The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 27, 1898, Image 2

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i SPICY TESTIMONY ■ __ L'e'Jt.Col. Gabell, of Arkansas Repirts Observation. i PATIENTS KEGLEGTED. ■ Officers Rebuked For Cruelty to Privates Anniston, Ala., Oct., 27. — Among the witnesses before the War Investigating Committee *1 today ware Fontaine Ragland V and Edward Simmons, two col | ored men of the Third Alabama; 11. C. Lemke, a quartermaster sergeant of the Fourth Wiscon sin ; Congressman colonel of the | Fourth Kentucky, and Lieut r Col. Cabell, of the Second Ar kansas. Col. Cabell said in reply to , questions put by Dr. Connor, that he had observed a condition of affairs at the hospital of the Second Division of the Third Army Corps in June, which he B considered horrible. He had p himself seen one sick man lying without the protection of even a s teat, and had been informed by other officers that several others had been left in the same way. He thought that ths doctors were honest enough, but that they did not know how to get supplies. Mule drivers had been used for nurses and he had been reliably informed that many of them were in the habit of getting drunk, and on this occasion neg glecting their patients. He said that Dr. Schooler was the divi sion surgeon at the time. Col. Cabell is a lieutenant in the regular army, and his testimony made an evident impression upon the commission. Major Charles F. King, sur geon of the Fourth Wisconsin regiment, was one of the wit nesses this afternoon. Dr. King said that the medical supplies of his regiment were insufficient and that there was much delay in getting requisitions filled. He thought there was a sufficient quaatity of food, but ■’“ iO some of the n*'* 4 *ould not eat it, n ../viTing to buy food for them selves. General Wilson asked if the mea had ever complained to him as Surgeon of the regiment, and Dr. King replied that they had. “What did you say to them?” asked the General, “I told them to go to the devil, and eat what they had,” he re plied. “I think that a very improper reply for you to have made,” said General Wilson, and he declined to further continue the examina tion. THE WATER WOULDN’T STOP RUNNING became the faucet was worn out and of courae the people of Rome know that when there is anything in the line of plumb ing—repairing, raageor furnace work, gas or steam fitting, or ' , lanitary plumbing of any kind >, •—that we are experts in that ‘, line, and are prompt to answer ' you call, and our charges are ! aaoderate. |L i. C. Childs, 223, Broad St. to LOC«i HfiFPFNIfiGS. “Cuban Flyer”—The Southern railway will make a slight change in schedule Sunday week. It will he the r-gu’ar win'< r change. They will put on a fas’ \ istihuU to I e known as ths “Cuban-Flyer.” Tickets For Children —Chil dren’s tickets for concert at opera house tonight are' re* dy for distribution. You have often paid a $1 for an entertainment that was not equal to this cencert, To Be MubTERID Out —Th* members of Company H, Secend Georgia, will report here on next Tussday, Nov. 1, and will be mus tered out Nov. 4. It is probably that they will go in c mps a few days. Oyster Supper,—On next Tues day night, Nov. Ist. the La< ies Aid Society will give an oyster supper for the bent fit of St. Peter’s Episcopal church. Every one should go out and help these noble ladies in their grand wora. In Tie Gate City.—Mrs. Robert T.Fouche,Mrs.J.Lindsey Johnson, Miss Florence Fouche and Miss Letitia Johnson will spend the time in Atlanta with Senator Fouche and Representa tive Johnson during the present session of the legislature. Made Lot of Friends. —Col. J. W, Cain will continue as chief clerk of the office of secre tary of state until January Ist, when Mr. Rowe Price, of Augus ta, will be sworn in. Col. Cain has made an excellent record and a whole lot of good friends during his brief administration, and it is hoped by his friends that he will be seen again at the capitol.