The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 19, 1898, Image 5

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vftusnx ■/Sv' oF r - ' |(«mJ Bull Lyl ■ „ is U,in« ■ l ,„. tl l.»H'»l "' *«”"’«'■>■> ■. „, f.-rg-l that In. p ... ■L sm.n comer- ■ W HXt Chaplain Mclntyrn ■ Pl> . iectura platform he ■ t - make Ught hia ■ With whisky and ■ Singly they ate tricky, ■nbinei they will inspire K , f r(l m » Grecian epic to a dance. ■ dent McKinley's war char- ■ i (i present a much more ■t.sFive appearance as a cam- ■ peCack if Alger hadn’t got ■ y tangled up in the wheels, ■ething of the high state of nf the Letch Lake In av bs gathered from their that newspaper corre- ehall be present during with the Indian concerning th > liotibl' B. They do not e to get the worst of it ■ - b'ttirg t!> world know it. ooo Prefect of Police that citizen! who hap- ). e t o full <>f liquor after dined out or visit*! too , p. -hall be carefully tak- - ■> i .stretchers it unable to to their p'aces of Th.; regulation will M- >h- du-appearance and ex- Bm- 111 '’f th'' ‘‘guardian anzels” class who make a f looking out for inebri sßtrsons at night. ■0 0 0 e Champeaux and bis ■ 1 ai d a coasting steam .rooini to Cayenne, per- th? 'upper to run close t De I’s Island to see me warders rifles in in the Lushes along r- ti prevent a landing. ' ,r w bite bouse which serves u was clearly visible, as ' Inn-of palisades with -1-'- Dreyfus takes his exer- Hi' n a gun boomed out from as a warning and the steered < fl. ■ 000 ■>etoii is preparing to celebrate anniversary of ■ng tire of November 9, 1872. ■*nicb Out) 000 worth of ■erty was destroyed. It things ■ managed on the Boston plan ■hilauelpl.ia it would be in or- B about this time to hold a great | of rejoicing over the one B Led and fit th anniversary of Bellow fever plague of 1793, m B > nearly 5000 persons lost B oes out of a population of ■co. B 000 B’e advance of the delta of ’the I tr P» into the Adriatic Sea dui- 1 past seventy years has ad- I -Wsquare miles to the area of By- I'he measurement has been I e i<\ 1 ro.essor Marinelli, who I fully compared the Austrian I p rj’f> of 1823 wi h the Italian py of 1893 The addition l l,! ‘i-ts to one six-huudredtn of I l |J al arfta of Italy a the earlier I e ‘ I 000 I ‘U-mie’s father asked him the I* r d j y what college he should F r to go to when he was r( "‘gh with preparatory schools. Dqiih > w ‘th but a moment’s U 8«. replied, “Vassar.” “H’m 1” , ,mbG father, getting up . wl ‘istling softly ; “h’m—l’ll ttll -,ed if I wouldn’t like to go er « ®ytelf.”_.N ew York Sun. °oo the members of the Bismarck n »-V are great in stature. Be " a ' oor m Friedrichsruhe i» ‘oHowmg record in pencil dat- Lece mb(jr 81 1879: upriiCt D B ‘ B «>arck, 1 m . 88 (1 meter or 6 feet 2 inches). j ert von Bismarck, I m . 86 (6 feet 1± inches: William von Bis muck, 1 m. 85 (6 feet f inch): Count Rautzau, 1 in. 714 (1 m-ter 714 millimeters, or 5 feet 7| inch es) :.Princess von Bismarck, 1 m. 714 »' 000 Uncle Sum took a sura way to hurry Blanco out of Cuba bj’tell ing him his time for handling the Cuban customhouse receipts will be up at h<gh n on < n December 1. ' 000 The Chicago Ocaan de clares: “It is a source of much wonder at timea how canvassers can secure the proper names for ths elite dictionary.” Perhaps they dig them out ot the criminal court calendar and the Inter Ooem’s subscription list. 000 Col. Roosevelt told the indepen dents that he could not accept their nomination for Governor of New York, but they nominated him by petition nevertbe ess. when they wanted to substitute some one else and asked the Col onel to decline the nomination he at first said he could not, but fin ally promised ho would as soon as the nomination was filed 000 The New Zealand Assembly has just passed an Old Age Pension bill which applies to all persons over sixty five years old. The pen- S’on am >unts to but S9O per year, or about $1.75 per week and no ons who has an income of over $5 per j week or propertv wor h more than $2700 will be entitled to at. Twen ty years residence in the c lony and ten years exemplary conduct are among the other qualifications the vagrant and the drunkar I be-> ing thus shut off. 000 Proof that the sailors of Cervera’s fleet were not as drunk as thay might have been during the sink ing of their ships has turned up with the raising of the Maria Tere sa. On that vessel alone nave been found sixty-seven casks of fiery red wine ind sherry unopened and untapped. If the Spaniards hud known how short th* engagement was going to be they might have begun earlier. 