The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 21, 1898, Image 2

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AT hOME ON WEDNESDAY NOV. 2nd. (ERICA'S NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT, ■T BEARING THE SEAL 0F EUROPEAN SUCCESS. !■ PAWNEE BILL S I HISTORIC WILD WEST HLian M'usium, Indian Village, Hippodromk, International Exposition of Novilties, , .r;; __ ~ iiZI ■ ? Wr. -. -' - i Z/ teftv, * . w .-_=Jfc=usJU! 1 THE MARVEL OF THE AGE AND THE Greatest Wild West in the World. < ontaint features, selected for their historical value a d character from the Wild west of America in particular, and the World at large, as Natures Own Truthful Exhibition Paw nee Bill s Wild West has fulfilled every p rpose and is acknowledged to be EDUCATIONAL AND INS I RUCTIVE lb* hero of Oklahoma, and Great White Chief of the Pawnees. Major Gordon W. Lillie (Pawnee Bill), has spared neither trouble nor expense in his efforts to collect from eveiy clime STARTLING AND STERLING NOVELTIES. Indian Chief of renown A whole Indian Village. Travoys. and thousands of curiosities ar presented. Spo.tedJTail, Afraid-of-his-Horses, Left Band, and Dozens of Indian Wan tors from the celebrated Sioux. Comanche, Cheyenne, Aapahoes. and other tribes. 3 BAN 1)5 OF MUSIC 3 MEXICANS, INDIANS AND COWBOYS. An Army of Cowboys and Frontier Heroes, in their sports, horse manship, repulsing of the Bloodthirsty Redskins at Trapper Tom’s Cabin and Fort Sell Stage Coach. A GRAND THRILLING MEXICAN BULL FIGHT DiveaUd of all the cruel phases, yet retaining the exciting action of the fierce combat, will be given at each performance Pawnee Bill’s Will West. Wounded Knee Fight And Mountain Meadow Massacre. THE GRAND HIPPODROME. Bunding Racts. Chariot Race*. Hurdie and Wild Texas Steer Races, an Indian Runner against a Horse. Benor Francisco and his Vaq >e os Mi*" May Li lie, the only lady who can -hoot unerringly with a r fie on Horseback- A tevy of beautiful Wild hesern Girls. Miss Branden the Quejn of the Plains. Spotted Mustangs Burki.ig Bronchos, a du ve of Wild Texas Stoers Ar tilery B ces in the clearing. Ai d the only hero of Living Buffalo. With n any World Wide Celebrities. Mustang W alter. Co- ey, the crack pistol shot, Pony lob and some of the most noted Eaugemen. famous fsr their skilf with the Lariet. . fW~ON THE ROUND-UP AND BRANDING CATTLE _-Bii i i ■ ■ THE GRAND STREET PARADE Which will start at 10 A. M. daily, immediately after the Cannon ie heard to boom. This is the signal to start, look out for it! Two performances daily at 2 and 8 P, M. ONE TICKET ADMITS TO ALL. .LADIES AND CHILDREN OUR SPECIAL CARE. Nothing will be omitted at one and done at another performace. Excursion Rates on all Railroads and Steamboats. ————— r - - ■■ ’pigfe Cut® Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebr, Jan. 10,1898. Jan. 2,1898. I would not be I regard PISO'S without PISO’S rfh|JLL-ILB4JL IJM Jh CURE FOR CON CURE for CON- Tfj — wß^wherDli*‘Tr SUMPTION as the SUMPTION for any g **& h e ßy £fc ' Pw g| best Cough medi- thing. For a bad Cough or Cold it is ■ ■ trying used it for beyond all others. 15 years. Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOVER “The Best Cough Medicine.” FOR SI YLE AND COM FORT , v and for a jolly good time with family or friends, there is noth inp like an open surry for either Winter or Summer. Our stock J M of stylish carriages is unrivalled Jlßpr and our spider phaetons, rima- j. bouts, buggies,traps, carts, wag- ] onettes, canopy top, or open sur- reys, are light, easy, comforta- » ble and beautiful in construe- tion, trimmings and finish We ■ also repair and overhaul vehicles; also carry a big line of flue ,harnesß and lap robes, Rome Buggy Co, 5509-511 Broad ■ Williams, Agents. BIG ADVfINTfIGE Gniued By Russia—Seiiei A Stray Point CHINESE TROOPS FLED British Man of War Entered on Protest, London, October 20 —A dis patch from Shanghai to a London newe agency Bays: “A Russian regiment occupied the town of New Chwan, province of Liao Tong and the fort« at th* mouth of the