The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 18, 1898, Image 6

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Public sale of real ESTATE akOßaiA FLuYD COUNTY. j Whereas on the 7th day of, June 1893, 0. K. Ayer executed and delivered to the New South Building and Loan Association of New Orleans, La. , his deed under sections 1969, 1970 andj 1971 of the code of Georgia of the year 1882 to the lands here inafter described foi the purpose i of securing a debt referred to in said deed which is recorded in the clerk’s office of Floyd supe rior court in book “V V ” page 896. And whereas in said deed the said C K Ayer gave said Associa tion the power to sell said lands in case of default of the payment according to the terms of said deed of the principal, interest, piemiums or lines as secured by said deed. Now, therefore, by virtue of the power vested in the under signed, which is more accurately shown by reference to said deed, the New South Building & Loan Association of ‘New Orleans, La., will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder , for cash, on the first Tuesday of November, 1898, during the legal hours of sale, before the door of Floyd county court house, Rome, Ga., the lands described in the said deed towit: That lot of land situated in the Coosa division of the city of Rome, Ga., being 50 feet off of the lot now occu pied by W. F. Ayer and Mrs. 8. V. Ayer and family, with the following dimensions and boundaries : beginning at the southwest corner of Dr, Wm. Bradford’s lot on Second avenue (formerly Howard street) thence along said avenue in a south easterly direction 50 foet, thence northeast to an alley in the rear 275 feet more or less, thence 50 feet northwest to the line of Dr. Wm. Bradford’s lot, and thence along said line to the starting point; ‘being the same property herein before referred to as being of record in the clerk’s office of Flovd supe rior court in Book “V V” on page 396. said deed above referred £to wag executed and delivered to se cure the payment of a certain bond lor the sum of SIOOO.OO, the pre miums, interest and fines theieou andjon certain ten shares of stock referred to in said deed in and oi said Association. The principal debt aforesaid— default in the payments of premi ums, interest and fines having been made contrary to the terms of said bond and deed for many more months than those provided for in said deed and bond whereby the said debt became due is now past due by the said terms of said referred to deed. The total amount of principal, interest, premiums and fines, and fees that will be due on the first Tues day of November 1898 is $1263,07. Fee simple titles will be made to the purchaser at sa>d sale, and the proceeds of said sails will be an- | plied first to the payment of said debt with interest, premiums, tines, attorney's fees and costs of this proceeding, and the remainder it any will be paid over to said C. K, Ayer or his legal representative, Thi«.7th, day of Oct. 1898, New South Building and Loan Association of New Orleans. Wright & Ewing, Attorneys. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Pursuant to an order of the court of ordinary granted at the September term 1898, will be sold between the legal hears of sale in front ot the court house door in the city of Rome, Floyd county. Georgia, on the first Tuesday in November, the following property towit: one tract or parcel of land described as follows: Beginning at tbe north aide of the Alabama road ' about one and one half mile from tbe courthouse in the city of Rome at a lane between the prop erty Herein described and the property of A Dougherty, running thence westerly along said road three hundred aud thirteen feet moie or less to the Stillw* II prop erty thence northerly along said Stillwell prop rty about two hun dred yards to the property of An nie Clark aud thence easterly at right angles to last line in straight line to the land already mentioned theuce southerly along said line to thebeginning point. Said prop erty sold as the property of Red mond Pentecost, deceased, and also sold at the risk of Lizzie Pen* Jecost former bidder. Terms of eale cash. W.H. Ennis, . Oct. 6. ’9B. , ’pVBLIC SALE OF