The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 19, 1898, Image 1

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NINTH year moke a “Bill Arp’ warters New Brand fc CUBAN DEBT ■gstoSpaiii. and Oilr ■miiissioiiws Say so. ft jifllfE NONE OF IT. papers Dissatisfied and ■ want Arbitration- H' lS , October 19 —Spain can have any doubt re t]ie ultimatum attitude ■ K United States toward the Cuban debt. American commissioners to assume any it by express treaty or They also declined a session of sovereign ache United States, for in Spain would ch’iin a cession by its own ■ would impose tne obliga- the debt. |Hi-c i... ■ ary believed that to accept a cession the American ■B nssioner-i acting also upon anno :aent to the world ■ . . m resolutions, any intention to ex » V' l'-iyuty or authority ■ Cuba except for pacifica and ilmn to leave the is- ■to the control of its people p-rople to the assumption obligations. Liber:.-, referring to (lie O.m debt as “now dividing countries,” says : ■ “ Spanish regard the re- ■ ihi' Tinted States to as- ■ ’i- Cuban debt as an ex pret nsion.” one sentence La Liberte that Spanish finances ruined in trying to sup. the Cuban insurrection, ■in the next says that “the ■t contracted for the ben ■of Cuba.” ■ben it points to Spain as ■'^ n g for arbitration where ■ commissions do not agree ■ says: ■ Lie \\ ashington cabinet will ■ listen to anything. We have ■ a< ly pointed out the abnor- ■ conditions attending the ■ointment of American dele- ■ s and their imperious in ■ctl°ns. Mr. Dj,y and his ■eagties are not proper nego ■o,S but only mandatories ■ ,e "ork is to carry out pre ■ orders. They have no right or make concessions, ■ simply may announce to the ■"ish government the ex le ft 1 ® of the United States. ft be American commission- I la vo formal orders not to ft* 1 themselves to any rnodifi -10,1910,19I 0,19 of the conditions of Bceand to repel all arbitra giving notice finally if the ft’ 1111 ** 11 do not agree to their ■ u* of a naval demonstration waters. President I 1,1 e. is dictated to by pub lopinion, which wi.l someday put its loss of head. I Ala drid now knows that the toln duc e the United States any part of the Cuban f l or to renounce the Philip- I 8 * hol b or in part, was L' Ue ‘ 111 ad vance to failure. [ 1,1 la s nothing to do but to • way nobly to the hard laws - 0 J l .’’ 8 a fresh humiliation d be certain to follow Se- TH E 110 AIE 11USTLER-COM MERCI A. L BRAVK CLD DEWEY, Has Applied For a Leave of, Absence TO VISIT NATIVE LAND. W hen he Ccmes There Will be a Hot Time, etc, San Francisco, Oct. 19.—The Evening Post says that Admiral Dewey will arrive in this city on December 6th. He will come here on the steamer City of Peking, which is due to arrive here on that date from the orient. Admiral Dewey is interested in several mining enterprises on this coast and it is these in terests that prompt his coming at this time. He has written fridnds in this city that he has already applied for leave of absence. LAUGHED AT JOKE AND DIED Wealthy Baltimore Man’s Fa, tal Attack a Apoplexy. •’ ' ... Shenandoah, Pa., Oct 19.—Ber nard L. Talley, president of the Home Friendly Society, of Balti more. Nd., died here last night of apoplexy. - L He was sitting in Mellet's stat ionery store chatting with the pro pritor, and had just been laugh ing over a jocular remark, when he fell from his chair to the flooy in a fit of apoplexy. ’ He was removed to the home of hie father-in-law, Gerald McKer nan. and died without having re gained consciousness, Mr. Talley< was 52 years cld and came here about a week ago from Baltimore with his wife and two children. nor Sagasta’s non-success against the grasping disposi tion of the United States.” The Temps says editorially:, “It is still thoughtAhat a tri bune of arbitration .will alone settle the disputes.’* / The Journal des Debats Yhinks the United States shpuld com* pel the Cuban government to assume the debt and believtA. the Spanish would be willing tp submit to arbitration, which it understands the UirittJd States declines to accept. ' ■ iltw I' < JLU! J ..rr* HOW IT HURTS! ‘ -' A 7 '. Rheumatism with its,sharp twinges, aches and Do you know the causeT Acid in the b'ood has accumulated in your joints. The-.cp/'.d’ ifc found in Hood’b Sarsaparilla’ which neutralizes Thousands write that they have been com pletely cured of rheumatism by Hood’s Sarsaparilla.- ■e - Hood’s Pills cure nausea, sick head ache/biliousness, indiges tion. Price 250. , t j STEEPLECHASER stolen. Horsethieves iyjj»ke off With Thoroughbred Popuhst- . • . »' ■« Chicago, "Oct. *l9 —Populist, the steeplechaser, was stolen from th? .Corrigan stables at the Hawthorne track yestereay. The horse,.which : was brought here from. Kentucky a month ago, was valued at SIO,OOO. ROME GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBR 19. 