—Constitution. With the aid of a good pat tern, dressmaking becomes a very simple art* For this pur[ ose the MeCall Bazaar Patterns are superior in every respect, in fact they are referred to as “The Reliable Pattern,” not only is a perfect fit guaranteed (if the proper size is selected), but the appear ance of any figure is sure to be improved by wearing a bodice cut after these models. Sheet" free at Lanham A Son»- Hid” grade G*o< eriis.—lt is a pleasure to know when you are ordering something to eat that you will get the very best that money, long experience, untiring energy and careful judgment can procure. We buy goods only from the most reput able manufacturers and dealers in the union, and if at any time goods fail to some up just as represented, we simply “ire them back.” We may have gain ed a reputation abroad for “fir ing ’em back, but we do not intend to offer our customers goods that are not strictly first class in every particular. Lloyd A Harper. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SaLVB The best salve in the world for euts, biuiese sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or nc pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction oi money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salu by Curry Ar proton Co. s rwvbe wits yarn *h*H«r you erviNnue Vh* t-iitj*. aerve-kiUing tobaece ksMt. ft rciooTM the desire for wit .. <'J eui nervous dUtress eipeis 1 J J puriSa< tbe bleed, re-J-tfU fl kfl 1 •lore* l«el 'ft 1 !>•« ■ yo. ? 9? f, y *o>Af. jnd pocMiv-rfTIX » V toiiAC tr» “2?* ova dregSHl. vl ■ 8 ■ ▼vuoh fur us T■■■. ® will. paU*»ntiy, peraietvtlly Or. E i:ox ciXrce; 1 buses. M L ,4r««U wIU yo whether you eontlnue ■ •rvo-RUlln< lobatxxi habit. r«rnovo« tbe desire fur tobazw*. w 1 Kr&Pef? ••t aervous dis trees expels | M line, purifies the bl.iod, re- fheres tost mannnod. boxe- al auA pocte froa year own d ruff lit whe ® ▼ouch for us TateHwit! * wtU, jxUex>tiy, pereistensly Oju KW - •L usually cures I boxes 6- axisraaieed to cure, ui we ttfunr moMy .Nine. AnttH {ml GRANDPA’S CHAIR is sup posed to be particularly com fortable. But why should not every chair in the house be the same? We have a line of chairs that are substantial, handsome and comfortable. Starting at the plain kitchen chair, we might mention dozens of different seats but we desire to call especial attention to our lino of dining chairs. We are offering these at prices lower than ever known in this citv. Call and see them. Rhudy, Harvey cJZOt., 337, Broad St. RLI lONA PRIZE GUNBOAT Infanta Maria Teresa Wil Start For United State* Nixt Sunday, cantiag), Oct 27, —Lieutenant Victor Blue, in command of the prize gunboat Alvado, arrived here this morning from Guantanamo and left at once to inspect the wrecks of the Spanish gnnboate driven ashore on July Sth by the United States warehips with a view to raise lome or all of them if possible. Lieut Blue says the Infanta Maria Teresa will leave Guantana mo on Sunday next for the United States, going under her own steam. The United States transport Roumanan arrived today from Manzanillo en rout fcr Guantana mo with Col. Ray’s imrnunes, Col. Ray brought $3 700 representing customs receip's at Manzanillo. GOV. TAYLOR IMPROVING Will Return To Nashville In About Ten Days. Nashville, Oct. 27 —DeLong Rice, secretary of the state rail road returned yester. day from Jehnson City, where he west to visit Gtv. Taylor, Mr. Rice reports the Governor as still improving. “Mr, Rice said Gov. Taylor would not come to Nashville until he could withstand the rush of busi ness which awaits him. Mr, Rice said Gov. Tavlor hoped to be able to some to Nashville within a week or ten days. - H -'V I———————— 1 ———————— A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, Groton S. D. “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could not live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savuor, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet <ny absent ones above. My husband was advis ed to get Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption,Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank Uod I am saved and now a well and healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at Curry-Arrington’s. Regular sire 50 cents and SI.OO, guaranteed or price refunded. TO CURB A COLD IN ONB DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L B. Q. on eaeh tablet. Wl" M | ■ ■■■nmw? • . .4 .nn-iiu/gm '-da PERSONAL MENNOIT. Tbe “Grand Concert” at Nevin’s toirght. Tbe “Grand Concert” »t Nevin's tonight. The “Grand Concert”at Nevin’s tonight. The “Grand Conceit” at Nevin’s tonight. The “Grand Concert” at Nevin’s tonight. Hon. W. H. Ennis is in At lanta . Mr. and Mrs. Jobs W. Bale are visiting relatives in Atlanta. Col. Phill G. Byrd went down te Atlanta yesterday afternoon. Mr. George Sharp, the well knowu driver of No. 4, Hose Co., is the proud father of a flue boy Capt. J. S. Cleghorn visited Rome and Atlanta this week. — Summerville News. Mrs. Kate Robeson Harris, the ta’.en’ed wife of Prof. J. C. Harris, left today for Pueblo, Cal., where she goes to spend the winter. Miss Estelle Wright, of Rome, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. A. Hall. —Calhoun Times. Al G, Field’s grand minstrel played to a fu'i house last night He well sustained hie reputation of giving tbe best. Mr. George Nixon, a prominent young business man of Rome, was h«re last week. Summerville News. Mrs. J. W. Maddox and little son, of Rome, came up last week en a visit to friends and relatives here.—Summerville News. Don t forget the social event of the season at the Armstrong next Friday night, October 28th. Tire children’s flower ball. Judge ’Timberlake and his charming wife, of kftbama are the guests of Prof, aud Mrs. T. J. Simmons, at Shorter College. Kuttner’s bargain figures have knocked competitors out. The big sale is on and the crush at the Kuttner emporium is grow ing. Mr. Will Randall has moved his family to the country, where he goes to take charge of one of his father’s large farms. The many friends of Mr. How ard Hull, who has been qui'e ill at his home near the c tyj Will b« glad to learu that he is so far con valescent as to be removed to hie father’* home on upper Broad Impure blood is an eueiny to health and may lead to Serious disease. Hood’e Sarsaparilla conquers this enemy and averts danger. Stylish Overcoats. Covert cloths are recognized a* the correct thing for tsp coats. We have them. $7.50 buy* a stylish overcoat. J. A Gammen A Co. Mrs. H. H. McClure, Mrs. Henry G. Smith, Mrs. J. H. Eakes and Mrs. C. A. Johnson have returned from Atlanta, where they have been attending the annual meeting of the Woman’s Home Mission Socie ty. For Kidney, bladder, and stomach troubles, drink Ingrana Lilhia, for sale at the soda feuEts of Curry-Arrington Co., Jervis A Wright and J. T. Creuch. The McCall Bazar Patterns are known ae the most stylish and Reliable Patterns in the market; no alteration; no com plaints ; styles are strictly up to date. Lanham A Sons. Fancy Celery, fine Cranber ries, Canadian Apples, Pigsfeet, ■sw Kraut, sew Olives, Sweat Pickles and other good things at Lloyd A Harper’s. They handle high grade groceries only. THE LEGISLATURE (Continued from Ist, page.) party meeting. Even Senator M. W. tSross, of the 29th district, the only populist member of the upper house, was not present Senator William Clifton, of the second district did not run for the presidency of the senate, as he had threatened to do, and as senator declined to take the oatb of office in order that, as secre tary of state, he co ild be a ecu spicuous figure in the inaugura tion ceremonies next Saturday But as secretary of the senate lu called that body to order, ami voted for the candidates who were elected to office in the senate. It is a matter of history that Col. Clifton is the most übiquitous figure in Georgia politics, and if anybody else should attempt to held so many offices at the same time it would lead to unending legal contro versies. Governor-elect Allen D. Can dler is in the city, and will re main here until next Saturday evening. At noon Saturday he will be inaugurated, and, in spite of bis desire and effort? to make the inauguration ceremo nies as simple as possible, it is pretty certain that there will be a tremendous jubilee in and about the capitol when he takes the oath. All the railroads are giving special reduced rates and large crowds of visitors are look ed for from every section of the state. The fact that Col. Candler’s election marks the dea*h of pop ulism and independism in Geor gians largely responsible for the movement to give his adminis tration a noisy send-off, and un less all signs fail, there will be a whole lot of political pyrotech nic in Atlanta day after tomor row. Sneezing to Death Franklin, Pa., Oct. 27.