The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 27, 1898, Image 4

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r > v of A New York p*pcr informs its readers that Stephen Cran# doesn’t like the sidewalk-'hi Havana. Per haps they have a htbit of firing up late at night and hitting St*-v« o o o So long as the Spanish people adore Weyler, how ;an it be ox peoted they will look upon Car vara as a hero? 000 . A Florida editor, poor fellow, tails his troubles in the following; “To « rite editorials, withone of our school girls asking assistance in so'ving the problem ‘what is the area of the convexity of a pyr amid with a square base and a slant height of blank feet,’ a col ored revival in full blast across the street end a vigorous cat courtship going on in the front yard, is pretty near Sherman's definition of war. And yet some people envy the editor ” 000 A fine of $15,000 has been paid to th* London Goldsmiths’ Ceni-> pany by a Holborn dealer on whose premiats “antique silver 14 of modern manufacture was found An eminent dealer in the trade says that it the public be taken in by deceptions of that kind they have themselves to bl»me fur ii because respectable dealers who sell ut market prices invariab’y give a certificate with the good-, 000 General Jo« w’heeler was born on Ellis street in Augns’a, Gs. His father married a Miss Hull, daughter of Commodore Hull. Edward F. Campbell married an other daughter of the commodore. Mr. Campbell's daughter is now Mrs. \¥. W. Montgomery, of Sa vannah, widow of the late lamen'- ed judge, 000 The Rev. Alexander Kent, R»d Croos agent at Jacksonville, says it would be a crime against human, ity to send any more soldiers to Cuba without establishing a dairy there to supply the sick with a milk diet. The cattle are almost exterminated from that island, and with the present cheap price of land and the. assured market from the Government hospitals a dairy ought to be not only a hu mane but a good business venture, 000 The English Mobility are net above selling the game killed on their big hunts. Mr. Balfour’s disposal of the game he ki'ls is made known by the following ad vertisement in the Newcastle Chronicle 1 Partridge, hares, grouse.—The whole of the hares and partridge arrived this morning from the ■hautings of the Right Hon. A. J. Balfour, M. P., and party, a. Prestoukirk, N _>rth Berwickshire, Hares, 3i. to 4s. each, partridge, Is, 3d. to 2s 3d. each, grouse, 2s. 9d. All on said at Smith’s Poul terer to the Queen, the Market Neweastle. 000 William Conwey of Hagerstown, Ind., 82 years of ■ ?<•, is the oldest man eagaged in horse racing. 000 The death, in San Francisco, ol J. Frank Brown, a hypnotist fr<'m wounds received while trying to put a cub lion uncar the influence of his power, would seem to indi cate that there are certain direc tions in which hypnotism should not ba pushed and that in ord r for “ suggestion” to be possible there must be a mind capable o' receiving it. 8 0 0 The most expensive bicycle ride o> record is that taken id June last by John Niles, a Harvard stu dent at a cost of $3750, Niles -an into and kn*cked over a woman, who has just recovered $2500 from him while the husb„nd of the vic tim of the accident obtained judg mant far $1250 for medical expens es incurred. Wife, nt EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FKiS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific procesae? known to the California Fig SyriX Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing th* true and original remedy. As tha genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fio Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ■AN FKANCUOO, Cal navi* ram. - w aw v»a«. J. y. Agitation ovsr the story, at first denounced as a “campaign fak»,” that Col. Roosevelt’s picture at the Fourteenth Regiment armory in Brooklyn had b »en made e tar g t for pa'.atoes and other govern ment rations and was finally torn down by soldiers ther-, while the p >rtait of Judge Van Wyck w** che**iel, con iiiuis to enliven the campaign. An investigation is to be made “to determine i; »ny government property has been in jured,” and meanwhile loan of the soldiers are admitting that something happened 'o the ex- Rough Rider’s picture, 000 Already the gosiips in Vienna are specnlatrng r.s to whether the Emperor Francis Joseph will mar ry again. The hepe of having a son preserve the line of direat sue' cession it is though' may induce him ov- his own personal prefere ces in ths matter. 