The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 23, 1898, Image 7

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■;ONA M KNOIT. ■, c Ko'jinson, of Atlan- ■ > eie yesterday. ■jrv.CHmp. b; ‘ H ■ Dalton arrived ■ AIeX White, the big Vms ■ nter, was in the city ■lay ■ ■ T liri'ii'- , afte a 1 u» - ■jp'ar.iv.d nthe city Fn ■ht. ■ Car er, of Daltor, will vi«- ■ Eva Camp, on Second ■luring the present week. ■tenant Howard lack re- ■ from ‘•Cincinnati via ■ nooga, arriving home y 8- ■ j.A.Wids, the popular ■ was at home quite sick ■lay. H e hopes to be in ■ce agasn tomorrow, how- ■ tner's bargain figures have ■ed competitors out. The H| e i, on and the crush at ■ uttnu emporium is grow- ■ g M.ynor Ho m«8 and Miss H CiiMi ey will spend the week Han a. Tb»y arrived in the ■ city yetbmlay from a visit York. Kidney, bladder, Hach troubles, drink Ingrain ■a, for sale at the soda ■ ls of Curry-Arrington ■ Jirvisifc Wright and J. I. ■ch. ■tu:, Rtev‘B has ieturned to ■oiiie iu Centre Ala,, after a I to Mr. ami Mrs . B. T. Hay- ■of ibis Ci*y, He vi as in the ■ittgo fight and was on Gen. ■tier's stall’ ■ncy Celery, fine Cranber- ■ Canadian Apples, Pigsfeet, ■ Kraut, new Olives, Sweet ■les and other good things at ■yd & Harper’s.‘They handle ■li grade groceries only. ■ip Daily Advertiser of Mont ■try Alabama, sa.u. Each teat- ■of P«wn. ; e Ei.i'a. Historical ■<i West was admirably ■cut-d. Cow boys rode their he rs ■graudly and the shooting was Isu did. ■Jhe McCall Bazar Patterns a known as the most stylish id Reliable Patterns in the irket; no alteration; no com lints; styles are strictly up to te. Lanham & Sons Pattern Hats.— Mrs. A. O. iirtnd detirrb to slate that she placed the m< st beautitul line pattH'u hats in the city, on the urket nt gn ally reduced prices, i" is determined to close out the tire stock and cordially invites »u to call and get prices before ymg, I Too Mil Knife! use of the surgeon’s knife is be .®? funeral, resulting fatally H ' --1 a large number ox cases, as to alarm. Ho n t C Walpole, of Walshtown, ■ r Dakota, writes; “About Hv ipfZ ears a . , > °’ there came under V e ye a little blotch about the size of a small pea. I a lt grew rapidly,and I SI mWY'VJ shooting pains ran | w in every direction. I V A.W I became alarmed. II jfeJ. iww As and consulted a 11 good doctor, v. ho r r °noitnced it can 'X ■ wfc cer ’ aad sa id that it BW»'•?••• •.%’* »nust be cut out. ■ / This I would not y consent to, having , little faith in the Ez o7*? lnatense of the Knife. Read- E I ™ any cures made by S. S. ■ trini , er ™* , } ed to give that medicine Il<3 after I had taken it a few Era'n t ?. ancer beoeuic irritated and KL^ <b ’ char ?*- This after awhile Eafiv’ri- ea ’ Vin f a stua *l scab, which ro PP ed off, and only a healthy Inhere thArf CIn “’ ned to niar k the place I" the destroyer had held fell sway, p Real Blood Remedy* n»earL/T ** in tJ * e blood *t ** folly "operation to cure it. S.S.i ]****£ < -vegetable) is a real J or ’very JE^ofth’Mood./flfe fwaESSS LEADERS in fine hats of all kinds, in qual ity, shape and style, we are at ail seasons of the year. Our new styles in Derbys, Volunteers and Regulars are rich in color, be coming in shape, elegant in outline, exquisite in style and of superfine quality, and we are selling them at prices that you will pay for an inferior hat elsewhere. W. 11. Coker, No 11, Broad St. P. S . Drummer’s samples of mackintoshes and ladies and gent gossamers at 75c on the sl. Get first choice. !?'■■■ " ■ ■■ ' > ■■■■ 'BP wr KILLING THE FEVER. Jack Frost Is Once More Two Much for Yellow Jack. Washingto i, Oat. 22.—The cold weatkei in th? South is checking the yellc». zer epidemic and the repo: ts to the marine hospital service authorities hm show a constantly lessening number of cases. Yesterday’s developments in the situation in Mississippi, as report ed a telegram today, says Hatties burg reports two new cases, Jack son one white new case, Yazoo City two whites, one colored and one death, while Hattiesburg one death . Harrison one case, colored, and Walter Valley one case, col ored. Acting Surgeon General Bail hache today erdered the withdraw al of all train inspectors from the railroads entering and traversing western Tennesiee and wired sim ilar instructions to apply to all roads in northern Alabama and those centering at Chattanooga. PAWNEE BILL'S WILD WEST It is no exaggeration to say that Pawnee Bill’s Historical Wild West and ‘Grand Mexican Hippo drome, which exhibited in Buffalo yesterday, wie decidedly the best performance Given here for man) years without any exception. The peiformanc“ was fully up to what I they had premised, and gave uni versal sat infection. —Buffalo, N. Y., Courier. JL JL.X.Xm.