REAL ESt TATE. ■ GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY. I Whereas on, the 31st day of Oc tober 1896, Crawford Wilson of Rome Flovd cciinty Ga., borrowed i from the Equitable Building and Loan Association of Augusta, Ga . the sum of two hundred and fil’y dollars [s2so]--n two and one hail j shares ot loin stock of class A, se ries 72 —and cn the same day ex- 1 ecu ed and deliv> red to the said I Association his certain bond or I obligation in writing whereby he undeito ik and promised to pay said sum thus advanced by, said Association on said stock until said series should td-minate and mulure pursuant and according to the charter, rules and bv-laws of said Association with payment ofuonlhly installments [sl.2o] one dollar and twenty cents oneach share and-at tbe same ' ime in equal monthly installments, interest, at ihe rate of six per cent per annum son sa : d sum according to the term.i I of said bond, which said bond was secured by a deed of convey at d of even date therewith to certain real estate in the city of Rome, Ga., hereinafter more particularly described. Said deed being re coided in the office of the clerk of Superior court in book “B. B. B.” of deeds, page 539 on the fourth day of November 1896, to which reference is herein made, for greater certainty as to its terms and ccndititns;and whereas by th<- terms of said bond ai d deed. Crawford WJson, stipulated and agreed that /upon his fa'!u r e to pay promptly, when due any of the different sums of money undeitaken and* agreed upon to be paid in the bond above referred to, then and in that event it shall and may be lawful for the said Equitable Bu’lding and Loan As sociation to adv- rtise the said property] once a week for four weeks in the newsparn in which Sheriff’s sales are advertised and to sell tl e same at public outcry to the highest bidder tor cash, and to convey the same to the pur chaser in fee pimple. At d where- Crawford Wilson ha? made de fault for more than six [6]uiontl's in the payment of interests, fines aud monthly payments the said Association under the power or option vested in it, declares the principal sum with accrued inter terest , tines and premiums aggre gating [’”263.65] two hundred aud sixty-three dollars aud s'xty-five cen’s due aud pavable immediate ly. And now in the execution of the authority vested in said Asso ciation by Crawford Wilson by Virtue of the ’ deed refeired to; there w:L be sold on the fi st Tuesday in November next, 1898, before the court house door in Rome Floyd county Ga., between legal hours of sale all of said property or a sufficiency (hereof to pay all monies which shall then be due on said bond together with all expenses incident to said sale, including ten [io| per cent, on the amount due for attorney fees in effecting said sale, allj of which property to be sold to the highest bidder ft r cash being the following property towit, m the county of Floyd and state of Georgia and city ot Rome, and in 'he Hargrove subdivision of the Cothran and Chisolm add tion to I said city of Rome and known t s lot No. 22 in said subdivision, fronting on Spullock, formerly Hill street seventy-five feet and running back of even width one hundred feet, more or lees, and being bounded on the North by lot of Wilson, ou the South by lots of McLendon, Hubbard and Fuude r burk; on th a East by Spui !ock, formerly Hill street and on the West by lot of Govan. Sold as the property of Craw ford IVi’son. This the 4th day of October, 1898. The Equitable Building and Loan Association by C. Rowell, their attorney. EXECUTOR'S SALE. By virtue of an order of tbe court ot Ordinary, will be so'd before the court house door be tween tbe legal hours of sale, on j tbe first Tuesday in Nov. 1898, the following described property, in Floyd county towit:—s74 acres of lot of land No. 315 in the sth District and 4th Section, and 102| acres of lot of land No, 161 in the 24th District and 3rd Section of Floyd county Ga. , and all that part of lot No, 200 in the forks of the creeks Big and Little Artnuch ee about 80 acres, excepting there from the 95.88 acres of said tracts sold and c >nveyed by John Win kle to A . G. Winkle on Feb. 11th l<">9o as shown by plat and deed recorded in book "O. O. ” of deeds’ page 353, in clerk’s office superior court of said county.Sola as the p operty of John Wiiik'e, deceased. Terms cash. This 3rd day of Oct. 1898. 