—Miss Ollie Seifert, of Cooperstown, is in a dying condition, the result of continuous sneezing. Last week the young woman began to sneeze and continued it without intermis sion for eight hours. On Friday she was taken with a second at tack, which did not cease until Saturday. She suffered the third attack Tuesdav and is unconscious. ' HOW IT HURTS! Rheumatism with all its sharp twinges, aches and pains. Do you know the cause? Acid in the blood has accumulated in your joints. The eure is found in Hood’s Sarsaparilla which neutralizes this acid. Thousands write that they have been com pletely cured of rheumatism by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Hood’s Pills cure n ius«a, sick headache, biliousne»s, indiges tion. Price 25c. Mg -U ± . —w NOTICE. By mutual consent the firm of Lumpkin A Piintup, attor neys, was dissolved «n May 21 s last, 1898. J. B. F. Lumpkin. Jno. C. Printup. • TAPE WORMS ••A tape wtrai l««t long al S»C3S sa Wms ssaae my two Aa' A RATS a Mil I ttsi sure hat eaufijl sty k»IU f.r th* Mil Obr«« Tears. I w B rfh C~<*»r*»a. th* o«ly eathnrtt* w»r*v « ■ *M<* fcy Mnallile paojla ’• »Bj W I<jWL», Baird, Mw •*•**<&’*’ Au CATKAjftTVN vlto-M. ’*•«« SMU'WUWJ JLfflr Piaaajtit Palatebta" WMant. S*>U *• Mobeu weaiee «r MfeSE ... CURS CONSTIPATION. hn>n, (Um**. Maalrral. Ym*>. m; H-Ti-ue Sf.r.F«-»is.ldr 7 TOO LATE Was Farmer Noah 7 o Premt A Marriage •IN INDIANA SENSATION With an Interesting Sequel In Covington. Ciiuiimatti 0., Oct. 27 —Far mer E.W. Noah, of St. P.ul, Ind , announced hie intenti n of returning home Wednesday, after his futile efforts to prevent mar riage of hi? daughter Ethel, to Al bert Clark, of Covington. Ethel, who stoutly maintains that she is of age, despite her fatb* er’s statement lha' she is but 16, instead of going to school at fit. Paul, Ind., Tuesday, to- k tim train to Cincinnati’, crossed to Coving ton and married Albert C.ark, 22, & machinist at his home 310 John •on Street. An angry father pursued her and attemp'ed to have the voung husband arrested after finding that the marriage had taken place, hut Covington Police Judge Penee sent Clark with his wife telling the father that it was too la>e te interfere. LOOKS ( lder. The young wife looks much old er than the age given by her father when seen by a Post represents* five she termed her father’s effort! angry and foolish and stated that she would »«ver Dave her hub band. • The girl’s father ia weal'hy. Clark is not without properly having worked hard and paid for a farm in Indiana in the paid four yaars. Clark is an only child and with hi* wife will live with his mother. The' wife has no sister and but quo brother who eneouraged her attention to Claik. WRONG NEGRO Believed to Have been Lynched by a Mob. LaFayette, Ala., Oct. 27.—1 t is now believed that the mob which hung John Anderson, a negro, here Sunday, made a mistake. There are grounds for the be lief that another min killed Holmes, the min Andersen was accused of murdering. T. L. Norris, a neighbor of Holme*, is accused of being mixed up in the crime. He is under arrest. Another outbreak of mob law is feared . OR. KING'S > ROYAL GERMETUER This pleasant and perfect remedy, BB delightful to take, so refreshing aed exhilarating, stands in highest fave* witn all who know it best, as the gre«* est of all medical remedies for beA •exes, of all ages and in all condiUosß WHAT IT WILL DO FOR YOI I will give you APPETITE. It will give you restful rc.Tahlng SLAP. It will stimulate your DIGESTION. It will restore your NERVOUS ENEMY. It will put your KIDNEYS In perfect erlN. It will purify your Blood. It will change your weakness Into STNEMTH A will bring you out of sickness Into HEALTH WKW PACKAGE, jiOTTUk DOSES ONE DOU.AE SOLD BY ALL DRUOOIBTB. MAKUFACTVIIXD OMLT BT The Atlanta (Meal Co., Atlanta, to 'Till YOB U-PAGM BOOK, BUUUW