-.- -J J OEHMIG-NEWEIL i Chattanooga Wedding nf Inter est to Romans. The following invitations are being received in Rome by the many friends of the bride-elect, j who is well known and very pop | ular in this city I 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. Gailupe Oehmig invi.e you to be present at the marriage of their daughter Louise Wait, to Mr. Frederick Elmir Newell, ! on Tuesday evening, November the eighth, at six o’clock, 1 eighteen hundred and ninety eight. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Chattanooga, Tanneisee. PEOPLE TURNED AWAY. Pawnee Bill’s Combined Shows, Historia! Wild West Hippodrome, is, without any exception the best we have sien for many years . It ii .pleasing and refined entertain ment. At the afternoon perform ance their vast canvas enclosed park was packed, and in the even ing hundreds were unable to ob tain admission, —Washington, D. C.< Pcst. _____ The New Orleans Picayune says that while Spain may still have her honor left, she will not be able o rai r e any money on that. 10CAI W PRIMMS. Win. I'ui Acii Sum ay —Dr. J. 11. E ,ku . » ill cut net Ih a a>*rvires morning >lllllVenning ui the First Methodic < n Sunday ni x . Oy»TEHsI- I’he verv fihesfi oys ters ths- market aff'i ria i Iwayf to he louhi at ILh Goi„. z C tfe. 11 jon want the b>-> (, hhi \e I the “t c 111 on Coni' z Prjudof his Record —Cha - lain A. A. Tilley will no doul t have all the soldier boys out to hear him at the First Methodist church at 11 todiy. He was popular in the army and the good people are proud of his record. Gomez Case —Already the Gomez case lias become the most popular place of tha kind in the city, though the place has only been open for a couple ot weeks. Mine Host Gomez knows just how to operate a case in true Delmonico style. He invites you. to call at any and all hours, next door to the Armstrong. “Litjle” Carrie Enter tained. —Misses Edna and Blanch May, on Friday after noon gave a reception tc Miss Carrie Cordelia, the beautifiri little footlight favorite of the Woodward-Warren Co. Little Miss Cordelia lias made many friends for herself and for the Woodward-Warren Co. during the past week. Services liday. At the Third Methodist church this forenoon, the services will be conducted by Presiding Elder J. H. Eakes. Dr, Eakes will al so preach at the Secend Method ist at night, and Rev. S. 11, Dimon, pastor of the Second Methodist, will conduct the evening services at the First church. I Announce.— To thn public that T have secured the services of William McClellan, an expert fancy candy maker, who has been for the past two years with ihi- Garrow famous candy kitchen it- Atlanta. We are new making daily all kind of fine taffies, cocoanut, creams, nongats, etc. All we ask is a trial. We ?an please you A. M. Antogholi, next door to Curry’s drug score At the First Methodist. — Rev. A. A. Tilley, chaplaia of Third Ga., Regiment, will preach at the first Methodist at 11 o’clock today. Rev. Tilley was very popular with the sol dier boys and many of them will ,be glad to hear him. His many friends in Rome will be delight ed to hear him. Rev. 8. R Belk will preach at night. Salvation Army.—Salvation Army meetings every night at their hall, 412 Broad street and all day Sunday ; 7a. m. knee drill, 11 a. m , holiness meeting 3 p. m., praise meeting ; 7 :30 p. m salvation meeting. From now on Capt. Harper and wife will hold meeting every right and will also conduct a special meeting each week for juniors Come all and welcome. Q iar teis above the meeting hall. Do nati ns of food or supplies glad ly received. High Grade Groceries. —It js a pleasure to know when you are ordering something to eai that you will get the very best that money, long experience, untiring energy and carefu judgment can procure. We buy goods only from the most reput able manufacturers and dealer in the union, and if at any tim< goods fail to come up just at represented, we simply “fire them bacK.” We may have gain ed a reputation