1 D. S. P> INTER, Executor of John W inkle, deceaa- ‘ 'ed. I WILD LAND SALES. • Will La sold before the court house door in the city of Rome, Floyd enunty Georgia, between the legal hours of sale on tbe first Tuesday in January, 1899,the fol lowing dipcribed property towit: All that 11act or parcel of land to wit, Lot No 333 containing 100 acres and lot No 316 containing 160 acres, a’l lying and being . in the 22nd District and 3rd Section of Floyd county Gai Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V T Sanford lax collactor for tax 1897 due said state and county against B H Taylor as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place that tract or parcel of land being known in the plat as lot No 78 in the 3rd District and 4 h Section of Floyd county Georgia confin ing 40 more or lees LeVied on by virtue of h tax fi fa issued by V rSantordtax collector for tax 1897 in favor of said state and county vs Silas F Smith a» the property of the defendant. Also at the game time and place all that tract or parcel of land be ing lots Nos. 793, 124, 303 and 305 and 94 in the 16th District and 4th Section of Floyd county Georgia containing 200 acres more or less. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi ,fa issued by V T Sanford tax collector for tax 1897 in.favor of state and. county va Frank L Miller as the property ot the de* feudant ■ • J P McConnell, Sheriff. i -NOTICE-. GEORGIA F. OYD'cOUNTY. To all whom it min concern. J. A. Bale having applied for guardianship of the person and property of William S. McEntee, color/d, lunatic of said county, notice is given that said applica tion will be heard at my office at 10 o’clock a. in ou the first Mon bay in November next. This Oct. 3rd 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Pursuant to an order of the court, of ordinary, granted at th* October term 1898, will be sold between the legal hours of sa'e in front: of the courV house door, in the city of R< me, Floyd county Georgia, on Jthe first Tuesday ip. November, the following real es tat? in Fioyd county, towit: — South half ot lot or tract of land No. 51 in the 2.3 rd District and 3rd Section of Floyd county Ga. , con taining 80 acres more or less. Bounded on the North by a line running through said tract of land ard marked by Wm. A. Moore, eouu-y surveyor, except 15 or 20 acres heretofore sold off by George Shi-rley while id life Sold as tbe property of George Shirley, deceased. Terms cash. J. R. Cowan . Administrator of George Shirley, deceased. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY' . By virtue of an order of tbe court >f ordinary of said county will be sold at public outcry on the first Tuesday in October 1898 at the court house in said county between the legal hours of sale the following real estate situated in Floyd county, Ga., • towit. All that tract or parcel of land situat ed lying and being in tbe city of Rome Georgia in Cothran aud Chislom addition being one half of lot No 35 —the Northwest half fronting 50 feet on Broad street and running back same width one hundred and fifty feet between the property of Arthur Black and Geo. Franklin. Sold as the property of Geo. W. Lamar, deceased. Terms of sale cash. W. H, Ennis. Administrator of the estate of Geo. Lamar, deceased . :-jxlu ■». ' LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern. Emma Pentecost having in proper form applied to mo for peimanent letters of administration on the estate of Polly Pentecost, late of said county, deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Polly Pentecost to be and appear at my office with in the time allowed by lawr aud show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to W. H. Ennis, Co.,Adm’ron Polly Pentecosts 1 estate Witness my hand and offi cial signature this 4th day of July 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary. Successful Physicians, t We heartily recommend Dr. Hathaway A Co. of 8 Broad St., Atlanta, Ga.. aa befn/ per fectly reliable and remarkably aaocaarfnl in tbe treatment of chronic dieeaeeaof men and women. They cure when others fail. Our readjn if in need of medical help should certainly write these eminent doctors and you will receive a free I and expert opinion of year oaee by retura mail without o«e<. I SHERIFF’ SALES ' NDVEMFCR BFR 1898. