The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 23, 1898, Image 4

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jHEIIUSTLER-COMMERCIA E HUSTLE ROF R < / I ■ Established. 18W0. iHE ROME COMMERCIAL ■. Established. 1895. every evening, except Saturday. ■ Sunday and weekly. _ PHIL G. BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER. J The Pittsburg Poet refers to it ■*B “the Alger whitewashing com . jnisssiou.” J - 4-4- - ■ The Spaniards are in no hur- ■ ry about bidding the Cubans a last farewell. wwgf — 111 —? I Asa raiser, Hobson is shing ling ihe Cuban beach of Spanish ■nen of war. 1 Judge Maddox will go back to Icongress practically without op- Iposition Maddox is a winner.— IBuchanan Banner. ■ I There is a new shoe for wom llen named Sorosis. In Buffalo |they are after them with both ■ feet.”—Mucon News. ra«rr—Taw The New Orleans Picayune says ■ that while Spain may still have ■ her honor lefr, she will not be able to raise any money on that. ~JMT . Z ' - The annual fair of Waycross, the progressive city of the wire grass, begins on Nov, Ist and will continue until the sth. “Brigadier Bill’’—will be m the ■oupy, wrim atter next Saturday, Os course he will occasionally em erge long enough to declare that he is no oyster, If Spain owes a Cuban debt, why, let Spain pay it. Uncle Sam has nothing to do with it— and Cubans have never had value received. Says Editor Nix: The 7th Con greßsional}dißtrict gave a Demo cratic majority of 7,500. Maddox should receive a larger one than that in November SBnoaMHHnr Howard Gould and nis sister’s conduct in assisting United States troops, has partially re deemed the family name to de cency and respectability. Th* Admiustra'.ion executed a very able move when it decided to hold Gen. Lee and Wheeler be twean itself and the Democratic sharpshooter9,—Washington Post. It is reported that when Bill Clifton slapped Alger on the back th« other day in Washington the •ecretary of war thought lightning bad struck him. —Darien Gazette' g.a.'jw j, l !- 1 .- 1 . _ _j .'..w—l- i jUfflmrWx/ It is tad and disap- '.(wMJF pointing for a father*, to rear a son, spend hard • earned money .yji for his education, A!?; work to insure him ■ '-Ji* an advantageous start f in life, and build cas- I-—' tie* in the air about the boy's future, only . to have him killed off in the early yeara of manhood by the dread disease con sumption. Until recent years consumption was con sidered an incurable disease. Now it is known to tens of thousands that Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures 98 per cent, of al! cases if taken in the early Stages of the disease. It also cures bron chitis. laryngitis, throat and nasal troubles and all allied diseases of the air passages. It is the best blood-maker and flesh-builder, the beet general tonic and nerve restora tive. It gives a keen edge to the appe tite. corrects the impaired digestion, pro motes the flow of digestive juices, facili tates the production of chyle in the lower stomach or intestines, invigorates the liver and purifies and enriches the blood. It tears down old and inert tissues and builds up new, firm, muscular tissues of health. ’ It strengthens the heart’s action, promotes the circulation of the blood to every part •f the body and deepens the breathing, thus supplying the blood with vitalizing osygen Thousands have testified to its merits. The dealer who offers something «lse as “just as good ” is dishonest. “I never wss very strong and then I had La Grippe." writes Mrs. Grade G. Smith, of 480 1 jib Bt. Salem. Oregon. "I had a cough and Wit tired all the time. I took three bottles of De. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and two of * Golden Medical Discovery' and two vials of ‘Pleasant Pellets.’ I have better health now than for many years." Twenty one one-cent stamps cover the mailing of a paper-covered copv of Doctor Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser. Cloth-bound, 31 stamps. Send to Dr. IL V. Fierce, Buffalo, N. Y. RoYal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powers are the greatest msoacen to health of the preMat day. * mvai «*Kin« 00., mw vmk. During the course of a trial at Woodward Oklahoma, one day last week a witness admitted to the presiding judge that he had a revolver in his pocket, and the court fined him $25. The local paper says : “When the judge fined Tom Word for carrying a gun every other man in the court roqm sat erect and smooth ed his coat tails down to hide his armument. When a recess was taken every man made for the nearest outlet and “hid out” his battery. Best estimates place the number of guns in the court room at the time at about two wagon loads.” While secretary of the Prus sian legation as Frankfort, Bis mark a tended a ball at which was present a certain Mr, De Clancy, a noted duelist, of pom pous and self sufficient manners, who in dancing held his hat at arm’s length. The spectacle had for Bismark a comic side of the dancing evolutions he dropped a coin m the hat. The next day he was called out and a duel with pistols followed, Bismark remaining unhurt while his ad versary was wounded. The white-washing committee excludes reporters on the flimsy pretext that the room in which its sessions are held is teo small. By the by, the evident policy of the whiiewashers is to take only such negative testimony that of Generals Wheeler and Leo prior to making a tour of the camps, which will not have been com pleted before the November elections.