The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 18, 1898, Image 7

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■WORTH LKAGUS. Lfak Program For v o- ■ morrow Enßoico* I the first church. I 4 dml 8 9i« n “ ncl A “ COrdi “ lly I Invited- HH Ifhe Epworth Leagus of the Fir.t Ktbodi't church will have chaige ■ th. wrvic* at the charch to- ■ rrow evt ping »n1 have pre- K e d 1D interesting program of and recitations for th* oc- * r th* progrim light refre.h- Kuti will be served . ■ will h» iniadmission price, K vuluolai t collection taken and ■e refrr.boi.nt. will be served ■<„ The meeting will be held in Kuorof R«v- 8- R Belk who is ■>* cht'ug hi. fourth year a. Kstorof tbu Fir.t church, and at ■r i«m» ti®* t 0 8> v ® those who Ko* little of th. League work an Kuofwh.t thia interesting de* ■•riment i> doing. II 'J he officer, of the League of the ■irit church ar.: I I President, Mr. John W. Bak. I I Ist Vic* President, Mias May ■arihsll. I I tfud Vi.. Pr.eident, Mrs E. C. BVood. : I Srd'Vicc President, Miss Addie BI itcbell. Bter.tary, Mr. B.n Hale. Tr..«ur»r, Mis. Bena Wood. Th. following is the program for ■tomorrow night. Subg—“All Hail the Power of ■Jesus same. ” Biol* Lesson—Roman, xii. ' Song—“ Stand up, Stand ep for | Jetue.” Prayer. Mme Recitation—Mr. Elbert Hale. Rotation—Mi.s Katie O’Rear. Violin Bolo— Miss Lucild Mc- Gh»». R.citation—Miss Estelle Mitch -111. Music. Brief Addresa—Mr. John W. Bile. Song—“ When The Roll is Called Up Yonder.” R.freibm.nt., Everybody interested in th. Ltugue and League work is cor dially invited to be present. 3BSBMBESSSBBBI MOVE BY RUSSIA Concentrates 40,000 Men at Port Arthur. London, Oct. 18.— The Odes* •» correspondent of the Stand ard .ays that Russia has hastily concentrated 40,000 men at Port Arthur to be in readiness for *ny emergency at Pekin. A dispatch to a London news Agency from Shanghai says: "Report. from • Japanese R °urces are in circulation here the effect that Sir Claude Mc- Q| )a!d, British minister at Pe hn. Im informed the Chinese government thit sovereignty ap pertains .olely to the emperor, wbo ha. besn forcibly abducted •nd deposed, and that he must be restored to his position,while R“hg Yu Wei and the other re formers must ue pardoned. ‘ Bailing compliance, Great Britain will enforce these de nupds.” SOLDIERS SPREAD EAGLED I ku.ual Punishment for Refrac » Tory West Virginians - C»mp Mead., Pa., Oct 18.— Privat.. Mac., Plant and Moore of Ootapany M. Second West Vir- B' l >ia, wer. “.pv*ad*s*gl.d” on ‘b.’ground with tb*ir hands and tied to heavy stakes with stout top*. f or nearly two hour, yoster •F for disobedience of orders, ro- W V7* »V LEADERS in fine hats of all kinds, in qual ity, shape and style, we are at all seasons of the year. Our new styles in Derbys, Volunteers and Regulars are rich in color, be coming in shape, elegant in outline, exquisite in style and of superfine quality, and we are selling them at prices that you will pay for an inferior hat elsewhere. W. 11. Coker. No 11, Broad St. P. S . Drummer’s sample, of mackintoshes and ladies and gent gossamers at 75c on the sl. Get first cho’ce. maining in that position until th*y promised to do as thiy were told" Tie offenders were arrested and sent to the guard house severa days ago for conduct unbecoming soldiers. It is claimed the men have giv.n much trouble hereto fore. FEAR YELLOW FEVER. Washington, Oct. 18.