The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 20, 1898, Image 1

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NINTH year thioke a “Bill Arp’ warters New Brand ■crisis IS I'M. Lisli Commissioners Must 9 Make a Skow Down.' I MEETING YESTERDAY ling to Bull-fighters B.gsing I For Time l ~~ Ijirie, Oct. 20.—The Spanish He commission was unable to Ht the I nited States peace com- Hionattbs joint session ar- H«d for yesterday and the next Hticgofth? two commissions Hb«eu fixed for Friday next. Hjg ß Day, president of the H>nean commission, received a Inunication this mornin? from r Montero Rios, president of Spanish commission, saying advices expected, but not re d from Madrid mads it me y for himse’f and his col ies to rquest a poatp inement iy furtli»r conferences until ay next. ourteous reply was returned 9 Secretary Moore in behalf of 9 Amer icun commissioners I ling an sxension of the time v n*xtmeeting as requested, is aasig ied reason for the re it for delay is believed to have to allow an interchange o f muiiicstious with Madrid end emulate a fir al attitude on lubun matter. Th’w attitude * Spaniards, to be developed wrnday. will b« w u ciied with ■little interest. ■"heir alternative ars few, but 9guant. They may accede to the ■ericau attitude, themselves as* 9qs the Cuban debt and go for -9d io consider the next protocol ■nt ot Porto Rico and the choice ■ the United St .tes of an island ■the Ladroae group; or they may ■this juncture formally ask for ■itralion, or ae an extremity Bch ie not likely, may retire ■in further negotiations. The •urican commissioners, after ■patching their acquiescence in • delay, held a brief meeting, ■> ably to make a formal record ■thedeferring of the joint session for today. ■he Americans yesterday held a B‘ ••ssion, having no reference ■be negotiations, and the brev- I°f the meetings and other in ■■lioiis warrant the deduction ■ the American attitude is well I til’d and that the commission I thoroughly advised on all the 1 11 s and features which it is I t’lble to foresee in subsequent I 'Terences. I ’ amount of infprmation ac- I r ”i by the Americans sines I* r arrival here is large, 'they g * sxamine.l old residents of the I 1 ippine is'ands, and the infor- I tlioi. and testimony from this P other sources is valuable. I Roman Catho- I chu rchnaan from New Orleans I 110 ”’in thia city in conmction, I ' ‘aid, with the interest of th t“ ,n Catholic church of Cuba. I *o holders of Spanish ■tcuri | a * e been inactive and it l n °t unlikely that the American r U'ission will be called to con p J written presentation of fig- Lh ? Ctl Ml) d in bt- L.. fhese interests. L. ert U °t ie 9 P’ r it and r u eof t} JC American commia- L. »? e *° d‘R n ’fied, it might ba r at they are uow holding ‘ ,rt and invite attacks. Tbair and procedure, how • lere i. such as to make it -o siy that while not courting ‘ tack - ‘h«y fear none- THE ROMEHUSTLEB-COMMERCIa l "P.GIN THE NEGRO" Grand Army Os ’hi Republic Files Petition fiGIN BLftCK PAYMASTERS Causes aGreat Political Sensa. tlon Just Now. Chattanooga, Tenn , Oct. 20. The action of mission Ridge Pjst, No. 145 G. A. R., in petitioning the War Department not to com mission negro army officers has caused a seusatien throughout this section. At last night’s meeting the post above mentioned adopted the following strong resolutions: “Resolved That we as soldiers of the Civil War. and many of us having served by the side of color ed regiments, officered by white men, and having lived For many years in the South, hereby recom mend to the prefect military au thorities in Washington. D. C,, that it is not expedient to have colored commissioned officers in the army, either as volunteers or regulars.” The resolution is signed by John TrindeJ, acting commander, and Dr. W. W. French, commander, and bears the seal of the post at tached. A copy of the resolution was sent to Secretary Alger, with the last clause underlined. It is ex pected that the other G. A. R. posts will take the matter up and pass similar resolutions All in this city heartily favor the move ment. VAN WYCK LEADS. Journal’s Poll Gives Him a Handsome Plurality. New York, Oct. 20. —Ths Jour nal has taken a poll of the State of New York. Ths Journal’s poll, shows that if ths election was to take place today Justice Van Wyck, the Democratic-candidate for Gov ernor of New York, would go to the capital with 35,000 votes plu rality. The paper claims the vote tu be impartially taken and vouches for the figures. HOW IT HURTS! Rheumatism with all its sharp twinges, aches and pains. Do you know the causes Acid in the blood has accumulated in your joints. The cure is found in Hood’s Sarsaparilla which neutralizes this acid. Thousands write that they have been com pletely cured of rheumatism by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Hood’a Pills cure nausea, sick headache, biliousaesa, indiges tion. Price 25c. AWARD OF THE WAR LOAN. The Final Percentage of Distri bution Determined. Washington, D. C., Oct. 20. —The Treasury Department to day made a final award of the new war loan. Subscribers fer $4,500 will receive a percentage of that sum, amounting to 11300. Subscribers for $4480 or less will be awarded the full amount of their subscriptions. The entire issue of $200,000,- 000 was taken up by tubscribers in sums from S2O to $4500. ROME GEORGIA, T HURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBR 20, 1898. BIG RDVMHTfIGE Gained By Russia—Seixei A Stray Point CHINESE TROOPS FLED British Man of War Entered on Protest, London, October 20.