The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 27, 1898, Image 3

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Brome on Wednesday nov. 2nd. ■ >« M aTIONAL ENTERTAINMENT, B CA Bt ARING THE SEAL ° 1? EURul ’ EAN SUCCESS. ■PAWNEE BILLS I ‘HISTORIC wild west Bm’i skvm Indian Village, L’ipi\ dr< me, International ■ Exposition of Novelties, J— [fir f 'f k I ■^ === — — z ‘* {.Vwt I -- - .A '.L?' 'jß| Bl_ •jfJ'Ti*'' r/’T •’" /-'nvW*'” ■■ i r> - fo> 4S sS3» ■.. < -JfiE | tbe marvel of the age and the leatest Wild West in the World. HI )e>ll r u Mlected fortheir hi*iorical ’aluea <1 chaiacter from the Wild w»«t of particular, and the World at as Nature s Owu Truthful Exhibition Il#e Bill ! Wild Weat has fulfilled every p rpose and is acknowledged to be y I EDUCATIONAL ‘AND INSIRUCTIVE r( , cf o.blicti a. and Great White thief of the Pawnees. Maj >r Gordon W. Lillie (Pawnee ■ , bat »]’• red neither tiouble nor expense in his effort; to collect from every clime ■aRTLING AND STERLING NOVELTIES, r Chief of renown A whole Indian Village. Travoys. and thousands of ourioiitiee ar Srotted|Tail, afraid-of-bis-Horics, Left Hand, and Doxens < f Indian Warriors H inaPt celebrated Sioux, tomanche, Chejenr.e, iapahoee. and other trib<<s. ■BANDS OF MUSIC 3 ■MEXICANS, INDIANS/ND COWBOYS. Cowboys and Frontier Heroes, in their sports, horse- repulsing of the Bloodthirsty Redskins at Trapper Tom’s Cabin and Fort Sell Stage Coach. ■ AGRAND THRILLING ■MEXICAN BULL FIGHT B<;«a of all the crn*l phases, yet retaining the exciting action of the fierce combat, will be given at each performance jg Pawnee Bill’s Will West. Bounded Knee Fight And Mountain Meadow Massacrb. j THE GRAND HIPPODROME. 5 Hae-« Chari- t Rnce-<. Hard e and Wild Texas Btcr Races. i n In 'lan Runn.r again* - Mnor Fr.n< is’o .nd bitVaq eos Miss May I illie, the oulv Jady who can hoot gl» "ith a r fie on Horseback. A lew of leautifui Wild ves ern Girls Miss ' (U tl « one, n of the t’la ns. Spotted Mrstangs, Bucking Brbucl os, a di< vo of II Mid T.xai Ar illery B ees in the clearing. Ai d rhe onlv Veto of living B With I’ an* World -rt i< e Celebrities Mustang Walter, Co-ev.the e>aek ■I pistol >hol, Puny 1 ob and some of the most notrd Rangemm, faiuou- tec K their skill with the Lsrtet. •“ON THE ROUND-UP AND BRANDING CATTLE B THE GRAND STREET PARADE will start at 10 A. M. daily, immediately after the Cannon Bi heard tnjioom. Thio io the signal to start, look out for it! f Two performances daily at 2 and 8 P, M. I ONE TICKET ADMITS TO ALL. I LADIES AND CHILDREN OUR SPECIAL CARE. Baling will be omitted at one and done at another performace.j B Excursion Rates on all Railroads and Steamboats. . OISQ*j» I have been taking Piso’e Cure for Consumption since 1883, for Coughs and Colds. I had an attack of Lalmppe in 1890, and have had others since. In the Winter of 1896-7, I had a spell of Bronchitis, lasting nil winter, ami leaving a troublesome cough, until I again tried 1 iso s Cure, which relieved me. —Mrs. M. B. Smalley, Colorado Springs, Colo,, August 19, 1898. fifcisjEOiawaßßi iIRESWHLHtIutLSE FAILS. Q fS Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. U*o g] UJ In time. Sold by druggists. Company, Warren, Pa. BffipS 1 "! Hrl and;comfort A f° r “ j°Hy good time with L- . Bn ’ily or friends, there is noth 5 an °pen surry for either luter or Summer. Our stock 1 on rr iages is unrivalled v ./ Wk.:. i 0111 spider phaetons, runa- 1 J U G, Luggi e8) t ra p B , carts, wag- I ett es, canopy top, or open sur y*’ are comforta- , e an( l beautiful in construe- I n > niinmings and finish. We 80 repair and overhaul vehicles; also carry a big hue of fine ‘ arness and lap robe3> RoMB Buggy Co, 5509-511 Broad L r eet,Rom e Ga. sltterfimld & Williams, Agents. EXPLODED Boilers on The Towboat Rtscile Lit go. ON MOMONGftHEkR RIVER. Captain Killed And all The Crew Injured Pittsburg, Oct. 27.