The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 18, 1898, Image 5

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I (Gyj^ uL ’- If Sji l <’3 I I „.„,i.’s f»lh»r »- ke '> l ' il " ll '“ day «I>»‘ college l« .hold ■ ,„r to 8» t“ ”' b "" t8 h T ■ \ with but a moment f> l'”” r..p«. |‘.,a im .thiO«'h»n K’tbag np Ed .hi.tling softly : “h m—l 11 ■ i( ' I wouldu t like to go I nV e 's ’’—New York Sun. ■here my«e i. I 0 o 0 || “Hobson hasn’t bean through ■he worst yet.” I “Whad do yon mean. ujle hasn’t bf»n kissed by a Boston girl ” 0 0 0 the members of ihe (iismarck family are great in stature. Be tid* a door in Friedrichsruhe is the following r cord m pencil dat ed December 31. 1879: “Prii.ce von Bismarck, 1 m 88 (1 meter S 8 centimeters, or 6 feet 2 inches). Herbert von Bismarck, 1 m. 86 (6 f ee t inches: William von Bis- W9l ck, 1m.85 (6 feet | inch): Count Rantzau, 1 m. 714(1 meter 714 millimeters, or 5 feet 7 j inch et): Princess von Bismarck, Im. 714 ” 0 0 0 People who have been 1 d t ■ re gard Colonel Roosevelt a mil lionaire will Pave to revise their ideiis His father’s estate of fl 000,- 000« as divided equally among four children, and some portion of thicbnel's share of $250,000 was spent in the West. He has al so spent a considerable amount in the organization of his regiment, »o that he is probably not as well ofl niwas he was in 1878, when his father died. Mo o o Pi of s°or Reinach nnw declares , that the Venus of Milo is not a Venus after all but. an Amphitrite. His theory, however that the pos iiicn of the body shows that or e of the missing hands was holding up her skirts, while the other was reding upon her scepter, is not generally accepted, because there are no signs of anything like a silk petticoat ber.ea'h the skirts. In the same way another recent the ory that one hand rests on a bicy cle while the other poin’s out a st-etch of road suitable for scorch ing is rejected because the skirts are ej long that they would catch in the chain . 0 o o Senator Justin S. Morrill, of Vrniont, will resign i is seat some tine during the coming winder ui order to permit the Vermont Leg islature to chocs i his successor at it» ogular session. Hrs retirement *iH be the ramoval of a political landmark, for Senator Morrill has serv d without a break since March 4 1855—a period of nearly forty four years. o o o “If we are to have 'Daughters the Confi deracy’ let us be sure of their genumei ess,” ears '* he L'.»Ui v.lle Courier-Journal. “I he C'nfcderacy died in iB6O. A daughter of the Confederacy must be at least thirty-two years old 8h wup your ages, ladies, wh<-n Putting in claims to the daughter ship!’- 000 great many volun otr soldiers *ho have been discharged with Ibeir regiments are enlisting in the rp gular army. A taste of army bfe has made .them anxious for rnnre i n epjte of the hard times Ibat some of them have teen . 000 Iho cost of the railway from Guayaquil to Quito, m Ecuador, w hich is now being built by Amei ican capitalists, is estimated at be the highest railway in the World, with sta’ions at an eleva tion of 8250, 9360 and 10,000 fee above the sea 'evel. 000 Japan is now manufacturing Modern war material for the use of ” astern nations. Six big guns re- c-mly turned out at the Japanese G v in.-n nt, arsenal at Osaka were -applied to the Portuguese Gov ei nment. 0 o o At the R jOH 'Velt mie'ing in New York on Tuesday night last 01.0 of <hi -pellbinders elicited ap plause by this hit at the Democra cy: “ The Democratic party says it i ag tt rntonsl t x-»« m, and that it. is dev -11-11 to J-IT-reon ian Why, JefiLi’ion was the worst sort of an exprn sionist. He bought all the Louis iana territory, which was a mighty empire in itialii ’ According to the new code of morality th" worst of an expansionist is the one who buys ins ead of grabbing the terri tory he wa>ts. 000 The Manila correspondent of the London Timos thus sings the praises of cur American troops: “Their brief experience in actual wa-rfare established a notable fact It proved them courageous; decent high-minded soldiers, worthy of every confidence and cheerful in all circumstanc s. If the laurels they have gained are small in com parison with those which rewarded the heroism of their comrades at Santiago, they are none the less honorable, for no men could have endured more or work'd harder than they, or have shown more valor.” 000 The town Council of Hutchin son, Kaji.,hs? parsed an ordinance against “A Hot Time’n the Old Town To night.” “Any person or persons,” says the ordinance,“ who shall willfully and maliciously *1 istle, hum, sing or bellow said tune, or who shall play the notes thereof upon any organ, hand-or gan, piano, flute, clarinet, trom bone, bass drum or any other mu sical imtrumont, within the city limits, shall be fined not less thai $1.48 nor more than S2O, and con fined twenty-four hours in the lock*up, or as much longer as the magistrate shall deem best for pub lic welfare.” SPAINS GIIEATESTNEED. Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Carcelon ia, S. C. Weak nerves had caus ed severe pains in the back of his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trou ble, purifies tin blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If tveak, tired or ailing you need it. Ev ery bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by Curry Arring on, druggists. TAX NOTICE. The last half of tax for 1898 is now due the city of Rome. All persons owing taxes are hereby notified to call at the Clerk’s of flee at the city hall and settle. Sept. 16th 1898. Halsted Smith, Clerk Council Saturday ihe 15th. last day tor paying water tax. Off you gn after thit date. J. T. Moore, Sec’y & Treas. CITATION—LEA VE TO SELL. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern Peter J Kamerer,Administrator ot Mrs. Nny Ktmerer, deceased, has m due form appheu to th< undersigned for leave to sei tm lands belonging to ihe es ate .aid deer aped, and eaid application will ba heard on the first Monday .in November next. This sth day ot Sept 1898 any person SiouM »o* f^ l ‘OJF« f2 r^ nt free 9«w 04-PW* ention thin paper. • Stsr»®JV lS &"b."SI 3TS “ £•■ "'“■“'“ ,l ' °“ • iddross. Wiite jJaht li Wfietei’j j IS NOW J ft iy/WFM/% GER ft > - FOR » ROHE BBHN6H MUSIG HOUSE- * x-k/ Fe solicits the ir.fl ienc ) and patiOnag -( f the pco A, x y, plo of Rome and the surrounding fi.ui try. ft will b.i to fT' Qj' y ur iutereat to call and get pric< s. * Marvelous * #Low Figures! > A X V. ill be quoted on ail PIANCS, ORGANS, BICYCLES, SEWING MA- X 3 CHINES and other goods now inciud ed in the big stock at No. 327, Broa street, While this entire stock is lo be closed out at reduced figmes Mr. Procter is empowered to make the terms decided y easy to ah buyers. BIGTOLB? | At any price to suit the purchaser, for they must go, and will be sold regardless of ecst. See our wh -el st Vite, at once—it will pay you to take a look. £ Sheet Music I This stock will be closed onu X at 10 cents per copy. L’VER 6 SALE AND FEED STABLES, Offers the public tha fi last tex ns botco ev ances and most polite and courteous drivers The best stock of horses and mules od s?la co stsntly. _ —-t -—. ■ I ■ —— FOR STYLE AND COMFORT , and for a jolly good time with family or friends, there is noth $ x , .jj/-"-- im? like au open surry for either Winter or Summer. Our stock of stylish carriages is unrivalled f and our spider phaetons, runs bouts, buggies,traps, carts, onettes, canopy top, or open sur reys, are lipht, easy, comforta— ble and beautiful in construe— ■ tion, trimmings and finish. We also repair and overhaul vehicles; also cry a big line of fine harness and lap robes. Rome Bcgi.y Co, 5509-511 Iho.v street,Rome Ga. Sattehfiet.d & Wii.liams, Agents. - - ' —t ■ *— ' • '■ t " £ F. HANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. 1 THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. | | Plumbing and Tinning. j 2 Engineers’ and machinists’ jj B supplies. Stoves, rangesand | tinware. Gas and electric fix- < | tures. INSURANCE gasoline 2 stoves. Water meters. i 9 325 Broad st. Phone 32. 2 ‘ '1 PIBMC i Illi® We will Sell New | Books wholesale I I PRICES’ I FOR CASH. Second Hand g X Books cheaper uhan the M j , cheapest. Give me a call, || i H. A. SMITH 1 fHF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. || fulfil ■?" i . < & BRO., Successors to -K ROME PHARMACY, g • “’’jd 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. We have bought the entire stock of the Rome Phar.n icy and are prepared to supply your wants in t th'’ diii;, piescription and patent medicine line. Our stx-ck i -complete and of the v-*ry highest grade. We solicit a part of your pat i nnage and shall en u aver to the b st of our ability to please you at a JO, time--. We should be pl ased to have vou call on a Full line of druggist’ssun lries, toilet articles a- - things as are usually carri-d in a first-class dr store. Cigars and tobacco. Come to see us. — ...... ..».. I«> fl sihioz. x *X’ ** * 5S 22 S. M. Stark, g LkDlfS AND GD»TL« fUOB g }4l Dougherty Bldg, 2nd/.v-e $1.25 and $l5O Negligee shirts for t$ J. A. GAMION & COMPANY ARE WAITING for everyone j*to com® in and see the magnificent stock on men’s and boy’s clothing, HK bicycle and golf suits, is what I IKksaß - « Aw- we are d° in g> ,jut ' we are 11U6 ' ■' wait ’ We wii: } show you the finest stocko ' ' ' IMa clothing, made from the newest f stylos and patterns in fabricks, perfect fitting and handsome, tc ‘X be found in Georgia, and they are above competition in valuei i for the price. S The greatest line of negligee shirt ■ ever shown in Rome. ’ J. A. GAttMON <& CO