The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 20, 1898, Image 2

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, LOOKS serious Relations Betweu France ■ Hud great 3rta ftPPEftR ■ HREli'l'KfilNG I French ? d 10 be Arming F.r a D ,perate struggle. j jC lon, Oct. 20. —Sir Michael chancellor of the ex> equer, speaking at North g'eids tkis evening, announced <*t the g)vernment had opened with the powers with i viav of securing to the B ubj£ts of the various powers the fight of developing the re g spheres in which each Cu itry is especially interested.” regarding the Fashoda ques fi, he said he wished cordially acknowledge the desire evi nced in the speeches of Lord roseberry and Herbert Asquith o help the government in the matter, “a matter which might develop to the utmost gravity.” “It is impossible,” he contin ued, “for France to maintain that she had political rights at Fashuda. She was naturally and properly asked for time to receive Maj. Marchand’s reports, but until the contrary is proven 1 decline to believe that France •will refuse to withdraw. If she refused the matter would assume an aepsct as grave as is possible between two great nations. “The government is animated by the friendliest spirit toward France and does not wish to in flict humilation. What we desire is fair treatment. Our work in Egypt is not completed. Africa is big enough for us both—for France in the west and ourselves in the East. Surely we ought to be able to agree to respect one another’s rights and claims. I hope, trust, believe the question is capable of a friendly solution, but this country has put her foot down.” Paris, Oct. 20.—1 n spite of semi-official denial, the Echo de Paris asserts today that the em barkation of war materials and supplies continues at Toulon, adding that extraordinary activ ity reigns at the arsenal there. Besides the ironclads Admiral Techeuart, Bovine3,Jemmanp«s, •nd Valmy, the cruiser Algier Ltvrier and Caiman, it claims, ■m Disease is a great and treacherous ocean. Man ever stands upon its shore and gazes out over its calm surface without a thought of danger. It licks his feet—it advances and recedes almost playfully—but all the aame it will crack his bones and eat him, and wipe the crimson foam from its jaws as if nothing had happend, as it has teen doing ever since the world began. A man who carelessly saunters along the shore of the insatiate sea of disease, will some day encounter a great storm in the form of some fatal malady and will be en gulfed. Because a man does not have to go to bed when he suffers from a trivial indi gestion, because he does not have to git'e up work when he gets nervous and cannot sleep at night, because he can still force down an unsatisfactory meal when he is Buffering from loss of appetite, because by •trong effort he can add a column of figures with aching head—is no reason that these disorders are trifling or to be neglected. They are the warnings of serious sickness A man who promptly heeds them, and re •orts to the right remedy, will speedily re cover his usual health. The man who neg lects them will find that he is iu the grip of consumption, some nervous disorder, or some other dread malady, due to improper qr insufficient nutrition. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is the best of all medicines for men and women who suf fer in this way. It restores the lost appe tite, facilitates the flow of digestive juices the liver, purifies and enriches the blood and tones and builds up the J*™?’- i l *.? 1 ™ 98 per cent - of a " chronic, i. r*' V hroat an d lun S affections, and u Pj a ’J. ln K remedy for nervous prostra- Bflb. Medicine dealers sell it, RoYal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum hating powders are the greatest menacers to health of the preseat day. bovai BAKiH* rowoss co., new vowk. are setting ready for service, embarking ammunition and war materials. In addition, it is further as serted the transports Bien Hoa and Gironde are almost ready for sea. All the French naval officers on leave of absence have been ordered to return to their ves sels. A dispatch to the Petit Paris ian from Toulon confirms the report of the Echo de Paris and says the greatest activity pre vails in the navy yard, where work is proceeding with feverish speed day and night. SOMEBODY got money, Comptroller Qf New York Says $757,000 Was Illegally Paid. New York, Oct. 20, —Comp'rol. ler Coler, in a statement today, presents facts and figures tending to show