The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 20, 1898, Image 4

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THE HUSTLER-COW MERCIA EHUSTLEROFRO ME KatablUhud, IW*. -HE ROME COMMERCIAL Established. ISVu. »vtd every eveaiug •swept Satuiday. Suadav aud weekly. PHIL G. BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER. I—l T-r— ■;■«■ The latest Chinese puzzle is a royal mix. '■ Some of the military heroes are civil ones. No, Jane, dear, two half-hose don’t make a hose. , 1 .HAIM. Many a “forward” fellow is very shy—of cash. Hobson seems to be equal to a navy yard and a pair of dry docks. Because a soft hat is becom ing to some men is no reason it fits a soft head. The Philadelphia night schools have reopened with an enroll ment of 12,000 pupils. Now is the time to buy Christ mas presents —to sent to your relatives in the Philippines. The Pillagers drank too freely of fighting whiskey—and of course became not less than half shot. An Indiana man has married his stepmother. Let his name be written theae when the hero roll is called. Yellow Jack had the best of the sixth round, but Jack Frost is confident that something will drop in the fourteenth. The eldest unmarried daugh ter of Capt Sigsbee, Miss Mary Ellen Sigsbee, is doing good work as an illustrator of maga zines. So long as Spain’s “new” na vy rides at anchor on paper it will not become subject to the Schley-Dewey sinking spell epi demic, If the South can operate a cotton factory in every county she will never lose money by raising 5 cent cotton.—St.Louis Republic. And now the chaplain of an Ohio regiment has turned up with two wives. This war has thoroughly demoralized the chaplains. In a hot night, says a London paper, Paris consumes 55,000 quarts more water than when it is colder. In cool weather some Parisians evidently do not bathe at all. "■"■Al i j_a .1. Zangwill, the novelist and critic, has had himself photo graphed while in the act of stir ring the ingredients of a cake. Israel, like the rest of us, needs the “dough.” Gen. Blanco’s order tnat no body wearing the Cuban Uni form shall be permitted to enter Havana, will keep out American editors and tramps —and other excentric people who persist in wearing rags. Gen. Lee will have several regiments of regular United States cavalry at his back when he goes to Cuba. The Seventh and the Eighth United States cavalry have already been des ignated as a part of the expedi tion to embark at Savannah in the near future and other regi ments may be named. Mrs. Juliette P. Mara, of New York, who recently received a decree of divorce from her hus band two days after he had died at Montauk Point from wounds received at Santiago, has decid ed that she does not want such a decre after all and has had it canceled by the court. The dead husband, John J Mara, was a member of the Seventy first reg ment, New York volunteers. He was promoted from the ranks to be a sergeant for meritorious service on the field of battle. Mrs. Mara would not live with the man had he remained in life, but she is keen to live on his pension now that he is gone. None of the audience at Wal lack’s theatre in New York, last Tuesday night recognized Gen. Fitzhugh Lee in a box, until, at the end of the first act, the star actress of the play received some flowers, and, rushing over to the box, thrust them into the general’s hands. Then everybody saw who it was and the demon stration which followed was equal to anything of the kind that has been seen in a theatre since the beginning of the war. Gen. Lee was not kissed. Emperor William is taking to Jurusalem with him Leonard Ehmka, the largest soldier in the German army. He measures 6 feet eleven inches and weighs 296 pounds. The Kaiser, it is said, wants to impress the Ori entals with the fine physiqe of his soldiers. Billy is so much of a freak he naturally takes to freaks. If he were an American citizen he would either be oper ating a dime museum on ths Bowery or a mortgaged farm ia Kansas. Gen. Joe_Wheeler’s testimony shows that he is no grumbler and is above political spitcful ness. As a democrat he might have sharply condemned Alger, to the advantage of the party. He is a little man, physically, this Alabamian, but the Ameri can people love him as if he were a giant.