The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 19, 1898, Image 7

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■SONfL MENNOIT. I e rav at Nevin’s K. Ke Pay Muter” »t Nevin’s Kit. K e Pay Master” at Nevin’s Kt. ■ Woodward- Wurren Co., at Ks tonight. K Woodward-Warren Co., at tonight • H Bob Maxwell spent yes- K in Cartersville. ■ Dink Wynn leaves for Rugbain tins afternoon. Kuire Fillmore Johnson, of Kj, in ths city today. KC w. L. Yancey, of AtliO' s, Kere a guest of K Reynolds has gone to Kboro, Ky.. 10 visit Mis. Todd. ■'.Stokes Gregory, of At- K' is visiting bis mother on Broad St. R„ Fannie Coley, of Kansas R'is the guest of Miss Laura Fifth Ave. new seeded Raisins and Citron at Lloyd & Prices to sell.quick. t fad to ee*'Guy Woodward, Rom'’ iaveritw, who will et Nevin’s tonight. ■Kiss Mamie Rounsaville ■e, this afternoon for New- ■ where she goes to visit John 0. Reece, the young man, is reported as ill at his apartments at ■ Armstrong. »nd Mrs. k. A. Heard [■ returned from a visit to where they had gone for Heard’s health. insurance is njpos l thii g ■health insurar co } by k leping pureJJJnitll Hood’s ■sAparilla, is fti’l better. Rillinery the cheap- Rat J. S, May & Co., Rodoors above Cur ■s corner. ■uttner'b bargain figures have ■ocked competitors out. The ■ sale is on and the crush at ■ Kuttner emporium is grow ■/ ■Call and see us be- K e buying vour new Knterhat, J. S. May & ■>•» 204, Broad St. K rg . Champion and Miss ■*« Smith have gone to Senoia, ■ r » pleasant visit to their Wilier, City Clerk Halstad Khh. K Or Kidney, bladder, and ■®aeh troubles, drink Ingram ■ h! ‘- for sale at the soda B Mt ‘ of Curry-Arrington J «rvi» A Wright and J. T. Buch. R 1 * 8 who has been l‘‘ing Miss Margie Hoyt on | ■ ’’ returned to leCSl e CS ‘ Q Savannah. Miss f BO,I hi ade many friends while . [Rome. P*i«s Mirian Reynolds return ’ |?rom Selma yesterday after-j f a i lfter a most delightful ’ P'b She was the recipient of! I,k y social honors while in., •t City. j l Mll ,cy Celery, fin© Cranber-I w r Canadian Apples, Pigsfe«t r <. w Kraut, new Olives, Sweet c Jh and other good things at 4 Harper’s. They handle ' 8 11 C'ade groceries only. j Joe Nunnally, of llc »m&uga, formerly orty of very beet lawyers 'at the came down the C. R. ‘bis forenoon. He spent a our« here and returned > this afternoon. a.xfcal! LEADERS in fine hats of all kinds, in qual ity, shape and style, we are at all seasons of the year. Our new stylesin Derbys, Volunteers and Regulars, are rich in color, be coming in shape, elegant in outline, exquisite in style and of superfine quality, and we are selling them at prices that you will pay for an inferior hat elsewhere. W. 11. Coker. No 11, Broad St. P. S . Drummer’s samples of mackintoshes and ladies and gent gossamers at 75c on the sl. Get firfet choice. Copt. N. .H Bass, of Lavender • peut sevelul hours in the city to doy. Mr. George J. Briant will go to Raleigh, N. C., on a visit of some weeks. Mr. Alfr-d Hamilton, the suc cessful president of the great Trion cotton mills, was here yes'erday afternoon. Judge Matt Henry and Solic itor General Mose Wright came f? down from Rome last night.—| Constitution. Mrs. C. S. Peak, nee Miss Lee Watters, is here from Chat-' tanooga, visiting her sister, Mrs. C. A. Trevitt, on Cherokee St. Hon. Walter RVooks, on# of the most successful lawyers in the Rtate , has returned from a visit of several montns in th# mountains of N rrth Caro ina. The youngest member of Mr John Rosers house h fld is named Joe Wheeler Roger. He is here to grown up with ths country and be come his papa's “Fighting Joe’’ Mrs. Ernest West has return ed from New York to visit her family. She will remain in the city several weeks bsfore return ing North, —Atlanta Constitu tion. The McCall Bazar Patterns are known &s the most stylish and Reliable Patterns in the market; no alteration; no com plaints ; styles are strictly up to date. Lanham & Sons. Wyoming’s woman superin-' tendent of Public Instruction, Estelle Peal, has