—It was stated at the war department to day that the troops will not be sent to the Southern camps un til after frost has made it (ertain that yellow fever will not spread. This applies to troops now at Camp Meade, Lexington, and Knoxville. M CENTS In Stamps I J Pays for the National Magazine Three Months, November DsGcmbHr and Januaru The National‘s the foremost magazine of the day. See sample copies on all news stands. Send stamps to W W Potter Go. 91, Belford Street, Boston, Mass. DR. ~ KING'S ROYAL GERMETUER . This pleueant and perfect remedy, M delightful to take, so refreshing end exhilarating, stands in highest far* with all who know it best, as the grees of >ll medical remedies for jwwea. of all ages and in all condition® WHAT IT WILL DO FOR M 1 will ghn job APPETITE, ft will give jou restful rc'-ahlng SLEEP, ft will itimulate jour DIGESTION, ft will reetore jour NERVOUS ENERW. It will put jour KIDNEYS In porfoct or*. It will purify jour Blood. ft will ohango jour weaknm Into STRENBTA ft will bring jou out of sicknnii Into HEALTH gXW PACKAGE, LARO . jAOTTUfc 1W DOSES ONE DO»U*AB< •OLD BY ALL DRUCOIWTB. MANUFACTURED OML.T XT The Atlanta Chemical Co., Atlanta, Gfi* won 4S-PAQX wook. *s nww ■ .—■ w,. puria r & bi u •tor** lo*» m * *" 400.0.' <u*ko* yon J, |g | ft TC' in brilth. U TO K S C fro'-' I 1 fora’ Ty r.'S! Tim ■lLWTwtll.pntl'Otly.P'vtl*!' 1 *T OM Bl um uklly cum. Sb<• •• • wc r< /ul. ZJ'JFjf r ■K'VC. NvkUnaS > W **• PERSONAL MEKNOIT. “The Ca| tain’s Ma e ” “ 1 he Captain's Mute” “The Captain’s Mate.” '1 he Woodward-Warren Co., at Nevin’s tonight. The Woodward-Warren U*»., at Nevin’s tonight. Mr. O. G. Wilson, of Chatta nooga, i. here today. Attorney Frank Shumate, ot Dalton, is in the city today. Mr. A. R. Morgan, of Atlanta, is among the visitors here today. Mr. E. V. Shackleford went down to Round Mountain today, Mr. Sam S. King has return ed from a quick trip to Atlanta. Mr. John Berry has returned from Macon and the Macon Car nival. Mr. F. C. Stockdell, of Atlan ta, is a guest of the Armstrong today. Mr. Fred Rounsaville left this morning t<> join hit company at Mobile, Ala. Mr. R B. Rounsaville, who has been ill for the past week, is out again. Mrs. Henry Walker, who has been painfully ill, is reported as convalescent. Mr. J. C. Rodgers, a promi nent citizen of Chattanooga, is in the city today. Do you know that Ingram Lithia water is splendid for teething babies? Messrs. Charles Sanford and S. Richardson, cf Atlanta, are guests of the Central. Mr. T. Fall Foster came in today frem Reeves Station and spent a few hours in the city. Mrs. C. M. Harper and Mrs. D. B. Hamilton, Sr., leave to night on a visit to New York. Mr. Jack King, of Atlanta, is spending a few days in the city visiting his family and friends. Capt. R. G Clark left last night for St. Louis, where he goes to visit his daughter, Mrs. E. E. Magill. Mrs. Laura Seay Watson, af ter a brief but most delightful visit to “The Pines” has return ed to the city. Life insurance is a good thing but health insurance, by keeping the’ blood pure with Hood’s Sarsaparilla, is still better. Millinery the cheap est at J. S, May & Co., two doors above Cur ry’s corner- Kuttner’s bargain figures have knocked competitors out. The big sale is on and the crush at ’the Kuttner emporium is grow ling. Call and see us be fore buying vour new winter hat, J. S. May & Co., 204, Broad St. Mr. E. J. Walker, the promin ent young railroader, who has been visiting his sister, Miss Sallie Walker, has returned to Atlanta. For Kidney, bladder, and stomach troubles, drink Ingram Lithia, for sale at the soda founts of Curry-Arrington Co., Jervis A Wright and J. T. Crouch. Col. Al W. Walton, after a most delightful visit to Pittsburg returned to Rome yesterday af ternoon. Col. Walton, as the chief of Georgia Knights Tem plar, was the recipient of many honors while attending the great annual gathering of the noble Sir Knights. Mr. L. Hunt, who has sold out his bakery business on pa pgbj] TO 11! M Wtf 1$ I' 4 COMFORT IN YOUR HOME, as well as absolute cleanliness, no dust, no dirt, vou get with steam heat. Steam