The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 18, 1898, Image 4

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THE IIUSTLER-GOMEMIA ehustlerofrome KatakliMhed, I«K>. — — ~HE ROME COMMERCIAL Established. 1895. md every eveaing. except Saturday. Suadav aud weekly. PHIL Q. BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER «ii miiTTI ■ ■ ■ JU-.- - If Gomez can manage Cuba, why, turn the island over to him. Yes, Jane, dear, the parrot belongs to the mocking bird family. The fellow who labors under a delusion seldom reaps the re ward of industry. ■ im ...MU . ...iw The indications now are that Van Wyck will win the New York gubernatorial centest. And now they tell us that the dswagerisin favor of reform. Was this the reason she got ahead of the emperor? While a burglar is not a gen tleman he manages to secure an entree into seme of the best homes in a community. The Pillagers complain that big game is disappearing, there fore they grab their scalping knives and go bunt—the hair. Guy Woodward, Rome’s old footlight favorite, returns to the city after a couple of years, and gives us the best popular price show on the road. The Emperor, in going to the holy land to dedicate a church, is accompanied by the Empress who carries over 100 big trunks full of dresses. Ob, temper, Oh Holy Moses! A newly discovered story about Henry Clay is to the effect that when his wife was asked if she was not worried by his gambling, “Oh, not at all; Mr Clay always wins.” The public funeral of Mr, Gladstone was not extraordinary expensive. Some of the newspa pers gave the cost as $35,000, but competent authority states that the actual cost was about 110,000. Massachusetts is, by long odds, the gr atest New England state. Her democracy is true to Bryan and free coinage. There was no dodging the issue there. The doging states should hang their heads in shame. The negro ccal miners of the south were met with extended arms when they entered yankee dom to earn an honest living And yet the unsophisticated “moke” marches up tc the polls and votes the republican ticket The Thomasville Times gives the Georgia legislature this timely little tip: “Legislation is needed on the subject of taxation. Give the people a law which will equal ize this burden, and which will force every man to pay hisshare of the taxes.” The Glascock Banner says that Hon. Thomas E. W atson did not register for the recent election. The LaGrange Repor ter says that Mr. Watson has given up trying to save the country and is now saving him self ; and adds : “This is where Mr. Watson has the advantage o of an editor. The newspaper man has to save the country all the time, no matter how badly he Igets lost in the shuffle.” Miss Helen Gould is to be presented wkh an album con taining the autographs of as many soldiers and sailors as care to send them. They are to ;be sent in letters on paper suit able for pasting in the album, which is also to contain a set ol resolutions. There will be no expense to the senders, and the collection will form a memorial which Miss Gould says she will value highly. M < LIL Jt" It has been less than two years since the law making life imprisonment instead of death the penalty for murder in Colo rado went into effect, and yet agitation has aha ady begun , looking to a revival of the death penalty. It is asserted by those who wish a re-establishment cf the gallows that the life impris onment law has resulted in an epidemic of crime. The contrast between the he roic conduct of the crew of the wrecked British steamer, Mohe gan, and the cowardly brutality of the French sailors in the wreck of the La Bourgogne,some time ago, places the mariners o the latter nation at lamentable disadvantage with the former. As an example of how pros perity floods the country, the Philadelphia Press, in an edi torial market review, laments the continued fall in v.Jiv s and meditates upon a lower deep A maiked copy should be sent to the Baltimore board of tiade. GEORGIA PRESS, Georgia’s 70,000 democratic majority shows how successful the effort to break up the good old party in this state has been. Atlanta Journal. The question which is now interesting the public is whether populism was blown up by an interna] explosion or by a demo cratic submarine mine on the outside.