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome, Floyd Co. Ga. between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuerdny in November 1898 the following described property to wit: Six acres of land more or less situated ab'ut a mile from the city of Rome Georgia and being a part of land lot No 235 in 23rd District and 3rd Section of Floyd county known as the Mrs Dora R Hidel home place and being in the cor ner of- Broad and Hall streets. Bounded ‘Br iad and Hall Sts, by the G J Dykas and by.the propwety of R D Harvey estate, and'propertyi.bereby levied upon being described in a deed of Rolit 'D Harvey to Mfs Dora R Hide [and in the deed oi’ Rubl Harvey as trustee f.r his ntif<Land children th Mrs Lora R Hidell which two deeds are of rec rd in the clerk'a office of Floyd Superior court in book ,“E E” of deeds, pages 609-10 11 and 12-said deeds bearing date the 25th of No vember 1884. That portion of said prop-rty, however which is de scribed in the deed of Dora Hidell to Hants Jonas dated March 14th 1889 wbich’deed is recorded in the clerk’s - ffiee of Floyd Superior court in b'ook. “N N” of deeds pages 22.0 and 22'1 is hereby ex cepted, said exception portion le ing the'house and lot carved out of tbe above levied property front ing on Hall street now owned by Mrs EugeniaVSlaton.Levied on by virtue of a fi fa issued from Floyd city court in favor of A R Flein* ing vs W H Hidell ann Dora Hi dell a? the property of the defend ants . Also at the same time and place one undivided fourth interest in city lot No 48 in the Etowah Di vision of the city of Rome Floyd Co Georgia and being on the corner ofFourth avenue and E-iet Third scretit and f anting 182 feet more ortHeou F- firth avenue, 5 being the property deeded to Mrsll S A Word by Mrs. EllaH Murphey on thediOtli day of July 1895. A so a one undivided twentieth interest in of land Nog. 238, 237 and 233 ..11 in the 4th District and 4lh Section of originally Cherokee now Floyd ccuuty Georgia except 25 acree of lot No 237 which was heretofore conveyed to Dr. L E Burkmau and which is fully de scribed in his deed and cf which his grantees acre now in possession. The above described properly con taining in all 455 acree more or less with all and singular the im provements thereunto peitaining. Levied on by Virtue of an attach ment fi fa issued from Floyd city court in favor of Levy & Dreyfus Co vs Mrs N L Johnson as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place parts of lots of land Nos 257 and 258 in the 23rq District and 3rd Section of Floyd county Geuigia containing 48 acres more or less, said land having been bought *by Harrison Daniel from Albert Ter hune. Said land I eing levied on be sold sul ject to a mort gage given by Harrison Daniel to R G Clai k dated 14’h of December 1895. Aiso levied on 600 pounds of seed cotton more or less, in the house, 15 acres more or lees in the field uugatherrd, one bay mare mule about 7 years old named Kate, one black horse mule about 10 yea is old named Jack. Levied on by virtue of a fi la issued from F• yd city, c urt in favor of R G dark transfe-ee against Harri son Daniel maker and L B Reyn nolds endorser as the property of Hurrison Danielone ot the defend an’. . ■ Also at the same time and place all that tract or parcel of land lying snfl being in the 23rd Dis trict and. 3rd Section of said S’ate and county being particularly d*>- scribed as f > lows; acre off of land lot No 283 situated in said district aud section and being in the Fif.h ward of the city of Rome on B uff street and bounded oil the North y the property <f Cilla Young, East by Line street, South by tlie property es Homer Rnwtes;Wegt by, Said lot beiug the • same deeded to me by Advliiie Rawles by. deed dated June the s’ll 1893. Levied on by virtue ot a mor gage fi fa issued from the justice court of the 919th djstridt G M in favor of M N West transferree vs Jim Rawles as the property of the defendant. Al<o at t-he same time and p’ace gray .marp about 10 years old named Kate, one sorrel mare colt about 20 months old, oi e second hand-»potVlop.