The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 20, 1898, Image 5

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T h« c»llo» H»<l8‘ ,ID B * n ° ‘ ,l,s "’ ti „„.!i.l » hl ’ d,lly niutil “ l * u th ’ of France for the world had navy on a war footing Lterday and a man behind every .butted gon in the great fortifica ti()t)Bft t WreaS but this imagma ti<. flight wa. a little too far for the authorities at Pana, and called forth »seini-cfficial denial aC °° r ' diutflV The m °‘ t strikintf r' ficti ° n that comes from Paris nowadays is m the eo-called new. reports. 000 The military telephone wires in the vicinity of Santiago have been torn down by the Cubans for use in binding their hay ricks. The revival of such an earnest pastor al spirit among the Cubans is on the whole encouraging. It is pro bably as well from the military standpoint that they should be making ha} as making mischief. 000 No less than half a million peo ple have lost lives in India from snake bites in the last twen ty-two years In the same period, nild animals bavs killed 64,000 persona. When one starts to India, he should along plenty of snake-bite remedy of the kind our fishermen put in their grips when they start out on a pisca orial ex petition 000 JobnL. Sullivan visited the Asylum tor the Criminal Insane at Matteawan the other day and reesived from its inmates such an enthusiastic welcome as to dis prove conclusiv t-ly the theory that the popularity pugilism is on the warn 'lhe patients went wild over the once bruiser, and he made ihtm a speech vs thanks for their appreciation. 000 The ta°h and door manufactures of the nortweet have formed a trust with $20,000,000 capital. 000 It will be a long time before southern Negroes can again be in duced to invade the north or west for the purpose of competit g with white labor, 000 The New York Journal’s poll of the prospective vote in New York ■would indicate the safe election of Judge Van Wyck over Col. Theo dore Roosevelt in New Y’ork State. [I hope the Journal’s estimate is a fair one • 000 Russia, with a population of 127 000,0C0, has only 18,384 phy* ieiane. The United States, with tout 70,000,000, has 120,000. 000 | The following most remarkable hws dory, published under the de hue from LaFayette, Walker unity, would indicate the loca te of at least one of the Mole • Nicolas or Windward Passage rie>pendents. Here is the Mun* ausei 000 Perhaps the most remarkable naway scrape that ever occurred B orgia happened in Chattooga 'W last week. Capt. C. C. m, a traveling fo'etman fiom ■gg, Dobbs & Co., of Chattanoo- Utauie hare a|i j hired a pair of hses to make a country trip ™en about five miles from Trion faory the horses became fright and ran away, running the P c to the buggy entirely through 8 Hen oak tree fifteen inches in dineter. No damage was done loie buggy, horses <_r men. The 1011 thing hurt was the tree, This 18 td by a drummer, and since it 18 Uchud for by a reliable farm *,r.hocutthe pole out of the trß <it is believed in this section. 000 Isle Sam took a sura way to hor Blanco out of Cuba by tell lr)K m his time for handling the customhouse receipts will 'at high noon in December 000 T1 Chicago Inter jOcean de- clares : “It is a source of much wonder at timts hiw canvassers vnn secure the proper names for tbs elite dictionary.” Perhaps they dig thm) out of the criminal court calendar and the Inter Ocean's t-ulisir ption list, 000 Col. Roosevelt told the indepen dents that he could tint accept their nomination for Governor of Mew Tork, but they nominated hin l y petition neverthe ess. when they wanted to substitute some one else and asked the Col onel to decline the nomination he at first said he could not, but fin ally promised he would as soon as the nomination was filed 000 The New Zealand Assembly has just passed an Old Age Pension bill which applies to all persons over sixty-five years old. The pen sion am unts to but S9O per year, or about $ 1,75 per week and no ons who has an income of over $5 per week or property worth more than $2700 will be entitled to it. Twen ty years residence in the colony and ten years exemplary conduct are among the other qualifications the vagrant and the drunkar I be-> ing thus shut o ff. 000 Proof that the sailors of Cervera ’« fleet were not as drunk as they migh t have been during the sink ing of their ships has turned up with the raising of the Maria Tere sa. On that vessel alone have been found sixty-seven casks of fiery red wine rnd sherry unopened a id untapped. It the Spaniards hud known how short th. engagement was going to be they might have b egun earlier. 000 There are two kinds of failures in business—those of men who fail to get rich, and those of men who fail in order to get rich. 000 The latest of the Japanese navy shows that of the 13,006 men in the service 5,73 per cent are be tween the ages of fifteen and twen ty years, and 38,3 per cent, be tween the ages of twenty and twen ty-five years. Only 1,05 p r cent, are over forty years old, and most of these are officers, SPaIN’S GREATEBTNEED. Mr. R, P. Olivia, of Carcelon ia, S. C. Weak nerves had caus ed severe pains in the back of his head, On using Electric Bit ters, America’s greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trou ble, purifies thr blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body,. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Ev ery bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by Curry Arring ou, druggists. LIBEL EOR DIVORCE. feTATE OF GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY — FunnieHarper ) No 56 Floyd S’p r v*. ? court,Jan,term ’9B JohuFHarper ) ibel for Divorce. To the defendant John Franklin Harper: — You are hereby commanded to be and appear personally or by attorney at the next term of superior court of Floyd County Qa.,to be held on the third Mon day in January 1899. then, and there to answer the plaintiff s pe tition for divorce in the above stated case, as in default thereof the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Hon. W. M. Henry, judge of said court, this 19th day of October, 1898. W. E, Beysiegel, Clerk of Superior Court. I Announce,— To the public that I have secured the services of William McClellan, an expert fancy candy maker, who has been for the past two years with thu Garrow famous candy kitchen is Atlanta. We are new making daily all kind nf fine taffies, cocoanut, creams, nongate, etc. All we ask is a trial. We can please you. A. M. Antogholi, next door to Curry’s drug store W 43k H&W <& A - a z’jv* - zqvx I John M Proctori * IS NOW * * W 2 * 'fr~ FOR * * &E.FORBES « * ROME BRANCH MUSIC HOUSE- « He solicits the influence and patronagi if the peo pie of Rome and the surrounding country. It will ba to your interest to call and get prices. J Marvelous J * Low Figuresl a w Will be quoted on all PIANOS, T ORGANS, BICYCLES, SEWING MA' CHINES and other goods now includ ed in the big stock at No. 327, Broa street While this entire stock is lo be closed out at reduced figures Mr. X Procter is empowered to make the t«rms decidedly easy to all buyers. * * BICYCLES * At any price to suit the purchaser, for. they must go, *and will be sold regardless of oost. See our wh°el st at once—it will pay you to take a look. * Sheet Music • This stock will be closed out , at 10 cents per copy. Nik. N>k w- W L'VERY, SALE'IAND FEED STABLES! Offers the public the finest teams, betco ey ’ ances and most polite and courteous drivers The best stock of hor&es and mules on e»le co stantly. - -S " Z ' ’ FOR STYLE AND COMFORT . a, and for a jolly good time with family or friends, there is noth Jr>— ing like an open surry for either Winter or Summer. Our stock of stylish carriagesis unrivalled i. ,r >|'i I".' Jk £ bouts, buggies,traps, carts, wag onettes, canopy top, or opensur reya, are light, easy, comforts ble and beautiful in construe tion, trimmings and finish. We ■ also repair and-overhaul vehicles; also carry a big line of tie harness and lap robes, Rome Bu«oy Co, 5509-511 Br a< street,Rome Ga. Sattekfield Williams, Agents. X F. HANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. I THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. | 1 Plumbing; and Tinning. | x Engineers’ and machinists 2 9 supplies. Stoves r ranges and 3 tinware. Gas and electric fix- C 2 tures. INSURANCE .gasoline X 3 stoves. Water meters. 5 x 3 3 5 Broad sL PhoneJjx j ■MB—Ml—t SI f HRII,I '« w> * I IK.MAW «Mie •». n K m ii*-***l—4l IPVBUC I han me ! We will Sell New I I Books wholesale I | PRICES.' ! | FOR CASH. Second Hand i Books cheaper uhan the B. || cheapest. Give me a call, || i H. A. SMITH, I I THF OLD RFLIABLE BOOK STORE. II : ' ■■ ■ r I 111 ,1 , .m.w,,. inf I.U. ii■■ ■ - - ' " ,I ■ s H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., ; ■ Successors to tS ’ ROME PHARMACY. 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. We have bought the entire stock of the Rome og Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in JjG the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our stock is complete and of the very highest grade. We solicit a part of your patronage and shall en- yq , deavor to the best of our ability to please you at a .3!? times. We should be pleased to have you call on u , Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles a such things as are usually carried in a first-class dr store. Cigars and tobacco. Come to see us. . ' MM Will' <JL .. I ■ —•- - 1 = S. M Stark, | S S UDIfiS Mil HIMII'S aw S * S 3 Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Ave $1.25 and $l5O Negligee shirts for t$ I. A. SAMMON & COMPANI WAITING ~ ■“‘*7 for everyone iirßome fto come in and see the magnificent stock on men’s and boy’s clothing, 1 bicycle and golf suits, is wjiat I z we afe but we are hus- I tling while we wait. We will I _ show you the finest stocko ) clothing, made from the newest | styles and patterns in fabricks, perfect fitting and handsome, to k e f° unc l Georgia, and they are above competition in values for the price. I The greatest line of negligee shirt f ever shown in Rome. ! j. a. gammon &co