that $757,000 was ill ga'ly paid for th° copying and indexing of records durin? the three jears that preceded consolidation. Jacob worth and Henry 0. Saf fen, former County Clerks, and Granville W. Harman, a former Register, all Republicans, are named in the report as the recip ients of the money. The accused deny the chaiges, which, they say, are ba sad upon technicalities arising from the methoh of bookkeeping in vogue in Brooklyn prior to the consolid ation WELL PLEASED CUSTOM ERS. We have sold hundreds and hundreds ot the .McCall Bazar Patterns since we have taken the agency, and upon inquiry of the salesladies in the department,we find that not one pattern’ has ever been returned as unsatis factory, and with hundreds of sales, not one word of criticism has ever been heard against the McCall Patterns. On the contrary many ladies are delighted with the McCall Patterns, because reliable, and because the prices a:e only 10 and 15 cents each.—None High er. Lanham & Sons 245 Broad street, Bass old stand. NOSE WHITTLEDDIOWN. Successful Operation Perform ed Upon a Man’s Proboscis. New York, Oct. 20.—Richard Smith, the Adirondack lumber man, who came to New York to have removed part of the abnor mal eight inch nose which has given him so much notoriety, j»nd the nickname of “Cyrano de Bergerac,” was successfully operated upon yesterday in St. Vincent’s hospital by Dr. Joseph D. Bryant. It is expected that Smith’s proboscis will be per mitted toemerge from its anti septic dressings in about three weeks. Smith is waiting for the day, for then it will be known how the whittled nose looks. Seven Indians Surrender. Walker, Minn., Oct. 20. — Seven of die Pillager Indians wanted by the United States marshal appeared at the agency this evening and surrendered. HRUE THEY WED? E'nperor Dowager and Lj Ltfog Cliang United? EMPEROR STILL LIVES. French Physician Said to Have Examined Him. Pekin, Oct. 20.—1 t was at the suggestion of the British minis ter, Sir Claude Macdonald, that the Chinese foreign office re quested the physician attached to the French legation to exam ine the emperor, the reason as signed for this step being that this physician was the only one officially attached to a legation. The examination of the em peror by a foreign doctor is a complete innovation. It has often been urged, but has al ways been refused by the Em peror himself, and the dowager empress has evidently taken this stop for tho purpose of si lencing rumors as to the emper peror’s condition. The physician who visited the emperor this morning made a minute examination of his majesty in the presence of the dowager empress, Prince Ching had a number of mandarins. Exact details as to the specific disease from which the emperor is suffering were not obtainable. But he is weak, aenemic and re quires constant care. He is in no immediate danger. He was cheerful and showed the utmost deference to the dowager empress. The doctor promised to send his majesty a prescription. Vancouver, B C., Oct. 20. Newspapere received here by the steamer Empress of Japan, which arrived hare this morn ing from Hong Kong and Yoko hama, publish the amusing statement that Li Hung Chang and the Dowager empress of China hav« been secretly mar ried. Gen. Lee will have several regiments of regular United States cavalry at his back when he goes to Cuba. The Seventh and the Eighth United States cavalry have already been des ignated as a part of the expedi tion to embark at Savannah in the near future and other regi ments may be named. Too • Much Knife I The use of the surgeon’s knife is be coming so general, resulting fatally in such a large number oi cases, as to occasion general alarm. Mr. William Walpole, of Walshtown, Bouth Dakota, writes; “About three years ago, there came under my left eye a little blotch about the asiae of a small pea. It grew rapidly, and shooting pains ran in every direction. I became alarmed and consulted a good doctor, who pronounced it can cer, and said that it must be cut out. This I would not consent to, having little faith in the Indiscriminate use of the knife. Read ing of the many cures made by S. S. S., I determined to give that medicine a trial, and after I had taken it a few days, the cancer became irritated and began to discharge. This after awhile eeased, leaving a small scab, which finally dropped off, and only a healthy little scar remained to mark, the place where the destroyer had held full sway. A Real Blood Remedy. Cancer is in the blood and it is folly teexpect