—N ew Orleans States. Every Democrate who voted in the June primary should vole now for Hon. John W. Maddox for Congress. All who participated in that primary are duty-bound ta stand by the party candidate now, and Polk county sheuld give our present Congressman a rousing, big majority. —Cedartown Standard. Th* Ishmaelite, of Sparta hopes that Candidate Hogan got out of the battle of the ballots with ener gy and strength enough left to save his corn and cotton. He prob ably lost his fodder along with the governorship, It is announced that Sam Jones is soon to come to Macon to help the prohibitionists battle against intemperance. It is said that the carnival cost Macon $25,000, won der what Sam will cost. —Albany Herald. The question of insanity being coutageous is under discussion in New York owing to the fact that Mrs. Eliza O'Brien after serving 10 years as a nurse in the state in»- sine asylum has developed insani ty. 111 J 1 UIIJH “It is to be noted,” says the Philadelphia Ledger, “that there are many tribes in the Philipines as varied in their po litical preferences as they vary in tongue and in origin.” —. « i A contemporary suggests that because the Fashoda matter can. ten? in Africa, do<s not, ot itself, make the chances of its perceful settlement lock any the nu re black. < NEAR THE tomb OF LIN COLN. _ ’ It is in Illinois and near the tomb of Abraham Lincoln, the great emancipator, that negroes have been shot down for the crimp of seeking what Lincoln called “the right to labor and to enjoy the fruits of their labor.” And it is a republican governor, elected over Altg?ld, the alleged “anarchist,” who directs the state ;roops “under no circum stances Io permit any imported negroes to land” in Illinois towns. Truly the whirligig of time brings in strange revenges ! —New York World. ■ j SPIRIT OF THE PRESS- Many late fears will be justi fied so far that when the Spanish cruiser Maria Teresa appears off our coast the watering places will be deserted. —Philadelphia Times. The report that England has demanded the restoration of the Chinese Emperor is important if true. It will prove conclusively which of the ppwers rule in the Orient at piesent; but what re sults such a demonstration would bring can be only a mat ter of conjecture.—Nashville American. Many of the old time notions about the place of future pun ishment get knocked out of a man occasionally. A recently returned Klondikeer speaks of th it country as “one vast hell of ice and snow.” N > doubt he preferred the other kind.—Mont gomery Advertiser. After surveying the field Mark Hanna concludes that it will house of congress to the repub -1 lican pi rty. Order out the fat fry ers !—Boston Globe. Senator Hanna has a large contract on his hand in Ohio politics, but no doubt takes an hour or so off every day to study the prancing attitude of Rough Rider Roosevelt on the presi dential question.—Cincinnati Enquirer. If betting straws tell which way the wind goes Col. Roose velt will find *his campaign far more up hill work than was the charge at San Juan. The Tam manyites are betting his sup orters to a standstill.—Boston Traveler, The Jackies of Dewey’s fleet and about fifty German ones, all in a hilarious condition met and mixed at Hong Kong much to the detriment of the Dutch men Perhaps Emperor William will make it an international episode.—Chattanooga News. i,n, IVI.WIIWJFB The Mexican Board of Health has imported from Europe an X-ray apparatus, which is to be used for inspections cans of pre served meats and fruits, “to de termine if they are fit for con sumption.” A sewing circle is a secret so ciety—a kind of exchange, as it were. If some one will locate Noah’s ark, and let Hobson know. The healthiest ward-healer is the city physician. THAT JOYFUL FEHLING With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength and internal cleanliness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is unknown to 4 the few who have net progressed beyn«d the old time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the wel informed. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. A Tumor Formed Finally It Broke Inwardly and Discharged Trouble Deg.-.n With Dyspapsl. and Impure Blood Thorough Ccursa of Hood’s I arsa parilia Completely Curvs. There is danger in impure blood Disease and suffering are surely com ing to those who neglect this thie.iten ing symptom. Read this: “Gillium, Missouri. “ C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass.: “Gentlemen:—My troubles began wit) nervous headaches, which would la* me for two or three days. The doctor, pronounced my trouble dyspepsia, bat they could not do anything for me, anc advised a change of location. At the ag< ot 55 a tuinor formed on my apiue, which Was Very Painful but did not rise or discharge. The doctoi thought best to cut it out, !>ut I objected. It finally broke and disciotrged a greet deal. The doctors said they could do nothing for it. Then the tumor began te rise inwardly and discharge. 1 read much about cures by Hood’s ftarsaparilla and thought I would try it. Before I had finished taking one bottle I wm much relieved. I continued the use of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and after taking 12 bottles I was entirely cured. Icm now well, have » good appetite and feel that I owe my life to Hood * Seraafierllia.” W. D. Fobs. Hood’s B pS. T» the best—'ll fact tlir One True Blood Pnrifler. Sold by all druggsts. |1; six foi gs. HrtrwVe Piile n, t hanaonloosly with HOQU b HHS Hood’s HarsanariUa. 166. “Y*e, sir, Shallup is not only a newspaper man, but a gentleman.” “He must lead a double life ” 0 o o According to a wild and wooly western journalist, this Is the way the editor feels when he does his sentiment in blank verse: “I would flee from th? city’? rule and law —from its fashions and form cut loose —and go where the strawberry grows on its straw and the gooseberry grows on its goose; where the catnip tree is climbed by the cat and she clutch es for her prey—the guileless and unsuspecting rat on the rattan bush at play, I will catch with ease the saffron cow and the cow let in their glee, as they leap in j <y from bough to bcugh on tne tdp of a cowslip tree, and list while the partridge drums hi? drum and the woodchuck chuck? his wood, and the dog devours the dogwood plum in the primitive ■olitude. 000 4 ‘o let me drink from the moss grown pump, that was hewn from the pumpkin tree I Eat mush and milk from a rural stump, f’om fol ly and Fashions free-—new gather ed mush from the mushroom vine, and mi k from the milkweed sweet —with pineapple from the pine. Aud to the whitewash?! dairy I’ll turn, where the dairymaid hastening hies, her ruddy and golden-red butter to churn from the milk of her bulteiflie?, and I'll rise at m ru with the earliest bud, to the fragrant farmyard pass, and watch while the farmer turns 1 is herd of grasshoppers out to grass. O P D Mrs. Myrick, out of the ullness of her heart for Hod. Robert B 1 r ner, says: Hf right and justice c<mld opce more be inaugurated in ffaire of state, Major R. E Spence, a Georgian by birth and a scholarly gentleman who is by ed ucation and profession a soldier, would be appoint‘d to succeed Co'onel Judge Candler in com mand of the Third Georgia regi iment. But his will not be jm, for things don’t move that right eous wuy in th' se days of political chican ry.” 000 Greedy pension attorneys are already “working” the survivor? o r the Cuban campaign, A Wash ington attorney baa written to a Michigan volunteer requesting him to send on th* names of all of the soldiers ip his regiment who might like to txake application for a pension. The attorney concluded; “My fee is $25, and I will give you 20 per cont in every case in which I co'lect I mean busiuess. Remember, the early bird catches the worm. ” o o o Many tenant farmers of Texas have surrendered their cotton crops to the landlords and have gone out to pick cotton for wages, and some are picking for wag«e the g ttoa they made aud turned in to the proprietor of the farm . The fact ia, the production of cot ton has increased eo much more rapidly thau population that the supply largely exceeds thedernai d and every year eees a still larger surplus left over to depress prices the succeeding year. 000 Bob Fitzsimmons wants the modest sum of $50,000 from the oropriecor of the Gilsey Hous u , New York, for Ihe refusal of the latter to furnish him the bowl of soup he ordered. He slaims that “his business has received great and lasting iujury and damage” by reason of not getting that bowl of soup. Just what he referred to by “his business” can only be conjectured, but he is supposed to have meant his solar plexus facto ry. 000 A blacksnake was killed near Frankfort, De)., a few days ago, and an eaamination of hie body revealed a gold ting deeply imbed ded around the body. When