abroad for “fir ing ’em back, but we do not intend to offer our customers goods chat are not strictly first class in every particular. Lloyd & Harper. Ji w COMFORT IN YOUR HOME, as well as abs Mute cleanliness, no dust, no dirt, vou get with tteam heat. Steam fitting is one of our specialties, and we will put in the necessary apparatus in an expert and satisfactory manner, and do the job neatly and promptly. As to price, you will consult your best interests by’ allowing us to give you an estimate. We guanantee first class »vork, also at a leasonable price. J. C. Childs, 223, Broad St. Scores of Good Things—Talk about new things to eat, you can find scores of nice things at Lloyd & Harper’s that you can not get elsewhere. 'l’hey antici pate tne needs of their custom ers, and never tail to have a most tempting array of eatables to suit the season, Just now they have a fine lot of grapes, fancy large celery, Canadian apples, new plump cranberries, fancy bulk olives, Heinz’ sweet piekies, Dill pickles, Lea & Per rin’s sauce, and dozens of other good things. ■'.‘■TX’. . " ■- . 11 _ TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money .‘if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L B. Q. on each tablet. LB" ■ NOTICE. mutual consent the firm of Lumpkin Printup, attor neys, was dissolved on May 21s last, 1898. J. B. F. Lumpkin. Jno. C. Printup. _ ■ —! . . . '. 'W itwHTER W CITATIOV—LEAVE TO SELL. GEORGIA FLOYD CoUNTY. To all whom it may concern. | Peter J.Kamer< r.Administrator,o-f i Mrs Nny merer, deceased, I has in due foiin ‘ applied t ' the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belonging to h<* e?tate ot taid decea ed.and said application will be heard on the fust Monday >n November next This sth day of Sept. 1898 LIBEL EOR DIVORCE. -TATE (FGEi RGIA FL YD COUNTY — Fi.n jiellarp r I No 5(5 Floyd S’p'r v. ' • court,Jun,term ’9B JohuFHarp r ) ibel for Divorce. r<> »h« dofet da:it John Franklin Harp,-r : Y- u are hereby commanded to be and appear p-rsmally or by at the next term of uperibr court ot Flovd County ia ,to be held on the third Mon lay in January 1899 then and bhere tn ana'er the plaintiff's pe ition for divorce in the above Mated case, as in default thereof ho court will proceed at to justice «.hall appertain. Witn ss the Hon. W. M Henry, judge of said court, this 19 h day >f October, 1898 W. E, Beysiegel, Clerk rs Superior Court. Now is the time to buy Christ mas presents —to sent to your •relatives in the Philippines.] MADRID PAPER SUPPRESED Journal Fails to Comply With ' The Rules. • Atadr d, Oct. 22. —EI Nncional. the conseiv it ve organ which is supporting Genen-1 Wey'er, was ■ iile-id supi ••ers'-n tor puH’istii .g hi article i i.t |>r« vioua'y »uhm I ted t > th« cen»or though its edito-, Senna Figuera, a member of the chamber of deputies, has been im prisoned . The affair caused a jreat sen-a’ion and the suspension ordered was eventually annulled. SmurGumnzo, minister of pub lic instruction and public works, has tendered bis rasiguation as a protest against the arrest of the editor of El Naciona], The re.ig nation has been accepted, St nor Siigas'a taking Senor Gamazo’s portfolio ad into itn. The re we papers h-,ve addressed a c’mplaint to the supreme court • g.-iii st the refusal of General Chincliiller, g v-rnor general of Madrid, io re p-ct the alleged in violability ot Set.or Figuera a member of the chamber of deput ies SUGAR WAR Prom'sis to Gause Another • Material Cut- New York, Oct. 22. —It appear# that prices are going to be cut still further in tha sugtr war. Both the sugar war and the in dependent iiiterc-ts have an nounced that guarantees of the prices have b cm withdrawn. 'The guarantees, which were given after the recent cut in prices, were to the effect that if the market should decline be fore purchaser? received their sugar, they would get it at the price billed on the day they re ceived it. Hon John W, Maddox will speak in Calhoun on the first Tuesday in Nov. Lat everybody come out and hear him. —Calhoun Times. With the aid of a good pat tern, dressmaking becomes a very simple art- For this purpose the McCall Bazaar Patterns are superior in every respect, in fact they are referred to as “The Reliable Pattern,”-not only is a perfect fit guaranteed (if the proper size is selected), but the appear ance of any figure is sure to be improved