The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 23, 1898, Image 2

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BLACK FIEND Inched bga Maddened Ken fl tilcky Mob- I “ liuTRftGE AND (ViURDER ■ HIW ■ " ■erhaps, of a Helpless Girl, 1 Was His Offense ■ . .1 j |SI Tompkinsville, Ky. Oct. 22. '• l~News lias reached here of the ■ Inching of Arch Baur, colored, 1 * rho committed an assault on Ind attempted to murder Annie -| Morrison, eldest daughter of rttienry Morrison, a prominent farmer of Cumberland county The crime was committed at i he Morrison home yesterday fternoon about 3 o'clock. ) f The membra of the Morrison lousehold were visiting in the leighborhood, except the eldest laughter, who remained at tome to care for the house. | Saur, unnoticed, went direct to , tforrison’s house. Miss Morrison screamed for | lelp when he entered, but no )n® was near enough to hear, * though the house was close to ■ one of the most frequented pub lic roads. She fought the fiend with desperation, but the negro drew ; a piece of sharp iron, striking I her two or three blows on the , head and inflicted wounds that | may prove fatal. He fled, he ft lieving his victim dead. When the neighbors learned qof the horrible affair they form ed a mob and pursued the negro with blood hounds. They trail— len him to a small cabin within 'five miles of where the crime i was committed. The door was quickly broken ; down. The negro, hearing the noise, tried to make bis escape through a window, but failed. When they entered he begged for mercy, but a noosed rope was quickly thrown over his head and about his neck and he was dragged, more dead than alive, to the woods, where the rope was tossed over the limb of a tree, and he was hauled in to the air and the life remaining in the body soon passed out of his body. The lynchers left the body and disappeared. Eight bul let holes were found’in the body this morning. The re mains were biuied by Baur’s relatives. ! wl 1 THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processed known to the California Fig Syruc Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the I true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of tlmt fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is , far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial ®“ e ets, please remember the name of >ne Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO, C«I. ’ *EW YORK, N. Y, MOST SUCCESSFUL Weeks' Engagement of The Wocdward-Wai reu Co. TWO FINE ATTRACTIONS Put on Yesterday- Mr- Wood ward Adds to his Popularity. Last night in a splendid per formance, with “ Ranch 10” as the attraction, the Woodward- Warren Co., closed a most suc cessful weeks' engagement in the Hill City. ” '1 he Hustler-Commercial has given Mr. Wocdward and his most excellent company extend ed notices each afternoon du ring the week. In doing this we have had a desire to see Mr. Woodward play to full houses; first because this paper likes to reward merit any and everywhere, and sec ondly’ because Mr. Woodward has been giving regular $1 shows at popular prices, .and we desired to see our people take advantage of the bargain. The weeks’ work is done, Mr. Woodward has er.joyed a most successful run and the people I who attended have enjoyed the perforni’mces iminensely. Mr. Woodwaad will conti ue tc do a big business wherever he goes. When he returns to Rome he will be accorded a royal welcome. Here’s to him, his family, his theatrical support and may they all live long and prosper. SPANISH SILVER. Sent A- ay Fic m C vba By Btea»d -ship Loads, Havana Oct 22. —The Red Cross society’s steamer City of San An tonio sailed tsteidav afternoon from MataLzis for New York to bring a fresh cargo of supplies to Havana. Her last cargo wss all 1 uided at Matanzas where the offi cers of the Red Cross society re» mained to-superintend the dis tribution. Tha shipments of S| anish silver speicie in anticipation of the American regiins ar r very he Vy. Yesterday’s Spanish mi il steamer cariied 826,0C0 p< zos Gen. Blanco bus directed the military commander of the Hol guin division ’o attribute any sur plusstores among those of the population in that distrft *ho have shown the most friendship to Spain. ■ II IT’J 1 TOBT MEMPHIS NO A/ OPEN. Quarantine Which was the Most Rigid on Record Raised. Memphis, Oct. 22.—The board of health today raised the quarantine and Memphis is now open to all points. Cold weather has prevailed for sev eral days and the board regards all danger from yellow fever as passed. The Memphis quarantine was inau mated more than six weeks ago and was the most rigid in the history of the South . Tug Blown Up- Pittsburg, Pa., O?t. 22.—The tug boat Rescue, belonging to Jutte Co., was blown up last night near Elizabeth. Capt. Sedell was killed and nine of th* crew were injured seriously. Hjji'ifl no Millli > UIIWI- ‘Umyp 'ill iiij 'JU kh'O ’W 1 w L'VERY, SALE AND FEED STABL EST Offers the public tha finest tsams, bitco ey ances and most polite and courteous drivers The best stock of Lories and mules on sale co stantiy. WILL BE GRAND Bniliant Milsical Program Arranged for first Christian Church Benefit on The Evening of October 27. The following brilliant pro gram is announced for the First Christian church benefit and will be put on at Nevin’s on the evening of Oct. 27th. Grand Concert. 1. Cornet Solo.—Mr. Charles Farris. 2. Trio, Vocal—Praise Ye, Vir di—Mrs. W. A. Pattou, Mr. Bei’j. Barker and Mr. W. A. Patton. 3 Solo, Vocal, Patti Waltz Song, Patterson—Mrs, C. D. Wood. 4. Solo. Mandolin —Footlight Schottish—Mr. R. E, Childs, 0 Miss May’ Clark accompanist. 5. Solo Vocal —Springs Revels, i Maltie—Mrs. W, A. Patton. 6. Reading—Miss Austin. PART 11. 7. Piano Solo—lmpromptu—j Chopin—Miss Rica Cohen. 8. Vocal Solo.—Mr. Benj. Bar-j ker. 9. Piano Solo —Mi’s Konski. 10. Vocal Solo—Mr. Horace King. 11. —Voeal Solo.— Mrs. T. J. Simmons. 12. Vocal, Quartett: —Forsaken —Mrs. W. A. Pa t m, Mr. Benj. Barker, Miss May Patton, Mr.! Harry Patton. In this musical tevent mos of Rome’s peerh ss musical tal ent has Lean assigned to num bers. Seldom, of ever before, has such a spiendid program ever been arranged for one evening. The funds accruing from the I sale of seats will go the fund,' lor the purchase of a lot upon which the First Christian church ol Rome will, in the soon future begin tho erection of aj handsome church edifice. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE | The best salve in the world for ruts, biuiese sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ail Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or I money refunded. Price 25 cents per Lox. For sa’u by Curry Ar ungton Co. « ' ' .. J I ELECTION BETS. Van Wyck Coming t® The front as The Favorite, New York, Oct. 22.—The betting between Nan Wyck and Roosevelt is still at even money but those who are handling money on the election said last night that by the beginning of next woek Van Wyck will sure ly be favorite and his backers will have to give odds. There is still plenty of Van Wyck money in the market, but a growing scarcity of cash to be put up on Roosevelt. With bets that he succeeded in placing yesterday Broker E. B. Talcott has bet a total of $48,*00 -on Van Wynck, and he is ready to I keep on putting it up at evens. | # #4 i'P'l F* EII2E I? HO- FQ G I? H S THE SUMMER HAS PASSED AND GONE MPROVE THE NEXT PRETY DAI AND HAVE YOUR NEGATIVE MADE I YOU ’ I | Know §• • | ’i'll Di' WOIJK j ! | DDETURNOW. | ilw YOU ARE J tumm 1 nivnffl ; 4I■W II L i | QVXL-V - DstONCE | iJ. W. kandeaster