young, his snakeship had probably tried to crawl through some girl’s ring and b> ci me jems'enty engag ed, 000 At a r. union of veterans in Peo* ria. 111., in a company of 150,there was only one man on crutches. The remarkable feat of tele phoning from Boston to Kansas City was accomplished on Sat urday last, the distance (1560 miles) being the longest ever covered by a single telephonic circuit. According to the Herald, which has long been regarded by many as the political weather vane of New York, says that the republican party of that state is slumping. Judge John D. Berry of At lanta, will have to pay SIOO for assaulting Orth Stein, editor of the Looking Glass. The supreme court has affirmed ths finding of the lower court. The Washington Post is rea sonably safe in venturing the prediction that in case the next house of representatives is dem ocratic Gen. Joe Wheeler will be the speaker, ’Rev. Dr. A , B. Simpson, has just made a wonderful record in raising money for missionary purposes in New York. He got $112,000 in his collection. If w’e have to let slip the dogs of war again on Spam it will be all up with the Hidalgos. Every other dog in the United States now is named Dewey. The ocean horror is becoming more numerous and more dread fuller than ever before. WELL PLEASED CUSTOM ERS. We have sold hundreds and hundreds ot the .McCall Bazar Patterns since we have taken the agency, and upon inquiry of the salesladies in the department,we find that not one pattern, has ever been returned as unsatis factory, and with hundreds of sales, not one w ord of criticism has ever been heard against the McCall Patterns. On the contrary many ladies are delighted with the McCall Patterns, because reliable, and because the prices a:e only 10 and 15 cents each.—None High er. Lanham Sons 245 Broad street, Bass old stand. HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dol lars Reward for any case o f Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cura. F. J. Chknky A Co., Toledo, O. We, tha undersigned, Lave known F. J. Chenev for the last la yaars, and baliava.him to be financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West i Trwax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo. O. Walding, Kinnan A Marvin Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75e per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are ike best. Coke cheaper than Coal- Can ba used in stoves for heating and cooking purposes. No smoke or soot. Clean and economical. For further particulars He ROME G-AS CO PROFESSIONit cim ATTORNEYS. J. BK.ANHA.M, Law Offiee iOO. Bist Fire: reevfit, CHAS W. UNDERWOOD Attorn*)’ at Law, Rome* Oreporaiaa Unlyr W. J. NHHL Attorney at law. Will practice In all or Utt*. Special attention given v> commercial ffiw and the examlcatlon ct land titles. office In King building. Rome, 6a. WALTER, HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office ever F. J. Kane k Co.'a. LIPSCOMB Ac .WII.LINGH AM Commercial Lawyer*. GMee tn Armstrong hotel building, Rome, 6a MB HUB ANKH, Atteraey at law. OiHeeKing Building, Rome, ba. wr M ENNIS, Attorney at Law ,Wtll Practice in all coaiM office, Masonic Temple, Rome, 6a. J. SANTA CRWF > t *. Attorney at law, Rome. Ga. Collection* a specialty. . Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. M6WB S JBGBT. BARPBR MAMBLTAN WRIGHT A HAMILTON Attobn byb at Law. OfliceiNo. 14 Postofliee Building s—r-ng—i I j.L.i.w -re DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D.S., Qffiee 24C 1-8 Broad. W Over Cantrell A Owe, J. L. PENNINGTON. D D S.,M B. . BNTW ' Uffioe. .<* 14 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur aiture Co. PHYSICiANS. O. HAMILTO N, D Physician and Surgeon offi«o, MeWkaJ Building Rome. Ga. Ok ce “phune No. (W. L> F. HAMMOND. A£ XX. Physician and Surgeon, Offiee in M edlea building. Residence, No. 4«8 Feet First kt ee 'pho.Ve « WHCTR-W*--—-W TONSORAL PARLORS. LEWIS BARRETT, The ‘Old Reliable." operating the Oitr, hotel Barber Shop, invites you to give him a trial ,and promises to do the res . only skilled, men employed o , the chain. HOWELL C. TAYLOR. Himself a skilled barber, employe « fy very best artists in hie tonsoral atudio, lathe curry Building, opposite th® Armslrang. Here vou are made comfortable while your work is being done. PASTEUR FILTERS The cub Gcim Prcot Filter in the Makes water pure and clear for sale by The Hanson Supply Co W^asMMWWttBMmMMMSieMMaBBBiaBIVB^ I "***** * - • ANY PERSON Wishing to know the truth in regard to H>efr health Should not fail to aond f"l a ?»w M-page Booklet vUM will bo sect FREE >r a short time to thmfr- JU mention tide paper, hie book to publtoOH hyWMe eetobratel lAym; eians and specialist* De. Hathaway a*d Co. <H MH 8. Broad St.. Atlanta, Ga.. whom you sbotuw •ttdreee. Write ux*ae.