—One man was killed and eight injured by an explosion of boilers on the towboat Rescue, two miles above Elizabeth, on the Monongahela river, late last night. The boat was completely wrecked and what remained of it sank before rescuing parties from other boats reached the scene. Charles Siddell, the captain, was killed and his body blown into the river. The list of injured fellows : Simon Morgan, mate, left thigh broken ; Milton Morgan, second engineer, broken leg; James Dawson, deck hand, bruised about the body; H. Rose, pilot, compound fractured knee; Hugh Galligher, engineer, face bruised; James Rodney, steward, leg broken ; Gecrge Bailey, fire man, slightly injured; Frank Smith, deck hand, bruis* d.about the body. A man was arrested for va gracy in Brooklyn and in an in side pocket of his coat was found a well worn picture of a woman. In answer to the question as to who it was he delivered the fol lowing sermon in a nutshell: “That’s my good old mother. I’ve carriedthat picture around with me for 25 yeais and would not part with it for all I am worth. If I had followed the course she marked out for me I would be better off today.” Helen Gould is plainly the kind of woman this country produced in its sturdy and sim plier days. Her modest disclaim of special credit for her wartime generosity to tho government, because “an American woman should stand ready to serve her country to the best of her abil ity,” is admirably patriotic in its earnest simplicity. ‘•Haven’t we a right to?” “No, sir. The Indian has been dragged down by your influence but he is still superior. He may drink intoxicating liquors, but he doesn’t smash the bottles on the asphalt for bicycles to run over,” —Washington Star. “I should think that the Uni ted States would be in favor of the disarmament of Europe, as proposed by the czar,” remark ed Glanders. “Certainly,,’ replied Guin iney, “In fact, we began is. We have disarmed Spain all right.” —Detroit Free Press. A St. Lou's woman who has been divorced nine times says that nine times out of ten mar rsage is a failure.—Chicago News. ■ .(■ W-JLJ-W BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVB The best salve in the world for ants, biuiese sores, ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or nc pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction oi money refunded. Price 25 cent? per box. For salu by Uurry Ar lington Co. William Conway of Hagerstown. Ind., 82 yaare of age, is the oldest min ewgagad in horse racing Nowmo.’irT The Quaker Valley Ffg, Cc , have requested us to announce that they have several thousand sets of the finest coin silver War Memorial Spoons left over from their recent distribution. They will mail postpaid, a full set of six of these spoons to any sub scriber to Thk Rome Cimr'kr, who will send name and ad address—a postal card will do. If, on receipt of Ihe spoons, you find them the most exquisitly beautiful specimens of the sil versmith’s art you ever saw,and worth $3 00, remit 78 cents, as payment in full, within 30 days; if not pleased, return spoons immediately. Each spoon is of a different desing—after dinner coffee size—showing soldiers in camp in Cuba. Morro Castle and four U. 3. Battleships. They are imperishable mernentods of the late war, and every subscriber should accept this most remark aide offer, and obtain a set be fore it is too late. All that’s necessary is to say you’re a subscriber to The Rome Cour ier (this is important) an 1 that you accept Memorial Spoon Of eer. Address Quaker Valley Mfg Co., 357 W. Harrison St , Chicago. 7TI 'W THE ADMIRATION OF ALL lovers of handsome and perfect fitting clothing is our superb steck of top coats and overcoats. Our gentlemen’s silk lined top coats in vicuna, English covert and whipcords, stylish and per feet fitting, we are selling at ths lowest possible prices, and our handsome suits at the same rate. W. 11. Coxer, No 11, Broad St. P. S . Drummer’s samples of 'mackintoshes and ladies and gent gossamers at 75c on the sl. Get first choice. 