fitting is one of our specialties, and we will put in the necessary apparatus in an expert and satisfactory manner, and do the job neatly and promptly . As to price, you will consult your best interests by allowing us to give you an estimate. We guanantee first class work, aiso at a leasonabb price. J. C. Childs, 223, Broad St. Broad street, is making ar rangements to return to his home in England. Miss Mary Wilson, of Macon, is enjoying a visit to Mary Berry, at the Berry’s hospitable home on Fourth Ave. Mr. L. J. Wagner, the expert constructor of water systems for cities, is home again from a brief visit out of town. Mr. Carlton Wright, of the hustling drug firm of Jervis & Wright, is on a business trip to his plantation near South Pitts burg. Mr. Horace E, King, of the Gate City bar, and who is visit ing his parents in this city, will leave in a few days for his home in Atlants. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The Pennine has L B. Q. on each tablet. NOTICE. By mutual consent the firm of Lumpkin & Piintup, attor neys, was dissolved on May 21s last, 1898. J. B. F. Lumpkin. Jno. C. Printuf. CITATION—LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA FL‘>YD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern Peter J.Kamerer.Administrator of Mrs. Nicy Kimerer, deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased,and said application will be beard on the first Monday in November next .This sth day of Sept 1898 TAPE WORMS M A lap* worm alsbUM fast ■» •a«l cam. un tha a.ana alwr toj aaktaf ASCARV. r'l. Tblelamauia baa aaua»4 aa> •ad kaailh tor lha past abraa yaara. lam aHX aakiac Oaacareia. lha only aaUkartie aortky < aoaae by ion.ii'la paopla " G»o W Balra, Maaa GANDY 1/ jpj CATHAATTa Taaw *«jl «<»4. M.v.r Siakaa. W or *»!>• Mb. M. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Cw“r. Hwtrrai. «•» T«A tM M-TO-BAC LOC»l HAPPENINGS. Oysters!- The very finest oys* tors the market affords elwaye to he found at the Gotmz Cife. If you want the beet, seived the best c.tll on Gomez. Found a Diamond. Dr, Rum aaur reports the startling find to day in the Second Methodist Par' eon age of a Diamond surpassing the famed “Kohinoor,” i's i ame ia Catharine and tipped the beam at 10 pounds. Only Eight in Jail. —There arc fewer prisoners at the coun ty j til now than has been con fined there for years. Jailer Mc- Leod says that he only has eight “boarders” and that only about half of them are negroes. Patters Hats —Mrs. A. O. Garrard desiros to state that sh* has p aced the nr>st beautiful line of pattern hat* in th” c ty, on the market at gr a 1 r duct'd prices K he i» determin'd to close out ’h entire ettwk *••<! eordial'y i: Vit w * you i t call Hi'd ge pric s b-b r buy mt. S'-i.d 11 is It r- idence —Mr. A B. McDonald, who resides on the beautiful stoi k farm abou< three miles out the Summerville pike, has sold his farm to a wealthy Chicago lady, who will move here with an invalid broth er and make this her future home, I Announce.— To tho public that I have secured the services of William McClellan, an expert fancy candy maker, who has been for the past two years with thn Garrow famous candy kitchen is Atlanta. We are new making daily all kind of fine taffies, cocoanut, creams, nougats, etc. All we ask is a trial. We can please you. A. M. Antogholi, next door to Curry’s drug score Motion Court.