The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 19, 1898, Image 2

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iIDING TrE GREBI.I I jod Weather Gim The Woodward-Warren Co. i j | i lb • t [heir old ti»e souses 1 ahe Performance Last Ni?ht Was Magnificent. H J |, * Mie? Ethel Tucker, as “Qtwena” ffihptured the big audience at ; ' evin'm last night. She is an actress, “a born a<r 1 ess”—and she convinced*every i : ’ ne of hor audience last night t hat ,uv Woui«ard had not overqual died the facts when he stated that s “Qutjeua” Miss Tuck T has no ' upericr on the stage today. I® She was “Queena" —what higher T rihute cau be paid her art.’ ; O' course Guy Woodward in his part of John Henry Wilkins was ight up to John Hanry and out ; Wilkius-td that smooth yon .g nan’s father, mo'her and all the i it bur Wilkinses . Guy is Rome’s I favorite comedian any how. As Florence Nightengale Fletch- I ir. the gifted and versatile Bessie , tVarren would never be taken for Hanna Lyon, the hag of “the ' Captain’s Mate,” Queenly, capri • jious but “business” “strickly business.” Little Miss Carry Cordelia, as little Eddie, was unusually fine last night, both in her part of the cast and in her specialties. She is a winsome little lass, and ! takes to public applause like the I .real duck does to water. a Miss Bonnair Price, Miss El berta Roy and Miss Della Cordel ia each played their parte most conscientiously, throwing their hearts into their work. The • truth is, from Guy Woodward down every member of his Company strives to excel in pleasing the audience. Bert Walter is not only the best black-faced artist this de ponent ever had the pleasure of laughing at, but he is a tine ac tor with his white face on. Last night, as Frank Horton, he was immense. Mr. Swiggins and Mr. Will Smith each added to their lau rels by their clever work last night— Swiggins ought to be a gentle unsophistocated lamb off the stage, for before the foot lights he is as mean a scoun drel as old Col. Bill Satan would have. Middleton’s work last night deserves especial praise. As Lord Walter, he had a most dif ficult part —but he acquitted himself grandly. His interpre tation of the character was in deed a clever piece of acting. And then, theie was Bert Gilderoy with his illustrated songs, a specialty which is alone worth the price of admission. Mr.Gilderoy has a sweet voice— one of those voices that has the heart tones in it —a voice that can coquett with your ears, monkey with your imagination and wring tears out of your eyes all at the same time. The matinee this afternoon drew a tine audience. Now, my word for it, you will •ee a splendid rendition of that great military play, “The Pay Master,” if you will go out to night* Guy Woodward i» giving the people of Rome regular priced attractions every performance, and is only charging 10, 20 and 30 cents. lifmU with yo whether tou continue th" B«rT«-kUHn< tobacco habit. *O-I'O-BACaf r«tuoT«B the d*-Hire for tobie* c » wulnerTGUNdißircgtf xpeki* * •iue, pur ill eg the blood, *5J MU-Am ©tor** iogt mannood *uUO l>ow . «>**«• you strong f&YJ ’’A'ToM. 400 00C £| gU. 'case.cur«.<l. Buj ’ BfiEßL?