2-CENT STAMP! Will ««nd a letter to any point in Uncle Sam's big ,4_ .. zfeC-Sfa domain.] For tins very ■*yPa reason, if you are sick, sore or suffering, this very trifling outlay j May Save Your I lift! Here's just how f T' LI IG i i“- You c * n ' $ write a plain letter, can't you? Well. It still take just two cents to carry it to tbs “Washington Medical & Surgical Institute, Atlanta, Georgia,” And the famous specialists who form the stall of that Institute are able to give you advice and treatment by mail as well as if you came in per-, son to the city. This is no mistake. They are do- Ing it every day. They now have patients in allthe adjoining States, some of them hundreds of miles away, and their cures are simply wea dorful. cures positive and r n r r j CONSULTATION Iftt L ■ In every Deformity of Snine or Limbs. Club Post, Hare Lip, Cross Hyes auo other surgical cases, also in al' forms of Skin and Blood disorders, Rheuma tism, Sciatica, Catarrh of the Nose, Throat, Lungs, Stomach or any vital orgau, Liver, Kid ney and Bladder troubles. Nervous Weak nesses of either men or women, diseases of the sexual parts and every other bodily affliction that highlv trained specialists alone can deal with. Write freely It costs you nothing If we u» dertake your case we shall send yen question blank for full particulars. If yo«« case is curable by human skill aud perfect science WB SHALL CURB IT. That first 2-cent stamp may save your lift. AH •etters sacredly private. ADDRESS, Washington Medical Ourgicd INSTITUTE, 00-1 Austell Bldg., Atlanta. Qa '.AIR BALSAM *ee and beautifies tie hah. ■ otea a luxuriant grewvh. ver Paila to Reator* Gra> Hair to its Youthful Color. Curve scalp disease* <k hair falling Snc.and fl OOat Drufffiata ... HINDEWCORNS, 2 he only s ire Cure tor Con.s. ntopJ all pain. Enanrer ■o<» the t«C.Ma>>* jalkitw al- luUa. al Drum Ml* spinal sms smses SAVED SOLItERS I Who Used Paine’s Celery Compound Did not Suf fer From Fever. • \ .SpSßilisjF . The soldiers who did the most good were those who kept well. There were plenty of brave men who were of little use when the time came, because they took less care of their health than thoy did of their musket. Malaria and other fevers soon picked out these men much more unerringly than the ene my’s sharpshooters. One set of men went about keeping well-in a businesslike way.. They took Paine’s celery compound at the first indica tions of intestinal troubles, weakness, or when fatigued and liable to fevers. They used Paine’s celery compound to pu rify their bleed and put their health on a firm basis as soon as they made up their minds to join the service. Corjiofal -Beckwith thinks thei'e tvas a great deal of need less sitkness among'the volun teerit A t Cbicamauga many of his'tfess mates followed his ex ample and fortified themselves against disease by Paine’s cele ry compound, and not a man of them had malaria or fever of any sort or spent a day in' the hospital. Corporal Beckwith writes : Capip Olympia, Sept. 17, 1898. Dear Sirs—When I see so many of my poor comrades coming home looking fit only for a hospital cot, I give thanks te Paine’s celery compound for the fact that I went through my enlistment without any doc tor’s medicine, and am today even healthier than when I went to Cbicsmauga. I firmly be lieve that this good health is due to my using Paine’s celery CANDY CURE CONSTIPATION alb 25c 50s DRUGGI3TS compound last winter and spring, which made my blood pure and nerves string to resist malaria and keep me well. Very truly yours, Corporal James O. Beckwitm, Co , M, First Vt., Valunteer In fantry. Secretary of War Stanton used to say that the best defini tion of rest is a change of occu pation. That may be true for one in health, but a sick person needs to have ins digestien reg ulated, his blood purified and hie nerves invigorated. Paine’s cel ery compound brings the sort of rest th 3 sick body requires through sleep and nourishment. Just as the great lawyer stud ies each one of his cases till he knows it on every side snd in every possible aspect, so Pref; Edward E. Phelps. M. D., LL. 1)., of Dartmouth ccllege, the discoverer of Paine's celery compound, had studied the nerves in health and disease, when well nourished, in men and women and children years before he looked for the remedy. Paine’s celery compound was the outcome of his entire pro fessional life. A fitting raemb rial to a life of hard study and close observavion, — a remedy that the world could not lose te day, at any price 1 Paine’s celery compound cl times aud equalizes all the nervous tissues and induces the body to take on solid flesh. It purifies the blood, as is so clear ly shown ny the rapid clearing oftheskinef all evidences es bad humors within. It is an in fallible relieffor salt rheum, eczema and all blood diseases.