own individual work he has gathered about him and the gifted Miss Warren a large aud splendidly selected company of dlever actors and actresses. In last night’s performance Miss Warren, as the aged hag, Hannah Lyons gave it a most villainous interpretation and proved herself a worthy mother of 11. B. Siggins who, as Dave Lyons,was as dehpdyed a scoun drel, (stagely speaking) as ever scuttled a ship or cut a throat. Miss Elberta Roy—Oh if you say Elberta is a peach—you won’t Miss her. She is as capti vating as Patti Rosa ever was. Miss Roy has a bright stage fu ture. Her Rome audience fell in love with her last night. Bert Walters is a lulu. As Mary Ellen Riley he was im mense and if he was the “coon” who “sung and danced,” why his equal has not been seen Nevin’s since the house was built. Will N. Smith also deserves a chapter of compliments for the aii Mr. B. D. Jenkins, of Lithonia, Oa., •ays that his daughter, Ida, inherited a •evere case of Eczema, which the usual aarcury and potash remedies failed to relieve. Year by year she was treated with various medicines, external appli cations and internal remedies, without result. Her sufferings were intense, and her condition grew steadily worse. All the so-called blood remedies did not aeem to reach the dia ease at all until S. S.S. was given, when an improvement was at once noticed. M ,ne< l' i 'l rie WM r®f® a conti n need with fav orable results, and now 6 h* *• cure 4 r sound and well, her I 11 ‘J ' she has been saved from what threat ened to blight her life forever. 8.8.5. guaranteed purely vepetablf) cures Eczema, Scrofula, Cancer, Rheu ! matiem, or any other blood trouble. It is a real bloc d remedy and always cures even after all else falls. A Real Blood Remedy. Take a blocd remedy for • blood disease, a tonic won’t cure it. Our books on blood - and akin diseases mailed free to any address, , Swift Specific I Co., Atlanta, Ga. SCROFULA It is Fou! Blood’s Advertise ment But It is Soon Cured fcy Hood’t Sarsaparilla. Yea, Scrofula, ii anything, may beealltn the adverliaeiiicnt of foul blood. 11 Lth scourge of the world—offensive, painful debilitating, stubborn cud veil r'<{l unendurable. Outward applications do not cure, the; only drive the difficulty to now quur.en Emollients may palliate, they canno abolish the evil. There is but one aur< way out, and that is to eliminate th, taint from the blood. Ther*! is one remedy that can effoct.this and it is the only one that, so far as W know, has almost invariably succeeded even where the system baa been poisoned by long years of taint, and the ravages to be repaired are tremendous. That remedy is Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Read this: “ My daughter was afflicted with im pure blood. There were running sores all over her body and they caused her much suffering. We tried ’medicines that were recommended as blood purifiers, but could not see that they did any good. A friend told ine about Hood’s Sarsapa rilla end I began giving the girl this med icinc. The result vas that she was per fectly cured after taking a few bottles, She has Lad no symptoms of scrofula sores since that time.” Marietta M. Smith, South Middleboro, Mass, Hood’s *SX J’s the best-in fact tbe One True Mmd Purifier, insist upon li.take no substitute. Hrxr\rl’« Dilta !lct harmoniously wI3 OOP 0 D'ilils Hood's Saraaparill* perfect “presto change” from Blind Joe, the lovable, gentle, patienfold pensioner, to the ho bo villian and trusting pal of Dave Lyon. His interpretation of the two parts was such as to prove him to be an artist of rare power. Miss Bonnair Price. Mr. Charles