—Mexican Herald. News from the bedside us Mr. Thomas R. R. Cobb, who is now at Colorado Springs, causes much grave apprehension on the part of his relatives and Mr. Cobb is slowly growing worse and hope of his recovery has almost been aban doned. LAI ILL J. „ J _ It might be well if Hobson would defer raising any more ships until the peace commis sioners have finished their la bors, otherwsse Sagasta will further complicate matters by putting in a claim for the ships. ■'l' U4EJL W.JLnHBBT The Chicago millionaire who paid a widow $105,000 for the return of his love letters is in position to appreciate the wis dom of Dion Bjucicault's cau tion : “Never kiss a lady through an ink bottle.” Mrs. Amanda Purcell of Portsmouth, N. H., is the only woman who hired a substitute to fight in the civil war. At that time she was a widow’ and her sons were too small to fight, but siie believed she would send someone and so paid SBOO to her nephew to go. The only military company composed of Chinamen that ex ists outside of the Chinese Em bire has been formed in Port land, Oregon. It has 37 mem bers, all full blooded Chinamen of American birth. ■W" «!’ ■ J. I **". 1 " "W . Life insurance is ago thing but health insuranc' keeping the blood pure v- th Hood’s Sarsaparilla, is stil HE EICaXENCE W SHUT « RB to not only to the m* simplicity of the combination, bat alas to the ears and aklU with whiah H to manufactured by eeienUfla known to the Cxuroaxia Fie Co. only, and we wish to impress wpsß all the importance of purchaaia< ths true and original remedy. As tto* genuine Syrup of Figs ia manulkstnrod by the Calixohmia Fig Brave Os. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one tn avsidiny the worth lao imitations manufactured by other pa* ties. The high standing of the Cau ronviA Fig Svmup Co. with the asedi eal profession, and the saliefaettoa which the genuine Syrup of Fl<e has Sren to millions us families, makes a name of the Company a yuaraaky of the eaoellenoe of its remedy. It to far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidaeys, liver saaf bowels without irritating or woatesa ing them, and it doos not yrips nor nauseate. In order to pet its bonsAoial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ass naxusoe. oaL ISCSnMJL MWTMS.ILI J. J. Curtin is the name »f a New York policeman who found a valuable diamond in Central Park, returned it to itg owner and then refused to accept a proffered reward of SIOO, saying he was paid for his work by th,e city. He will be tried for lunacy and sent to the asylum. as. 1 ■■ ■'.. r," —r The first news of Don Carlos in a long time is to the effect that he has gone to London tc raise a loan. What the loan is wanted for it not stated. Per haps it is to pay taxes on hie $30,000,000 worth vs property ; perhaps it is time for an upris ing ou which he does not want to spend his own money. aWBMMWWMMW Howard Gould, who, accord ing to his “father’s will, has just given up $5,000,000 in marry ing Mies Katherine Clemmons, the actress, is the third eon of the late Jay Gould and the sec ond of them to take a bride from the theatrical profession. He is 28 years old and.a keen business man, so that, having still some $5,000,000 left, he will propab ably be able to worry along with his young wife . One of the complaints eaid to have reached the Wa r Investiga tion Commission ia that Capt. Alger, son of the secretary, was financially interested in the tract of laud on which the Fer nandina camp was located, and also in the land which formed the site of Camp Alger. This may be the reason the Commis sion wanted to learn from Sec retary Alger how and by whom the camp sites were selected— questions which have not yet been answered to the entire sat isfaction of the board. ■■r—■A!.—. . A NARROW ESCAPS. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada B. Hart, Groton 8. D. “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could not live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I vould not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advia sd to gst Dr. King’e New Dia covory for Cotoeumption,Cougha and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God lam saved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at Curry-Arringtoa’e. Regular sis* 50 cents and SI.OO, guaranteed or price refunded. 1 S F a ’ El PE 11? IH O<F 0 G/’Q I? Ts S ITHE1 THE SUMMER HAS , PASSED AND GONE i IMPROVE THE NEXT PRETY DA 1 i AND HAVE YOUR NEGATIVE MADS r bs KnOW t H ' s W W wl ‘ | thecliss of Work IS TURNOUT. iw you are ■AM INVITED ‘ D MONCE. •I I k J. W. kandeaster. T . rMPOPwr TBtoF vssrWk