so successful ly managed the sale of public lands as to increase the state s income from SIOO to SI,OOO a. week. She is clever at driving good bargains for the state. Try J. S. May & Co lor your winter hat, They wil! please you and save you money. CENTS " ’ r | In Stamps Pay* for the National Magazine Three Months, ’November DcGomber and Januaru The national is the foremost, magasine of the <UJ. sample copies on all news stands. J Send stamps to 1 WWfWGO., Ml. Belfoi-'l Street. Boston ’ ’ Px.cov -e- V LOCAi I 7FF[!WCS c I t’Y thio I - Thw 'hi v finest, nvs* ■ tors t tin in;,! k»*t affords il-iays to tie foum at the Gom> z 0 ife. If you wunt the beet, seived the j best call on Gomez. Wreck on The Road.—This morning’s south bound Southern was about four hours lat>, on account of a freight wreck on the road, south of Dalton. Seven cars were ditched and consider able damage resulted, though no loss of life was reported. Off to Savannah.—Capt. J B. F. Lumpkin, chairman of the ; finance committee of the grand lodge K. of P. cf Georgia, left today for Savannah, where he goes to make an official investi gation of the books of the order. Capt. Lumpkin will return about the latter part of the week. Caned Father-in-law.—On yesterday afternoon Mr. A. J. Watttrs received from his son in-law, Mr. C. 8. Peak, of Chat tanooga, a very handsome heavy gold headed cane. Mr. Watters is growing old, and the cane will prove a helpful companion aa well as an elegant garment of apparel for his declining years. Football—The football game yesterday afternoon, between an eleven of the Rome Public Schools and the Rome High School’s team resulted in a score of 10 to 0 in favor of the Public School team . The game was •nappy throughout and v. as stubbornly contested bj/ the High School boys, though they wera clearly outmatched. Here Buying Goods. —Mr. J. C. Brownlee, of Plainville, is in the city today buying a stock of good* to place in a handsome new store house he has erect ed at Plainville. Mr. Brown lee, though qui « a young man yet, is one of the most successful young farmers end peach grow ers in the state. Os course he will succeed in his new enter prise. Mr. Brownlee cave the Masonic lodge at Plainville per mission, and that flourishing in stitution erected a handsome masonic hall over the store. High Grade Groceries. —It is a pleasure to know when you are ordering something to eat that you will get the very best' that money, long experience, | untiring energy and careful judgment can procure. We buy goods only from the most reput able manufacturers and dealers in the union, and if at any lime goods fail to come up just as represented, we simply “fire them back.” We may have gain ed a reputation abroad for “fir ing ’em back, but we do not intend to offer our customers goods that are not strictly first class in every particular. Lloyd & Harper. Dr. Johnson’s Fall. —The many friends of Dr. Lindsay Johnson will regret to learn that he was painfully injured by a fall on the opera house stair, last night. It was at the end of the second act that Dr. Johnson was going down to the street. He tripped and-fell down a few steps, receiving several euts and bruises about the face and bead. Manager Nevin re grets the occurrence as much or more than any one. He em phatically denies, however, tn« statement published to the ef fect that several persons fell down these steps last Januaiy. I Manager Nevin says that this is the first accident that has ever occurred on the stair. Enjoyed her Visit. —Miss Lillie Brockett has returned from Rome, where sin went as a d degate to the convention of the United Daughters of the r jrsfl «wlwi i .>■ v wr. _ ~V' ~ COMFORT IN YOUR HOME, as well as absolute cleanliness, no dust, no dirt, vou get with steam heat. Steam lilting is one of our specialties, and we will put in the necessary apparatus in an expert and satisfactory maimer, and do the job neatly ami promptly . As to price, you will consult your best interest' by allowing us to give you an estimate. We guanantee first class work, also at a reasonable price. J. C. Childs, 223, Broad St. Confederacy. While there she. was the recipient of numerous attention s and attended the many social functions given du ring the reunion.