Middleton and Mr. John S. Sullivan each acquitted them selves in a manner to justify Mr. Woodward in claimin; that he has in his company artists for even the easier characters. “Little” Carrie Cordelia’s specialty in singing and dancing, was most remarkable, while the illustrated songs of Mr. Burt Gilderoy are worth double the price of admission. Roman’s have an opportunity this week to enjoy strictly high grade amusements at popular prices. Guy Woodward should play to a full house every night he is here. Performance begins at 8 :15 each evening. Admission 10, 20 and 30 cents. Matinee tomorrow afternoon at 2:30, admission 10 and 20 cents to all. YELLOW FEVER Increased Number of New Cases at Jackson. Jackson, Miss., Oct. 18 Contrary to general expectation, Jackson’s report of new cases of yellow fever for today is unusu ally large, the total being fifteen. a his is accounted for by the fact ' that the cool weather tends to devolop the disease in persons whose systems already contain the gjrms of infection, but it is believed that further spread is not p >ssible with the prevailing temperature. END OF INDIAN UPRISING. Walker, Minn , Oct., 18.— Indian Commissionei Jones and his party and the newspaper correspondents who left cn the tug Flora for Black Duck Point to attend the Indian council, passed through one of the sever est storms ever known on Leech lake. In attempting to land here on their return the Flora ran into the sunken timbers. There she hammered, while small boats in the lee of the steamer with great difficulty brought those on board ashore. The Flora will go to pieces before morning. Dod t fail to eee Guy Woodward, the old Rom« favorite, who will wait for you et Nevin’s tonight ENGLAND DEMANDS The Immediate Restoration to The Chinese Throne of THE DEPOSED EMPEROR Will Brook no Deviations or Delays. London, Oct. 18.—A dispatch to a London newt agency from Shanghai eays: “Reports from Japanese a >urces are in circulation here to the effect that Sir Claude MacDonald. Brit ish minister at Peking, had in formed the Chinese government that sovereignty appertains e >lely to the emperor, who has been forc ibly abducted and depostd, and that he must be restored to hit, po sition, while Kang Yu Wei and the other reformers must be par doned, Failn g comp'iui ce, Great Britain will enforce th se de mands. “A rube’lion in Hu Nun prov ince is cert ii). Foreigners at Yang-Tse ports are in great dan ger. Most of the residents have left Chun King, iu the province el Sy-Chuen , and foreigners at other porta are preparing for a hurried d e pa r t u re A GENTLE NOTICE. Wishing to close up my old business of Crouch & Watson, also of J. T. Crouch & Co. I must insist that all parties in debted to either firm must cal and settle, or tl.e accounts wil be placed in the hands of a col lector with instructions to col lect. Respectfully, J. T. Crouch. Headquarters for pure Drugs Prescriptions and Toliet Ar tides. Read my Sunday Add. piLi'fly. to L<. ■ fe 'S.Si >-• * , Cl”** C> ".VrwA® .■<*» | <Sw Ctiuma- to T WTTKV »TO.att«n»»in> a<J iff- Ui Xn » narrles R»ri!uiau (tor tofewwa .« cStoafntw.d an?) ss A.wu-.'ffira : r, 1.4 F| to RtJorvnjq. ~„.k ..-.ljl fthaj ' SViOi JfVjS © LtaoTl, to n«t :4jn-V .gk. | i'vnyi V to kSt|.-ix2 | Cjkic to , _ l4s<mlJß»ai © OxenXriofa. ..„.. a. iMMnigWji to tfrilcb-h LW><n VS&.u, to Norfolk„ f.SeaiA,,.,.. , Ur c«t Chaitarwwa u> Yx’Ht m Ain*, •til* and Salktburt k»R> (URj-lhrt lit- B.W a.m. Ifrxo PuiTmaffi SVepinj <%r (vasensboro Oo Norttftk Wo Jills sjiltfi tr.ih) tnn<vi.-a tn Stall*. SWry. With PußmAa Slo-pbi# C->r (ViaMnuKwa to HtoLibury ana ftiUb>l>ui-y ft. ;4vw Turk with, ata change. frr Ariosi ' / i Na. 4 ) jTS7T s.