000 The absence of a calle between Hawaii and th« mainland of the United States is iikely to keep lie result in Albany county, New York of the comin? election a long time in doubt. Pluralities of successful cadidate in that county have gen erally ranged from 2CO to 800 and there ara 500 men from Albany with our troops in the Sandwich Island, o o u Capt Spelterm has tailed in his ‘ittempi to cross the main body ol the Alps in th- balloon Vega, The ascent was made from Sion, with northeast breeze, but after the bal'oon bad risen tie wind shifted to nortn west sending it over French border. The balloon rose to ■ height of 20.000 feet and landed near Djon. HOW IT HURTS! Rheumatism with all its sharp twinges, aches and pains. Do you know the cause? Acid in the b'ood has accumulated in your joints. The cure-is found in Hood’s Sarsaparilla which neutralizes this acid. Thousands write that they have .been com pletely cured of rheumatism by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Hood’s Pills cure nausea, sick headache, biliousness, indigna tion. Price 25c. a - -■--■23---.-~-.-T-- Successful Physicians, We heartily reoomtnand Dr. Hathaway A Ob. >f fi Broad St., Atlanta, (ta., at beta< par fectly raSieblj and remarkably enooewfnl La th« treaUnent of chronic dineoaaaof men and woman. Thar curs when others fall. Our reader* If in seed es medical help should certainly write ' these eminent doctors and yon will receive a free j ■nd expert opinion of your case by reMm mMI witheat ease mmm it. L'VERY, SALE AND FEED STABL Offers the public the finest tea ns, betcj ey ances and most polite and courteous drivers The be c t stock of horuss and mules on s?le ccr stantly.* THE BEST YET ! cmipg Together of Rome's Jta'cal Yaelct IN fl CRhND ONGRRT Fo r Benefit of the First Christian Church. The best yet will be the grand coircert and brilliant musicale at Nevin’s opera bouse ow the evening of the 27th. This concert is to be given for the benefit of the First Chris tian church, and the proceeds will be added to the fund for the purchase of an elegant corner lot somewhere in the center of the city. Quite a fund for the purpose has already been secured The First Christian church of Rome 'has also consfdebable of a build ing fund, w'th very flattering prospects of securing all the money needed for the building of a handsome church edifice. The grand concert and musi cale, arranged for 1 hursday evening at Nevin’s, as will be seen by the following program, is certain to be the event of the season: Grand Concert. 1. Cornet Solo.—Mr. Charles Farris. 2. Trio, Vccal—Praise Ye, Vii di—Mrs. W. A. Pattou, Mr. Benj. Barker and Mr. W. A. Patton. 3 Solo, Vocal, Patti Waltz Song, Patterson—Mrs, C. D. Wood. 4. Piano Solo—Selection by Mr. Baldwin, of Atlanta. 5. Solo Vocal—Springs Revels, Mai tie—Mrs. W, a. Patton; 6. Reading—Miss Austin, PART 11. 7. Piano Solo—lmpromptu Chopin—Miss Rica Cohen. 8. Vocal Solo.—Mr. Benj. Bar ker. 9. Piano Solo—Miss Konski. 10. Vocal Solo—Mr. Horace King. 11. —Voeal Solo.—Mrs. T. J Simmons. 12. Vocal, Quartette —Forsaken Mrp. W. A. Patton, Mr. Benj. Barker, Miss May Patton, Mr. Harry Patton. In this musical event most of Rome’s peerless musical tal ent has been assigned to num ber*. Seldom, if ever before, has such a spiandid program been arranged for one evening. The funds accruing from the sale’of seats will go the fund for the purchase of a lot upon which the First Christian church ol Romo will, in the soon future begin the erection of a handsome church edifice TROOPS FOR CONQUESTS? The War Department’s Esti mate is Ninety Thousand Men Washington. D, 0., Oct. 26 The War Department estimates it will requir* 90,000 f ro'ps to gar rison Hawaii and the territory wrestqd from Spain, General Miles is convinced that a few thousand soldiers will suffice in Cuba after, Spain has relinquished sover ign ty_ Th* need of 8000 men in Hawaii is questioned Jiy military experts, who say one company would be sufficient. Os the 250,' 000 troops ca'led into service on I ]’ 87,000 have been utilized, < ■ MS f.IIJE | J - — g THE SUMMER HAS Hi PASSED AND CONE | IMPROVE THE NEXT PRETY DAI | AND HAVE YOUR NEGATIVE MADE! | iYOU ’ j I rM EH m fill W ■•• i * I Til E(?t;iSF> OF AVORK g * ig G | M VRtL TURNOUT . g | I ™ 1 1 r vnTT Apt M # Xv w fcCXXyXy COEDIALLn * i i * • in ii rr i s TRIIfi 11 T1 i i JLlbiili I m H 4 ■■Wil !■ Eh S VXtOMOEL | £ KH T 5 I II | J. W. kandeaster » * b Sr-