—Atlanta Con stitution. Moved Place Worship. — The Salvation Army is cleaning up th# Btor«roum < n Broad street, next to the marble yard for a place of wor ship, audhopejto warship there by chefiatter part of the week. Unfortunate Negro Girl. — Bessie Mclntire, the nine year old negro girl who was seriously burn ed while playing-in the fire a few days ago will probably loose both legs as they are go badly burned, it is feared they will have to be amputated. For Counterfeiting —Bob Jett, the negro arrested on Satut- TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromi Qiinina Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L B. Q. on each tableh NOTICE. By mutual consent the firm of Lumpkin & Piintup, attor neys, was dissolved on May 21s last, 1898. J. B. F. Lumpkin. Jno. C. Printup. i I I [CITATION— LEA VE TO SELL. ! GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. j To all whom it may concern. Peter J.K'imerer.Administ r »t<>rjof iMrs. Nny Ktmerer, deceased, ■ has in due form applied to the ' undersigned for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, and said application will be heard on the first. Monday in November next. This slh day of Sept. 1898 IT A P IE WORMS x*. Mpr wire. feet !«»*<»* 4 ]#»—. .'1 v--' S.'l-Ji nil VAklnr rwv i< ’ • S F.T.s. Tirs I ai.i note uiv, ewuse# ia» a .-„ f : t ••!.;<.* '■ -• -s. Iwn stlß i.r’. »t. tne ut.!> osUn . lie worthy < aoeee uy - u .1 iMi'fle " uaj. vT Seird, Mass. CANDY 1 O ’- f CAT.-.AITTiQ gl I *• r • ssiMsaet. ..Pa A* r-.r h< 11 V. s <»r (Hit’* R*. B| ... Ot OOWSTIPATIOM. ... £ I ... I ... 1 .. . -.1. Vwfc. Hl.*. I 'fft Tt O ?<.ld am’r> arantsse lir al) •Ij'Uß ‘ Hv-lU"vAu Ui C'VHE Tobacco Habit. AHrfUia y‘st rday, Jett wll be tried for passing counterfeit coin a'Daugherty’s salo >t>. He is an old offender, having b« en oouvit'iid of pa«*ing counterfeit money before, Nev F o<>r at Lait —At bi*t after much patient, and move im patibiit, waiting, ti e powers that • e huv i begun putting the much nrt'ded new floor in the Hook and Ladder station, Fitzy and Will May ar* returning to thmr nomal condition, only more fascina'ing than ever. The boys wanted that 11 or an 1 needed it —a long time before they got it. An Offic al Visit. --C< 1. Charles \V. Underwood grand chancellm commander of the grand lodge. K of P. oi Georgia, left today for SiVamiah wheie he goes to make an official visit t > the Knignts of Pylhias bulges of the Forest City. Col Underwood will be sway fu' • orue days, hb he wi I probably vis l other K P I. dgas while en r ute h mu from Savannah >oi.d Apparatus .—Chief W. J Giiltin, of the II >mr Fire D part inent, today closed a trade with officials of Greenwood S C. selling .the old “Neptune’’ reel o( No. 2 and the “Spidei” truck of II A' L. Co, This old apparatus is in good condition and in the hamL of the fire laddies of Greenwood wil 1 do splendid work. Nep'uin has been with No. 2. for a long time having been purchased by Mr. James Nv ble. Enj y ng G tiiam. —Letters to riends in this city from Misses Daisy Cheney a..d Maynor Holmes who are visiting in New York state that the young ladies are en joying Gotham and its gaitiea They state tl a they have attended the Empire Theatre and were proud of C Morgan Seay, th» gifted son o' Rome’s mayor. Mr Seay plays a leading roll in “A Game of G li” a d has met with enviable success before the foot lights in the metropolis. ProMININT Romans —Two prom inent cu izene from Rome at the Kimball last night Wire Hon. Moses Wright and Hon, William H. Ennis, and they were greet d by a host of friends. It would I e difficult to find two more active o r more able young men in the state, and each has already mad# an en» viable record. Mr Ennis was a member of the last house of repre sentatives, and took a leading part in the