The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 19, 1898, Image 4

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Iheubstles-cwkm! EHUSTLEFtOFROME K«t»kll*b«d, 18W). | "HE ROME COMMERCIAL Entabll«btfd. 18#6. BI >v.<d every eveMiug. txutpi Saturday. Sunday and weekly. ■ PHIL G. BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER. yi" ii ■■■■—■>—- ■ The cold-slaw crysauthemum I is putting on its bloomers. .■IIW-I !_■ .1. TT Guy Woodward is the finest. He is strongly supported too. *- - "~ I The cotton planter is restless | —because he is giving away his nap. The girl in the cloak wears a camphor—have you heard one ' pass! | Did Howard Gould really give up those $5,000,000? We want I evidence submitted. A commission should be ap pointed to tell those Pillagers what a big man Shafter is. I “ •" The Christians of Crete will , enjoy Thanksgiving this year without Turkey or Greece. Home could save good mon ey to her tax payers by owning her own electric light plant. Fitz Lee and the Seventh Ar my Corps before Havana, would prove a moving argument to Blanco. In the Republican campaign the average New Yorker realizes that it is the voice of Roosevelt but the hand of Platt. ar t -j t t. i.. ■ - ..J sr The Raleigh Chamber cf Com merce has offered a gold medal for an annual competitive de bate between North Carolina colleges. The Board of Aidermen of Somerville, Mass., has passed a resolution in favor of the munic ipal ownership of the electric light plant. Only one member of the next senate received a larger vote than Major R. T. Fouche of this district. Rome is indeed proud of her splendid son. Roosevelt was not the only man in the Santiago campaign, even if he did get up the round robin that “Fighting Joe” Wheeler never signed. Col, William Jennings Bryan has already sent in his first monthly contribution to the sil ver campaign fund and with it a pledge to keep it up. The registered distilleries of North Carolina, 1467 in number, last year produced 620,716 gal lons of spirits. The moonshine output for the same period is thought to have been about the same amount. The protocol and peace com mission was all a mistake. Uncle Sam had the crual Spaniard at his mercy and should have dic tated terms of an immediate peace. Spain having never shown mercy has no right to expect it. A western puper says that the celebrated “Montana statue of Ada Rehan, which was one of the features of the World’s Fair is not silver at all, but lead with a silver skin. It was supposed to have been worth $30,000, but a Chicago firm which holds it for d«bt cannot find buyers at SIOOO After all the statue would not have been true to its model had F been an actress. Mrs. Julie te P. Mara, of New York, who recently received a decree of divorce from her hus band two days after he had died at Montauk Point from wounds received at Santiago, has decid ed that she does not want such a decre after all and has had it canceled by the court. The dead husband, John J Mara, was a member of the Seventy first reg incut, New York volunteers. lie was promoted from the ranks to be a sergeant for meritorious service on the field of battle. Mrs. Mara would not live with the man had he remained in life, but she is keen to live on his pension now that he is gone. One of the complaints said to have reached the War Investiga tion Commission is that Capt. Alger, son of the secretary, was financially interested in the tract of laud on which the Fer nandina camp was located, and also in the land which formed the site of Camp Alger. This may be the reason tfie Com mis sion wanted to learn from Sec - retary Alger how and by whom the camp sites were selected— questions which have not yet been answered to the entire sat isfaction of the board. 11 1 "" ■' None of the audience at Wal lack’s theatre in New York, last Tuesday night recognized Gen Fitzhugh Lee in a box, until, at the end of the first act, the stai actress of tho play received some flowers, and, rushing over to the box, thrust them into the general’s hands. Then everybody saw who it was and the demon stration which followed was equal to anything of the kind that has been seen in a theatre since the beginning of the war. Gen. Lee was not kissed. Emperor William is taking to Jurusalem with him Leonard Ehmka, the largest soldier in the German army. He measures 6 feet eleven inches and weighs 296 pounds. The Kaiser, it is said, wants to impress the Ori entals with the fine physiqe of his soldiers. Billy is so much of a freak he naturally takes to freaks. If he were an American citizen he would either be oper ating a dime museum on the Bowery or a mortgaged farm in Kansas. • Howard Gould, who, accord ing to his father’s will, has just given up $5,000,000 in marry ing Miss Katherine Clemmons, the actress, is the third son of the late Jay Gould and the sec ond of them to take a bride from the theatrical profession. He is -28 years old and a keen business man, so that, having still some $5,000,000 left, he will propab ably be able to worry along with his young wife . The first news of Don Carlos in a long time is to the effect that he has gone to London t( raise a loan. What the loan is wanted for is not stated. Per haps it is to pay taxes on his $30,000,000 worth us property ; perhaps it is time for an upris ing on which he does not want to spend his own money. J. J. Curtin is the name of a New York policeman who found a valuable diamond in Central Park, returned it to its owner and then refuse ! to accept a proffered rpward of SIOO, saying he was paid for his work by the city. He will be tried for lunacy and sent to the asylum. “What a fortune you must make out of the quantity of mustard that is eaten,” a lady once remarked to Mr. Coleman. “No, madam,” he replied, “I only make a fair competence out of what is eaten : but I do make SMi w THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but to the care and skill with which it ii manufactured by scientific proctwsoC known to the California Fig Syru*' I Co. only, and vve wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing th* true and original remedy. As tb* genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it nets on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing -them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal. LOUISVILLE. ’ New YOKE. K. Y. a fortune out of what is wasted.” —London Truth. Miss Helen Gould is to bo presented with an album con taining the autographs of as' many soldiers and sailors a •are to send them. They are to be sent in letters on paper suit able for pasting in the album, which is also to contain a set of resolutions. There will be no expense to the senders, and the collection will form a memorial which Miss Gould says she will value highly. GEORGIA PRESS, Georgia’s 70,000 democratic majority shows how successful the effort to break up the good old party in this state has been. Atlanta Journal. The question which is now interesting the public is whether populism was blown up* by an internal explosion or by a demo cratic submarine mine on the outside.—Augusta Chronicle. A high tribute was paid to Gen. Leonard Wood, formerly colonel of the Rough Riders, now military governor of Santi igo, by a resident of that city he other day. “If you have any more generals like Leonard Wood,” wrote this Santiagan, ‘send them along, and we will let them be absolute rulers as long as they Lke.”—Savannah News. The Herald predicts that the general scramble in Georgia over judges’ and solicitors’ places when the first flection takes place will be one of the liveliest ever known in the po litical history of Georgia.—Al bany Herald. A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, Groton S. D. “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could not live but a shoit time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, 1 would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advis ed to get Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption,Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took iu all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at Curry-Arringtou’s. Regular size 50 cents and SI.OO, guaranteed or price refunded. PIPE I? H 0 JKB ® PH S THE SUMMER HAS PASSED AND GONE IMPROVE THE NEXT PRETY DAY AND HAYE YOUR NEGATIVE MADE! YOU i l * • KnOW K |S lOb 4111 H gw- VI • Til TlU(;l3>3 IT' gj n VSsAE. T URVAOUT . | B g | W YOU ARE | B 1 HA Id p? fssssn finnan hf |H ■I ■ ■ Sw a | H p ill Vllr fl R | •!!IIILw | hw W K | J. W. Eandeaster. | W I kimuii lajdWi injii omwvna _ Wi™