-buggy and harness. Levied pq by virtue of a fi fa issued from Floyd city court in favor <f N Dietzen »* .■ . *, . / J . -i’ ■ • P Watters as the property of the d< fendant. Also at the snm? time end placa the fol.owing tract of land lying in said county, being 40 acres if land lot No 143 in the 28id dis trict and 3rd section. Levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi fa i-'sued from Floyd superior court in favor of Jag Douglas & Co vs Ebzabeth Lumpkin and John H Lumpkin as the property cf the defendants. Also at the same time and place forty acres of land more or less, the same being the northeast quarter of lot f laud No. 143, 23rd dis 1 net and 3rd section Floyd 'County Ga. Levied on by virtue < f 1 a mortgage fi fa issued from Floyd • uji ’iior court in favoi of M W Brrtt. vs. John H Lumpkin and E.iz.ibath Lumpkin as the proper ty of the defendants. Also at the same time and place 'and lots Nos. 163 and 164 in the 15tl: (list, and 4th sect Floyd c unty Ga. containing 160 acres each more or Use. Levied on by virtue cf a fi fa issued from Floyd city court in favor of Chas D Wood vs R B McArver as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and p’ace all that tract or parcel of land situated lying and being in the city of Rome bounded as f dlows: Ccmmenciug on upper end of Broad street and running pack 75 f ,et, commencing at a point on | Broad street and thence across fifty three feet making a triangle, it being a portion of k t No. 3 'as conveyed by Hill to Lula Daniel and Porter. Levied on by virtue cfa Justice’e c< u.t fi fa issued from the justice com t of the 919th district G. M in favor of J A Bale, transferee vs. E Porter as the property of the defendant Also at the same time and plac-r t town lots in Timbuctoo. a i suburb of Rome designated as Ncs 12, 13 and 14 according to map plan and survey of Flowers subdi vision of part of Timbuctoo. Lot 12 fronts 51 feet on Calhoun avei.ue, runs back to a rear line forty-five feet long between two straight line°, one measures 188 feet, the other 205 feet. Lot 13 fronts 51 feet on Calhoun avenue, runs back to a rear line 45 feet long between two linas, onemfasuies 205 feet the other 220 f-et. Lot 14 fronts , 79 feet, on Ca'houn avenue, runs i back between two straight lints 'oI a rear line 5u feet long. One inr asur , es 220fc, and the other 250 ft. Said; lots situated at corner if Calhoun avenue and Shiebley street & form one tract and are fully described in a map of said subdivision re corded in records at page 380 in Clerk’s of oe. Levied on by virtue of justice court fi fa from the 919 district G Min favor of B M Burk vs M E Flowers.t.s propert) of the defend ant, Levy made Oct. 6, 1898, by R II Ccpound L C. Also at the same ’ime and place levied the within fi fa on ail that tract or parcel < f land lying in ths town of East Rome F!o\d ccunty Ga., and particularly described £s lot No 7in block “W” of East R-me as by Hand’s map, front ing on Bro< k street 75 feet aud rut ning back same width 250 feet to an alley as shown < u said map being same lot deeded by S Funk hi user, receiver < f East Rome Town Co., to A B Montgomery on March 9th 1894. Also the North east half of lot of land No 268 in the fourth districtand 4lh Section of Floyd county Georgia, being all that i art < f saic lot l\ it g North atd East of a straight 1 m drawn from the South South-ast to the Northwest corn-r i f ?.>id L t con tai nii g 80 acres mor.