an operation to cure it. 9.5.8. \gu«rantee<i purtly •vegetable} is a real remedy for every disease of the blood, ffrvi B«oks mailed free ; kL address Swift Spe cific Co., Atlanta, Poisoned by Ivy Was in a Dreadful Condition Happened to Rond ‘ h.' n Similar Case—l- allowed thn ( mr Mur.'s Example and ’.Vat Cured. The following incidunt 1- elven by Churles Morris, general jobbt ",5- L .Inf, ■ ten Avenue, North Cambridge, Mis - .: “Several yea’s ago 1 poiroimd by ivy. I tried many mediciues, spei'aib.g a large sum of money without obtaiuin;- a particle of good. My children wc-r, also afilicted with .ho same dleeaee. V,'< were all constant si-.fercrs with an awful itching sensation, and it ns if ' should tear myself to piecoK. I picked up a paper in which i found printed ;; testimonial from a man in Vermont whe had been similarly afflicted and had taken Hood’s Sarsaparilla with benefit. I bought a bottle, which we took and it did Mo and My Children so much good I purchased another supply. We continued taking Hood’s yarsaparilla until we used five bottles and I can safely say that neither myself nor children have any signs .of the poison. It has en tirely left us and we ere perfectly cured. We give the w hole credit to Hood’s Surse arilla, Before resorting to this medicine i was reduced in weight, but now I eighl7s pounds. Hood’s Sarsaparilla as not only done much good but has .< en the means of saving me a great deal f money, 1 would not be without it n my house and I heartily recommend tto all who are afflicted. I have writ ■ n this statement for publication, of my w.i w ill, as I V ant others to know what Jood’s Sarsaparilla ;s done for us.” Cham.i3 Morris. JGtxK- FHEE RATIONS CU T OFF Cuban Men And Women Must Work For Grub. Santiago, Oct. 20. —The free distribution bureau in Santiago is about to be much curtailed. In future all able bodied persons applying for rations will have to cut a specified amuuut of wood. Even women must perform some work. If in good health they will have to make clothing for the destitute or do some light work. The absolutely free ration is found to be demoraliz ing. Steamers are arriving every day from various parts of the West Indies, taking advantage of the law which allows the en try of cattle free of duty. Two thousand head have been landed this week, A franchise for an electric road from Santiago to the ceme tery and Caney has been granted to prominent local business rep resentatives. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, biuiese sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or nc pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction oi money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salu by Curry Ar rington Co. A GENTLE NOTICE. Wishing to close up my old business of Crouch & Watson, also of J. T. Crouch & Co. 1 must insist that all parties in debted to either firm must cal and settle, or the accounts wil be placed in the hands of a col lector with instructions to col lect. Respectfully, J. T. Cboucb. Headquarters for pure Drugs Prescriptions and ToLet Ar tides. Read my Sunday Add. ■L * I Announce,—To the public that I have secured the services of William McClellan, an exptrt fancy candy maker, who has beep for the past two years with thn Garrow famous candy kitchen is Atlanta. We are new making daily all kind of fine taffies, cocoanut, creams, nongats, etc. All we ask is a trial. We can please you. A. M. Antogholi, next door to Curry’s drug score ''THROW GIRL” TONIGHT'S BILL, r Woodward-Warren Go., Play ing to big Houses. the paymaster, played Last Night With Guy Woodward in New Role. The Wood ward-Warren Co., last night in “The Paymaster” gave a brilliant performance to a big house at Nevins'. This is the only play this splendid papular price company puts on in which the inimitable and irrepressible Guy Wood ward, the commedian, cakes the rolo as leading man. And he plays it well, too. The truth is, Guy Woodward is an al-round first-class ac or, and good combination man on the stage —or off of it. His support last night was such that no room was left for adverse criticism. Miss Tucker, Roy Miss Price, Miss Elberta and the man who did the “Wil liam J.’’ business each did per fect portrayal work in the char acters they represented. So much for Guy and the ladies of his support. Messrs. Middleton, Walter, Smith and Gilderoy were true soldiers and every inch gentle men, while Siggens and Sulli van made a most precious pair of stage scoundrels. The specialties were