£fpna J[3sa3> to Knoxvtlta...... ... J 8 A.ptuht.riSaui to Mcvrltorwa . .1 ? |4«m LiJpts to Briatrfl J —LOOam lAftpm A> Wx«ftilrmoa _.L T.auuai < Jia* W Sa A 0.-uries ra'.lma'i slonpln« Gar Cpattu ajtxM 19 Waalitngl'in and <xa» to New Y«4t without Jlb 1 c.-vrlaH I’uiMiaw Sleeping Our K-nox rfjla to Brt tin. Kofi" Anniston W Slrat • Biraniugbani IQ.OOp® Selma. B.s3pn> ■ ? 30pm i *•* WSgLca.-. Vicksburg U.R&am >V, J . tßf ‘P“ I*J g W J#* I'P i>*pnb i'supjnp-’ *•’ tJiSam Ktopm s.6®>rtfcAr Givi «t»n. ar, SJio.itu AAia"! 4wjy< iffinyAr S iiam; ♦ Daliy Sunday. | Sunday oolg r & QAKbtOS. Bdv.« * <xm ..VtotUagtM. ua i. M. CUCP. Trit. Mo. WunMMkm. ft ft W A. TURtf. O V A.. WMMMWt. & a a A. HKNSOOTSR, » HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Doi lars Reward for any Cftßo o j Catarrh that cannot be cured 1>« Hall’s Catarrh Cure. T F. J.Cmknky A Co., Toledo, 0 We, the undersigned, hs V » known F. J. Cheney for the hut 15 years, and believe him to be financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West A Truax, Wholesale Dr U< . gists, Toledo, 0. Waiding, Kinnan <t M arv j ft Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,o. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upo M the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent freo. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggisle. Hall’s Family Pills are ths best. Coke cheaper than Coal- Can be used in stoves for heating anti cooking purposes. No smoke or soot. Clean and economical. For further particulars see ROME GAS 00 ■ILL— IX i : - I u._ PROFfSSIOIUI CilDi ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM. law Office 200, lust First, CHAS W. UNDERWOOD Artornsy st Law, kUma* Crsporaiou J«*w Onlyr •W. J. NEEL Attorney at Jaw. Will practice in all oeum, Special attention given to commercial law and the examicatlon cf land lities. office in King building, Rome, Ba. 'WA.L.TER, HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office ever F. J.- Kane A Co.’a. LIF’tt<?OA4I3 Ac .WILLINUMAM Commercial Lawyers. 'Office in Armstrong hotel building, R«m«, 8» M B EUBANKS. Attexney at law. OffloeKLug Building. Rome, ua. "W. M. ENNIS, Attorney at Law .Will Practice in all ceurta Office, Muonic Temple, Route, Ga. J. SANTA ORWF 2 t & Attorney at law, Rome. Ga. Colleetiaat • specialty. Maaonic Temple. Roma, Go. HOS RS « RIGHT. HARPER MA Mtl.TO* WRIGHT k HAMILTON Attorneys at Law. Office: No. 14 Postoffice Building DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. S., Office *4C 1-2 Broad. W Over Cantrell A owet J. L PENNINGTON. D D S.,M ». . KNTIBT- Office. 4)6 1-* Broad street. Over Haiku Fur mure Co. physic Tans. O HAMILTON. M D Physician and Surgeon Office, Meditol Building Rome, Ga. O ce ’phone No. M. Li F». KAMMOND. X. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office in Msdl building. Residence, No. 402 Weal First A oe 'pho'To d TONSORAL PARLORS/ LEWIS BARRETT, The ‘Old Reliable.” operating the Centra l hotel Barber Shop, Invites you to give him a trial,and promises to do the rest. Only skilled men employed on the chairs . HOWELL C. TAYLOR, Himself a skilled barber, employs 0..1y the very best artists in hia toneoral studio, in the Curry Building, opposite the Armstrang. ller * vou are made comfortable while your wor 1® being done. PASTEUR FILTERS The enh Gem Proof Filter in the Trorld. Makeg water pure and clear sale by The Hyfcson Supply Co ANY PERSON new 64 page Booklet yMS will be sfu» for a short time to ** 22% S Br<»TSu taUnMk O«- * 1X)B1 r °° “ b eddrebs. Write totow.