- ot 1 ss. Also U acres off c f lot No 270 in the 4th District and 4th Section of Floyd cou ty as d -cribe.iin a deed from C M Marshal to A B Montgomery dated Nov 11th 188-1 and reci rded in book “E E ” ut deeds Floyd superior emit on page 508. All levied (Las the property of the defendant. Point ed out by plaintiffs att ruey. By virtue of a Su perior court fl fa in favt r of R D \ aoDyke vs A B Moi Also at the same -time and plac 1 dun color d ox, 1 rea <x, 2 log drays and one broken down v ag- Levied on by virtue of a mort guge fi fa issued from Floyd Su perior court m favor of R D Van Dyke vs J F Maples as the piorerty of the d fendant. Also at the the time and place ine national cash register No ( 29181. Levied on by virtue of a cost fi fa iesned from Floyd Su perior court in favor of J T Crouch & Co for use of officers of ; ( Floyd Superior court against > the Sttstv Savings bank of Geor gia si the prop rty of the defend- 1 ant 1 . Also nt the same time and placa 1 all that tract or parcel of land < lying and being in the Fourth < ? wurd of the city of R Otne county Ga., fronting . n u yd Second street 50 feet and " e,t n ng back the same bounded on the East t> v Im « J W Lancaster, on the ° i M eit by property of T R 1 't being the lot wt erevn the"?’ , fendant no.v residaa Levi d as the proper-y of 'W.'s'rjX ° n ; one of the defendants, n X uroyei ty point d out by >S ty t'ft. by virJ o i fa isftiud from the justice on. J of the 919 District GM County Ga ,in favor of Hal Wr M ? S , Rio I hardli n>«ker and W p A l-o at the same time and b] hC(J t mt tract or parc-1 pf land m tl e cty o’ Rome GHcrg,a, t ouuded on the No th by the c-fporu • limits of sa.d city, on the East bv' street v running from Weit F.rst st r et to the e,/. p >ratil;mjt» of sa.d city tnjd stre.t-t.eing unnamed, tut next* Ea.t irom Ninth avenue, op South by the prop rty SS K,n 8 to the Mt/ -mants National Bank.of R. u q Georgia the South boundary i n* proceeding from the S ntli M *.t corner of said bank’s pnp-ity L • and along the Noith wd ■ of N’”nh Boundary street to a point. pna- ■ site the East side of the < id e *in. etary, thence to the SouiLiast ’ , Corner of said cem.tary, t*benc» along the East side of sai-i cemti* tery to the North East comer thenCa along t e North side of said cemetery to King’s street and thence Northerly a’ong said King’s street to the corporate - limits of said city, the North boundary Ine of the property • levied on exceptmg a lot fronting on Ni rth Bonn-ary street 210 f » t at d running beck the same width 210 feet, conveyed to J P Griffin by Hugh Br iwn on July 9th 1869. Levied ou by virtue of a *i fa is- - sued from the Jus tee., cqurt of the 1919 District G M of Fl yd county in favor of Rhudy Bar- ' & Co., against Mrs E P Ttirtiley as the property < f th- defendant ; Levy miule by Hor. ce L C. Also .at the same time and place, the following described-.’- property towit :that tract of land in the Fourth Ward of the city, of Rome, FloydCo , Ga , known., [as partof lot No 61 in block?-B’'. of Mitchell’s survey of the towq [of Desoto, fronting 35 feet on avenue B,(formerly Spruce St,) and running back same width 1 0 feet. Bounded on the North' by lot No. 62, on the East by avenue B, South and West by the propert yknown as the W. P, McLeod property. This is part of the property described in the annexed execution, and where J. A. Buffiington now re sides. Levied on by virtue of a Superior court fi favor of the Rome Mutual Loan Associa tion, transferee vs W. P. Mc- Leod, as the property of the de fendant. ’ J. p. MeCoNNEi.L, Sheriff. —— ■ ■ 1 LJ ADMINISTRATOR’S. SALE. Pursuant to an order of the court of ordinary, granted at the October term, 1898, will be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome Floyd county Ga., on the first Tuesday in No- s vember next, the following prop erty towit: all that tract or par- « cel of land, situated, lying and being in the city of Rome, Ga., county of Floyd, on the North boundary street and described • as foil ws : commencing at the Northern corner of the Moore lot on'said street and running thence' iivit Northerly direction along Said street 53 feet to the lot so|d by -bond for c title to Luke McJJanald by John J. Seay • on Sept. T5Ch 1888, thence back same width 126 feet, more or ? less. Sold its the property of Mrs. Sarah B. Chidsey, deceas ed. Terms of sale cash. Geo. F. Chidsey, administrator <■ of Mrs. Sarah B. Chidsey, de ceased. TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM. Effectually yet gently, when costive or billions, or when the blood is impure or slauggish, to permanently overcome habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irrigating or. weakening them to dispel aches, colds, or fever, use Syrup; of Figs. Manufuctursd by th# California Fig Sjrup-C.. ■