189?. ZOLA RETURNS ■' — ■ . Is flgain In Th City Of.Kay Paree ’ : i. • . MET NO DHrfiONSTRfITIOjN • *’• -■. . </ • Pei haps he Has Come Home to Continue The Auction 4 Pang, Oct. 19 —M ; . at Pant last night. - - His coming caused no disturbance. The fafnons author of Nana has been an exile for seteraL/weeks. It will be remembered’that he was tried twice and convicted at the second tria l of writijrg the now fa mous “I ac2Hse”detter’. This communication <was ad* di eased to the editor of <L. Aurole and charged that 'ex Chaplain Dreyfus, now itoprison«jd on Dev il’s Isle, was convicted-on forged testimony. Z/la was bitter in his attack. He indicated the "alleged guilty ones by unme He impeached the army, cbeifs. and intimated that they wore scoundrels. The stormy incidents attendant i,upon the two trials of the novelist alarmed all France. Many thought that a revolution was imminent- ZMh’was found guilty fined and tenteiyced to prison. Then he fled f-fwn.Paris, andHhe world did not know where’-ihe made his re f uge. : BuPthe Dreyfus case did not die with' Z da’s flight. Develop ment After- development threw France into paroxysms. It will be remembered that Dreyfus was convicted on the ebarge of-selling information re garding the military affairs of the .Republic to foreign nations, yvorld is now convinced that he was found guilty on manufac tured testimony. Lieutenant Col. Henry, being charged by the Min- of War w>th having forged the memorandum upon which Dreyfus was convii te 1, admitted his guilt and then committed sui cide. ■ THAT JOYFUL FEELING s With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength jmd internal cleanliness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the wel informed. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. WILL SUPPORT FRANCE. Czar Sends an Envoy to Paris • W‘th Assurances. Paris, Oct. 18—1’he Soir as serts that the forthcoming visit of the Russian foreign minister, Count Moravieff, to Paris, will be undertaken on the instruc tions of Emperor Nicholas in order to personally congratulate the French foreigh minister, M. Delcass, upon the firmness he has shown‘the Fashoda affair and to arrange as to the manner in which Russia can give her support most effectively. Pattern Hats. Mrs. A. O. Garrard desires to state that she has placed the most beautiful line of patternjhats iu the city, ou the market at greatly reduced prices. She is determined to close out the entire stock and cordially invites you to call and get prices before buying, LANHAM’S STORES * / 1 OLD STORE, NEW S1 ORE, Fourth Ward. 245 BroadSt ——— • -«i» o We have never sold out at cost nor faked the people in any way, and therefore we think our adver tisements are more worthy of consideration bv the trading public than if we made promises that w? did not live up to- We have always made it a rule to state the exact facts and perform all we promise in our ad vertiserrjent, and we are not going; to begin a crusade of fakeism this late day. We have the Very largest stock of all New Goods in Rome, an our prices are und c r any. We are more than willing to compare quality and vie with any, and we mean to be up withan/ in qualityd style, ect , and as low or lower than any in prict. £ Our Millinery Department is a marvel of beauty and style and the prices are far below others We have the best milliner in Rome, Miss LaFrance having worked for the very best milliner/ stbres in the country—a number of seasons in the largest cities of East, is comnetmt to build the hat so any lacy oi the land. Our stock of Dress Goods emorjees all the newest weaves and colors, and some of the styles are not to be had outside of our house. Some of the extreme French novelties are to be found here and only here, and the prices are the very lowest. Embroideries I If you want embroideries you can’t afford to pats our door. We have the largest stock in Rome and the prices are about half the regular. We quote a few prices here and you wil find they are just as we say: Double fold dress goods all wool filling, new style, only qc Double fold plaid novelty, pretty and worth much more qc One dollar corsets 49c 42in Fine dress goods worth twice our price 29c The very best indigo calico, not the thin kind 31-2 Bleached cotton 2 3 4 I Ladies hose, fast black, 5 . I Best spool thread, per spool 3 1-2 I I And we let you have all you I I want at this price. I I Six papers pins for 5c I I Thirteen balls thread 5c I I See thestamped linen and get I I our prices. We sell napkins, I I 12 inches square at, each 5c ■ I Clothing and gents’ furnishings ■ I at close prices. White shirts 25c — —I ■ ■ ■ 1 - - : * THNHHM HNI) Sons; 10 CENTS PER WEEK