*- a g Sal ’ 1 * n - I 8 fl®** ••*<'•'- F • * ~i . f.i.j .i • MIT *'• XBUa - ‘-'‘ivb ? iruarMjteed tocur«-. !> a' refunr in<>r» y g lUaedj C©. ' hlcagu Sionmcl. Sew T«r* Pattern Hau.*—Mr#. A O. Garrard desires tQ state that she has p'aced the most beautiful line of part' rn hats in the c.ty, on the market at gr< ally r duced prices. She is determined to close out the entire stock and cordially inVites you tn call and get prie s before b n ymg. k.; My A. R. R ' THE WEST. TG ARKANSAS ■ &TEXAS, Schedule in Effect Oct. 4th, 1898. “ . ... ! _, HOitTHBOtrND. No. 2 I No. 4 ■ N 0.70 ! N 0.72 Lv ulanta 7 8 Ram' 8 30pin 460 pm 53bpin Ar Marietta.. 9 Ofatn 9 16pm 5 4-zpni 6 25pir •• Rome 11 2fcam 745 pm " Dalton. 11 4tem 11 41pm 8 If.pni •• Chat'noogu 1 lOpm 100 am 9 35pm “ Nashville . 055 pm, 6 40am •• Memphis . 73. am 4 39pm Lv Nashville 720 pm! 7 flOani Ar St Louis. 720 am 7 K2i>m . tv Aasuvu.e i zopin, 3oam Ar Chicago.. 9 00am 8 3bpm | Lv Nashville .; 750 pm 7 Alam Ar Louisville .' 2 30am 12 25pm “ Cincinnati.; 705 am 4Uftpm ... . Train No. 2carries Pullman Sleeper between Jacksonville, Fla,, Atlanta and Nashville, con ne -ting with vestibule trait} for Chicago, Train No. 4 carries, Pullman Sleeper Augusti and Atlanta to Nashville and St. Louis through without change. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta tc Chattanooga, passengei s remain in ear until 7 o'clock a. m. Pullman Sleeper Atlanta U Knoxville via A. K. & N. Ry. Train No. 70 connects at Boyce with Q. & C. tor Cincinnati. This train carries through poach Atlanta to Rome. To the south and East. SOUTHBOUND. | No. 1 | No. 3 , N 0.91 [ No. 73 Lv Nashville \ 9loam 10 topm ; ....... “ Chat’nooga 255 pm 3 20am 5 55am| “ Dalton I 411 pm 4 28am 7 Lam •• Rome 4 25pm 741 am “ Marietta . 6 43pm 6 45am 9 45am 7 05ain Ar Atlanta . i 71.0pm' 7 BUam 10 35am 8 00am Lv Atlanta . 750pm] 7 50am| 406pm| Ar Macon, 11 13pm 11 10am; 720 pm; “ Tifton. ! 2 50am i 3 05pm ■ “ .lack nville' A 45am' 10 25pm] J7v Atlanta... 750pm| 7soam 405 pm Ar Macon 1113pm!ll ll’jini. 720 pm " Albany . 327 pm 11 Ofipnij ...... " Thm'svjlte . 6 30pm ! •' Savannah, OOtlani 1 6 00pm fTv Atlanta . 1135 pm 750 am j lopm ...... Ar Augusta... 5 I’am 120 pm 8 25pm Ar Charleston 11 Ooam* 800 pm , •' Columbia .|lO sSamtlo lOpml Lv Atlanta. | 750 pm 12 00m |l2UOm I Ar Athena 1021 pm 2 16pm 2 16pmi ” Richmond. 6 15pm 716 am 715 am “ Wash'gtonjlO 30pm; 11 31am 11 31am j *• New York 5 53am 5 23’jni 5 2opml Train No. 1 cairie’ Pulhrm-i Sleeper Nash ville, Chattanooga and At anta to Jackson ville, Fla, Tiain No. Scarries Pullman Sleeper St Louis to Augusta without change Pullman Sleeper Chattanooga to Atlanta open fpr passengers Chattanooga 9 o’clock p. m. Pullman Sleeper Knoxville to Atla.’i.u via A. K. & N. By. For further inform;.,. m write to H. F SMITH, C. E. HARMAN, Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt. .. ~,, ■ - ■ . r SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Con lenteii Schedule In Effeet July 6. 1898. STATIONS. I No. 10 < No. 14 . No. i Lv L'hittauoogu..' i 6.3<Jiim| 7.3'pm 10.10 pm Kr DaTton 7.51 am 8.42 pm 12.10 am Ar Rome 9.