—Augusta Chronicle. A high tribute was paid to Gen. Leonard Wood, formerly colonel of the Rough Riders, now military governor of Santi ago, by a resident of that city the other day. “If you have any more generals like Leonard Wood,” wrote this Santiagan, “send them along, and we will let them be absolute rulers as long as they like.” —Savannah News. The Herald predicts that the general scramble in Georgia over judges’ and solicitors’ places when the first election takes place will be one of the liveliest ever known in the po litical history of Georgia.—Al bany Herald. _ . g the merry jester. “What is your first name, Mr. Throgson ?” ‘.My name is Adam, Miss Wellalong.” “And my first name is Eve! Dear me 1 What a—what a re markable coincidence I”—Chica go Tribune. He—l can’t understand why an Englishman always wants to marry his deceased wife’s sis ter? She—Why, it saves him the bother of breaking in a new mother-in-law —Truth. “Boston is the Bean City, 1 believe,” said a Philadelphia man to a Bostonian. “And Philadelphia is the Has been City,” replied the Boston man, pleasantly. Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph. “So the war is really over?” “Yes ; our landlady has taken down ‘Remember the Maine,’ and put up our favorite old mot to, ‘Pay as you go.’—Truth. ,WR: ; P OF B V -c; M. THE EXCELLENCE OF STRIP OF is due not only to th® originality and simplicity of the combination, but ala® to the care and skill with which it i» manufactured by scientific proeees«C known to the California Fi« Kyrw* Co. only, and we wish to impress upo® all the importance of purchasing th® true and original remedy. As th® genuine Syrup of !• ig« is manufactured by the Califohnia Figi Syrup C®. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in t-voiding the worttilees imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the Eatisfaotioß which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it sets on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to got its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCMCO. Cat iJCISVn.LE. ■ W YiHUi- N. Y, —'■ « ' NO NEGROES bLAIN . It is funny the way the Chi cago Inter Ocean treats the ne gro question in Illinois. Its re porters send long accounts of the shooting down of the Alaba ma negroes at Virden, but the Inter Ocean says not a word about it. —Rome Tribune, The Inter Ocean “says not a word” about the shooting down of negroes at Virden, because no negroes were shot there. Tlie men killed and wounded were white miners, a white detective, a white railroad man. There were residents of Springfield, Chicago, Mount Ol ive, Girard and other towns of Illinois. We believe that not one negro has even been wound ed, in the war at Virden. The reason the Inter Ocean stands mute, is found in the action of Gov. Tanner. He takes sides with the arm ed strikers and against the coal company, and against the im ported negro miners. He is af ter the votes of the strikers and the votes of their friends. lie cares nothing for the laboring man, only to use him for hi purposes. His organs, must, of course, give tacit and silent consent, to the high handed and lawless course of the rather low dema gogue who is governor of the great state us Illinois by repub lican votes. II t ran‘2o,ooo votes behind McKinley in 1896, and if the people had a chance at him now he’d go. His mobocra cy and demagogy would’ut save him.—Chattanooga Times. A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words written by Mrs. /Ida E. Hart, Groton S. D. “Wa» taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying J could not live but a short time. I gave myself up to ray Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, 1 would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advis ed to get Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption,Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at Curry-Arringtcu’s. Regular size 50 cents and SI.OO, guaranteed or price refunded. Don’t fail to see Guy Woodward, the old Rome favorite, who will wait for you et Nevin’s tonight k ‘ EIDE A ■ ■■ - - . -- - - —» TH SUMMER HAS k PASSED AND CONE k IMPROVE THE "MBIT PRETT DAV ND HAVE YOUR NEGATIVE MADE A - r*-* jy Bea W k\ tSI Bl IB t 3 I'-'b K ; F a B> Bh IkwUr rl ■■■■ Wr w w r Bl B L ! s hl \ VJ'HVAQVJT . E k £3 ■ i £ E r M e IHI SB B A Ban | %il xOu AWB e » e nn n ii " n i T w f ? 131111 H J ! n i b I F BE E* C Bl B11 1 1TB" I ■ Bl ■ S I I I § - TIBIfiI r■ T B AliliiLU j E’-f >.i, E ? I OV\\_\_ MONCE. ! i K J. Eandeaster. I