river Liaou on Octo*- her 15th, thus securing complete poeaeasien of New Chwan. The na tive troops fled without making any opposition under orders frem the empress dowager and Li Hung Chang, “A British gunboat V was in Ue river at the time. Its non-resis tance is regarded as the virtual British abandonment of the whole of Manchuria to the Russians and gives Russia an invaluable strateg ic position GreUt Britain is cer tain to lose the New Chwan trade, of which it has 80 p»r cent.” • SHOTTO SAVE MOTHER. Man Who Killed his Brother Ad mitted to Ball for Trial. Pottsville, Pa., O?t. 21. Thomas Thompson, of Girard, ville, who was in jail here charged with the murder of his brother, Michael, was released today ou bail, judge O. P. Bach tel having fixed the bond at sl,- 500 . Thompson shot and killed his bro her while the latter was chasing their aged mother about the house bent upon stabbing her with a huge butcher knife, which he brandished threaten ingly - The man was crazed with rum and Thomas shot, believing that in that way alone hexould save his mother’s life. He will be tried at the next terra of the Criminal Court. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE The best salve in the world for cuts, bi uiese sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salu by Curry Ar lington Co. DR. KING’S W ROYAL GERMETUER Thii pleasant and perfect remedy, M delightful to take, so ref rething aad exhilarating, standa in highest favff with all who know it beat, aa the great Mt of all medical remedies for bw<t •axes. of all agea and in all conditio* WHAT IT WILL DO FOR 10k InnthHH.PPETIT' M will (In jou restful rCxhlnt SIMP. H will stimulate jour DIGESTION. It will restore jour NERVOUS ENERIV. It will pul jour KIDNEYS la perfect srWL k will parity jour Blood. k will ohingo jour veakMtt Into STRfMT& kwUlkrlq jou out of ilckossi Into HEALTH raw PACKAGE, LABI*.'. AOTTMb idd DOSES ONI DU._J.AB. •OLD BY ALL CRUOQIBTB. MAMUrACTVMD ONLY XT The itluti Chemical Co., Atluti, U *BITI VO* U-V4Q* BOOK, K 4&» VBM IN REAL LIFE The Tragic Story of Gasmen Is Duplicated. BEAUTIFY GIRL DIED, With The Last Lines of Her Part on Her Lips. Brussels, Oct 21. —“Carmen,” tbw beautiful little dramafc tale by Merimee, so ingeniously treated by Brzet in music, was enacted here almost to the letter in real life at l.o’clock this morning. A young man, who is described on the police record as “Ferdinand 8.,” employed by a life insurance c ompany, had neglected his busi ness and friends for some time past, being desperately in lovs with a young Spanish singer, Car men de Salvados of Sevilla, re cently under engagement at the Olympia Music Hall. The young man expected to marry Carmen, but latterly she made him most unhappy by her faithlessness and overt relations with an actor. This morning, just after mid night, the singer went to a case with this man, and after playing Cards, just as in the Bizet opera, left with the favored lover. Thereupon “Ferdinand 8.,”wh0 had remained in ambush near by, rushed upon her and after a short struggle stabbed her three times in the breast. Carmen fell, murmuring the words as the Carmen of fiction ; “Coward I” She died in a few minutes, “Ferdinand B.” was arrested. Everyone is struck by the wonder*- ful similarity of this real drama with the story of fiction, Counsel for the assassin will plead that the literature and mu sic greatly influenced the young man in committing the crim*-, and that, having to do with a Carmen so like the Carmen of fiction, “Ferdinand B.” was impelled by reminiscences of the opera and his own unhappiness to the same denouement as that of the book. TOADSTOOLS KILL THREE Otmkks Who Partook of the Pois onous Fuxai Critically 111, Trenton, Oct 21. —Henry Gold back and two of the membe s of his family, who were poisoned last night from eating toads'ools fei mushrooms, died at noon to*-day The dead in addition to the father are Mrs. Goldback and one of the Goldback children. Three or four W—wr-wy l _ _ ■ 11 ___ _■! ■■■ iww ■ Too • Much Knife! The use of the surgeon’s knife ia be coming so general, resulting fatally hi ouch a large number of cases, as to occasion general alarm. Mr. William Walpole, of W&lshtown, ■ oath Dakota, writes; “About three years ago, there came under ■ay left eye a little blotch about the site of a small pea. f It grew rapidly,and M _W shooting pains ran |n every direction. • V j became alarmed y * nd c onsulted a good doctor, who pronounced It can and said that it must be cut out. nraft This I would not consent to, having little faith in the indiscriminateone of the knife. Kead iag of the many cures made by S. 3. 