(Xjihii| 9.4opm| 1.41 am Ar Atlanta 11.40 am li.n’ipm 5 o)am Lv Atlanta 4.20 pm. 11 5 .pm! s.2oatn Ar tfacon 7.Wp:n 2i>sam! 8 'Aiam Ar Jesup K4snm 2.38 pm Ar ISfrett,., I 7.25 am 3.25 pm Ar JuekwnjlilA ' 9.4(«nil 9.25 pm Lv Jesup .. .. 10.01 am (5.56 pm Ar Jacksonville■■• ■_! L'Mpm. UXlSpm Lv Ezerett ... I 7.30 am ii.jopin Ar Brunswick I B,3onm| 4.30 pm No. io carries I’uhmun Steeping Car diet lan .oua to Atlanta. No. 14 carries I‘ulln an Sleep! nu Car and Day Coaches Chattanooga *«j Jacksonville and <4.- lanta tp Brunswick. No. 8 carries Pullma.> Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Atlanta. si a Hons. No. 13 No. 9 i No. 7 - 4.00 pm 7.sontn Ar Rome A 30am 6.85 pm 10.20 am Ar Dalton 722 am 7.34 pm 11.3'tom Ar Chattanooga 8.40 am B.soptr. I.oopm Lv Chattenoogi B.s:>am| 9.10 pm. Ar Burgin AB9pml Ar Lexington 5.10 pm 4.50 am Ar Louisville 1 alpm l ]hnm Ar Citicinnatl 7.3<. < pm ? 3t':itri Lv Chattanooga 1.25 pm 1.15 am 125 pm Ar Nashville . fl.nflptp 6.40 am 6;55pm No. 13 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Chattanooga and Chattanooga to Cincinnati. No. 0 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta io Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Louisville. STATi< ; No. 6. j No 12 ; No. 16. Lv Chattanooga !777!' — ’ 8.46 am 4. ib-am'l6. JOpm Ar Knoxville ii !>sam B.osawi 1. lOum Ar Morristown 123 pm 9.50 am 2;25am Ar Hot Springs .. 3 Hpu# 11..46am 4.00 am Ar Asheville 4.35 pm I. iftpm MOam Ar Salisbury 8.40 pm 9.80 am Ar Green5b0r0....,,,,,, 9.52 pm 1210 pm Ar Raleigh ).40um 3.23 pm Ar Norfolk .. 7'oam Ar Wa'.'t0n..,.... "7777. . .: « i3:>m 9135 pm Ar New York. 'lt’Alpm 6.23 am No. 12 carries Pullman brnwiog 110 ra Sleep ing (’ar Chattanooga to New York via Ashe ville and Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Rich mond 6.40 a.m also Pullman Sleeping Car Greensboro to Norfolk No 161 s solid train Clmttanoo’a to Salts jury, with Pullinm Sleeping Car Chattanoiu-a to Salisbury and Salisbury to New York with out change. if’l ATIONS. I No. 6 Lv ('t s.uoptn 8.40 am Ar Knoxville..,.,, .. , 8.4 pm 11.55 am Ar Morrlst >wu 2.15 am I.2'<pn> Ar Bristol 7,00 am 8.55 pm Ar Washington 7-B’um Ar New York l.Ji'pm No. 6. carries Pul'.m in siccpln : Car Chatta nooga to Washing! n and Clialtan oga to New Ycr'il without change. 4 ugrrles Pullin.m Sleeping Cur Knox ville to Bri to!. BTATI"M. N<, 15 t v lloiiiL- 9.10 am Anniston 11.21 am Ar Birmingham 10.00 pm Ar Selma 3.55 pm Ar Meridian,,,,,, 7.30 pm Ai- New I Ar Jackson .....'TT' ...I 9.45 am I Ar Vicksburg ~,., 11.35 an» Ar Shreveport, ) 7.2<‘pip ♦No is' fNo. 91 Ifi.’o _ 16 fps'.j w 2.00 pm 4..Mlpm'Lv Rome .. ar 8.50 a- 8 35am 5,40 pm 6 o7pm Ar Gad den. ar 6.00 am 68 'am 6 00pm 7 l"pm Ar Amalia. lv 5.45 am ycoam 4 Daily except Sunday. | Sunday only. F. S.GANNON.3dv.r. A o.w .WMhlngtoa. D.Q J. M CULP, Traf Mgr., Washington. D. a W. A. TURK, G P A., Waehlagtoa. D. C. G A. BENSOOTSA, a THE FUG FLOATS Oner Sail Jilan, And Porto Rico is Oilrs. IMPOSING CEREMONIES. When “Old Glory” Replaced The Spanish Colors, San Juan, Porto Rico, Oct. 19—Promptly at not n yesterday t’lo American flag was raised oyer San Juan. The ceremony’ was quiet and dignified, unmar red by disorder