— A dis patch from Shanghai to a London news agency says: “A Russian regiment occupied the town of New Chwan, province of Liao Tong, and the forts at the mouth of the river Liaou on Octo ber 15th, thus securing complete possession of New Chwan. The na tive troops lied without making any opposition under orders fram the empress dowager and Li Hung Chang. ‘ A British gunboat ' was in the river at the time. Its non-resis tance is regarded as the virtual British abandonment of the whole of Manchuria to the Russians and gives Russia an invaluable strateg ic position. Great Britain is cer tain to lose the New Chwan trade, of which it has 80 per cent. ” A GRAVE JOKE Exposed The Tioga Bank De- • falcation. Oswego, N. Y., Oct 20. The de falcations of Eli Stone, in 'he Tio ga National Bank, were discovered it is said through a joke. The Bank Examiner found a small discrepancy in the book* the first day, which he thoug. t only an er F or ot insertion. He called on Stone in the evening and said jokingly: “There is a deficiency at the hank;” “How much?” asked Stone, gravely. “Oh about $100,600.” “You are wrong,” cried Stone, it is only $42,000.’” The bank closed its doors a few hours later THAT JOYFUL FEILING With the exhilarating sense of renewed health aud strength and internal cleanliness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is unknown to,the few who have net progressed beyond the old time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the wel informed. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. BRYAN A MODEL SOLDIER. Corbin’s Statement Refutes Republican Stories. Washington, D. C., Oct. 20. —Col. William Jennings Bryan is a model soldier . The state ment is made on the authority of Adjutant General Corbin, who set at rest all the efforts to mis represent Bryan today, declar ing that Col. Bryan has asked no favors at all from the war department ; that there has nev er been a suggestion of a desire on hie part to resign or have his regiment mustered out; tha‘, in short, all the stories which the republican press have been printing in their desire to reflect upon the great democrat are each and all of them untrue. The adjutant general wound up his statement by declaring that Bryan has been in every respect a model soldier. LANHAM’S STORES OLD STORE, NEW STORE, Fourth Ward. 245 BroadSt We have never sold out at cost nor faked the people in any way, and therefore we think our adver tisements are more worthy of consideration by the trading public than if we made promises that we did not live up to- We have always made it a rule to state the exact facts and perform all we promise in our ad vertisement, and we are not going to begin a crusade of fakeism this late day. We have the Very largest stork of all New Goods in Home, and our prices are und°r any. We are more than willing to compare quality and vie with any, and we mean to be up withany in qualityd style, ect , and as low or lower than any in price. Our Millinery Department is a marvel of beauty and style and the prices are far below others We have the best milliner in Rom©, Miss LaFrance having worked for the very best millinery stores in the country-* a number of seasons in the largest cities of East, is comnetmt to build the hat so any lady ot the land. Our stock of Dress Goods embraces all the newest weaves and colors, and some of the styles are not to be had outside of our house. Some of the extreme French novelties are to be found here and only here, and the prices are the very lowest. Embroideries I If you want embroideries you can’t afford to pats our door. We have the largest stock in Rome and the prices are about half the regular. We quote a few prices here and you wil find they are just as we say: Double fold dress goods all wool 1 filling, new style, only. pc Double fold plaid novelty, pretty and worth much more pc One dollar corsets 4p« 42in Fine dress goods worth twice our price ape The very best indigo calico, not the thin kind 31-2 Bleached cotton 2 3-4 Ladies hose, fast black, 5 I Best spool thread, per spool 3 1-2 I And we let you have all you I want at this price. I Six papers pins for gc I Thirteen balls thread 5c I See thestamped linen and get I our prices. We sell napkins, I 12 inches square at, each 5c I Clothing and gents’ furnishings g at close prices. White shirts 25c # “ ' _ ' . .. ” i 1 ~ 1 “•* JHNHHM FIND Sons. 10 CENTS PER WEEK