8., I determined to give that medicine a trial, and after I had taken it a few lays, the cancer became irritated and began to discharge. Thia after awhile mooed, leaving a email scab, which Inaly dropped off, and only a healthy little scar remained to mark the place Where the destroyer bad held full away. A Real Blood Remedy • Cancer te ia the blood and it is folly Waexpect an operation to cure it, 5.3.8. (gmwoMm/ partly v<g»tablt) is a real remedy for every <ieeeseef the blood. (Ml MB M* Books mailed SAVED SOWERS! Who Used Paine’s Celery Compound Did not Suf fer From Fever. 1 \ 'Wißilly A \ The soldiers who did the most good were those who kept well. There were plenty of brave men who were of little use when the time came, because they took less care of their health than thoy did of their musket. Malaria and other fevers soon pick'd out these men much more unerringly than the ene my’s sharpshooters. One set of men went about keeping well in a businesslike way.. They took Paine’s celery compound at the first indica tions of intestinal troubles, weakness, or when fatigued and liable to fevers. Thev us°d Paine’s celery compound to pu rify their blood and put their health on a firm basis as soon as they made up their minds to join the service. Corporal Beckwith thinks there was a great deal of need less sickness among the volun teers. At Chicamauga many of his mess mates followed his ex ample and fortified themselves against disease by Paine’s cele ry compound, and not a man of them had malaria nr fever of any sort or spent adly in the hospital. Corporal Beckwith writes: Camp Olympic, Sept. 17, 1898, Dear Sirs—When I see so many of my poor comrades coming home looking fit only for a hospital cot, I give thanks tc Paine’s celery compound for the fact that J went through my enlistment without any doc tor’s medicine, and am today 1 even healthier than when I went to Cbioamauga. I firmly be-' lieve that this good health is due to my using Paine’s celery CANDY fl X CATHARTIC gj ’ WS»».. CURE CONSTIPATION ■io. Mt 25. 50c DRUGCISTS J compound last winter and spring, which made my blood pure and nerves string to resist malaria and keep me well. Very truly yours, Corporal James O. Beckwith, Co , M, First Vt., Valunteer In fan try. Secretary of War Stairton used to say that the best defini tion of rest is a change of occu pation. That may be true for one in health, but a sick person |needs to have his digestion reg ulated, his blood purified and his nerves invigorated. Paine’s cel crj compound brings the sort of r tthi sick body require* through sleep and nourishment. Just as the great lawyer stud |u s each one of his cases till he ■ knows it on every side and in ; every possible aspect, so Prof. I Edward E. Phelps. M. I)., LL. i I)., of Dartmouth ccllego, the discoverer of Paine's celery compound, had studied the | nerves in health and disease, when well nourished, in men and women and children years before he looked for the remedy. Paine’s celery compound was the outcome of his entire pro fessional life. A fitting memo rial to a life of hard study and close observavion, —a remedy that the world could not lose to day, at any price 1 i Paine’s celery compound i claimcs and (gunlines all the Utrvous tissues and induces the body to take on solid flesh. I* purifies the blood, as is so clear- Uy sho v.u oy the rapid clearing of the skin cf all evidences of I bad humors within. It is an in fallible relieffor salt rheum, eczema and all blood diseases.