unusual ly fine—and right here we want to apologize to that gifted young Texan, Arthur Gale, for having said that Mr. Bert Waller was doing the brilliant burnt cork specialties ; the program led us into the error . Bert Walter is too good a n Irishman to do apy kind of black-faced work. While Gale, oh Sale rises in a black cloud, raises the roof and storms the pit and brings down the house. And that other Bert—he of the tribe of Gilderoy—he was there last night and gave two new illustrated songs and au old one—and either was worth tiie price of admission. “Little” Carrie Cordelia is a most precocious bit of humanity You have to hear btr viva cious singing and see her fairy like kaperiugs, kick lugs, kavort ings and ksrryings on to appre ciate her. Tonight the bill is “The Other Girl” a farce comedy that has not been played in Ror e -since Guy Woodward and Mabel Paige played it five years ago. 'Thera’s fun in it to beat the band. By the way, that reminds me that Mabel Paige was once quite a favorite in Rome, and her many admirers here anticipated a brilliant stage career for her, I learn that she is not the suc cess she gave promise of. She developed from a lithsoine slip of a girl into a large and hand some woman—too queenly to successfully play the roll of sou brette. Howard Gould, who, accord ing to his father’s will, has just given up $5,000,000 in marry ing Miss Katherine Clemmons, the actress, is the third son of the late Jay Gould and the sec ond of them to take a bride from the theatrical profession. He is 28 years old and a keen business man, so that, having still some $5,000,000 left, he will propab ably be able to worry along with his young wife . HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Doi lar» Reward for any ease 0( C atarrh that cannot be cured hv Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Chenev for the last 15 years, and believe him to be financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West A Truax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan A Marvi H Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. Ball’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. U.UW!* Coke cheaper than Coal- Can be used in stoves for heating and cooking purposes. No smoke or soot. Clean and economical. For further particulars •ee ROME GAS CO tISDi ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM, Law Office 300, K.;st>First CHAS W. UNDERWOOD Artornsy at Law, Rons* Cr.poraion Law (Jnlyr •W". J. NEBL Attorney at law. Will practice in all oeiwu. Special attention given to commercial few and the examlcation cf laud tlties, office in King building, Rome, Ga. WALTER, HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane ft Co.’s. LIPSCOMB A.WILLINOMAM Commercial Lawyers. 'Office in Armstrong hotel building, Rome. Sa M B EUBANKS, Attorney at law. Office King Building. Rome, Ga. W. M. ENNIS, attorney at Law. .Will Practice in ail courts Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga, J. SA.NTA. ORWF > Attorney at law, Rome, Ga. ColleeUoas a specialty. Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. MOSES M BIGHT. HARPBR HAMM-TMI WRIGHT A HAMILTON Attorneys at Law. Office:No. 14 Postoffice Building 11 , 1 Bk J J2JV T-.T1 1 W IJItf 1 .-- 1 f-C DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. S., Office 240 1-3 Broad. > Over Cantrell ft Owes J. L PENNINGTON. D D S.,M O. . KNTIBT- Office, Xi® 1-8 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur mture Co. PHYSICIANS. f O H AMILTO KT. M D Physician and Surgeon Office, Medleal Building Rome, Ga. Oil ce ’phone No. <W. L. F>. MAIMEMOND. K£- D . Physician and Surgeon. Office In Medle* building. Residence, No. 4«8 West First st ee ’ph 4 TOiNSORAL PARLORS. LEWIS BARRETT, The ‘Old Reliable.” operating the Contra hotel Barber Shop, Invites you to give him a trial, and promises to do the rest. Only skilled men employed on the chairs. HOWELL C. TAYLOR, Hunselta skilled barber, employs only the very best artists in his tonsoral studio, in ih» vurry Building, opposite the Aruistraug. Herb sou are made comfortable while your work is being done. PASTEUR FILTERS The onb Geim Picot Filter in the tv orld. water pure hnd clear’’for sale by The Supply Co -i) ANY PERSON Wie)»j*« to k*ow truth Ln bealift nioa Id not inil tojspft for » is»w *M-pa*e Booklet whlK »iU •* Bar a ahari tiina tn tWj Twia hook ii publiadhj'ffi* uaUaratwd pf l « atane and spacialiat* Dt. Bathaway S SH 8. Broad St. Atlante, fla.. whom you address. Write to-r*Sv.