— Judge George Harris of the city c<urt is hearing a motion for a new trial in the esse of Duncan, vs. the Southern Railway, in which case a jury re cently awarded the defendant 18000 damages for the loss of both legs. The motion for new trial is being argued by Hon . C. W. Un derwood local council and Col. I. E. Shumate, of Dalton. Messrs. Fuuche A Foucbe for ths defens* are fighting the motion. Takes The Whole Bakery. —Mr. Henry G. Stoffiegen, Rome’s popular and successful bakeryman, has bought out the bakery business of Mr. L Hunt at 313 Broad, and operate thia as well as bis old stand next to the opera house. Mr. Stoffregen has engaged the services o f that veteran baker, Henry Norman, and promises his patrons the beat bread and most de'icious cakes that first class material and human skill, aided by mod ern apparatus, can produce. Scores of Good Things —Talk about new things to .eat, you can find scores of nice things at Lloyd & Harper’s that you can not get elsewhere. They antici pate tnc needs of their custom ers, and never fail to have a most tempting array of eatables to suit the season, Just now they have a fine lot of grapes, fancy large celery, Canadian apples, new plump cranberries, fancy bulk olives, Heinz’ sweet pickles, Dill pickles, Lea & Per rin’s sauce, and dozens of other good things. Want an Alarm Box.—Resi dents iu that section of tha city recently annexed to Rome—on upper Broad St., are anxious to secure a fire alarm box. They claim that they have a fire plug but that without an alarm box to bring the deparment out,that the plug is strictly N. G. On last Sunday the residence of Mr. Harvey C. Wood caught fire, and, but for prompt and heroic work of the bucket brigade, would have been consumed. The GRANDPA’S CHAIR is sup posed to be particularly com fortable. But why shout! not every’ chair in the house be the sam ? We have a line of chairs that are substantial, handsome and comfortable. Starting at the plain kitchen chair, we might mention dozens of different seats but we desire to call especial attention to our line of dining chairs. We are off ring iluse at piic ’s lower th in e l-'own in hiseitv Ca’i an •' teatkom. RhUDY, 1’ A I Y ■» ■■■ 1 ■ ' I —— w— Ml ax payers of this end of the city should have as good protec ion as the tax payers in any other section. An Early Blaze. —At 5:35 this morning an alarm was rung in from box 34, and the depart ment responded promptly, as usual. The cause of the alarm was a small blaze in the oil mills. The mill employees, how ever, haei maimed their own ap paratus and had extinguished the fire before the hose wagons and hook and ladder truck ar rived. The alarm went in ner fectly, as it has done every time recently. We congratulate Mr. Clifford Sony upon the fine con dition he has finally put the old fire alarm system into. Enjoying Gotham. —Letters to friends in this city from Missss Daisy Cheney and Maynor Holmes, who are visiting in New York, stat* that the young la lies are en joying Gotham and its gai ies. i hey state that they have attended the Empire Theatre and wers proud of C. Morgsn Seay, the gifted son of Rome’s mayor. Mr, Seay plays a leading roll in “A Game of Golf” aud has mot with enviable succee# before the foot lights in the metropolis. Try J. S. May & Co.- for your winter hat, 1 hey will please you and save you money. j;. 11 '" 'IV - ' Western & Atlantic R. R. (BATTLEHELDS LINE) A'rt) Nashville, Chattanooga & St* Louis Railway '•’ATTANOOGA, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO, MEMPHIS a. ST. LOUIS. ULLMAN PALACE Bill 11 SLEEPING CAM JACKSONVILLE and ATLANEA .. TO .. NASHVILLE and ST. LOUIS, THROUGH WIIHOUI CHANGE. ■cat Sleepers jetween Atlanta and Chat* tanonga. tap Lmijiaiit Rates to Arkansas and Texas. cursion Pickets to California and Col orado R dsorts. lc<- f olders, Slce ? Car ReservatioeaSd < a4or»i<ilion ab ui lia'es, Schiuules. «tc* ie or apply to < :. V'M K’ 1 ?, J. A. THOMAS. < kef ‘ kkei Agent. f Ln.<)■ <k>iol. No. 3 Ho***. A FLAN ft SA. -. aYTs, ’. L. tOMONDSON, ».*., r.ei.jt Agent. Chatta.iooga, Rir.‘j,VJ. Te**. os. v neov.N, cit'S. e. harman, i'uitiv nnager, u."> /eis. VLtNTA.