of any kind The 11th Infantry, with two batteries of the sth Artillery, anded this morning. The latter proceeded to the forts, while the infantry lined upon the docks. It was a holiday for San Juan and many people were on the streets. Rear Admiral ScLlt-y and Gen. Gurdon, accompanied by their staffs, proceeded to the palace in carriages. The 11th Infantry and band, with Troop H, 6th Cavalry, then marched through the streets and formed in the square opposite the pal ace. At 11:40a. m., Gen. Bookc, Admir i! Schley and Gen. Gor don, the United States evacua io:i commissioners, came out of the palace with manyjnaval offi cers and formed on the right side of the square. The stieets be hind the soldiers were thronged with townspeople, who stood waiting in dead silence. At last the city clock struck the hour of 12, and the crowds, almost breathless, and with eyis fixed on the flagpole, watched for devt l ipmeius. At the sounc of the fiist gun from Fort Mono Maj. Dean and Lieut, Castleton, of Gen. Brooke’s staff, hoisted the Stars and Stiipes, while the band played “Ths Star-Spangled Banner.” All heads were bared, and the crowd cheered. Fort M jrr<>, Fort San Cristcbal, and the United States revenue cut ter Manning, lying in the har bor, fired 21 guns each. Senor Mun z Rivera, who was president of the recent au toHomist council, and the secre taries and other officials of the late insular government were present at the proceedings. Ensign King hoisted the Stars and Strip(sonthe lutendencia, but other flags on the various other buildings were hoisted by military officers. Simultaneously with the rais ing of the flag over the captain general’s palace, many others were hoisted in different pari# of the city. The work of the United States evacuation commission is now over, and all the reports will be forwarded by Tuesday next. The labors of both parlies have ter minated with honor to all con cerned. lhe American com missioners worked in the most thorough and effective manner. LIBEL EOR DIVORCE. STATE OF GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY — Fannie Harper No 5G Floyd S’p’r vs. court,Jan,term ’9B JohuFHarper ) ibel for Divorce. To the defendant John Franklin Hwiper :• — Yi.u are hereby commanded to be and appear personally or by attorney at the next term of superior court of Flovd County Ga ,to be held on the third Mon day in January 1899 then and thereto answer the plaintiff's pe tition for divorce in the above i-tated case, as in default thereof the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Hou. W, M. Hei ry, judge of said court, this 19 h day of Ocb ber, 1898. W. E, Beyeiegel, Clerk cf Superior Cour*. K is® 1 w 4 OOME- T M !!C reason ITOQETHEH I FOR JUST A FEW MINUTES. | You have bought a h-i./ I stock of goods for the fall trade, and of course you secured many choice bargains for your frien c's now, here wish ere the ROME DAILYHUSTLER-COMMERCIAI ® come in and proposes to prove K an invaluable friend, for just as h yon are reading thissowil! the g tnousands of people in the Rome || territory read your announct- B nt in this paper I T SEfXSQN I FOR ACTION | HAS NOW ARRIVED, In at td I WW Wh H I F