by wearing a bodice cut after these models. Sheets free at Lanham & Sons. ... ——■■■ ■ ——■!» I 11 II ■■ —■ O) CENTS | | In Stamps Pays for the National Magazine Three Months, November Deeember and January The Nati >kal is the foremost magaain of the day. Bte sample copies on all news stands. Send stamps to W w rotter Go. ■9l, Belford Street, Boston, Mass. TAPE WORMS “A tnpe worm eighteen ffeel lung at enat oam-t on tk i «««»« »f»w nr tukiac vwe AH,' ARKT3. This 1 aiM wire he* ca»se< • A kTilth tor the ,-»»st Vhree ye*rs lam s«S aki:«k Ou«cer»»*. the only ea Khar tie werlhy < > by kv«,i->le " Geo ”v' Bowl 88, MeAb «AM»Y CATMAJtfn® WOjccouto ’lt- r’MKWPMit. Pa Latahl? N rwenL »• • otzfi. Never Waakrn ar Orlpe »• ••• ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling lteme.l> t .iiee.ny. Cbiere.i. Mnntrral. York. Un Tfl Qi? Sold nnd by sn drng- ! ’J-BAu gin? to < V m: T'otxieco Habit. 1 GRANDPA’S CHAIR is sup posed to be particularly com fortab e. But why shoutd not every chair in the house be the same? We have a line of chairs that are sub.-tantial, handsome and comfort able. Starting at the plain kitchen chair, we might mention dozens of different seats but we desire to call especial attention to our line of dining chairs. We are offering these at prices lower than ever known in this city. Call and see them. RIIUDY, IlAlfvEY H., 337, I’rT-v St. ■■■■—■■r ll - ■■ . Jiyss A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, Groton S. I). “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could not live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advis ed to get Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption,Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all tight bottles. It has cured me, and thank uod I am saved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at Curry-Arrington’s. Regular size 50 cents and SI.OO, guaranteed or nrice refunded. A Washington, D. C., Oct. 20. —The Treasury Department to day made a final award of the new war loan. Subscribers fer $4,500 will receive a percentage of that sum, to $ 1300. Subscribers for sc-180 or less will be awarded the full amount of their subscriptions. The entire issue of $200,000,- 000 was taken up by subscribers in sums from S2O to $4500. 2°CENT STAMP! < ■ ■ ■—l^——!*■ Will tend a letter to any point in Uncle Sam's big A domain/ For this very jfMI'WMWvSKg reason, if you are sick, ft tore or suffering, this / ' very trifling outlay May Sava Your lifft I Here’s just how Lllu I it * 8 - You c ® n *“*s■ F/Wr write a plain .letter, can’t you? win take just two cents to carry it to ths “Washington Medical & Surgical Institute. Atlanta, Georgia,” And the famous specialists who form the staff of that Institute are able to give you advice and treatment by mail as well as if you came in per son to the city. This is no mistake. They are do ; ing it every day. They now have patients in allthe adjoining States, some of them huudredi I of miles away, and theit cures are simply won derful. I CURES POSITIVE AND F n F F f CONSULTATION i lIL t i In every Deformity of Spine or Limbs. Club FoM, Hare L»p, Cross F.ycs and other surgical cases, also in all forms of bkm and Blood disorders. Rheuma tism, Sciatica, Catarrh of the Nose. Throat. Lungs, Stomach or any vital organ, Liver. Kid ney and Bladder troubles, Nervous Weak nesses of either men or women, diseases of the sexual parts and every other bodily affliction that highly trained specialists alone can deal with. Write freely ft costs you nothing If we un dertake your case we shall send vol question blank for full particulars. If you. case is curable by human skill and perfect science WE SHALL CURE IT. That first 2-cent stamp may save your life. AU letters sacredly private. ADDRESS, Washington Medical &, Surgical INSTITUTE, ioo-i Austell Bldg., Atlanta. Oa It rests wiO yon whether you continue .-t-wtoa i acrT»-klHtn< Übaccu habit. NO-TO4MC removes the desire for tobacco, with, < fa I* out Dorvous distress expels J. L > tidij, purifier tbo bluod, rj B L Storrs lost A j Bl B b-ixe« vi ad ea you strong gtf | id In health, nerve^^s* 5 * <F< Li cured [,. f tnd BA »' f.<. .o own dru».gi. t n « • ill vouch form.’?.*•J. it w’* i will,patiently. p < j»Ki ? Cns a box SI. . • . V jnAr.-r.reeHwre. ?i ver**-- mrwvi > ftterfißß t? MW . <’V-e -• .»& Kipans Tabules cure torpid liver. ■