000 There are two kinds of failures in business —those of men who fail to get rich, and those of men who fail in order to get rich. 000 The latest of the Japanese navy shows that of the 13,006 men in the service 5,73 pet cent are be tween the ages of fifteen and twen ty years, and 38,3 per cent, be tween the ages of twenty and twen ty-five years. Only 1.05 p T cent, are over forty years old, and most of these are officers, ■j 1 —ii iim■■■?.. Jm 4 BPa IN 8 GREATESTNEED. Mr. R, I’. Olivia, of Carcelon ia, S. C. Weak nerves had caus ed severe pains in the back of his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon ieft him. He rays this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trou ble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Ev ery bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by Curry Arring on, druggists. TAX NOTICE. The last half of tax for 1898 is now due the city of Rome. All persons owing taxes are hereby notified to call at the Clerk’s of fice at the city ball and settle. Sept. 16th 1898. Halstkd Smith, Clerk Council Saturday ihe 15th. last day for paying water tax. Off you gn after that date. J. T. Moore, Sec’y & Treas. | John M Proctor • f IS NOW *■ <■ # * rvnr\jo e o * ■" *»- FOR « E.E.FORBKS » * ROME BRANCH MUSI6 HOUSE- J He solicits the influence and patroneg ii f the peo pie of Roma and the surrounding country. It will bo to your interest to call and get prices. * Marvelous * Low Figuresl a w Will be quoted on all PIANOS, ORGANS, BICYGLf-S, SEWING MA CHINES and other goods now includ ed in the big stock at No. 327, Broa ' street. While this entire stock is to w be closed out at reduced figuies Mr. Procter is empowered to make tne terms decidediy easy to all buyers. ?A. J bicycleV I At any price to suit the purchaser, for they must go, and will be sold regardless of cost. See our wh a el st at once—it will pay you to take a look. i Sheet Music | This stock will be closed out T J at 10 cents per copy. ■ L’VERY, SALE" AND FEED Offers the public the finest team, bitcj ev ances and most polite and courteous drivers The best stock of bones and mules on ssle co stantly. FO RSTY LE AN DCO MFO RT A. and for a jolly good time with family or friends, there is noth ing like an open surry for either / Winter or Summer. Our stock - of stylish carriages is unrivalled ' and our spider phaetons, runa- Ij / bouts, buggies,traps, carts, wag onettes, canopy top, or open sur reys, are light, easy, comforta— W. ble and beautiful in construe- y* tion, trimmings and finish. We also repair and overhaul vehicles; slso carry a big line of fine harness and lap robes. Rome Bi ear Co, 5509-511 Br ad street,Rome Ga. Satterfield & Williams, Agents. £ F HANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. 2 I THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. | 1 Plumbing and Tinning. | 2 Engineers’ and machinists' 2 3 supplies. Stoves, ranges and a tinware. Gas and electric fix- c 2 tures. INSURANCE gasoline S 2 stoves. Water meters. j I 325 Broad st. Phone 32. » ioeeoot iM d©o©©©© >M * M >-»»<. I » ■■■« ■ ---M, inf T - ~ '-WTT I PMffi ■ I I Ml HB s I We will Sei! New I • Busks wbMe I I PHUfW | FOR CASH. Second Hand | Books cheaper uhan the || | cheapest. a call, | /H. AySMITH k f | THF OLO RFLIAB/e BOOK STORE. || H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., *5 Successors to -J ROME PHARMACY. *4l 399 Broad st. —New Clark Building, We have bought the entire stock of the Rome Pharinicy and are prepared to supply your wants in JG the dru r, pi ascription an 1 patent medicine line. Our stock is complete and of the very highest grade. We solicit a part of your patronage an 1 shall en deavor to the best of our ability to please jou at a JjC times. We should be pleased to have you call on u 25 Fulllineof druggist’s sundries, toilet articles a such things as are usually carried in a first-class dr store. Cigars and tobacco. Come to see us. * ± -- ■ll »"_■—i— tmiHHmMHwminHHHHj >-<&3 = S. Al Stark, s £ ■ HfiS K LMS AND fAiLOE SI Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A'-'e • IS 53 s MiiitHHHHiiHiHUHHJHH* $1.25 and $l5O Negligee shirts for IS J. A. GAMMON H COMPAQ ARE • • • for everyone in Rome Ho come in and see the magnificent stock on men’s and boy’s clothing, bicycle and golf suite, is what we are doing, but we ere has tling while we wait. We will show you the’finest stock© V&A clothing, made from the newest styles and patterns in fabricks, perfect fitting and handsome, to f° uu d * n Georgia, and they are above competition in values for the price. The greatest line of negligee shirt ever shown ii Rome. J. A. GaHMON &CO