discussions. —Consti- tution- Scores of Good Things—Tai k about new things to eat, you can find scores of nice things at Lloyd & Harper’s that you can not get elsewhere. They antici pate tne needs of their custom ers, and never fail to have a most tempting array of eatables to suit the season, Just now they have a fine lot of grapes, fancy large celery, Canadian apples, new plump cranberries, fancy bulk olives, Heinz’ sweet ’pickles, Dill pickles, Lea & Per rin’s sauce, and dozens of other good things. Loat S3OO. — Mr. Rob Tippin. who resides in the Fifth ward, drew S3OO cut of th# bank to lend to his brother, Mr. Will Tippin who w»8 thinking of opening up a stock of goods iu the Reece Mil!#r old stand. Mr. Tippin had the money in a pocket of his pants, when h# went to work at the O’Neill shop on Monday he put on his work suit and hung his trousers up Wh«n he went to his trousers later he found the money missing. A close search was made hut to no effect. The money has not been recovered. Mr. Tippin is a hard working, moet estimable young man the loss of so much savings proves almost irreparable. R. mm Jurist. —Judge W. M Henry of the Rome circuit, is a guest at the Kimball, and was a most popular visitor in the crowd ed lobby last night. But he did not stay long, and did not even wait to shake hands with half hie friends, owning to other engage meme. The judge is a Candida'# lor re-election and he hue many z /TfWl\ an r GRANDPA’S CHAIR is sup posed to be particularly com fortable. But why should net every chair in the house be the sam ■? We have a line of chairs that are substantial, handsome ami comfortable. Starting at the plain kitchen chair, we might mention dozens of different seats but we desire to call especial attention to our line of dining chairs. We are offering these at prices lower than ever known in ibis city. Call and ei 1 hem. Rhudy, Harvey 'll' . 337, Lija » St. ————————V- strong supporters actively at work for him. Owen Sm th Returns. Mr. Owen Smith, the brigh' son of City Clerk Halsud Smith, has re turned from Atlanta. Owen is a student at the S’ateTechnological, but on account of a sever# “rising” on the ki.e ‘is so cripp’e up that he decided to come home where he could be looked after by his moth er and the family physician, DRESSMAKING. With the aid of a good pat tern, dressmaking becomes a very simple art For this purpose the McCall Bazaar Patterns are superior in every respect, in fact they are referred to as “The Reliable Pattern,” not only is a perfect fit guaranteed (if the proper size is selected), but the appear ance of any figure is sure to be improved by wearing a bodice cut after these models. Sheets free at Lanham <t Sons. n a 'l2 -r— yjF« YELLOW FEVER IN OHIO Report That a Refugee Is Down . With The Disease. Columbus, O , Oct ;19. —Secre- tary Prjbt# of the state board of . health went to Portag# county to day to invest igat# a case of yellow fever. The victim is Miss Blanche Beck, a . school teacher who re cently fl d from th- fever district of Missis ippi- HOBSON COMING HOME. I ’ Salls Afle F Arranging for Work on the Colon. New York, Oct 19 —A dispatch to the Herald from Caimanern, Cuba, says: Naval Constructor Hobson has sailed for Philadelphia, via Jam aica. The camp at the Colon wreck is partly built an I the work will go on during Mr, Hob* | son’s absence. Th® Preliminary i stea-n trial of the Infanta Maria , teresi’s engines was satisfactory. ■ . » IMP . —-f 11 " " i IRON TRADE BOOMING. Prices Advancing Under aflrisk •Demand. Birmingham, ala , Oct. 19. The Southern pig iron market is verging on a boom, the price of No. 1 foundary having reach ed $8 a ton, for the first time in several years, Nearly all the furnaces in Al abama have their output sold for two or three months ahead, and as it is almost impossible for new buyers to iron, the price is expected to go higher. Ship ments to Europe are mere active , than ever before in the history of Southern iron and steel, and » promise to exceed 250,000 tons r for the year.