The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, October 27, 1898, Image 5

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) Y 0 u T ■ l A GOOD POSITION? I complelinß » lboro, '« b ■ co ur»e a« R ome Business Col- I l«g e - I th# personal i" Huence of a f'thousand graduates who are I tilling responsible positions. L the rocoguizad commerc ia I vg lua ofa diploma from Rome j Business College whose repu I miionand high standing in all I th , principal cities and towns ? in the South has been nfain- ■ tained for the past thirteen I years. I If you want a good situation the. following extracts from recent correspondence may interest you. Head theta. From large Iron Mfg. Co., in Ala. «I n about thirty days we de sire to employ a stenographer; one whois also up in book-keep ing enough to assist our regular bookkeeper.” From Dry goods house, Ala. “Your communication t o hand. Yes we desire to employ a isleslady ; one who can write a good hand. Want her to take charge of our retail dep mm ur W» pay a go'>d salary and wair some one who’is thoroughly up in ''rvuoods.” From law firm, N. C. "Replying to your letter of some day# ag-> will s-iy that we shall need ? stnographer soon. Want a yiun; lady who is apfledy and accurate at type writing.” From prominent lawyer, Sum nisrville, Ga. ‘‘l want a young man to do ray work and study law. Will pay a reasonable salary, furnish food board, access t; r. fine law library.” '<l From law firm in La. "We do not need a stenogra pher now, but believe we shall have lived of one soon. Prefer? young man of sober habits and must write a good hand.” From law firm in Brunswick, Ga. ‘‘Yes we need a stenographer now, and you may have one of your graduates write us. No ex perience necessary, just so he is speedy and accurate at type writing and has good moriP dimeter.” From Mfg. Co , S. 0. “Have you a young man who can keep accounts by double en try,'write a good hand and is rapid and accurate in figures. Have him write us. We need a good man and will take the one you recommend.” 1 rom Mtg. Co. , Arkadelphia, Ark. “Thanks for your recent com munication, Y r es we need a young man to keep our books. And as you have filled the p’ace before satufactorially with on# I of your graduates, you know the kind of man we desire.” Trum Mfg Co., Chattanooga, lean. “Replying to your valuable fa vor of recent date will say that ’’’• do not need any more office •si'istants now; but in tb<» course of a month will like to •inploy more help. Then w« will five you an rpportunity to fill a place with us with one of your graduates again. Frem large Mfg. Co., Ala. In about thirty or sixty days We will employ one of your young men graduates. Will want him to keep books and do general office and store worr. " e pay what we consider a good salary and will want good men. I* you desire to make personal lnves tigation of the above appli cations call or write, Rome Business College Rome, Ga. - ir<——l—a. » n .ia, i> .11*11—m.— GMm .riiiiili lii Mi UL Sellluj Dili 11 Cost And Less Than Cost FOB CASH * —KB —l IS SELLING OUT. I uTITTIViFk mto quit bush W♦ A V A A All fit A THOUBHI! A new firm will be formed January Ist 1899. and to accomnli h this end. we are offering our entire stock, large and comnlete as it is, in both Fall and Winter Styles, at prices that cannot fail »;o interest the closest buyers. It will pay you well to visit us and examine our goods before buying. •HI WNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS » worth of first-class seasonable merchandise will be and must be sold within a short time. Never, never, no never in the history of Southern dry goods retailing has there been a sale to approach this one. Anything and everything in our store, which is crowded from bottom to top with new and desirable merchandise, will be sold at cost and less than cost. To prove our sincerity, we will give you oiKord 1 A 12 3 45® >7Be>OW W W t And be it well remembered , our cost is from 25 to 50 per cents less than most merchants pa y for same (roods. Buying as we do in the largest quantities from headquarters, for spot cash, gives us the inside, which not many merchants c njoy; therefore come to us for everything you need in Foreign and Domestic Dress Goods, Silks, Satins, Velvets. Notions, Hosiery, Corsets, Gloves, Capes, Jackets, Handkerchiefs, Embroideries, Laces, White Goods, Ladies’and Childrens’Underwear; also muslin underwear, Towels, Bian= kets and Comforts. Rugs, Mattings, Shades, Curtains, Bleachings, Sheetings, Ginghams, Prints, Outings, etc. When >n need of Clothing be sure and look through our wholesale and retail steck. Everything goe< <ia thi*s sale. We have eyery size imaginable and every style you can thinx of. Our stock of furnishing goods is com plete: we have plenty shirts, underwear, hosiery, hats., susoenders, neckAear collarsand cuffs, trunks, valises, umbrellas, Our stock of shces was nevei in batter shape, and you can fit feet and purse at the same time with out trouble. specials until GONE. The entire slock is yours at cost and less than cost. Merchants Fruit of Ibeiocm bleaching, closing price . . . 4T- nee( j no * senc j Ntw York and elsewhsre for good*, but come Yaid wide percale, new fall.'styles ..... 41 , 3 right here and get whatyou want. You can save moiuy and Indigo eahco . • • • • • • • . » Standard piiuts, new dark style ..... ■>-> freight besides• AAA drilling Heavy cotton flannel worth 10c 6* DON’T ASK FORCREDITI we can’t sell goods at cost andjless Fast black hose, ladies’and children . than costand charge them besides. 3 spools thread for ° Samples sent on application. Mail gr. orders promptly attended to. ABOVE SEA.' feUiH CCOrECE ■VP^'chfirmi l !! I’l*s oOr.M«*. Jfe™ hBmB 's®£ DAHLONEGA, GA? A colloX" e*r.t , lionnVcl r tatr; ft y««r >^ d “ d « r “” or ‘ o * from 913 to * ' <*nacial Homm cowrie far or private fartiilM»«- ‘P- «l under the Inhere f.H *" c * ltr ° f prepar Wantedldea ZB£S .:SUvr. JrT ; • “ r , jOliX V 1 ,- . t .*lr V.*« prize RELIABILITY is a quality some newspapers have lost sight of in these days of "yellow” journalism. They care little for truth and a great deal for temporary sensation. It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD. The success of THE RECORD rests upon its reliability. It prints the news—all the news—and tells the truth about it. It is the only American newspaper outside New York city that has its own exclusive dispatch boat service and its •wn staff correspondents and artists at the front in both hemispheres. It is the best illustrated daily newspaper in the world. Its war news service is unapproachably the best. Says the Urbana (111.) Daily Courier: “We read the war news in the other papers, then we turn to THE CHICAGO RECORD to see how much of it is true.” Sold by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RECORD, »®1 Madison street, Chicago. I | !Ca’t S Mak ■ ;-'. .j Bette Ug M J ' Running | I S Im I carry a Cui! and complete line of jewolry, iuciu- ' ding Diamonds m My stock of silver notions and novelties was nev- fiwg sr more complete. ®| WB2DDING PRESENTS A'SPECIALTY. . |S I J.SK. Williamson te fesWMWS«iB3SaB